texas teachers assessment 6

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Which of the following statements expresses patience and persistence towards a student that would most likely result in a positive relationship between the student and teacher?

"I gave her three extra weeks to finish the project and it was well worth it—it was amazing. I knew her grandmother had moved in for the last two weeks and she was taking almost full time care of her. She had a lot on her plate and needed a little extra time."

Of the statements below, which best supports the idea of group management and group focus?

"In my classroom I prefer to manage behaviors through procedures and expectations. At the beginning of the year we learn procedures for sharpening our pencils, asking to go to the bathroom, and starting/ending class. We then practice these until we master them!"

As a new teacher, according to research, which plan will allow you find more success in classroom management?

"My plan is to teach and practice procedures from day one and to also start building relationships with my kids from the beginning. As I get to know my kids I might have to make adjustments to my original plan."

Which of the following teachers' descriptions best summarizes the concept of "with-it-ness"?

"The kids in my class are truly diverse. I've talked to them and have some students who just moved to the country, some that just moved to the neighborhood, and others who have gone to this same school since kindergarten. I know I have to always have an eye on Zach—he sits near me. Zoe gets to walk if she needs to to help her focus. And Liz, she takes breaks to the water fountain but always gets her work done!"

What is the difference between an incentive and a reinforcement?

A reinforcement comes after a student's action to encourage or discourage future behaviors whereas an incentive comes before an action to encourage an initial action.

In which of the following situations should a teacher use an authoritative classroom management style?

A teacher should turn to an authoritative style when a student is talking to another student during direct instruction and stand close to them (proximity control)

What is the relationship between a positive classroom climate/culture to learning?

Classroom climate and culture do influence learning—if a teacher takes the time to plan and implement it properly students will rise to their high expectations. Classroom climate and culture influence learning directly—if a teacher establishes a positive environment learning will occur.

How does a strong classroom management plan allow for the teaching and learning of content?

Classroom management gives students the structure they need in order to engage in academic lessons.

Which of the following is/are characteristic(s) of well-managed classrooms?

Clearly identified procedures which support learning Instruction that follows best practice Clearly identified consequences when students are insubordinate

What is the difference between climate and culture when considering a classroom environment?

Climate is "the usual...conditions in a place", whereas culture is "a way of thinking, behaving, or working...in an organization". The effective teacher needs both a positive climate and a culture that defines how students and teachers work together.

What is the function of empathy in the classroom?

Empathy allows students to see their teachers understand them and want to work with them to help them be academically successful and emotionally healthy.

What is one benefit of planning and working towards a student centered/ student empowered classroom?

Eventually students will be invested by choice and doing the learning on their own with the teachers facilitation of prompts and questions to deepen the students' understandings.

According to research, how does praise influence student behavior?

How students view their intelligence How much they will respect their teacher How students handle failure How they will address a learning activity all four

Read the description of a classroom provided by a new teacher. Do you agree with the planning and practice in her classroom? Why or why not?"I've set up my classroom to have shared control between myself and the students. I really want kids to feel like they have a voice in their learning and what class looks like every day. I try to give kids lots of choices in the readings we have and menus of assignments to complete. I model everything for the kids over and over again. I want kids to be clear on what is happening in class and what is expected of them."

I agree with her practice because she models for her students. I agree with her practice because she models for her students.

How would you design your classroom when considering the zone of proximity in order to ensure a positive learning environment?

I would consider the behaviors students have exhibited in front of me during the first few class periods. I would place students who struggle with academics and behavior closer to me and those that are able to perform independently further from me in the classroom. I would consider the age of students, the number of students, and the activities to be conducted. These considerations along with the physical space is very important to ensuring a positive learning environment.

How would you organize a lesson in order to get kids on task from the beginning of class?

I would start my lesson with bell work, a quick 4 minute activity, which signals the start of class and the end of lunch/play/social time.

How does persistence from teachers benefit students in the classroom?

If a teacher is persistent he or she will not give up on a student even when the student's behaviors are at their worst.

