Test 1 bio2

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H. floresiensis nicknames hobbit. Why?

1 m tall

Earliest to most recent 1. New world monkeys 2. Orangutans 3. Humans 4. Gibbons 5. Gorillas


Amphibians evolved from which ancestral organisms?


Which species likely co-existed with Neanderthals?

H. Sapiens

Individual species will continually evolve as a result of which evolutionary mechanism?

Natural selection

Seriously abnormal phenotyoes or harmful mutations are acted against or reduced to low frequencies by which mechanism?

Natural selection

Which is the only process that can lead to adaptations and direct genetic change of a population?

Natural selection

Did Australopithecus afarensis use tools and fire?


Where would you most likely find fossilized remains of humans and their immediate ancestors?

Only in relatively young rock

The greatest mass extinction of all time occurred at the end of the ____ era, in which more than 90% of all existing marine organisms became extinct.


Australopithecus was the first hominin to feature which distinguishing characteristics?

Sexual dimorphism

When mutations are not passed in from one generation to the next, then a mutation can:

arise in somatic cells

In the human species, a heterozygote advantage is demonstrated by which condition?


Balanced polymorphism can be maintained by the combined actions of:

heterozygote advantage and frequency-dependent selection

Homo sapiens originated from

East Africa

Which time period would hold the record of the oldest fossils of multicellular animals, found in mountainous areas of South Australia, and parts of Canada and China?


Which of the following can produce a population of individuals with a relatively high frequency of a harmful or rare allele?

The founder effect

During the 1920s to 1940s, biologists combined Mendelian genetics with Darwin's theory to form a unified explanation of evolution that is referred to as:

The modern synthesis

For the relative proportions of alleles and genotypes in successive generations to stay the same, which condition must be met for the population?

There can be no natural selection

The mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period was likely the result of?

a dramatic change in climate

Which type of organisms were likely the first land animals?


If environmental conditions continue to favor one specific group of homozygotes over the rest of the population, then _____ selection will eventually occur


Which process refers to dramatic phenotypic changes that sometimes occur in evolution, such as the appearance of feathered wings during the evolution of birds?


What are the protobionts produced by abiotically produced polypeptides?


Tall narrow pelvis and a foot with non-aligned toes

Quadrupedal organism

Why is it believed that RNA was the first informational molecule to evolve?

RNA molecules are able to function as both enzymes and substrates for their own replication

Which time period of Earth represents when evolution was progressing at the most rapid rate, as evidenced by fossils such as those of the Burgess Shale?

Cambrian period

Frequency-dependent selection acts to decrease the frequency of which phenotype in a population?

most common phenotype

What kind of organisms likely perished due to the increase of oxygen in the atmosphere three billion years ago?

obligate anaerobes

The hominoid genus Pongo includes which animals?


The genetic code demonstrates the universality of living things because it is common to virtually all:


Which is the correct equation for the Hardy-Weinberg principle?

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

Which model would predict the abrupt appearance of a new species in the fossil record, with little or no evidence of intermediate forms?

punctuated equilibrium

vestigial structures

remnant of a structure that may have had an important function in a species' ancestors, but has no clear function in the modern species.

Which are the mechanisms that prevent interbreeding between two different species whose ranges overlap?

reproductive isolating mechanisms

What was the dominant life form of the Mesozoic era?


Presently, it is thought that organic polymers may have formed and accumulated on:

rocks and clay

Two species have homologous structures. What can we infer?

species are related by common ancestry

In ______ selection, individuals with a phenotype near the mean are favored over those at the phenotypic extremes.


The modern human skull lacks which primate feature?

supraorbital ridges

Homo habilis may have been the first hominin to:

Design tools

If all of the alleles of a given locus are the same in a population, then what is the frequency of that allele?


Evidence shows that humans began to cultivate crops from approximately ____ years ago.


Evidence shows that the earliest life may have existed how long ago?

3.5 billion years ago

Gene pool of a large populations reduces to low numbers. What type of genetic drift will occur on the gene pool of this population when it expands again?

A genetic bottleneck

Whose findings of evolution by natural selection were presented with those of Darwin?

Alfred Wallace

who arranged organisms into a scale of nature and first stated that organisms changed toward the more complex and perfect?


Which best explains how Australia has distinctive organisms, such as marsupials, that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth?

Australia was separated and isolated from other land masses for a long period of time

The skeleton nicknames Lucy is a representative of which hominin?

Australopithecus afarensis

Which is the study of past and present distributions of organisms on Earth?


What is the key defining characteristic of hominins?

Bipedal locomotion

How was the mechanism of sympatric speciation among hemp nettles in nature verified experimentally?

