Test 2: Applications Questions

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throacic duct

The lymphatic vessel posterior to the esophagus is called the ______________________.

serratus anterior

The muscle that appears to enclose the ribs and intercostal muscles like parentheses is the ______________________.


The parenchyma of the breast is arranged in ______________________.

pectoralis major

The skeletal muscle most closely related to the breast is the ______________________ muscle.


The valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle is called the ______________________ valve.


The valve located between the most posterior chamber of the heart and the chamber with the thickest walls is the ______________________ valve.

semilunar valves

Valves located in the outflow vessels from the heart are called ______________________ valves.

manubrium, body, xiphoid process

What are the three divisions of the sternum?

left subclavian artery

What blood vessel is closest to the apex of the left lung?

right coronary artery

What blood vessel is located in the sulcus between the right atrium and right ventricle?

subclavian artery

What blood vessel is prominent posterior to the anterior scalene muscle?


What bones are anterior to the brachiocephalic veins?

left atrium

What chamber of the heart is immediately anterior to the esophagus?

line from the sternal angle to the T4/T5 intervertebral disc

What is the boundary between the superior mediastinum and the inferior mediastinum?

interclavicular ligament

What is the name of the ligament between the two clavicles?

serratus anterior muscle

What is the name of the muscle that, in transverse sections, appears to enclose the rib cage like a set of parentheses?

right subclavian artery

What is the small muscle along the posterior surface of the clavicle?

subclavius muscle

What is the small muscle along the posterior surface of the clavicle?

thoracic duct

What lymphatic vessel is to the right of the descending aorta?

levator costarum muscle

What muscle extends from the ribs to the vertebral transverse process in this section?

brachiocephalic artery

What single vessel branches from the aorta to supply the right side of the head and the right upper extremity?

middle portion

What specific portion of the mediastinum contains the heart?

thoracic duct

What structure is posterior to the esophagus, to the left of the azygos vein, and to the right of the descending aorta?


What term is used to designate true ribs?

internal jugular vein and subclavian vein

What two blood vessels join to form the brachiocephalic vein?

pectoralis major and pectoralis minor

What two muscles form the anterior wall of the pectoral region?

visceral pleura

What two muscles form the anterior wall of the pectoral region?

mediastinal portion

What type of fluid is produced by the pleural membrane?

serous fluid

What type of fluid is produced by the pleural membrane?

ascending aorta

What vessel assumes a central position as it communicates with the chamber of the heart with which it is associated?

azygos vein

What vessel curves over the root of the right lung to drain into the superior vena cava?

right pulmonary artery

What vessel is posterior to the superior vena cava but anterior to the right bronchus?

left atrium

Which chamber of the heart is associated with the pulmonary veins?

right ventricle

Which chamber of the heart is most anterior?

left atrium

Which chamber of the heart is most directly related to the esophagus?

left brachiocephalic vein

Which is longer, the right brachiocephalic vein or the left brachiocephalic vein?


Which is more anterior, the descending aorta or the esophagus?

subclavian artery

Which is more posterior, the brachiocephalic vein or the subclavian artery?


Which is more to the left, the trachea or the esophagus?

throacic duct

Which is more to the right, the trachea or the descending aorta?


Which is more to the right, the trachea or the descending aorta?

superior vena cava

Which is most anterior, the superior vena cava, the esophagus, or the right main bronchus?

right main bronchus

Which is most posterior, the superior vena cava, the right main bronchus, or the right pulmonary artery?

pulmonary trunk

Which is most to the left side, the superior vena cava, the pulmonary trunk, or the ascending aorta?

superior vena cava

Which is most to the right side, the ascending aorta, the descending aorta, or the superior vena cava?

azygos vein

Which is most to the right side, the azygos vein, the descending aorta, or the esophagus?

visceral pleura

Which layer of the pleura is closely attached to the lung?

oblique fissure

Which of the two fissures in the right lung is more superior?

pulmonary semilunar valves

Which valve is located at the exit from the right ventricle?

left common carotid artery

Which vessel is the middle branch from the arch of the aorta?

suspensory or cooper's

Fibrous connective bands that help to support the breast are called _____________________ or ligaments.


How many vertebrochondral ribs are there?

axillary artery and vein

Lateral to the clavicle, what name designates the continuation of the subclavian artery and vein?

descending thoracic aorta, azygos and hemiazygos veins, thoracic duct, esophagus

Name four vessels and/or structures that are found in the posterior mediastinum.

superior vena cava, ascending aorta, pumonary trunk

Name in sequence, from right to left, the three main vessels at or just superior to the base of the heart.

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor

Name the four muscles of the rotator cuff.

connective tissue with some fat, lymph nodes, and a portion of the thymus

Name three structures and/or tissues that are found in the anterior mediastinum.


On which side of the esophagus is the aorta located?

pulmonary trunk

On which side of the heart do the venae cavae enter?


On which side of the heart do the venae cavae enter?


On which side of the vertebral column is the thoracic aorta usually located?

papillary muscles

The chordae tendineae are anchored to projections of myocardium called ______________________.

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