What are the key differences between a classroom with rules versus a classroom with procedures?

In a classroom with rules, students may not be as clear on what daily routines should look like as rules are often general. In a classroom with procedures, students will have a clearer understanding of what daily routines should look like as well as what happens when the procedure is not followed as procedures are much more specific.

Which of the following is the best description of how to establish high expectations for learning?

Negate discipline issues; encourage respect; and share responsibilities with students

Which of the following describes the difference between "overlapping" and "with-it-ness"?

Overlapping is when a teacher is able to match a student with an appropriate partner in order to help support a student who is falling behind. Whereas with-it-ness is when a teacher has groups an entire class before they have arrived based on data from previous school years.

What is pacing when considering a positive learning environment?

Pacing is the speed at which a teacher moves through a lesson or the rate of delivery of different parts of the lesson.

Which of the following describes the way a child can feel in a positive classroom environment?

Safe, understood, and respected

Explain what struggle the novice teacher below is having based on her quote below:"I've been struggling with Joan for several weeks now and I accidently blew up on him. I assigned him three days of after school detention after he once again was disturbing other students. I review expectations daily with Joan. I feel bad about it but think it is best he knows how I feel and that I, his teacher, am frustrated with him. He is not turning in homework, he is not doing work in class, and he is disrupting others and taking away from their learning."

This teacher is struggling to stay calm when faced with a challenging situation.

Which statement below supports the important role empathy plays in the classroom?

Consequences delivered with empathy create responsibility. Consequences delivered without empathy create resentment.

What key features would you include in your own classroom to ensure for smooth classroom management?

Consider climate and culture and plan for what I want to establish before the school year starts. Revisit theory (instructional, authoritarian, social/emotional health) and consider what I, as a teacher and person, value and want to include in my classroom culture.

Which, according to Kounin's theory, are key pieces of instructional management?

Maintaining momentum in a lesson, strict consequences, and consistent feedback will prevent misbehavior.

Which of the following statements falls under the "authoritative management style"?

"Do not run and keep your hands to yourself." Get your papers out and stay in your seat"

According to researchers Fay and Funk there are "gold and garbage" statements used by teachers in classrooms. A gold statement is one that is an enforceable statement and gives the students choice. From the list below, choose the gold statements:

"I'll dismiss the class for lunch once all notebooks are put away neatly.

Which of the following are effective one-liners Love and Logic suggests to use to show empathy in the classroom?

"Nice try." "Don't worry about it now."

Which statement supports the need for social and emotional learning in all types of schools?

...Each year teachers have students walk in their doors from homes in crisis. The crisis does not necessarily come from lack of financial resources. Students struggle with stress for many reasons..." all four choices

Which of the following are examples of activities that assess knowledge and also build relationships with students in the classroom?

Artwork Writing autobiographies Debates and discussions

How does a well-established culture and climate support a classroom environment that promotes learning?

Culture and climate have the potential to influence learning by allowing students to trust their teachers and feel safe in their classrooms.

What are key features of creating consistency in a positive classroom environment?

Getting kids on task with immediate bell work, providing incentives, and having positive interactions with students on a regular basis.

Consider the classroom described below. Do you agree or disagree with the time management strategies you see being used within the class? Why or why not?"Ms. McKend's World Geography class always has something going on. Kids are moving around the classroom and know exactly where supplies are, where to turn things in, and when it is appropriate to do these things. There is always a timer going and one student at each group will use their phone to check-in with students with how much time is left for the assignment. I've seen Ms. McKend readjust the pace of a lesson when less time is needed and increase time when students were working hard but slower than she expected."

I agree with the strategies because it is evident Ms. McKend is in tune with the needs of her students and is able to adjust to meet their needs. I agree with the strategies because it is evident kids have been taught strategies and they have practiced them. I disagree with the strategies because it is evident Ms. McKend does not have a plan for consequences if students do not meet expectations.

How would you compare a PBIS framework versus a traditional discipline system?

In a school with PBIS, educators demonstrate what is expected whereas traditional discipline systems give kids a rule book and asks them to sign an agreement.

