Test 2 physiology LAB***

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Which of the following is an example of mechanical digestion? Group of answer choicesglycolysisdefecationoxidation-reductionmastication


Which of the following is a phagocyte? Group of answer choicesMonocytesPlateletLymphocyteBasophilMast cell


The source of trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen is the appendix gallbladder liver pancreas


Which of the following would be considered an accessory organ of the digestive system? pancreas stomach esophagus large intestine


A hemocrit measures Group of answer choicesA. Percentage of RBC in packed bloodB. Percentage of WBC in packed bloodC. Percentage of platelets in packed bloodBoth a and bAll of the above

Percentage of RBC in packed blood

Which digestive process involves motility? ingestion secretion propulsion digestion


The lungs receive blood from the Group of answer choicesalveolar arteriespulmonary arteriesbronchial arteriestracheal arteries

Pulmonary Arteries

Agglutination, which occurs during transfusion reactions, is caused by binding between -hemoglobin and the kidney tubule cells -clotting proteins and the enzymes that activate them -platelets and endothelial cells -RBC membrane antigens and plasma antibodies

RBC membrane antigens and plasma antibodies

Agglutination, which occurs during transfusion reactions, is caused by binding between hemoglobin and the kidney tubule cells clotting proteins and the enzymes that activate them platelets and endothelial cells RBC membrane antigens and plasma antibodies

RBC membrane antigens and plasma antibodies

A normal differential White Blood Cell count would have what percentage of Neutrophils? (a) 60-70% (b) 20-25% (c) 3-8% (d) 2-4% (e) 0.5-1%

(a) 60-70%

Elevated Numbers of Neutrophils might indicate what condition? (a) Bacterial Infection (b) Viral Infection (c) Fungal or Viral Infection (d) Parasitic Infection (e) Allergic Reaction

(a) Bacterial Infection

A normal differential White Blood Cell count would have what percentage of Lymphocytes? (a) 60-70% (b) 20-25% (c) 3-8% (d) 2-4% (e) 0.5-1%

(b) 20-25%

Elevated Numbers of Lymphocytes might indicate what condition? (a) Bacterial Infection (b) Viral Infection (c) Fungal or Viral Infection (d) Parasitic Infection (e) Allergic Reaction

(b) Viral Infection

A normal differential White Blood Cell count would have what percentage of Monocytes? (a) 60-70% (b) 20-25% (c) 3-8% (d) 2-4% (e) 0.5-1%

(c) 3-8%

Elevated Numbers of Monocytes might indicate what condition? (a) Bacterial Infection (b) Viral Infection (c) Fungal or Viral Infection (d) Parasitic Infection (e) Allergic Reaction

(c) Fungal or Viral Infection

A normal differential White Blood Cell count would have what percentage of Eosinophils? (a) 60-70% (b) 20-25% (c) 3-8% (d) 2-4% (e) 0.5-1%

(d) 2-4%

Elevated Numbers of eosinophils might indicate what condition? (a) Bacterial Infection (b) Viral Infection (c) Fungal or Viral Infection (d) Parasitic Infection (e) Allergic Reaction

(d) Parasitic Infection

A normal differential White Blood Cell count would have what percentage of Basophils? (a) 60-70% (b) 20-25% (c) 3-8% (d) 2-4% (e) 0.5-1%

(e) 0.5-1%

Elevated Numbers of Basophils might indicate what condition? (a) Bacterial Infection (b) Viral Infection (c) Fungal or Viral Infection (d) Parasitic Infection (e) Allergic Reaction

(e) Allergic Reaction

In an adult the normal residual volume is 100 ml 700 ml 1200 ml 3300 ml

1200 ml

Once released from the bone marrow into the circulation, the average life span of a red blood cell is about 72 hours one week 4 months 2 years

4 months

The normal tidal volume in an adult is 500 ml 600 ml 1000 ml 1100 ml


The average resting volume of ventilated air per minute in a human being is about Group of answer choices6 liters/minute60 ml/minute12 liters/minute600 ml/minute

6 liters/minute

The total lung capacity in a normal human is about 3,600 ml 4,800 ml 6,000 ml 8, 200 ml

6,000 ml

What is normal blood pH? 7.4 7.6 7.8 7.2


What is normal blood pH? Group of answer choices7.


