Test and Measurement Final

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What type of correlation is used to calculate an item-total correlation when one variable is dichotomous and the other is on an interval scale?


Relative to the ___ design, the ___ design is likely to result in a more restricted range of predictor scores.

Predictive Validity: concurrent validity.

Alternate-form reliability with delayed administration

evaluates measurement error due to both content sampling error and temporal instability

The primary somatosensory cortex is located in the?


Which personality test is based on the five-factor model of personality?

NFO Personality Inventory

The correlation between IQ and achievement in a large sample is .60. Using the concept of the coefficient of nondetermination, the variance not predictable from the relationship is:

Approximately 64%

What type of correlation is used to calculate an item-total correlation when one variable is dichotomous and the other is an interval scale?

Point- Biserial

If the coefficient of non-determination is .25, What is the coefficient of determination?


If 8% of test scores observed variance is due to measurement error, the reliability coefficient of the test would be:


If 8% of test scores' observed variance is due to measurement error, the reliability coefficient of the test would be:


On test like "finger tapping" and "grip strength" neuropsychologist generally expect the dominate hand to be somewhat superior to the non dominate, usually by approximately ____ percent?


The item-total correlation for an item is .50. What % is predictable?


The correlation between IQ and Achievement in a large sample is .60. Using the concept of the coefficient of non-determination, the variance not predictable from the relationship is:

64% r= .60 r=.60 COD= r2 r2= .36 CON=1-r2 1-r2= .64

What is an accurate conclusion drawn from a reliability coefficient of .90?

90% of the test score variance is due to true score variance

In the equation X= T+E the X refers to ____, whereas the E refers to ___.

A person's obtained score; measurement error

In terms of theoretical orientation, the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities- III is organized:

According to the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (C-H-C) theory.

____ test are tied to specific programs of instructions; ___ test reflect the cumlative impact of life experiences as a whole in concert with an individual's underlying or lateen ability to use information.

Achievement: intelligence/aptitude

What is the relationship between the validity coefficient and the standard error of estimates?

As the validity coefficient increases, the standard error of estimate decreases.

Which of the following processes is NOT primarily addressed by the frontal lobe?

Auditory processing

Which Wechsler subtest is best described as a measure of visual-spatial constructive abilities?

Block Design

In terms of his research on intelligence, Cattell is best know for?

C-H-C Theory

Which of the following theories is widely seen as the most influential and widely accepted contemporary theory of intelligence?

C-H-C theory

What is an advantage of internal consistency reliability estimates?

Can be calculated from one administration of a test

The mean of the split-half coefficients resulting from all possible split-half correlations of a test is known as:

Coefficient Alpha

_____ takes into account item homogeneity.

Coefficient alpha

___ takes into account time homogeneity?


What is generally considered to be the major source of measurement error?

Content sampling

What is generally considered to be the major source of measurement error?

Content sampling.

The spearman-brown formula is appropriately used to ___?

Correct a split-half reliability coefficient

Which cerebral lobe is largely devoted to processing visual information?


If the standard error of measurement of a test decreases the range within we expect true scores to fall:


In the Cattell-Horn theory of intelligence abilities are organized into strata based on?

Degree of generality (i.e. narrow vs. broad

Which Wechsler subtest is best described as a measure of short-term auditory memory?

Digit Span

Alternative-form reliability with delayed administration:

Evaluates measurement error due to both content sampling error and temporal instability

Which of the following would not be appropriately classified as validity evidence based on the internal structure of the assessment?

Evaluating how well the test items sample the behavior or subject matter bring measured.

Who developed a comprehensive scoring system for the Rorschach Ink Blot test that show promises for producing psychometrically sound measurement?


The Primary Motor Cortex is located in the?

Frontal Lobe

Research has shown that IQs are ____ predictors of school performance and are ____ over time.

Good; stable

The reliability of composites scores is generally ___ the reliability of the individual tests;

Greater than; less than

Which theory of intelligence emphasizes a distention between simultaneous and sequential cognitive processes?

PASS theory

In terms of his research on intelligence, Thurstone is best known for?

Identifying seven Primary mental abilities.

Which cerebral hemisphere is largely responsible for speech and language processes in most individuals?

Left Hemisphere

There is ____ research supporting the reliability and validity of projective test. At the same time, they are fairly ___ among clinicians.

Little, popular

An example of a personality test that employed empirical keying in its development is the?


The interpretations of the ____ usually involves examination of code types - typically the two highest clinical scales (e.g, a 4/9 code type).


Which of the following test would be appropriately used to form a clinical diagnosis?


Which personality test includes a "Lie" scale and other validity scales?


Compared to clinical instruments like the ____ that focus on the psychopathology, the ____ focuses on dimensions of the normal personality

MMPI-2, NEO Personality Inventory

When convergent measures are used in validation studies, we expect ___?

Moderate to strong positive correlations.

