texas government final - lone star politics - chapter 7, 12, and 2.6

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If you were looking to attract major events to the state of Texas, what financial support should you seek out?

Events Trust Fund

Texas does not receive federal grants because of concern for all the strings attached.


The use of property tax as income for local government means that citizens pay less money overall. (t/f)


What benefit has the shift from punishment toward rehabilitation had in Texas?

It has decreased costs for the state.

What is one impact the political culture in Texas has had on the criminal justice system in the state?

It has led to a belief that citizens must take matters into their own hands for justice to prevail.

How has a focus on rehabilitation as an approach to criminal justice impacted the economic health of the state of Texas?

It has saved Texas taxpayers millions of dollars.

What impact did the passage of the Fair Defense Act in 2001 have on the rights of those accused of crimes in Texas?

It increased the likelihood that indigent cases would have adequate legal representation.

Suppose two candidates for the Texas Legislature are debating on the topic of tort reform. One candidate believes that the reforms imposed actually hurt Texans, while the other disagrees and argues that such reforms have benefitted Texans. Which argument would the candidate who supports tort reforms likely make to demonstrate her position?

Reforms have made access to physicians easier and less costly. ***

What makes budgeting in the Texas government so difficult?

The 2-year budget cycle is difficult to maneuver.

What is the downside of a state obtaining federal money?

The money must be shared.

Why are distributive policies easier to implement?

The policies do not seek out one group over another.

Why are local governments in Texas in debt while the state is not?

The state budget cut money from education and roads so local governments picked up the slack.

What is one likely reason the Texas Legislature adopted bail reforms in 2017?

There were concerns about re-offenses for those who could not afford to pay their bail. ***

How has the state offset the erratic oil and gas market?

They created the Economic Stabilization Fund.

If you were a Texas politician, why should you be apprehensive about rewriting the tax code?

Voters may see the rewriting of the tax code as simply more new taxes.

What is a tax-free holiday in Texas?

a day each year where certain items are tax free

What is the definition of a progressive tax?

a graduated tax is based on income with higher tax brackets paying more

What is the best definition of a progressive tax?

a graduated tax that taxes people with higher incomes at higher rates

One major barrier to voting for African Americans until the 1960s was the use of ______.

a poll tax

What is a general sales tax?

a tax that is across the board on goods and services

Which of the following is the first step in the policymaking process?

agenda setting

Which professions in Texas have traditionally been exempt from income or occupational taxes?

agricultural and mechanical

A common critique of tax abatements in Texas is that they ______.

can be a burden for existing businesses

Putting an individual to death for certain heinous crimes is known as ______.

capital punishment

Which of the following is another way that the Texas government raises funds?

charging fees for certain activities

Suppose a Texas prison does not have air conditioning in the cells, consistently refuses to provide prisoners with basic medical care, and is not sufficiently staffed with security personnel to keep prison staff and other prisoners safe. Based on precedent set by various lawsuits, this should be considered ______.

cruel and unusual punishment

Why does the Texas government issue subsidies?

encourage the production or purchase of certain goods

Despite having a tough on crime attitude, Texans are largely concerned with poor conditions in their prisons. (t/f)


Incarceration rates have skyrocketed in Texas due to the increased focus on rehabilitation of nonviolent criminals. (t/f)


Over the years, the U.S. Supreme Court has broadened the scope of who may be executed for crimes. (T/F)


Texas political culture favors a restorative justice approach to criminal justice. (t/f)


Texas requires individuals to retreat to safety before using deadly force to defend their home. (t/f)


Texas's retributive approach to criminal justice leads to a lower incarceration rate in the state. (t/f)


The Texan value of individualism does not influence their approach to justice. (T/F)


The Texas Constitution does not place limits on the way a budget is developed. (t/f)


The Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) was created to help established Texas businesses. (t/f)


When it comes to the death penalty, Texans win due to the low cost of implementing the death penalty. (T/F)


Policy formation is the first step of the policymaking process. (t/f)

false, it's agenda setting

Which of the following groups are involved in the policy evaluation stage?

government agencies

How does the government increase the revenue earned on property without raising the property tax?

increase the appraisal of property's value

The requirement that the government provide legal counsel to those who are charged with a crime and cannot afford legal counsel on their own is known as ______.

indigent defense

Why does allowing the state government to provide tax breaks run against the Texas culture?

it gives the government control over free enterprise

How has Texas's political culture influenced its criminal justice system?

it has led to more criminalized behaviors

According to the text, compared to life imprisonment, the death penalty is ______.

more costly

What is the purpose of the Texas Moving Image Industry Incentive Program?

offers grants to filmmakers if they film in Texas

The physical or observable evidence that allows law enforcement officers to obtain a search warrant is known as ______.

probable cause

In Texas, those who are accused of a crime but cannot afford legal counsel are ______.

protected by indigent defense

What protection does Article 1 of the Texas Constitution offer to its citizens?

protection against unreasonable searches and seizures

What is a tax expenditure?

reduction in tax liabilities for some taxpayers

The purpose of rehabilitation as an approach to criminal justice is to ______.

reform the guilty party so they understand why what they did was wrong

Suppose a judge has sentenced an individual to 1 year in prison as well as psychological counseling for the crime of animal abuse. The judge has ordered the psychological counseling because she believes that it is important for the individual to gain a deeper understanding of why they carried out such abuse and why such actions are wrong. This would be an example of which approach to criminal justice?


The view that crime is a fundamental break in society, and in the person who committed the crime, is characteristic of which approach to criminal justice?

restorative justice

Suppose a judge on a Texas court believes that the only appropriate punishment for a man who has committed murder is the death penalty, with the underlying belief that only the taking of a life can make up for the crime of taking another life. This judge's view is most characteristic of which approach to criminal justice?


Which approach to criminal justice aligns closely with the idea of punishment as a form of vengeance?


When does the budget process begin for the Texas Legislature?

several months before the session starts

Which of the following taxes is added to the production of oil and gas?

severance tax

Texans have become winners in their system of justice due to which move by the Texas Legislature

shifting toward rehabilitation

Which group in the Texas Legislature finds the lottery distasteful?

social conservatives

Why are Texans considered "losers" when it comes to the tough on crime approach to incarceration?

such an approach can be costly for taxpayers

Which of the following is a requirement placed on the budget by the Texas Constitution?

the budget must be balanced

Given the state's history and culture, what action should be reasonably believed as a Texan's ultimate form of justice?

the death penalty

Which aspect of the Texas criminal justice system most closely reflects the Texas political culture of favoring retribution as punishment?

the death penalty

Which of the following is a consequence of bringing a company into a community?

the demand on local govmt increases

What is one factor that contributes to the high incarceration rate in Texas?

the emphasis on retribution and just deserts in the criminal justice system

Which piece of Texas legislation requires litigants to pay the legal costs of the person they sued if they lose their lawsuit?

the loser pay law

What was a reason for the Texas Legislature to pass tort reforms?

to decrease the number of frivolous lawsuits

What is the primary goal of private prisons?

to make a profit

What is one reason Texas has shifted its approach to criminal justice away from retribution for nonviolent criminals toward one of rehabilitation?

to reduce recidivism

A severance tax is placed on natural resources that are "severed" from the earth. (t/f)


Civil liberties are individual freedoms and rights that are guaranteed by a constitution and the government is not allowed to violate them. (t/f)


Eliminating the Texas Lottery would lead to increasing taxes or to cutting programs. (T/F)


In Texas, rising property taxes is seen to be reflective of a strong economy. (t/f)


Texans are supporters of a free market system picking the winners and losers in the economy over government involvement. (t/f)


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