Test #5

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What structure drains the great and middle cardiac veins?

Coronary sinus -all cardiac veins drain to this sinus

What are the functions of arterioles? What vessels are known as resistance vessels?

Arterioles -considered resistance vessels - deliver blood to the capillaries and help to regulate blood pressure. As the lumen gets smaller there is increased resistance due to the friction of the inner walls of the blood vessels

Name 3 types of capillaries

Continuous- Plasma membrane of the endothelial cells for a continous tube that has intercellular clefts - located in CNS, lungs,skin, skeletal and smooth muscle. Fenestrated - have fenestration pores between neighboring plasma membranes. Found in small intestine,choroid plexus in brain. Eyes, and Endocrine glands. Sinoids- wiser and contains large pores example in the liver contain phagocytic cells that remove bacteria from the blood. Located in the spleen

Define the 3 layers of the heart wall. Is the visceral layer of the serous pericardium also called epicardium?

Epicardium -outer-mesothelium and CT Myocardium -middle layer cardiac muscle tissue. Endocardium inner is the continuous with the endothelium of the blood vessels

Where is the heart located? What are the apex and the base of the heart?

Heart is located in the mediastinum ,base is the upper boarder , apex is at the lower end

What is pericardial fluid and where is it located?

In between the parietal layer and the visceral layer is the pericardial cavity with the pericardial fluid

What are the branches of the left coronary artery? And right coronary artery

Left coronary artery (LAC)- A.anterioir interventricular branch B.circumflex branch Right coronary artery (RPM)- A.posterioir interventricular branch B.marginal branch

Which chamber of the heart has the thickest wall?

Left ventricle has the thickest walls

What are the first paired vessels to branch from the aorta?

Right and left coronary arteries are the first blood vessels to branch from the aorta

What blood vessels deliver blood to the right atrium?

The blood vessels that deliver deoxygenated blood int the 1. Superior Vena Cava and the 2. Inferior Vena Cava to the right atrium 3.Coronary sinus Coronary sulcus is located between the atria and the ventricle.

What is the fibrous pericardium? And serous pericardium?

The fibrous pericardium is the outer layer of the pericardium -it's touch elastic dense CT . It prevents the heart from over stretching ,protection,attaches to the diaphragm , and anchors the heart in the mediastinum Serous pericardium -deeper layer of the pericardium -is divided into two layers A. Outer parietal -fused to the fibrous pericardium (outside bag) B. Inner visceral layer (epicardium)

Compare and contrast between arteries and veins

Artery: Carries oxygenated blood away from heart systemic. Except the pulmonary artery and Umbilical artery.Thick Tunica externa, thick tunica media,elastic lamina, and small lumen. Vein: Carries blood to the heart , deoxygenated blood except to the pulmonary circulation -pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood to the heart. Thin tunica externa , thin tunica media, absent elastic lamina, and large lumen.

Keep in mind that right side of the heart is associated with the deoxygenated blood while left heart is with the oxygenated blood. In addition, Arteries carry the blood away from the heart while veins carry the blood back to the heart. So, what vessels carry deoxygenated blood to the heart? What vessels carry deoxygenated blood away from the heart? What vessels carry oxygenated blood toward the heart? What vessel carries oxygenated blood to the body? What valves are associated with deoxygenated blood? And the oxygenated blood

Deoxygenated blood is carried to the heart by the veins the superior ,inferior vena cava , and the coronary sinus. Deoxygenated -is carried away from the heart by arteries, the pulmonary trunk is divided into right and left pulmonary arteries Oxygenated blood- is carried to the heart by 4 pulmonary veins . Oxygenated blood is taken away from the heart by the ascending aorta and the right and left coronary arteries.

Compare five prenatal structures and postnatal structures.

Ductus arteriosis becomes the ligamentum arteriosum/ foramen ovale becomes the fossa ovalis / ductus venoses becomes the ligamentum venosum in the liver / umbilibal vein becomes the ligamentum teres/ umbilical arteries comes the medial umbilibal ligaments.

What is the external feature that is located between atria and ventricles? And between two ventricles?

Coronary sulcus- crown sulcus external sulcus located between the atria and the ventricle Anterior inter-ventricular sulcus located in between the anterior right and the left inter-ventricular sulcus. Posterior inter-ventricular sulcus located in between the posterior right and the left inter-ventricular sulcus.

What arteries function as a pressure reservoir? And as distributing arteries?

