Test 2

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what percentage of women with post menopausal bleeding have endometrial carcinoma?


what does the text give as the maximum diameter a corpus luteum cyst can grow to:

10 cm

when pregnancy occurs, corpus luteum cyst regress and typically not seen beyond ________ weeks.

16-18 weeks

the premenarcheal fundal to cervical ratio is typically


Transvaginally, an embryo with cardiac activity should be identified when the gestational sac measures _____


in what age bracket, according to the text, are females most commonly affected by endometriosis?

30-49 years of age

at what size are simple cyst in the postmenopausal patient considered for surgical removal?

5 cm

in postmenopausal patients an endometrial thickness of less than ____ mm reliably excludes an endometrial abnormality?

5 cm

which one of the following sonographic characteristics is the most common finding in endometrial carcinoma?

Abnormal thickening of the endometrial cavity usually with irregular bleeding in post menopausal women

which of these serum markers is sometimes studied when assessing ovarian malignancies?


_______ tumor are feminizing ______ tumors are masculinizing

Granulosa, Arrhenoblastoma

what disease process is most often associated with obstruction of the fallopian tube and subsequent ectopic pregnancies?


what disease progress is most often associated with mechanical of the fallopian tube and subsequent ectopic pregnancies?


true or false: most ovarian cancers are detected sonographically as masses


the most potentially life threatening ectopic gestation is which of the following?


the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are vaginal spotting or bleeding, abdominal pain, amenorrhea, adnexal tenderness or palpable adnexal mass and ______

a positive pregnancy test

a benign invasion of endometrial tissue into myometrium is known as which of the following conditions?


what differentiates endometriosis from adenomyosis?

adenomyosis is confined to the uterus

the best sonographic correlation in the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is the combination of no intrauterine pregnancy and which one of the following?

adnexal mass

Female pseudohermaphroditism is most often caused by

adrenal hyperplasia

patients on tamoxifen therapy have an increase risk of which one of the following reactions?

all of the above

A very rare (0.5%) tumor with symptoms of virlilzation in 30% of patients and may be associated with estrogen production


an ovum whithout an embryo is known as which of the following?

anembryonic pregnancy

what is another name for the peritoneal inclusion cyst?

benign cystic mesothelia

a gestational sac in which the embryo fails to develop is described as which one of the following?

blighted ovum or anembryonic pregnancy

which one of the following is the most common pelvic mass seen in a first trimester pregnancy

corpus luteum cyst

A specific diagnosis of a paraovarian cyst is possible only by:

demonstrating an ipsilateral ovary separate from the cyst

what are the two most common ovarian neoplasms seen during pregnancy?

dysgerminoma & serous cystadenoma

Which one of the following statements about adenomyosis is false?

elevated progesteron levels may promote the growth of myometrical islands of endometrium

what is endometriosis?

endometrial tissue implanted outside the uterus that continues to respond to cyclic hormonal stimulation

what is an ectopic focal implant of endometrial tissue called?


a condition where the ovaries appear stuck to the posterior surface of the uterus making it difficult to identify the ovaries on a sonographic exam.


in which disease process might a chocolate cyst may identified


A 3-day postpartum woman complains of intense pelvic pain. Sonographically the uterus appears hypoechoic with an irregular endometrium. This condition most likely represents which one of the following?


which category of ovarian neoplasms include the Brenner tumor?

epithelial tumor

an ectopic pregnancy most commonly occurs in which one of the following structure?

fallopian tube

true or false: cysts that are large and have thin internal septations in size are always benign


what is the major risk factor for ovarian carcinoma?

family history

this type of tumor arises from the ovarian stroma, with no increase in estrogen and accounts for 4% of all ovarian neoplasms


what type of tumor is associated with Meigs syndrome?


where does ovarian carcinoma fall in the spectrum of cancer among women?


what is the most common cause of ovarian enlargement in young wonen

functional cyst

which type of stromal tumor is a feminizing neoplasm whee its cells resemble the Graffian follicle?


which of the following ovarian tumors would cause precocious puberty in a female child?

granulosa cell tumor

a 12 year old patients present with primary amenorrhea and pelvic pressure. the most likely cause of her symptoms is


the endometrium should be measured from ____ layer to ___ layer

hyperechoic, hyperechoic

which of the following terms best describes sonographic findings for rupture of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma and subsquent flooding of peritoneal cavity with the tumors content?

hypoechoic ascites with punctuate echoes

what most likely causes hematometra in pediatric patients?

