Test 2 Gov Chp 6-10

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Which statement about the media and political campaigns is true?

Most national political figures plan every public appearance and statement to attract media coverage

People who join social movements such as anti-abortion groups or anti-death penalty groups are most likely to join because of_______ incentives


A journalist that includes a negative stereotype about individuals who are African-American Hispanic or white we're reporting on his story is engaging in

Racial profiling

____________ refers to the process in which a substantial group of voters switches party allegiance


Interest groups recognize that

Reelection is the greatest concern of legislators

The difference between the percentage of women who vote for a particular candidate and the percentage of men who vote for that candidate is called

The gender gap

As confidence in government falls it appears that fewer people

embrace a shared political culture and norms of political behavior.

The modern republican party was formed

from a coalition of antislavery factions

At each national convention a political party drafts the party __________ outlining the party's policies, positions, and principles.


___________ sees political struggle as the pitting of different groups against each other to reach a compromise


The process by which people acquire political beliefs and attitudes is known as

political socialization

A free rider is

Someone who benefits from the actions of a group without joining it

At the end of 2015 union membership in the United States equals about_______Of the workforce

11 percent

In order to run for president of United States a candidate must be at least what age


What percentage of the voting age population went to the polls for the 2016 presidential election


Widely varying attitudes among the citizenry on an issue constitutes

divisive opinion

Assisting legislators or bureaucrats in drafting legislation and regulations is an example of

A direct lobbying technique

George Washington do you political parties as

A threat to national unity

which of these presidents was elected without obtaining a majority of the popular vote?

Abraham Lincoln

A television network decides to run a series of news stories highlighting the need for stronger regulations over gun sales and purchases this is an example of

Agenda setting

An interest group that offers material incentives to induce people to join its ranks is the

American Association of Retired Persons

Campaign managers and candidates believe that the media has the most influence on

An individual who has not formed an opinion about a candidate

States that have been tagged as_______________states will see intense campaigning up to the very day of the election


Some voter show up at the polls because they

Believe they are doing their patriotic duty and receive personal satisfaction from voting

When a popular candidate influences the success of other candidates on the same party ticket it is called the

Coattail effect

And inclination or preference that interferes with impartial judgment is known as


During the 2016 presidential election voters between the ages of 18 and 29 used social media to gain information while other groups identified__________ as their source of election news

Cable television

During presidential primary contest pulling is important to

Candidates contributors and voters

In order to gain the favor of the public an interest group implement a public relations campaign that demonstrates the danger of plastic twist off caps to wildlife this is an example of

Climate control

Siri suggests that the influence of parents on the political socialization of their children is due too two factors:

Communication and receptivity

In order to accurately assess voter turnout rates in the United States you must

Compare it with the population of eligible voters

Democratic political party systems require

Competitive elections

_____________error occurs when the portion of the population is not included in the polling sample


A decline in party loyalty is that we do long term party commitment is known as


Which of the following statements about demonstrations is true?

Demonstrations, if peaceable, are protected by the First Amendment.

Because there is no single public but rather many different public surveying public opinion actually means

Describing attitudes typically shared by some portion of the adult population

One responsibility that a political party takes on when excepting responsibility for running the government is

Developing connections between elected officials to implement their policies

Compared to 20 years ago Americans have__________trust in media today


During the 2016 presidential election cycle________Garner more than twice the amount of earned media than the next closest competitor

Donald Trump

The winner take all principle can be observed in the United States when the ____________select the president and the vice president

Electoral college

_______________ incentives insight people to join groups because of the companionship and sense of belonging that they offer


In January 2013 the government shut down is part of us equestrian some reports focus more on negative consequences of sequestration well others discussed how tea party members of Congress pushed for fiscal policy. What is this an example of?


Efforts which have increased the number of women elected to public office include all of the following except

Gender bias in the treatment of female candidates such as Sarah Palin

Members of the electoral college selected by each day equals the number of

House members plus the number of senators

_______is the ability of interest groups To mandate or defeat policy is needed for the public good


A striking feature of today's political campaigns is the

Importance of paid professionals rather than volunteers

The American election system differ significantly from most European ones in that the US system

Includes primary elections

What is the general impact of public opinion on a government action

It ​sets broad limits on government action.