Of the reasons below, which are most likely to be a struggle for novice teachers in terms of incentive systems?

Incentive systems can backfire at times because they can lead to more misbehaviors. Incentive systems can be a struggle because they have not been clearly described and students don't recognize why they are receiving a reward.

Which of the following are disadvantages of giving children multiple chances?

Instructional time is lost while the teacher focuses on one students actions. The student is being taught to self-correct. Other students are subconsciously learning how far the teacher can be pushed. all four

Why is important to deal with disruptions quietly and avoid confrontations?

It is important to deal with disruptions quietly and in a non-confrontational way in order to keep administration from getting involved in your classroom. It is important to deal with disruptions quietly and in a non-confrontational way to avoid one incident turning into a multiple-student incident. It is important to deal with disruptions quietly and in a non-confrontational way to keep a lesson moving as smoothly as possible.

Which is the most important reason for new teachers to master classroom management?

It will allow them to be one step closer to being a highly effective teacher for the students they serve.

What does the "instructional management" style philosophy associate with misbehaviors?

Lack of incentives within the classroom Poorly planned and delivered instruction Lessons that are too easy or too difficult

According to research, what are ways to manage time in the classroom?

Managing time through chunking the class into specific blocks of instruction. Managing time through pacing and delivering the lesson in a well-structured time frame. Managing time by delegating and having students help you, the teacher.

Review the descriptions of teachers below and identify who applies empathy to the situations he or she faces:

Ms. Jones takes the time to get to know her students at the beginning of each year through a survey and conversations. By getting to know her students she has a better understanding of where they are coming from. Ms. Peters listens to her students when there is a situation and makes sure she hears all sides of the situation. Students know that there will be consequences for poor choices but they also know Ms. Peters is fair.

What do districts and researchers recommend new teachers invest more time in to strengthen their classroom management?

New teachers should invest more time in developing relationships with students. New teachers should invest more time in the social/emotional aspect of what students need to learn.

What type of culture does a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework create in a school?

PBIS creates a culture where there are schoolwide expectations. PBIS creates a culture where behaving appropriately is the norm. PBIS creates a culture where adults plan to prevent discipline issues rather than react to issues. PBIS creates a culture where rewards for appropriate behaviors are given to students.

Of the summaries below, which is the best plan for classroom management?

Prevention by establishing rules, consistency with clear and easy to follow standards, and have clear expectations for learning

What is social and emotional learning?

Social and emotional learning involves a process through which people learn how to understand and manage emotions. Social and emotional learning involves a process through which people learn how to feel empathy for others and build positive relationships.

What is the most likely reason students will talk out of turn or interrupt other students while they are talking in the classroom?

Students are likely to test the boundaries to see what they can get away with in a new teacher's classroom.

When considering a classroom management plan for any age of students, what type of plan should a new teacher develop?

Teachers should create a management plan that prevents student behavior issues.

What is empathy?

The ability to share and understand the feelings of others. A strategy with the power to build stronger relationships with student by relating to the students and what they are facing.

What are possible results of implementing a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework in a school?

The school culture would shift to focusing on rewards for behaving right rather than punishments for incorrect behavior.

Which of the following are benefits to giving children decision making authority in the classroom?

They feel invested in the task(s) or project(s) of the classroom. They learn how to make good decisions about their learning. They learn how to be self-determining learners.

Consider what you know about best practice in the classroom. How would you develop the best plan for your classroom in order to have an effective learning environment?To create the best plan for my future classroom I would first consider...

What are the structures needed for all students to be successful and how can I start building relationships with all my students?

As a new teacher, according to research, which attitude and plan will allow you find more success in time management in the learning environment?

"My first step will be to explain, rehearse, and reinforce procedures. I will slow down at first in order to speed up for the remainder of the school year. I also plan to have smooth transitions between lessons and clear expectations for how students will pick up and put away materials for different activities. I will also use a timer to create a sense of urgency for tasks at hand.