About which portion of the pancreas is normally dedicated to exocrine function? Group of answer choices57%12%99%79%


What antibodies does a person with type O blood have in their plasma? A B A and B No antibodies Not enough information to answer

A and B

In the respiratory system, gaseous exchange occurs in the Group of answer choicespharynxalveolibronchiolestrachea


What antigens does a person have on their RBC if their plasma has antibody A? Group of answer choicesABOA and BNo antigens


The laboratory measurement of all erythrocytes, platelets and white blood cells is called CBC DVD o WBC


Gastric emptying is stimulated by ALL of the following EXCEPT distention of the stomach gastrin CCK partially digested proteins


Which of the following is not a component of blood? Blood plasma Formed elements Carbon dioxide Platelets White blood cells

Carbon Dioxide

Which event occurs after HCO3- (bicarbonate ion) is manufactured in the blood? Group of answer choicesHCO3- enters the red blood cell as Cl- exits the red blood cell.Cl- enters the red blood cell as HCO3- exits the red blood cell.H2CO3 is usually reformed quicklycarbonic anhydrase is used up

Cl- enters the red blood cell as HCO3- exits the red blood cell.

The portion of a tooth visible in the mouth is the neck root crown pulp


Which of the following plasma proteins plays a role in blood clotting? Group of answer choicesAlbuminsGlobulinsFibrinogensProstaglandinsNone of the above


Which of the following plasma proteins plays a role in disease resistance? Group of answer choicesAlbuminsGlobulinsFibrinogensMyoglobinHemoglobin


Which chemical is most likely to directly affect central chemoreceptors? Group of answer choicesH+O2H2OCO


A substance released by the duodenum in response to the acidic pH of chyme is Group of answer choicessecretingastrinenterogastronecholecystokinin


Apparatus used to measure air flow into or out of the lung Group of answer choicesEEGEKGspirometerCT


What is the substrate of salivary amylase? Group of answer choicesstarchsucroseproteinmaltose


Which substance reduces surface tension within the alveoli? Group of answer choicesseptal cellssurfactantdust cellsKuppfer cells


Which of the following is a CORRECT statement about proelastase, chymotrypsin, and procarboxypeptidase? They are activated in the small intestine by trypsin. They are manufactured by the liver. They are denatured and rendered inactive by sucrase. They hydrolyze starch into disaccharides.

They are activated in the small intestine by trypsin.

Which of the following is a CORRECT statement about bile salts? Group of answer choicesThey are normally an ingredient of gastric juiceThey are manufactured by the pancreasThey increase the efficiency of pepsin actionThey help stabilize lipid emulsions

They help stabilize lipid emulsions

Of the respiratory air volumes listed, which one has the largest volume? expiratory reserve volume inspiratory reserve volume vital capacity tidal volume

Vital Capacity

Which describes anemia? Group of answer choicesa deficiency of white blood cellsa high level of hemoglobina reduction in oxygen-carrying capacity of the bloodan excessive number of red blood cells

a reduction in oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood

Which digestive process involves movement of small molecules into the blood stream? Group of answer choicesabsorptionsecretiondefecationdigestion


The digestive functions of saliva include all of the following EXCEPT Group of answer choicesdigesting starch into disaccharidesacting as a lubricant during swallowingdissolving food moleculesabsorption of carbohydrates

absorption of carbohydrates

Which of the following is a function of the large intestine? absorption of water and electrolytes digestion of amino acids absorption of food molecules synthesis of cholesterol

absorption of water and electrolytes

Based on the results of a differential WBC count shown in the table, this person has ~basophils 1% ~eosinophils 10% ~neutrophils 56% ~lymphocytes 25% ~monocytes 8% Which of the following would this individual most likely be suffereing from. Group of answer choicesMononucleosisleukopeniaallergies or a parasitic worm infectionan accute bacterial infection

