Test 3 Review

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Translation is initiated at the

AUG codon

The molecule that connects a growing polypeptide chain and mRNA is called

RNA polymerase

Exons in pre-mRNA

are part of the mature mRNA

In a pro metaphase cell, the

nuclear envelope disappears

chromatides are equal to

the number of molecules

Why does the DNA synthesis proceed in a 5' to 3' direction?

DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to the 3' end of a polynucleotide strand

Why is it important for DNA to be copies before cell division

Genetic information must be transmitted to the daughter cell

Knowledge of the cell cycle has led to improved means of treating cancer. Taxol, a cancer treatment, prevents the microtubules of the spindle fiber from functioning normally. Taxol prevents the cell from entering


RNA syntheses is also known as


Translation is ended at the

UAG codon

A sequence of three RNA bases can function as

a codon 2. an anticodon


a sequence of three nucleotides forming a unit of genetic code in a transfer RNA molecule, corresponding to a complementary codon in messenger RNA.


able to turn off and on

An inducible operon is controlled by

an active repressor that keeps it in the "off" state

In PCR, _______creates single-stranded DNA template molecules


A deoxiribose nucleotide is a

deoxiribose + a nitrogenous base+ a phosphate

Transcriptional activations of the lac operon requires both high lactose and low glucose conditions because

glucose normally activates the lac operon repressor

Mutations are

heritable changes in the sequence of DNA bases

It is found that a certain enzyme is synthesized whenever the solution in which the cells are growing contains substance X. This phenomenon is most likely an example of _______ gene regulation


The_____is responsible for the separation of the chromosomes during the ______ of mitosis

mitotic spindle, anaphase

promoter of dan is a....

region of DNA that initiates transcription of a particular gene. Promoters are located near the transcription start sites of genes, on the same strand and upstream on the DNA (towards the 5' region of the sense strand).

missense mutation

substitution refers to a change in one amino acid in a protein -nonsynonemous substitution

a cell is divided by binary fission. What can you conclude

the cell is prokaryotic

when is a cell in metaphase?

the chromosomes are aligned at the midline of the cell

if a cell has 36 chromosomes during G1, how many molecules does is have after DNA replication


to control the cell cycle

CDKS are active only when they are released from cyclins

Okazaki fragments are jinxed together by

DNA ligase

Gene expresson is Euk. can be regulated

1. durring transcription and before translation 2. before transcription 3. during translation 4.after translation

single base changes in the coding regions of proteins can cause

1. missense mutations 2, frame-shift 3.silent mutation 4. nonsense

sequence of events of translation initiation

1.small ribosomal subunit binds to mRNA 2. a tRNA carrying MET binds to the mRNA 3. large ribosomal subunit binds to the initiation complex

Compliment to a DNA strand is made


Dna is read


dna lagging strand is made


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