Which of the following is an example of an understandable procedure for a classroom?

"Need to use the restroom? Give me the "crossed finger" signal and will let you know if it is a good time to go."

What are the key parts needed in order to make a successful Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework in a school building?

Adults demonstrating what is expected, planning to identify and establish systems to prevent behavior problems, rewards systems for good choices and behaviors

What are potential key parts of building relationships with students in order to have a stronger classroom management system?

Empathy towards students, understanding of legal responsibilities when supporting students, modeled expectations, rewards for positive behavior An understanding of students' social and emotional health, an effort to build the relationships, an understanding of school expectations

What is a key component of facilitation in the classroom?

Facilitation requires tight classroom procedures and expectation in order to give students more freedom in the learning experience. A facilitator puts students at the center of the learning and doing rather than the teacher.

Which of the following are recommended steps to take in order to build a positive teacher-student relationship?

Find out what your students like Make positive phone calls home Comment to the student on non-school related interests and strengths

What types of behaviors, according to studies, are considered "caring"?

Patience Validation

What can you as a teacher do and provide in your classroom in order to prevent classroom management problems?

Provide clear procedures and rules that ensures a safe and secure environment

Considering what you know about building relationships, persistent expectations, and the social/emotional needs of children, how would you apply the statement "fair is not always equal" in terms of working with students in a classroom?

"Fair is not always equal" means that learning will need to be differentiated for students as well as what I can provide to emotionally support my students. All kids have different needs and that certainly does not change when they walk through my classroom door. "Fair is not always equal" means that I will consider student needs on a case by case basis. Some students need more time to achieve their best. Some students need more structures in order to achieve their best. I must get to know my students and build the relationships in order to know their needs. "Fair is not always equal" means that some students will need more of a focus on their emotions than their academics and that is okay. Sometimes the emotional stresses of life take a precedent over academics and we'll just have to skip some of the material.

Which Love and Logic inspired "one-liner" would you use to respond to the following student situation? Why?"Mrs. Edison that is just not fair! You told me I could sit with Jackie to finish my project and now you are making me sit with Jose?!? That is just not fair. You know I don't work well with him and that he is always asking me all these questions while we work. You PROMISED that I could work with Jackie. Don't you remember?!?! YOU ARE SO UNFAIR! UGGGG!!!!"

"I bet it feels that way."—Because this would show compassion towards the student and recognizes she does feel that the situation is unfair. "Thanks for sharing that."—Because this would show that I, the teacher, am supportive of students sharing their feelings about a situation.

Which of the following statements demonstrates the teacher's understanding and use of reinforcement?

"I gave Andy a star on his paper after he finished the first five activities. He often has trouble in the second half of activities when we do work in stations in class." "I contacted Merideth's choir director to her know how well Merideth is doing in my class. The choir director told Merideth about my comment and I noticed Merideth working even harder in my math class the next day." "I told Jennifer to sit down after she stood up in the middle of taking a quiz in class. After I told her this she sat down and continued to work on her quiz."

Consider the new teacher descriptions of how they prepared for their first day of school below. In your opinion, which teacher planned for her first day in way that will set up her classroom for success throughout the school year?

"I plan to read "Oh The Places You'll Go!", a favorite of mine, to set the tone that we will go far as readers and learners this year. We'll complete an activity that will allow students to get to know me and also introduce themselves to me and their classmates. I'll also begin to introduce some of my classroom procedures—but not too many so as not to overwhelm them."

What would you do if this student was in your class? Why?"I'm sorry I didn't finish my mapping project it has just been so crazy at home. My mom has been in and out of the emergency room the past few weeks so I've been trying to pick up extra shifts at work to help cover the bills. After my dad left things have just been harder."

"I would give the student an extension on the deadline for his project, reach out to the counselor's office to see if he is talking to a supportive adult in the school, and open my door to him at lunch for whatever he needs—a quiet space, a place to rest for a minute during the day, or extra help in his school work. I'd also let his other teachers know what is going on in case they noticed changes in his mood or academic performance. I want to make sure he feels supported emotionally but also continues to be successful academically."