The economic and political expression of working class interest is known as the________movement


Beginning at the 1960s socially conservative voters particularly in the south began to_________with the result that

Leave the democratic party; Neither party dominates the modern era

Party identification means

Linking oneself to a particular political party

Which of the following is an example of selective attention

Lydia refuses to listen to any news about democratic candidates because she only votes for Republicans

One of the most effective political ads was a 30 second spot for_______________, depicting a little girl picking daisies in a field and then an image of a mushroom cloud emanating an explosion

Lyndon Johnson and his campaign against Barry Goldwater

George Washington felt it was important to keep some governmental matter secret and as a result you should be sensor to keep these matters out of the public eye this is an example of

Manage news

All of the following statements regarding voter registration are correct except

Many states lead noncitizen immigrants vote with a government issued photo identification

Forms of communication including radio and television that have a broad reach to many people are known as


The concept that interest groups are really an elitist phenomenon rather than a manifestation of pluralism is supported by the fact that

Most Americans are not represented by interest groups

Demonstrations by the tea party protesters and other supporters indicated their dislike of government spending healthcare reform legislation and similar government programs on both sides of the aisle in this case the ideas expressed or an example of?

Negative opinion

The results of lobbying efforts do not always favor the interest of the most powerful groups because

Not all interest groups have an equal influence in government

The formal structure and leader ship of a party is known as the

Party organization

The lifecycle affect is the

Phenomenon of certain attitudes occurring at certain chronological ages

Regarding voter identification laws Democrats generally believe that

Photo ID requirements restrict poor and elderly voters who might not have identification cards

A winner take all system is also known as a

Plurality voting system

The full-time reporters who are assigned to cover the President of the United States are called the White House

Press corps

One reason that the two party system has endured in the United States is the

Prevalence of single-member electoral districts

Framing is best defined as the influence on

Public opinion as a result of the way a story is presented or covered including the details in contacts offered in the report

Which statement about geographic region and political preference is correct

Regional differences are less important today than just a few years ago

When a news program begins the broadcast each day with a certain political story and continues to highlight this issue for several days it's suggest the public that this political story is an important issue which function of agenda setting does this represent


__________Are more likely to enroll members who will give time in funds to the cause

Smaller interest groups

Kendra joined the National Audubon Society because she enjoys learning about birds and meeting other birdwatchers. What type of interest group incentive does this demonstrate?

Solidarity incentive

Women could not vote in all states until the ratification of

The 19th Amendment

Which of the following statements concerning the daisy girl ad from the 1964 presidential campaign is true?

The ad is an example of classic negative campaign advertising.

In his writings on interest groups theorist Mancar Olsen refers to the idea of______________, meaning any public benefit that cannot be denied to any member of the community whether involved or not

The collective good

A challenge to new democracies is being established in countries which were once headed by oppressive regimes is that

The control of the educational system the media and religion was for so long in the hands of oppressors

What occurs in cases were no presidential candidate receives a majority of the electoral college vote?

The election is decided in the US House of Representatives

The distribution and regulation of frequencies for electronica media is the responsibility of

The federal communications commission

The concept of manage news refers to

The government generating and distributing information in a way which gives priority to its own interest

Republicans place a greater importance on________ then Democrats

The military

Which statement about world opinion of the United States is most accurate

There are divisions of opinion about the United States among Muslims and Middle Eastern states based on religious views

Do US Chamber of Commerce and the national Association of Manufacturers are known as umbrella groups because

They represent certain types of businesses or companies that deal in a particular type of product

Individuals who run for political office can be divided into two groups which are

Those who are recruited and those who are self starters

An accurate way to gain insight into the public perception of a candidate is through

Tracking polls because they are conducted almost daily and enable fine-tuning of the candidates message

Twitter was utilized during the 2012 presidential election by

Traditional media outlets to document voting trends

If political parties in the United States did not search out and encourage political hopefuls then

Voters would have limited choices

The goal of a political campaign is to

Win the election, since the candidate who comes in second gets no reward

Gallup or Roper pollsters generally interview __________.

approximately 1,500 respondents in a nationwide sample

In presidential debates it is common for

challengers to have much more to gain from debating than incumbents

A presidential primary in which contending candidates compete for popular votes but the results do not control the selection of delegates to the national convention is referred to as

beauty contest

The decline in public support for progressive policies such as welfare and extended health care can be linked to

declining political trust

Which statement about party positions related to the size of government is correct

democrats prefer a more active government that provides more services

At the founding of the nation the role of the media in politics was viewed as

limited because of the speed at which news traveled

A problem with the dealignment theory is that

many so-called independent voters are not really all that independent

The systematic questioning of a small selected sample of respondents who are representative of the total population is known as

opinion poll

The national government is very responsive to the publics demand for action when

public opinion shifts dramatically

An opinion leader is

someone able to influence others' opinions

In local races for mayor, city council and the like, voter turnout is

usually much lower than for national elections

_______ tend to be overrepresented among voters who turn out on election day

wealthier people

Agenda setting is determining

which public policy questions will be debated or considered

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