By producing experimental hybrids that formed fertile offspring with the naturally occurring hybrid

A ____ forest included low swamps with giant ferns, horsetails, club mosses, seed ferns, and early gymnosperms


Mammal-like reptiles arose during which time period?

Carboniferous period

DNA sequencing data suggest that evolutionary changes are related to an accumulation of:

Changes in DNA nucleotide sequences

Which hypothesis states that life developed from non living matter?

Chemical evolution

Which hypothesis states the life developed from non living matter?

Chemical evolution

Nearest living relatives to humans are:


The "Age of Fishes" is a informal name for which time period?

Devonian period

What is a cladogram?

Diagram showing lines of descent

The oldest know anthropoid fossil is ____ , found in China and Myanmar


Which group of islands is where charles Darwin observed variations among organisms and compared these organisms to those found on the mainland?

Galapagos Islands

Mousterian tools were made by which species?

H. Neanderthalensis

Which primates are included within the suborder Prosimii?

Lemurs, galagos, and lorises

Which important finding from the fossil record supports the theory of evolution?

Life has evolved over time

In some populations, we can expect that inbred individuals will have _______ in the population than those not inbred.

Lower levels of surviving offspring

Stromatolites are rocklike columns composed of:

Microbial biofilms

The hominoids arose during which time period?

Miocene epoch

One of the most significant steps in the evolution of true cells from multicellular assemblages was the evolution of:

Molecular reproduction

One critical requirement for life to arise on Earth was time for which to occur?

Molecules to accumulate and react with one another

The differential distribution of wing length in Drosophila, with larger wings in northern areas and smaller wings in southern climates, provides evidence that:

Natural selection is the most important agent in evolutionary change

Who first proposed the concept that simple organic molecules could form spontaneously from simpler raw materials?

Oparin and Haldane

Features of primates adapted to living in a arboreal environment?

Opposable thumbs and stereoscopic vision

During which time period did shallow seas cover much of the land and another burst of evolutionary diversification occur?

Ordovician Period

DNA analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA from the Y chromosome supports the ____ hypothesis of the origin of the species Homo sapiens.

Out of Africa

A _____ consist of all of the individuals of the same species that inhabit a particular place at the same time.


Which hypothesis suggests that organic molecules formed near Earth's surface in pools of water?

Prebiotic soup hypothesis

Mammals evolved from mammal-like _____ known as therapsids more than 200 mya.


What was the dominant life form of the Mesozoic era?


The earliest hominin discovered to date, in a dry lake bed in Chad, belongs to which genus?


Vascular plants and air-breathing animals first appeared during which time period?

Silurian period

What is the evolutionary relationship between a human arm and a cat's leg?

They are homologous structures

Who originally published the idea that food supplies, which sustain animal populations, have the capacity to increase arithmetically?

Thomas Malthus

The earliest primates were adapted to living in?


Which term describes new ecological opportunities that were not exploited by an ancestral organism?

adaptive zones

In order to meet the conditions of the Hardy-Weinberg predictions, a population must:

be very large

The distinctive mating signals that have evolved as part of an animal's courtship illustrate what type of reproductive isolating mechanism?

behavioral isolation

The rapid evolution of bacteria and fungi in certain environments is used in the field of:


Which example best illustrates homoplasy?

bird wings and insect wings

The atmosphere of early Earth is currently thought to have contained:

carbon dioxide, water, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and nitrogen

What mechanism would explain how fossils of the same organism can be found in parts of Africa and South America?

continental drift

If the allele or genotype frequencies deviate from the values predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg principle, the population is:


A newly evolved species may take over an ecological role or ecological niche that is already occupied if the new species has:

features that make it competitively superior to the original occupant of that niche.

Which evolutionary process occurs when the hybrids in a hybrid zone are as fit as either of the parental populations?


When the reproductive cells of different species are incompatible and cannot accomplish fertilization, it is referred to as:

gametic isolation

The migration of breeding individuals between populations causes a corresponding movement of alleles, which is referred to as:

gene flow

The movement of 25-year-old fertile individuals between Mexico and Canada will eventually contribute to:

gene flow

If the individuals in the same town continue to only mate with other individuals from the same town, one would expect to see an increase in _____ within the population


The Holocene epoch marks the appearance of:


postzygotic barriers to reproduction

hybrid sterility

The iron-sulfur world hypothesis suggests that organic molecules formed near:

hydrothermal vents

According to the biological species concept, a species consist of one or more populations whose members do not _____ with members of different species.


Why is the Hardy-Weinberg principle useful to biologists?

it identifies those factors that can change allele or genotype frequencies

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