How would you use your school's framework for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to your advantage in your classroom?

"I would make sure what is not tolerated in my classroom is similar to what is not tolerated by the school. Things like gum chewing, hoodies, flip-flops—these are school wide no-no's and my classroom no-no's." "I would use the school's plan to prevent behavior issues and tweak it to be similar for my own classroom so the students have consistency in expectations." "I would use a reward system for doing the right thing. I would give my student tickets when they help others, wear their ID, or turn in their work on time. They could exchange the tickets for prize box items." "I would use a reward system for doing the right thing. I would give my student tickets when they help others, wear their ID, or turn in their work on time. They could exchange the tickets for prize box items." "I would use the school's rule book in my classroom and have students sign an additional contract that include my rules, expectations, and consequences to ensure they understand what I am about."

Based on your knowledge of preventing classroom management issues, what would you recommend to the teacher below?"My first year of teaching was really tough. I had students walk out of class, talking over one another, and we never seemed to get through a lesson the way I had planned it. As I am planning for my second year I would love some advice on how to avoid a year like my last one! What advice to you have?"

"I would recommend providing students with very specific procedures over broader rules. It sounds as though students in your class did not know exactly what you expected of them. If you provide them with specific expectations and describe what they look like, the students will have more clarity in what an ideal classroom looks like."

According to Fred Jones, "Proactive management is more than a set of procedures. It is a mindset. It is the way a person thinks when success is not negotiable, and it just happens to be easier in the long run." (Jones 2007) Which of the following teachers takes a proactive mindset?

"I've set up a learning environment where students know as they arrive they are to get their notebooks, sharpen their pencil, take their seat, and begin working on the warm up before the tardy bell rings."

Which teacher, based on the quotes below, has worked to create teacher-student relationships in which a positive classroom climate can be achieved?

"I've worked hard to create an environment and relationships in which I neutralize student arguments and also delay consequences. I do not allow students to pull me into an argument and I also recognize I cannot respond immediately to every situation."

What do you think is the appropriate action of school personnel, including yourself, when you hear or know of a student who is pregnant?

"If I suspect that a student is pregnant, I should see if I can have a conversation with the student if I have the right relationship. If I don't have that relationship I must still report it to the counselor and principal so they can ensure the student is safe/healthy."

Consider the following quote:"A win-win approach emphasizes giving students' opportunities to develop self-management and self-control, freeing up time otherwise consumed by reminders, punishing, or reporting kids. It leverages cooperation and commitment by offering some control and autonomy within a structure that protects the teacher's ability to teach and the students' ability to learn."(Bluestein, 2011)Which teacher below adheres to this philosophy in her classroom?

"In my classroom I am very conscious of developing my students' unique talents and never comparing them to one another."

Which of the following quotes from a teacher illustrate her understanding of the power of building positive interpersonal relationships in creating a classroom community?

"In my government class we do a lot of debates and role plays of current events the government is tackling. I believe that when they step outside of themselves they are able to understand the complexities of government but also realize the power of all individuals within a group." "I view my classroom as a democracy where students have a voice. Yes, I take a leadership and guiding role, but I try to make it clear from day one that all student voices are valued."

How would you apply what you've learned about social and emotional learning to develop a plan for helping kids develop these skills in your classroom?

"In planning for my classroom I am trying to meet my students' academic needs as well as their emotional needs. I recognize that my students are coming in from unpredictable home lives and I will greet them each with positivity and open arms. I will not lower my expectations for them if they are having a hard time at home, but I will be flexible with my expectations so they can achieve learning in their own time and way."

Read the following descriptions of teachers provided by their students. Which teacher(s) is (are) encouraging accountability in his or her classroom?

"Mrs. Edison would have us score the presentations of other groups as they presented their research in our biology classes. This helped me to stay focused and, honestly, pay more attention to what my classmates were saying." "Mr. Owens would give us a grade at the end of every project throughout the year. I knew that if I got an F I had not done what was expected and I needed to try harder next time."