Elastic arteries- largest in the body (aorta & pulmonary truck). Considered pressure reserves- as they stretch the elastic fibers store mechanical energy. Send blood from the heart to the muscular arteries. Muscular arteries- medium sized arteries (brachial artery , radial A. In forearm ) considered the distributing arteries - distribute blood to the arterioles.

There are four sets of valves in the heart: tricuspid, pulmonary semilunar, bicuspid (mitral), and aortic semilunar. What is the correct order in which blood flows through these valves, starting in the right atrium?

Right atrium,tricuspid valve.Right ventricle,pulmonary semilunar valve, pulmonary arteries,lungs,pulomary veins,left atrium,bicuspid (mitral valve), left ventricle , aortic semilunar valve.Ascending aorta.

Which is the heart's natural pacemaker?

The natural pace maker of the heart is the sinoarterial SA Node

What vessels supply oxygen and nutrients to the walls of large blood vessels?

The vessels that supply O2 & nutrients to the walls of the large blood vessels is the Vasa Vasorum. Ex: Aorta

Define tunica interna, tunica media, and tunica externa

Tunica interna- inner lining of the blood vessel. A.endotheluim -continuous with the endocardial lining of the heart B.basement membrane -provides physical support. C.internal elastic lamina -Swiss cheese appearance - facilitate diffusion Tunica media -smooth muscle regulates blood flow and blood pressure. External elastic lamina -forms the separation between tunica media & tunica externa Tunica externa -outermost layer elastic & collagen fibers- contains nerves & in large vessels the vasa vasorum (in the aorta ) anchors the vessels into the surrounding tissue.

Define anastomosis and end artery

the union of branches of w or more arteries supplying the same body region - they provide an alternative route called collateral circulation. Incase of a blockage. End arteries- arteries that do not anastomose

What is a vascular sinus, such as the coronary sinus?

A vascular sinus is the coronary sinus (main thin walled vein of the heart) receives all venous blood from the heart. Opens into the right atrium. Receives the drainage of 3 veins A.great cardiac vein- located in the anterior interventricular sulcus -left end -anterior interventricular branch. B.middle cardiac vein - located in the posterior interventricular sulcus right end -posterior interventricular branch. Small cardiac vein-located runs with the right marginal artery

What is the correct order as the conduction system of the heart

A.SA node sinoarterial B.AV node C.AV bundles of his D.right and left bundles branches E.Purkinje fibers

What vessels permit exchange between the blood and the surrounding interstitial fluids?

Capillaries considered exchange vessels (smallest blood vessels ) the only blood vessel whose walls permit the exchange between the blood and the surrounding interstitial fluid . Distributed blood and to post -capillary venules

Study the internal structures of each chamber of the heart: fossa ovalis, opening of coronary sinus, chordate tendineae, papillary muscles, etc.

Fossa Ovalis - located in the right atrium- interarterial septum -remnant of the foramen ovale. pectinate muscles- original embryonic chambers located om the atrial walls. Trabeculae carneae- inner surface of the centricles part of the conduction system. Coronary sinus - receives blood from the veins draining the heart walls. Chordate tendinaeae- tendon like chords that connect to the tricuspid valve. Papillary muscles- cones shaped papilary muscles .Ensure the cusps of tricuspid work properly.

In fetal circulation, how does the most of the blood by-passes the lung, and joints the systemic circulation? (foramen ovale, ductus anteriosus)

In the fetal circulation blood passes from the right atrium thru the foramen ovale to the left atrium bypassing the lung from the pulmonary trunk blood passes thru the ductus artheriosis to the aorta by passing the lung.

The largest portion of blood is located in which type of vessels at rest?

Largest portion of our blood volume 64% at rest is located in the systemic veins and venules. They are known as blood reservoirs.

What regulates the blood flow through a capillary?

Pre capillary sphincters are rings of smooth muscle that regulate the flow of blood through capillaries. Help control the blood flow.

9. What are the functions of these valves? For example, which valve prevents backflow of blood into left ventricle? Which valve prevents backflow of blood into right atrium?

functions of the valves is to prevent back flow (know order of blood flow) tricuspid valve- bicuspid valve(mitral)- The aortic semilunar lunar valve- The pulmonic semilunar valves- Know order - 1.tricuspid valve 2.pulmonary valve 3.bicuspid valve 4.Aortic valve Remember ARTERIES carry blood away from the heart- Veins carry blood to the heart Pulmonary Veins carry oxygenated blood to the to the heart (Red) Pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood away from the heart (blue)

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