test 3 psychology
Frued's Psychosexual Stages
1. Oral Stage: oral fixation 2. Anal Stage: Anal retentive 3. Phallic Stage: Oedipal/Electra complexes 4. Latency Stage: NONE 5. Genital Stage: Genitals
fetal stage
9 weeks to birth
Ability of a test to yield very similar scores for the same individual over repeated testings
validity primary sex characteristics
Characteristics you are born with
Ego Integrity vs. Despair: Enter pencil of reflection where they look back at success and accomplishments if not they live in regret and despair
Frueds 3 substructures of the mind
ID (pleasure principle) ego(reality principle) and superego (morality principle)
Initiative vs. Guilt (3 to 5 years) Learn to initiate actibiities and enjoy their accomplishments. Caregivers support help with promoting feelings of self power and self confidence vs guilt
Humanistic Theory
People continually seek experiences that make them better, more fulfilled individuals.
TRUST VS MISTRUST: Learn that needs are met based on caregiver
inferiority complex
a pattern of avoiding feelings of inadequacy rather than trying to overcome their source
cross sectional research
a research design that compares groups of people who differ in age but are similar in other important characteristics
a unique and relatively stable pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions
Diana Baumrind parenting styles
authoritarian- I don't care what you want (low independence, moody, low self esteem) permissive- do what you want I don't care or I care about you and you're free to do what you want (careless, immature) and authoritative- I really care about you but there's rules (friendly and high achieving)
autonomy vs shame and doubt: Learn to exercise will, make choices, control themselves. caregivers encouragement helps sense of autonomy vs shame and doubt
secondary aging
changes due to disease, disuse, negelect
secondary aging
changes resulting from disease, disuse, or neglect
Frued's 3 Levels of Consciousness
conscious(thoughts and motives some is currently aware of), preconscious (thoughts and motives that one can become aware of easily) , unconscious (thoughts and motives beyond a persons awareness)
Kubler-Ross stages of grief
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
psychosocial theory
e emergence of self and the way in which the self develops through our interactions and social development
temperament styles
easy, difficult, slow to warm up
emotionally charged images and thought forms that have universal meaning
environmental substances that can cause birth defects ( alc, nicotine)
fertilized egg
first ejaculation
Developmental psychology
focus on Age related changes in behavior throughout the life span
Biological theories
focus on individual abnormality and explain human behavior as the result of biological instincts
generatively vs stagnation: Develop concern for establishing and influencing the next generation
Primary aging
gradual, inevitable age-related changes in physical and mental processes
primary gaining
gradual, inevitable age-related changes in physical and mental processes
identity vs role confusion: Develop sense of self and find a role in the society Crisis is they will have am unstable delinquency and difficulty in persona relationships
embryonic stage
implantation- 3 weeks to 8 weeks
industry vs inferiority: develop sense of industry and learn productive skills that their culture requires if not they feel inferior
intimacy vs isolation: Learn who they are and how to be independent but if not they face isolation and consequent self absorption
the big 5 factor model
openness, conscientiousness (disciplined? responsible?) extraversion (sociable? outgoing?) agreeableness(cooperative, trustful?) neuroticism (unstable? prone to insecurity?)
Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
people with low self esteem have an incongruence between their self concepts and life experiences (rogers) Self actualization through heirarchy of needs(Maslow)
objective and projective tests
personality tests can be divided into
fetal alchohol syndrome (FAS)
physical and cognitive abnormalities in children caused by a pregnant woman's heavy drinking. In severe cases, signs include a small, out-of-proportion head and abnormal facial features
moral development stages
preconventional, conventional, postconventional
Secondary sex characteristics
puberty and nonproductive
Mary Ainsworth attachments
secure attachment (stay close distress when gone), WARM AND RESPONSIVE Avoidant (Not seek contact with mother, avoident, does not cry when leaves/ Wendy Ortiz)- REJECTING AND COLD and Anxious/ ambilivant (sad when mother leaves and angry when she comes back -INCONSISTANT
Pigets 4 stages to cognitive development
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
physcoanalytic theory (fried)
sexual experiences leave a mark on adult personality and unconscious mental forces
prelinguistic stage
silent period with only crying and later cooing and babbling
longitudinal research
studies in which the same group of individuals is surveyed or measured repeatedly over an extended period of time
Frueds defemse mechanisms
sublimation(energy from unacceptable impulses to socially acceptable accomplishments) denial(refuse recognize reality) projection(own acceptable impulses to others) repression ( anxiety thought into unconscious) rationalization,( substituting socially socially acceptable reasoning intellectualization, (ignore emotional aspects) reaction formation, ( regression, displacemnet
germinal stage
the 2-week period of prenatal development that begins at conception
the first menstrual period
sensory systems
the parts of the nervous system that provide information about the environment
the process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period very early in life
threadlike structures made of DNA molecules that contain the genes (46 of them)
linguistic stage of development
when babbling becomes meaningful speech issues is -over exaggeration (overly broad use of words that include objects that do not fit the words meaning) -overgeneralization (grammar errors applying)