How would you prioritize your response to the following student situation?"I can't finish my project Mr. Owens. I'm kinda confused and I was up all night trying to write the paper...well, I was also up all night because we had to go pick up my brother in San Antonio. He got arrested again and so we had to bail him out...[sigh]...I'm just really tired, but I can work to get this paper done. Do you think I could get an extension to turn the paper in next week?"

Confirm that he can have an extension on the paper to ease his stress; talk to him about his brother to find out how he is handling the situation emotionally; reach out to this other teachers to let them know the student is having a tough time at home; notify the counselor that he is a student in need of extra support during this time

Imagine that you are hired midyear to takeover a classroom from a teacher who quit in November. Which approach would you take to set your classroom up for success?

Consider climate and culture and plan for what type of learning environment I want to establish and develop a plan before stepping into the classroom so you can begin teaching expectations from day one.

How would you use what you've learned about substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and other issues children face to support your students?

Consider what you are hearing a student tell you (or overhear in a student to student conversation): does it warrant adult, administration, counselor, or nurse involvement?

Read the description of a classroom below. Consider what you know about ideal teaching and learning practices and diagnose: what does this teacher need to consider in order to improve the learning environment?"I'm in my first year of teaching and am feeling so frustrated with the number of discipline problems I'm having. I try to start class and the kids just won't listen. The students talk over me and one another when I call on a student for an answer to a question. They run around the room, they don't know where to put the supplies, and we never get through the lesson the way I planned. I need help and am not sure what step to take next!"

He needs to consider the difference between classroom management and discipline and plan beyond a set of rules. This will require him to get to know his students in order to determine what their needs are and create structures to provide them with this.

What data can a school collect to determine whether or not a framework for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) would benefit the student population?

How many discipline referrals did we have last year and what were they for? What percentage of our students did not pass the STAAR test last year? What percentage of our population suffers from mental illness and/or learning disabilities? What percentage of our teachers would agree they have positive relationships with the students?

Consider the way the teacher below describes her use of time in the classroom. Do you agree with her use of time? Why or why not?"I try to let students go with their own flow. I do not like to use a timer in my classroom because it creates unnecessary stress for my students. If they are struggling with something or are slow to get started we take more time on it. My transitions are not very smooth but I'm okay with this—we eventually get to the next steps. If we don't finish the lesson it is okay—there is always tomorrow!"

I disagree with her use of time because her lack of procedures and not holding the kids accountable to time do not create a sense of urgency in the learning environment.

How would you solve the following dilemma using what you've learned about getting and keeping kids on task and engaged in the learning?""I feel like I ask my class a million times a day, "Guys, are you listening? Guys, are you awake?" I'm not sure what to do. I've planned quality lessons and give students feedback on a regular basis. I feel as though I can't keep their attention on the learning."

I would advise this teacher to develop, teach, and model a strategy for signaling to kids they are off task or their voice levels are too loud. I would try something like a hand signal to pull attention back to me and redirect their attention.

Read the description a first year teacher provided of her classroom below. What advice would you give to this teacher?"I feel as though I've sent up my rules and procedures well, I've posted these expectations in the room as well. I spend my weekends writing detailed lesson plans and assess my students on a regular basis. I feel as though I'm doing everything right, but it is just not working and students are not responding well to me. What should I do?"

I would recommend including more positive interactions within your classroom routine. It seems as though you've done everything that you've learned in "teacher school", but the kids don't know your personality and how you will react to them. Try greeting them with as they enter the class with a "Good morning! I'm glad you are here today!"

What is the relationship between a strong classroom management plan and a strong learning environment?

In a well-managed classroom a teacher has taken time to build relationships with students and they feel safe and secure as a result. When a classroom is well-managed the learning environment is ideal and academic gains can be made throughout the school year.

Which of the following are part of a great classroom management plan?

Knowing my students, planning for procedures, and implementing consistent policies

Why are nonverbal cues an important tool in classroom management?