allergies or a parasitic worm infection

How is carbon dioxide (CO2) mostly carried by the blood? Group of answer choicesdissolved in the plasmabound to hemoglobinas bicarbonate ionattached to oxygen

as bicarbonate ion

Which leukocyte is NOT correctly matched with its description? Group of answer choiceseosinophil - bilobed nucleus, deep red granuleslymphocyte - smallest leukocytes, round nucleus, thin rim of cytoplasmneutrophil - lobed nucleus with two to five segments, light purple granulesbasophil - typical kidney-shaped nucleus, largest white blood cell

basophil - typical kidney-shaped nucleus, largest white blood cell

Which type of leukocyte is correctly matched with its function? basophils - release histamine in areas of damaged tissue neutrophils - form platelet plug lymphocytes - phagocytize bacteria neutrophils - defend against parasitic worm infections

basophils - release histamine in areas of damaged tissue

The appendix is attached to the) left lobe of the liver gall bladder cecum rectum


The stomach cell that secretes pepsinogen is the Group of answer choicesmucous cellparietal cellchief cellG cell

chief cell

A substance that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile is secretin gastrin enterogastrone cholecystokinin


The role of the epiglottis is to) vibrate to produce sound close off the larynx during swallowing close off the nasal cavity during swallowing holds the pharynx open during speech

close off the larynx during swallowing

During exercise, which type of respiratory adjustment would NOT normally occur? Group of answer choicesincreased pulmonary perfusionincreased oxygen diffusion capacityincreased pulmonary ventilationdecreased carbon dioxide production

decreased carbon dioxide production

The function of bile is to emulsify fats transport fats through the blood hydrolyze fats actively transport fats through epithelial membranes.

emulsify fats

Which of these blood components do NOT have nuclei? neutrophils erythrocytes lymphocytes monocytes


A function of alveoli is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood produce surfactant act as phagocytes produce mucus in the upper respiratory tract

exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood

A structure that produces no digestive secretions of any kind is the Group of answer choicesgallbladderliverduodenumpancreas


Which of the following factors makes blood a certain type? Group of answer choicesgenetically determined glycoproteins and glycolipids on the RBC membranegenetically determined antibodies in the plasmathe different forms of hemoglobin present in the RBCsexposure to intestinal bacteria during infancy

genetically determined glycoproteins and glycolipids on the RBC membrane

In which choice is the plasma protein correctly matched with one of its functions? Group of answer choicesalbumin - antibodies involved in immune responsefibrinogen - attacks and destroys pathogensglobulins - transport minerals, lipids, hormones and vitaminsglobulins - blood clotting

globulins - transport minerals, lipids, hormones and vitamins

A person with type O+ blood would make anti-Rh antibodies if exposed to the Rh antigen have neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies in his plasma have Rh but not A or B antigens on his RBCs be able to receive type A+, B+, or AB+ in a transfusion if necessary

have Rh but not A or B antigens on his RBCs

The percentage of whole blood volume occupied by the red blood cells is the specific gravity differential cell count hematocrit viscosity


Most oxygen is transported in blood Group of answer choicesby hemoglobin.by BPG.dissolved in the plasma.as bicarbonate ion.


Blood vessels, bronchi and lymphatic vessels enter each lung at the mediastinum hilus apex base


The parietal cells of gastric glands secrete mucus pepsinogen hydrochloric acid pepsin

hydrochloric acid

The major digestion that occurs in the adult stomach is Group of answer choiceshydrolysis of fats by gastric lipaseformation of chylomicronsconversion of ammonia to ureahydrolysis of proteins by pepsin

hydrolysis of proteins by pepsin

Rapid, deep breathing is called Group of answer choiceshypercapneahypercarbiahyperventilationhypocarbia


Rapid, deep breathing is called hypercapnea hypercarbia hyperventilation hypocarbia


