Test 2

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Building on the philosophical assumption of the material state of nature, the so-called physiocrats argued that freedom and equality should be the standard economic principles and that the state should adopt a _________, or "hands-off", policy in that regard.


By 1557, the Portuguese had wrested the first European colony from the Chinese at _________, and they held it until 1999.

buenos aires

By 1800, the viceroyalty of La Plata, with the rising port of _________, had grown through contraband trade with Great Britain.


There were ___ banner organizations:

alvaro obregon

Under the leadership of _______________, the Mexican Revolution was ended late in 1920.

the french nation

What did Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès believe the Third Estate stood for, in his pamphlet entitled "What is the Third Estate?"


When the _________ in 1849 authorized warships to enter Brazilian waters to intercept slave ships, the importation of slaves virtually ceased.

opposed to emiliano zapatas land redistribution policy

When they entered Mexico City in 1915, Álvaro Obregón and his Constitutionalists were:


José de San Martín trained the Army of the _______ and, with this army, liberated Chile from royalist forces in 1818.


Otto von Bismarck argued that, in order to unite Germany, Prussia must progress from talk to action, by employing "blood and _________".

it was banned as subversive by the catholic church and the french monarchy

Publication of Denis Diderot's Encyclopédie was difficult because:

the united states government would not tolerate european attempts to re-colonize the new republics of the western hemisphere

The Monroe Doctrine stated that...

using tea and rice for the Eucharist instead of bread and wine

The Popes found Jesuit practices in China like ___________ problematic.


The _________ East India Company, having established its base at Calcutta in 1690, soon sought to expand its operations to China.


The ____________ was the site of the showdown between Mexican forces and Texans intent on independence.

included training in Confucian decorum, writing essays, and reciting poetry

The education of elite women...


The eighteenth century proved to be a boon time for all involved in the ____________ trade, and the British in particular increasingly viewed it as a valuable part of their growing commercial power.

absolute and unquestioned, in all matters of life and death

The position of the military aristocracy in Japan was:


The revolution in _________ is clearly the one that realized the Enlightenment principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity most fully.

tent government

The system devised under the Tokugawa bakufu ("_______", referring to the shogun's official status as the emperor's mobile deputy) was called sankin kotai, the "rule of alternate attendance".


A(n) _________ consortium had begun gigantic earth-moving work to build a Panama Canal in 1879, but as a result of landslides, flooding, tropical diseases, and engineering disputes, it finally went bankrupt in 1888.


After achieving independence, the ________ elevated their spoken language, Kreyòl, into their national identity.

the land has reached its maximum potential for feeding a population, and the surplus population begins to starve

After another doubling of its population by 1800, China moved toward what some historical demographers have called a high-level equilibrium trap, a condition in which:

the separation of church and state and a confiscation of church properties

Among the causes espoused by the Paris Commune of 1871 was:

a promise of protection from further comanche raids on mexico

As a result of Mexico's defeat by the US in 1848, Santa Anna was forced to surrender everything north of the Rio Grande and Gila Rivers, in exchange for 18 million dollars and ___________.


As a result of the Seven Years' War, Spain lost Florida to ___________ in 1763.


At the time of the French Revolution, ________ produced nearly half of the world's sugar and coffee.


Generally speaking, the 19th century Latin American economy revolved around _______.

banditry, fighting, and lingering effects of the Black Death

During the period between the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, China's population was reduced from about 100 million to about 60 million by:

imitated Chinese designs in porcelain before they could make their own

European manufacturers of porcelain:

its debt, used to finance the seven years and american revolutionary wars

Had it not been for __________, the French government, on the verge of Revolution in 1789, would have been well-financed.


Slavery ended in Brazil in _________.


In __________, nearly one-third of the population consisted of immigrants, a share much higher than at any time in the United States.

it would be best to abolish capital punishment altogether

In an address to the National Assembly on October 10, 1789, Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin argued that:

gave up firearms, ordering that they be seized and destroyed except for a few museum relics

In order to prevent any serious challenges to the samurai class's military role, the Tokugawa:


In the course of his unification of Germany, Bismarck launched wars against all of the following countries except:


In the five years after the abolition of slavery, the Brazilian economy _____________.


Louis XVI held an assembly of the ________, which had not met since 1614, at Versailles beginning in May 1789.

its supposed original taino

Louverture became emperor of Haiti, renaming Saint-Domingue after:


Mexico refused to recognize Texan national independence, and the state of Texas entered the United States in ___________.

the election of louis-napolean bonaparte as president of france

One of the results of the revolutions of 1848 was:

the coronation of napolean as emperor in paris

Simón Bolívar was deeply impressed in 1804 when he witnessed:


Some 235,000 _________ "coolies" were brought to Peru, Cuba, and Costa Rica, working in silver mines, sugar and cotton plantations, and later on railroads—and only about 10% of them returned home.

absentee landlordism

Some signs of economic stress were already present toward the end of Qianlong's reign, and chief among these was the problem of:

poetry, painting, and calligraphy

The "Three Excellences" were:

adam smith

_______ published his Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations in 1776

banana republics

_____________ was coined to refer to politically unstable and economically poor Latin American countries.


_______________ was a European-backed emperor of Mexico from 1864-1867.


___________became a vital axis of world trade, with chinese merchants exchanging spices and luxury good such as porcelain there for spanish silver from the americas


according to the infamous "_______ edict" in , all males, regardless of ethnicity, were required on pain of death to adopt the Manchu hairstyle of a shaved forehead and long pigtail in the back.


chinas population grew from its low of perhaps 60 million at the beginning of the ming period to an estimated ____________million by 1600


the huge commitment of chinese troops against the forces of the japanese leader hideyoshi during his attempted invasion of ______________ and china from 1592 to 1598 weakened the ming dynasty and led to the rise of the manchus


the manchu state was divided into eight major military and ethnic divisions, each represented by a distinctive ____________, and companies were formed of 300 fighters recruited from families represented by these means

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