Nonverbal cues are gentle reminders to students, individually or as a group, that their behaviors are off-task.

According to research, what are key features of consequences that teachers can use which will benefit students and behavior?

Not all students need or will respond to the same consequences as they will not all respond to the same delivery method. Knowing the individual needs/personalities of students will help determine what consequence is appropriate and how to deliver it to maximize its effect.

Do you agree with the use of Love and Logic one-liners in the classroom? Why or why not?

One-liners have a place in the classroom if the teacher is able to show care and compassion as they say it. If they fail to express care and compassion it will come off as sarcasm.

Which of the following practices are incorporated, according to Dr. Fred Jones, by teachers who have strong classroom management?

Organize in advance and organize with purpose

Why is over planning important to do in your first year, and potentially future years, of teaching?

Over planning is important so there is a constant form of engagement for students. Disengagement can lead to behavior problems. Over planning is important because it is hard to know how long a class will take to complete an assignment. If they finish quickly you will be able to move on to the next concept without losing valuable class time.

Why, according to Bob Sornson, is empathy preferable to sympathy when working with students to build a positive classroom environment?

Provide a rationale for behavior, explain the expected behavior, model the expected behavior, practice the expected behavior, and monitor & provide feedback on the behavior.

According to research, which of the following is an effective process for teaching any behavior?

Provide a student example of a correct behavior by pointing it out to the rest of the class, remind students of your expectations, and issue consequences when your expectations are not met.

When developing a classroom management plan, which of the following should be a priority according to Rick Smith and Mary Lambert?

Safety and structure

Consider the following situation described by a teacher and choose which method of classroom management could solve the issue between her and the student:"Tony has not completed any assignments this current grading period and I was not exactly sure what to do. I tried calling home, after school detentions, and his grade continued to suffer. Nothing was working! I then decided to try a menu project and gave him several different options. Tony chose what to work on and finished the assignment!"

Shared control because it will allow the student to feel as though they have some measure of choice within the classroom.

According to research, what is the best way for students to understand and consistently follow classroom rules and procedures?

Students should be able to see posted classroom rules and procedures and should also be taught the rules and procedures. Students should be able to see a posting of classroom rules and procedures. They are often the same from classroom to classroom and therefore do not need to be taught. Students need to be taught the rules and procedures. Posting the rules and procedures is unnecessary as it distracts from anchor charts and word walls posted for content knowledge. Students will need to have rules and procedures taught as well as reviewed and practiced over time to reinforce the expectations of the classroom.

Which of the following habit(s) indicate an authoritative classroom management style?

Teacher uses proximity to control students Teacher establishes and enforces rules Teacher isolates students who misbehave

Which of the following explanations provides a strong support of the role of active listening in the classroom?

Teachers are able to guarantee better academic performance of their students. Teachers are able to pose questions that allow for individual students to think more deeply about the content area. Teachers are able to gain insight into why students misbehave or struggle in academics. Teachers are able to reinforce that they care about their students.

According to the article, "Characteristics of an effective classroom culture," how does a teacher establish a culture that promotes learning?

The teacher needs to establish an atmosphere of trust and respect. The teacher needs to work as both a facilitator and a teacher. The teacher needs to share control in the classroom and gives students a voice.

Which of the following message(s) does a well-managed classroom send to students?

The teacher wants children to feel safe in the learning environment. The teacher is prepared for students to learn.

Why is time management an important skill for novice teachers to practice and master?

Time management is an important part of the learning environment because creates a sense of urgency. Time management is an important part of the learning environment because it teaches students the skill of time management. Time management is an important part of the learning environment because and can also help to keep a classroom organized and running smoothly. Time management is an important part of the learning environment because it holds kids accountable to completing tasks in a timely manner.

What is a key factor to consider, as a novice teacher, when determining where a student should sit within a classroom?

Who belongs in what Fred Jones identifies as the "three zones of proximity" based on their needs?

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[BME 235] Autonomic Nervous System

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Chapter 5 - Policy Provisions, Riders, and Options

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