Each body function on the left is correctly matched with the corresponding function of the blood on the right EXCEPT Group of answer choicesrespiration - transports oxygen and carbon dioxideimmune defense - platelet factors initiate clottingacid-base balance - buffers acids and basesthermoregulation - allows heat to escape from the body at the skin

immune defense - platelet factors initiate clotting

Each body function on the left is correctly matched with the corresponding function of the blood on the right EXCEPT respiration - transports oxygen and carbon dioxide immune defense - platelet factors initiate clotting acid-base balance - buffers acids and bases thermoregulation - allows heat to escape from the body at the skin

immune defense - platelet factors initiate clotting

Gastrin, which is secreted by stomach cells, functions to Group of answer choicesinhibit the production of hydrochloric acidincrease the secretions of the gastric glandschange pepsin into pepsinogeninitiate the cephalic phase of digestion

increase the secretions of the gastric glands

The amount of air that can be maximally inhaled after a normal exhalation is called the Group of answer choicesfunctional residual capacityinspiratory capacitytidal volumeinspiratory reserve volume

inspiratory capacity

An abnormally high number of normal white blood cells may be indicative of the disorder Group of answer choicesleukemialeukocytosisleukopenialeukopoiesis


Which cell is NOT classified as a granulocyte? Group of answer choicesbasophileosinophillymphocyteneutrophil


The process of mastication results in Group of answer choicespassage of food from the oral cavity into the esophagusremoval of pathogens from partially digested food by MALT tissuesmechanical mixing of food with saliva and shaping of food into a bolussudden movement of colonic contents into the rectum

mechanical mixing of food with saliva and shaping of food into a bolus

Where are the central chemoreceptors located? Group of answer choicesponsmedulla oblongatathalamushypothalamus

medulla oblongata

The small intestine is attached to the posterior abdominal wall by a fold of the peritoneum called the mesocolon mesentery falciform ligament teniae coli


A person's blood type is determined by mixing his blood with the blood of another person of known blood type--if there is no reaction they are the same type looking at red blood cells under a microscope to see what kind of antigens are on their membranes checking to see which plasma antibodies a person has--he won't have antibodies against his own blood type mixing the blood with different antibodies to see which ones cause the red blood cells to agglutinate

mixing the blood with different antibodies to see which ones cause the red blood cells to agglutinate

Which of the following lists the structures in the CORRECT order of air flow inward? trachea, laryngopharynx, nasopharynx, oropharynx, larynx nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, trachea, larynx nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, larynx, trachea oropharynx, laryngopharynx, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea

nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, larynx, trachea

In which choice are the leukocytes correctly arranged in order from most common to least common? Group of answer choicesmonocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophilslymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, basophilsneutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, basophils, eosinophilsneutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils

neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils

A blood transfusion reaction will Group of answer choicesoccur when plasma antibodies contact red blood cells carrying the antigen with which they reactonly occur if both red blood cells and plasma are transfusedalways occur if someone is given type O bloodnot cause any damage to the red blood cells

occur when plasma antibodies contact red blood cells carrying the antigen with which they react

Which of the following lists parts of the G.I. tube in the CORRECT order of food movement? Group of answer choicesnasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, larynx, esophagusoropharynx, laryngopharynx, esophagus, stomach, pyloric sphincterlaryngopharynx, oropharynx, esophagus, stomach, pyloric sphincteroropharynx, laryngopharynx, esophagus, pyloric sphincter, stomach

oropharynx, laryngopharynx, esophagus, stomach, pyloric sphincter

Hemoglobin that has oxygen attached is called hemoglobin oxygen complex carbaminohemoglobin oxyhemoglobin deoxyhemoglobin


As acidity increases, how does this affect the affinity of hemoglobin for the oxygen it carries? oxyhemoglobin affinity decreases oxyhemoglobin affinity increases oxyhemoglobin affinity remains the same not enough information to tell

oxyhemoglobin affinity decreases

Pancreatic digestive secretions are promoted by all of the following EXCEPT Group of answer choicesparasympathetic impulsessecretincholecystokininsympathetic impulses

parasympathetic impulses x sympathetic impulses

The inside of the thoracic chest wall is lined with Group of answer choicespleural membranesvisceral pleuraparietal pleuraperitoneum

parietal pleura

Which of the following is NOT considered part of the lower respiratory system? Group of answer choicestrachealarynxpharynxbronchi


