test 4 government

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Expressed powers are those powers directly granted to the federal government found in the Constitution, while impliedpowers are those powers that can be reasonable assumed through the expressed powers

1. Each state will have a republican form of govt 2. Protection against invasion and domestic violence 3. Must respect the Territorial boundaries of each state.

Which of the following is NOT a check available to the legislative branch? A. creating a new federal district court B. declaring an executive act to be unconstitutional C. rejecting a treaty D. passing a bill that has been rejected by the President


What is the difference between an expressed power and an inherent power?

Expressed powers are those powers directly granted to the federal government found in the Constitution, while impliedpowers are those powers that can be reasonable assumed through the expressed powers

Once an amendment is formally proposed, how long do the States have to ratify it? A. There is no time limit on the ratification process and States have as long as they wish to consider amendments. B. States must ratify an amendment within seven years of Congress voting to propose that amendment. C. Congress has the power to set a varying time limit for ratifying each amendment as long as it is reasonable. D. If an amendment is not ratified within one year, it goes back to Congress, which must vote to approve it again.


Tariffs are taxes on foreign imports. In our federal system, the power to levy tariffs is a power A. granted exclusively to the Federal Government by the Constitution. B. assumed by the Federal Government. C. shared by both the State and Federal Government concurrently. D. denied to the Federal Government and reserved to the States.


The first three Amendments listed have which of the following in common? A. Protecting the rights of individuals in the court system B. Clarifying rights listed earlier in the Constitution C. Outlining procedures in a court of law D. Determining the differences between State and federal courts


Which of the following statements BEST describes the cause and effect of the 15th Amendment? A. It was passed as a result of the Union's victory in the Civil War, and extended the right to vote to male African Americans. B. It took away citizenship from those who had fought for the Confederacy, and was passed as a result of the Union's victory in the Civil War. C. It gave citizenship to African Americans and was passed as a result of a campaign led by President Roosevelt. D. It limited the number of terms a President could serve and was passed as a result of a speech made by President Abraham Lincoln.


Which of the following statements supplies the information on proposing an amendment that is missing from the chart? A chart shows how the Constitution can be amended. An amendment may be proposed by one of two methods: 1) a 2/3 vote in each house of Congress; 2) blank. An amendment may be ratified by one of two methods: 1) special conventions in 3/4 of the states; 2) a vote in 3/4 of the state legislatures. A. A Supreme Court ruling that calls for an amendment to make a federal law constitutional. B. A vote by at least 3/4 of the State legislatures meeting independently at the request of the public. C. An executive order issued by the President and then approved by both houses of Congress. D. A national convention called by Congress at the request of 2/3 of the State legislatures.


Based on the reasoning Chief Justice John Marshall uses in the excerpt below, what choice best describes the decision he made in the McCulloch v. Maryland case? "[T]he states have no power . . . to retard, impede, burden, or in any manner control, the operations of the constitutional laws enacted by Congress." —Chief Justice John Marshall, McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819 A. He decided that Congress did not have the authority to create a law that conflicted with State law. B. He decided that federal law could not be challenged by State law. C. He decided that State law took precedent over the federal law passed by Congress. D. He declared that the Supreme Court lacked the authority to settle a dispute between State and federal law.


Local governments get their authority from A. the Federal Government. B. the State governments. C. the local citizens. D. the cooperation of the Federal and State governments.


The principle of popular sovereignty is based on the belief that A. the government must be run by officials who are appointed to office by their predecessors. B. the government gets its power from the people and can exist only with their consent. C. the people have the authority to declare any federal or State law unconstitutional by voting on it. D. the people do not have to obey any laws with which they disagree.


To which amendment in the Bill of Rights are these protests related? A. First Amendment B. Second Amendment C. Third Amendment D. Fifth Amendment


What specific constitutional principle was Alexander Hamilton referring to in this quotation? "It therefore belongs to [the courts] to ascertain . . . the meaning of any particular act proceeding from the legislative body." —Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 78, 1788 A. the power to veto acts of Congress B. the authority to interpret laws C. the right to form a federal court system D. the system of checks and balances


An explicitly denied power is a power banned outright by the Constitution. An implicitly denied power is a power banned, but not directly mentioned in the Constitution. Which of the following powers is implicitly denied to the Federal Government? A. Levy taxes on imports B. Acquire territory C. Establish marriage and divorce laws D. Regulate immigration


Under which of the following scenarios would your 5th Amendment rights be violated? A. Local authorities refused to let you write a letter to the mayor complaining about his or her policies. B. The police entered your house and began to look for evidence without a warrant because they suspected you of a crime. C. You were found innocent of a crime but later charged again with that crime and forced to give evidence that made you seem guilty. D. You were told that you were ineligible to run for school president because of your religious beliefs.


Use the quote from the text about reserved powers to determine which of the following examples is a reserved power possessed only by State governments. "The reserved powers are those powers that the Constitution does not grant to the National Government and does not, at the same time, deny to the States." A. the right to grant patents and copyrights to inventors and authors B. the authority to seize public property C. the ability to forbid people under 18 to marry without parental consent D. the power to tax other State governments


What idea embodied in the Constitution is demonstrated by how California and Wyoming are represented in Congress? A. The most populous States have the most power in both houses of Congress. B. Representation in both houses of Congress is the same for all States, large and small. C. The bicameral legislature creates equal representation in the Senate, but population-based representation in the House. D. The bicameral legislature determines that large States have a cap on how many representatives they can have in both houses of Congress.


The chart shows some of the powers held by different levels of government in our federal system. A chart shows three boxes containing the following text: Powers exclusive to the federal government: declaring war; coining money; making foreign treaties. Powers reserved to the states: regulating gambling; setting up public school systems. Concurrent (shared) powers: taxing citizens; blank. Which of the following powers is a concurrent power shared by both the federal and State governments that is missing from the chart? A. Regulating interstate trade B. Licensing professionals such as doctors C. Seizing property without payment D. Setting punishments for crimes


Which of the constitutional principles listed was Madison describing and defending in the quotation below? "In the compound republic of America, the power . . . is first divided between two distinct governments. . . . The different governments will control each other, at the same time that each will be controlled by itself." —James Madison, Federalist No. 51, 1788 A. popular sovereignty B. checks and balances C. federalism D. judicial review


Federalism is an important part of the Constitution's web of protections of individual freedom. What is the reasoning behind this?

ferarlalism protects individual freedom bc it further divided power in the gov

What advantages did the Framers see in creating a bicameral legislature rather than one with only a single legislative body?

it further divided up in the power in congress, it allowed both smaller and larger states to be satisfied on how they represented

The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution speaks for "We the People." It also promises to "establish justice." Describe two ways in which the Constitution creates a framework of rules that helps carry out the principles expressed in the Preamble.

the constitutuin includesbill of rights, this specifically spells olut what rights the people have. the constituition also included the 9 ammendment, this states that people have rights not stated bill of rights

Why did the Framers choose to create a federal system rather than give more power to the central government or to the State governments?

they didnt want an all powerful federazl gov or a federal gov with too much power. they were firm believers in the seperation of power

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