Test 1 Arts 1304

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They are easier to rework.

How do oil paints differ from temperature paints?

Figures placed on a steep diagonal

How does the composition of Titian's Persaro Madonna differ from that of other High Renaissance works in central Italy?

Humanism and Christianity

In Raphael's Stanza della Segnatura, he integrated the philosophies and teachings of Platonand Aristotle, and what other pair?

A man of learning

In his representation of Pope Leo X, Raphael did not portray him as head of state, but as what?

French Gothic

The loosely curved folds of the garments in Duccio's Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints (Maesta) are derived from which style?

Di sotto in su

What art historical term is used to describe the perspective effect achieved by Mantegna in this ceiling painting?

Relief carving

What has Rogier van der Weyden painted this panel to resemble?


Which artist introduced the contrapposto posento Quattrocento sculpture his representation of Saint Mark?


Which artist painted Christ Delivering the. Keys of the Kingdom to Saint Peter?

A promise of safety to those who live under the rule of law

What is the message written on the scroll in the upper left hand corner of this fresco?


What is the name of the work that was commissioned from Bramante by Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain for the Janiculum hill in Rome?

Christian virtues

What is the subject of the personifications on the eight panels on Andrea Pisano's bronze doors for the baptistry of San Giovanni?


What techinical term do art historians apply to Giotto's treatment of the angels in this fresco?

Man in a Red Turban

Which work do art historians consider to include a detailed self-portrait of Jan van Eyck?

The guild of wool importers

Who commissioned Andrea Pisano's south doors for Florence's Baptistry?


Who is the artist of this Mannerist version of the Last Supper?

Hubert and Jan van Eyck

Who painted the Ghent Altarpiece?

Federico Gonzaga

For which patron did Giulio Romano build the Palazzo del Te?


Leornardo's use of light and dark in Madonna of the Rocks built on the work of which Early Renaissance artist?

The Counter-Reformation

The Council of Trent in 1544 was part of which wider historical phenomenon?


The development of linear perspective is generally credited to which artist?


The frontality, stiff poses, and lack of modeling in Berlinghieri's Saint Francis Altarpiece reveal his training in which tradition?

Holy Roman Empire

The painting Miraculous Draft of Fish was created in which region?


These two paintings adorn which type of object?


This scene of the Assumption of the Virgin is by which painter?


Who was the architect of the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi in Florence?

Which Florentine artist painted Primavera?



Michelangelo's design for the twin tombs of Giuliano and Lorenzo de' Medici, never finished, is believed to have been based on which school of thought?

Lust and greed

The scenes involving wealth and luxury in the Triumph of Death served as a warning against what?

Through modeling with a specific light source outside the picture

How did Masaccio create a sense of bulk in his figures in Tribute Money?

In a semicircle

In Four Crowned Saints, Nanni di Banco achieved a unified spatial composition by arranging the figures in what way?

By placing Judas on the same side of the table as the others

In Leonardo's Last Supper, how did the artist break with traditional iconography?

Worldly realism

In addition to spatial illusionism, what innovation appears in this painting by Pietro Lorenzetti?

Depicting pent-up emotion

In his David, rather than concentrating his efforts on achieving the standards of ideal beauty, Michelangelo prioritized what aspect?

Heavy chiaroscuro

In works such as Madonna in the Meadow, Raphael has clearly adopted Leonardo's use of pyramidal composition for his own work but rejected what interest of Leonardo?

Tomb of Julius II

Michelangelo's statue of Moses is part of which monument?


Raphael's painting Galatea was inspired by the poetry of which Italian writer?

Classical mythology and art

The composition of Titian's Meeting of Bacchus and Ariadne was most likely inspired by what?

Arrival of the magi

To enhance the meaning of the main event portrayed, the Portinari Altarpiece includes subsidiary scenes in the background, such as which of the following?

Each figure was treated individually in both pose and emotion expressed.

What do the numerous preparatory sketches and studies Leonardo da Vinci made for the Last Supper indicate about his conceptualization of the figures in work?

Its spatial illusion

What factor allowed Ghiberti's entry to win the competition for the design of the baptistery doors for the Florence Cathedral?

Betrayal of Jesus

What is the subject of this panel from the Maesta?

Saint John Altarpiece

What is the title of this altarpiece by Hans Memling?

Animals shown from a variety of angles and convincing foreshortening

What naturalistic details are evident among International Gothic style conventions in Gentile da Fabriano's Adoration of the Magi?


What rhetorical device did Lorenzetti employ to convey the message of his frescoes in the Salla della Pace in Sienna?


What sculptor made this wall tomb inside Santa Croce?


What term do art historians use for the windows used by Brunelleschi in buildings such as San Lorenzo?

Antonio de Pollaiuolo

Which artist departed from the convention of frontality by placing figures on a triangular base?


Which artist was an influence on Raphael's perspective system in his Marriage of the Virgin?

Formality and symmetry

Which characteristic of Duccio's figures in the Maesta originates in Byzantine art?


Which city derived its wealth from the wool trade and then expanded into banking?


Which component of Orvieto Cathedral is derived from French Gothic architecture?

French Gothic

Which earlier style accounts for the dynamic and emotional mods of this relief?

Statuesque figures that cast shadows

Which element of Giotto's new style appears in the Madonna Enthroned?


Which figure sits isolated from the rest in Castagno's Last Supper?

Franciscans and Dominicans

Which monastic orders are known as the mendicant orders, those committed to vows of poverty and austerity?

Figures seen from the back

Which of Giotto's innovations represents a departure from the Italy-Byzantine style?


Which of the following Italian cities was a major shipping power?


Which of the following artists shows the most interest in depicting the human body in violent action?

Hans Memling

Which of the following artists specialized in images of the Madonna and Child?

Trefoil arches

Which of the following features of the pulpit for the baptistry of Pisa Cathedral is a medieval element?

Drew lines through an acid-resistant coating

Which of the following is NOT a technique used by Martin Schongauer to create tonal varieties and textures in his engraving of Saint Anthony?

The city's artists' guild

Who was the likely patron of Rogier van set Weyden's Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin?

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