imporforate hymen

which of the following terms describes the less common form of endometriosis i.e adenomyosis?

internal, direct

a 28 year old woman reports lefts quadrant pain. her last menstrual cycle was 2 weeks earlier. sonographically the uterine body displays a highly echogenic structure in the endomertrial cavity. this appearance most likely represents which one of the following conditions?

intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD)

what sonographic characteristic of a pelvic mass may indicate increased potential for ovarian malignancy

irregular septations within solid components of the mass

what sonographic characteristisc of a pelvic mass may indicate increased potential for ovarian malignancy?

irregular septations within solid components of the mass

all of the following are sonographic sign of a torsal ovary in the pediatric patient except

low resistance doppler flow of the ovary

one of the reasons that color doppler and spectral waveform analysis may assist in determining weather an ovarian mass has benign versus malignant potential is:

malignant masses have a high diastolic flow because of neovascularization

the onset of the first menstrual cycle is known as


irregular acyclic bleeding is defined as which one of the following?


which of the following conditions is associated with sexual ambiguity?

mixed gonadal dysgenesis

the increase risk of massive hemorrhage in an ectopic pregnancy is located?

near the uterine cornua

Findings in an ectopic pregnancy include all of the following except:

normal increase in serum beta hCG levels

After receiving injections of pergonal as part of infertility treatments on days 3-5 of her menstrual period a patient presents to the sonography department for her follow up visit on day 12. she complains of lower abdominal and back pain. you the sonographer note that her ovaries are enlarged with multiple cysts bilaterally. the most likely cause of this is:

ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

infrequently a cystic mass may be seen in a patient who has a history of bilateral oophrorectomy. what diagnosis is this?

ovarian remnant syndrome

the partial or complete rotation of the ovarian pedicle on its axis is defined as which of the following?

ovarian torsion

which of the following pathological conditions is a surgical emergency?

ovarian torsion

this image represents approxiamately 10% of adnexal masses and arise from the broad ligament. they are mesothelial or paramesonephric in origin and can occur at any age of life. these cyst can undergo hemorrhage, torsion, or rupture. what is most likely the diagnosis?

paraovarian cyst

which of the following is most common among pediatric patients?

pelvic inflammation disease

what is the least common site for implantation of ectopic endometrial tissue?

pleural space

what is the least common site for implantation of ectopic endometrial tissue?

pleural splace

which of the following endocrine disorders is associated with chronic anovulation?

polycystic ovarian syndrome

Sonographic criteria for a simple ovarian cyst include all EXCEPT which of the following? A) anechoic B) smooth walls C) posterior shadowing D) acoustic enhancement

posterior shadowing

in PCOS what shape do the ovaries typically have?


the origin of the corpus luteum is the ____

ruptured graffian follicle

what is the second most common benign ovarian tumor?

serous cystadenoma

patient 25 yr female not currently on any contraceptive pills acute onset of left sided pelvic pain, LMP approx. 3 weeks prior to onset of pain negative for abnormal vaginal bleeding and fever. negative WBC separation of ovary and tube

simple cyst

a heterotopic pregnancy is which one of the following?

simultaneous intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancies

Hydrometra appears sonographically as:

sonolucent fluid collection in the uterine canal

A krukenberg tumor is metastatic tumor found on the ovary that originates from the


which statement is true for an infantile uterus?

the cervix occupies most of the lengths of the uterine body until puberty

functional cyst of the ovary include _____

theca-lutein cyst

this type of tumor is typically unilateral and arises from ovarian stroma and accounts for 1% of ovarian neoplasms where 70% occure in post menopausal women


which one of the following masses is a rare but benign ovarian neoplasm most often seen in postmenopausal women?


True or False: A skilled sonographer cannot always differentiate what type of tumor an ovarian mass represents because the characteristics of each type of tumor overlap with characteristics of other types of tumors


true or false: hemorrhagic cyst have a variable sonographic appearance depending on the amount of hemorrhage, clot formation, and the time passed since hemorrhage.


the most common cause of gonadal dysgensis is

turner syndrome

endomerial hyperplasia develops from which one of the following?

unopposed estrogen stimulation

all of the following are characteristics associated with true precocious puberty EXCEPT

uterus ratios

what is the most accurate sonographic description of an endometrioma?

well defined uni or multilocular, predominantly cystic with diffuse homogenous, low level internal echoes, best defined with endovaginal scanning

what sign might be displayed when color flow doppler is used to interrogate the vasculature of a suspected ovarian torsion?


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