The ____ is a personality test that was based on the personality theory of C. Jung.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Which of the following personality produces 16 subtypes that can be descriptor in most clients )e.g. and INTJ)?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Which personality test examines dichotomies, such as Thinking-Feeling, that are thought to reflect personal preferences?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

An example of a personality test that relied heavily on factor analysis in its development is the?

NEO Personality Inventory

Which persoanlity test measures factors such as Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism?

NEO Personality Inventory

Alternate-form reliability with simultaneous administration:

Primarily evaluates measurement error due to content sampling

Split-half reliability:

Primarily evaluates measurement error due to content sampling

Split-half reliability

Primarily evaluates measurement error due to content sampling.

Test-retest reliability

Primarily evaluates measurement error due to temporal instability

Test-retest reliability:

Primarily evaluates measurement error due to temporal instability

Messages from the brain to the body initiating voluntary move member are initiated in the:

Primary motor cortex

Messages from the body's sense receptors are registered in the:

Primary somatosensory cortex

___ is the result of transient events such as how the test taker feels that day and the environment within which the test is taken on that day.

Random measurement error

Which of the following test includes a co-normed supplemental memory test?

Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scale

Which cerebral hemisphere is largely responsible for visual-spartial processes and facial recognition?

Right Hemisphere

____Researched intelligence by examining correlations between basic motor (e.g, reaction time) and sensory abilities (e.g. sensory acuity). He only found weak positive correlations among the variables and low correlations with achievement.

Sir Francis Galton

Co efficient Alpha typically produces reliability estimates ___ those produced by the split-half method.

Smaller than

Coefficient Alpha typically produces reliability estimates ____ those produced by the split-half method.

Smaller than

A statistics used to describe the amount of error in prediction is the ___.

Standard error of estimate

The ___ is used to estimate the average # of points by which actual and predicted criterion scores differ.

Standard error of estimate

Which of the following tests are recommended for use with individuals who are either very low or very high functioning?

Stanford-Binet - 5th edition

___ is produced by the measurement of stable characteristics other than those the test is designed to measure.

Systematic Measurement error

An individual was in an automobile accident and now has difficulty processing auditory information. He most likely has suffered an injury to what lobe?


Which of the following is an appropriate estimate of reliability when one is assessing the reliability of a highly speeded test?

Test-retest reliability

The degree of reliability decreases as:

The proportion of observed variance attributed to error variance increases

Which of the following personality test has been criticized because of the gloomy or depressive nature of the test stimuli?

Thematic Apperception test

The Cattell-Horn-Carrol Theory of intelligence incorporates organizes cognitive abilities into ___ strata.


In empirical keying, test items are administered to two groups: one comprises people know to exhibit the trait , and the other is a control group. What is the purpose of this method?

To retain items that discriminate between the two groups

Many testing experts conceptualize both achievement and aptitude tests of developed cognitive abiliites that can be ordered along a continuum in terms of how closely linked the assessed abilities are to a specific learning experiences.


In terms of his research on intelligence, Spearman is best know for:

Two-Factor theory hypothesizing the existence of g (general intelligence) & (specific intelligence)

The reliability of composites scores is generally ___ the reliability of the ind tests. The reliability of difference scores is generally ___ the reliability of individual test.

greater than, less than

A test measures what it's designed to measure is ___; a test the produces constant scores is ___?

Valid, Reliable

An examination of the relationship is between the test and external variables that are thought to be direct measures of the construct is an ex of what type of validity evidence?

Validity evidence based on relations to other variables.

Contemporary psychometric standards emphasize ____.

Validity is unitary construct.

What is a major change on the WISC-IV?

Verbal IQ and performance IQ are no longer calculated.

An example of crystallized intelligence is:

Verbal reasoning

On the Rorschach, the ___ determinant has been associated with an increased risk for suicide?


Which of the following tests has seen greatly increased popularity in recent years, particularly in the public schools?

Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities- III

The test-retest approach to estimating reliability is not appropriate if the test is subject to:

carry over effects

The mean of split-half coefficients resulting from all possible split-half correlations of a test known as:

coefficient alpha

If a 3rd grade math test had extensive and complex written instructions, it is possible that in addition to math skills, reading comprehension skills are being measured. If the test were intended only to measure math skills, the inclusion of reading comprehension would reflect:

construct-irrelevant variances

The Spearman-Brown formula is appropriately used to ____?

correct a split-half reliability coefficient.

If the standard error of measurement of a test decreases, the range within which we expect true scores to fall:


As reliability decreases, the range within which we expect true scores to fall (i.e., confidence intervals):


As reliability decreases, the range within which we expect three scores to fall..


If a predictor test correlates highly with a criterion measure, test scores can be used to predict criterion scores through:

linear regression

Alternative-form reliability with simultaneous administration:

primarily evaluates measurement error due to content sampling

The ___ is used to estimate the average number of points by which actual and predicted criterion scores differ.

standard of error of estimate

In the equation x= T + E, the x refers to ___ whereas the E refers to ___?

x= obtained score e= measured error

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