Which blood component is NOT correctly matched with its function? Group of answer choiceserythrocytes - transport oxygenleukocytes - protect against diseaseplatelets - phagocytize bacteriaplasma proteins - maintain blood osmotic pressure; involved in clotting

platelets - phagocytize bacteria

The receptors that detect movement within the joints and muscles called Hering Brewer reflex baroreceptors/stretch receptors cortical receptors proprioreceptors


Other than water, the most common component of plasma is Group of answer choiceschlorideureaproteinsodium


Cholecystokinin (CCK) from the intestinal wall is stimulated by the presence of Group of answer choicesprotein in the stomachprotein in the small intestinefat and acid chyme in the stomachprotein and fat in the small intestine

protein and fat in the small intestine

One of the major functions of the large intestine is to Group of answer choicessecrete digestive enzymesreabsorb water from chymeregulate the release of bilebreak down hemoglobin

reabsorb water from chyme

A person who is Rh negative might form anti-Rh antibodies if she receives a transfusion of Rh positive blood receives a transfusion of Rh negative blood becomes pregnant with a fetus that is Rh negative is given a shot of the drug RhoGAM

receives a transfusion of Rh positive blood

Which problem could NOT be caused by a deficiency of plasma proteins? edema reduced ability to transport oxygen reduced ability to clot reduced ability to transport molecules such as lipids

reduced ability to transport oxygen

The residual volume in the lungs is the amount of air) Group of answer choicesremaining in the lungs after the lungs collapsethat can be inhaled above tidal volumeremaining in the lungs after forced expirationcontained in air spaces above the alveoli

remaining in the lungs after forced expiration

The horizontal fissure is located between the right middle and inferior lobes left middle and inferior lobes right superior and middle lobes left superior and middle lobes

right superior and middle lobes

The folds of the gastric mucosa are called microvilli circular folds gastric pits rugae


What is found between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura? Group of answer choiceslymphairbloodserous fluid

serous fluid

Which of these diseases involves a problem with the red blood cells? Group of answer choicesleukocytosisthrombocytopenialeukemiasickle-cell anemia

sickle-cell anemia

Which of the following is NOT produced by the acini of the pancreas?


Secretin decreases the stomach's churning activity stimulates the gastric secretion of HCl is released by the salivary glands stimulates bile ducts and pancreatic ducts to secrete bicarbonate

stimulates bile ducts and pancreatic ducts to secrete bicarbonate

Which of the following is NOT an accessory digestive organ? teeth liver gallbladder stomach


The pyloric sphincter is located at the junction of the) Group of answer choicesesophagus and stomachstomach and duodenumileum and cecumesophagus and larynx

stomach and duodenum

Where is the myenteric plexus? Group of answer choicesmucosasubmucosamuscularisserosa

submucosa x serosa x mucosa x muscularis?

What kind of risk exists when a woman who is Rh+ carries an Rh- fetus? Group of answer choicesThere is usually no risk during the first pregnancy, but it can harm the fetus during a subsequent pregnancy if the mother is not treatedIt always poses a serious risk to the fetus, even in the first pregnancyOnly in rare cases is there a risk to the fetus during the first pregnancyThere is never a risk to the fetus in any pregnancy

there is never a risk to the fetus in an pregnancy

The right lung is composed of ______ lobes; the left lung is composed of ______ lobes. Group of answer choicesthree; twotwo; threeone; threethree; one

three, two

Which choice represents an abnormal value? total RBC count - 5.1 million / mL total WBC count - 1500 / mL total platelet count - 250,000 / mL hemoglobin - 15 g / dL

total WBC count - 1500 / mL

Blood helps to maintain homeostasis by Group of answer choicestransporting materials between the tissue fluid and the external environmentridding the body of wastesbreaking down nutrientscoordinating metabolic reactions

transporting materials between the tissue fluid and the external environment

Projections on the mucosa of the small intestine that are covered by absorptive and goblet cells and contain lymph vessels and capillaries are called microvilli villi rugae teniae coli


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