TeXes Generalist 4-8

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elastic clause

the part of the Constitution that permits Congress to make any laws "necessary and proper" to carrying out its powers

summative assessment

the process of assessing after instruction and using the results for making grading decisions

Absolute Value Graph

"V" shaped

Unemployment Rate

(# of Unemployed/ # of employed) x 100


('s) e.g.: Martha's ball

Inflation Rate

(Current year price index - previous year's price index)/previous year's price index

Price Index

(Price in any year/price in base year) x 100

Associative property

(a+b)+c=a+(b+c) (ab)c=a(bc)

Past Tense

(ed) e.g.: He worked very hard.

Past Participle

(en or ed) e.g.: She has beaten the system.

Comparative and Superlative

(er and est) e.g.: Better, best.


(ing) e.g.: She is walking.


(logic) a self-contradiction



Short Plural

(s) e.g.: Cars, Pens, etc.

Third Person Singular (verb)

(s) e.g.: Mary walks quickly.

Midpoint formula

(x1+x2)/2 , (y1+y2)/2

Midpoint formula

(x₁+x₂)/2, (y₁+y₂)/2

Summative Assessments

*****cumulative evaluations that often generate a single score, such as a unit exam or standardized test show what students know at a particular time Ex. end of the year exam.

Formative assessments

*****regularly planned checkups of a students' progress. Are ongoing and occur while students are learning information

Activities to Promote Oral Communication

- Role Play - - Language Play - Tongue Twisters, alliteration, song - Sharing - Show and tell - Pair Interview - children paired to learn info then report findings - Presentation - same as namesake

Concurrent powers of Federal and States

- both may tax -both may borrow $ -both may charter banks and corp. -both may est. courts -both may make and enforce law -both may take property for public purposes -both may spend $ to provide public welfare

Examples of Folk Literature

-Animal Tales - exhibiting human characteristics -Fables - present a more Ex. Tortoise and Hare -The Pourquois Tales - how things were created. - Wonder Tales -enchantment in faraway lands e.g Snow White Noodle head tales - lovable fools. eg. Puss in Boots - Cumulative Tales -present in sequence and sequence is repeated. - Tall Tales - legendary or fictitious characters - Ghost Stories - to regulate behavior of children

Powers of States

-regulate intrastate trade -est. local -protect general welfare -protect life and property -ratify amendments -conduct elections -make state and local laws

Powers of Federal Govt.

-tax -borrow and coin $ -est. postal service -grant patents/copyrights -regulate interstate/foreign commerce -est. courts -declare war -raise and support armed forces -govern territories -define and punish felonies and piracy -fix standards of weights/measures -conduct foreign affairs




.001 or 1/1,000th word: millimeter


.01 or 1/100th word: centimeter, centigram


.1 or 1/10th word: decimeter, decimal

10 milliliters

1 centiliter

10 millimeters

1 centimeter

8 fluid ounces

1 cup

10 meters

1 decameter

10 centiliters

1 deciliter

10 centimeters

1 decimeter

2 tablespoons

1 fluid ounce

4 quarts

1 gallon

1000 grams

1 kilogram

1,000 liters

1 kiloliter

1000 meters

1 kilometers

10 deciliters

1 liter

1000 milliliters

1 liter

10 decimeters

1 meter

1000 millimeters

1 meter

10000 kilograms

1 metric ton

16 fluid ounces

1 pint

2 cups

1 pint

16 ounces

1 pound

2 pints

1 quart

3 teaspoons

1 tablespoon

3 feet

1 yard

Finding Standard Form of graph when coordinates are given

1) Find slope first: (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) 2) Fill in slope and coordinates for Ya and Xa: Y-Ya = m(X-Xa) 3) Clean up (if answers have fractions w/ same denominator, multiply both sides by that whole number) ex: (5, 6) and (-1, -2) 1) (6 + 2)/(5+1) = 4/3 2) Y+2 = 4/3(X +1) y + 2 = 4/3x + 4/3 y = 4/3x -2/3 3) (3)y = 3(4/3x -2/3) 3y = 4x - 2

6 themes of geography

1) Location 2) Spatial Organization- describes how things are grouped in a given space (ex: where people live in relations to others) 3) Place- has both physical (rivers, mountains) and human characteristics (roads, canals) 4)Human-Environmental Interaction- humans adapt to envirn., humans modify envirn., humans depend on envirn. 5) Movement 6) Regions- a) Formal regions- political boundaries (state, country) b) Functional regions- defined by a common function (ex: area covered by telephone service) c) Vernacular regions- formed by perceptions (ex. "the middle east" or "the south"

Solving quadratic equations

1) factor 2) set each factor = 0 3) solve EX: x² + 10x - 24 = 0 1) (x + 12) (x-2) 2) x + 12 = 0 x - 2 = 0 3) x = -12 x = 2

2 types of dependent clauses

1) with subordinating conjunction; ex: *Whenever* lazy students whine.. 2) with a relative pronoun; ex. *Who* loves pizza crusts..

Natural Numbers

1, 2, 3, 4 etc

learning cycle

1. Exploration, 2. concept invention, 3. application

Triangular Trade

1.) From New England to the West Indies. 2.) New England to West Africa. 3.)Africa to West Indies. (slave routes)

Area of a Triangle



10 word: dekameter, dekagram


100 member, 2 from each state, who serve 6-yr terms Powers: -approval of presidential nominations -approval of treaties -conducting impeachment cases of federal officials


1000 word: kilometer, kilogram

Years of the Crusades

1100 - 1300

Number of Elements in the Period Table

115. 90 are naturally found on Earth and 25 are synthetic.

Number of Sounds Made by Vowels

12 sounds made with 5 vowels

Years of the Hundred Years' War

1337 - 1453

Civil War Amendments

13th - Abolished slavery 14th - Guaranteed citizenship to former slaves 15th - Declared that states cannot deny the right to vote to any race, color or previous condition of servitude.

Age of Discovery

1400 - 1700. Europeans Engaged in intensive exploration and mapping of the world.

Age of Discovery

1400-1700's, Europeans engaged in intensive exploration and mapping of the world. Account from exploring distant lands

Astronomical Unit

150 million km, which is the distance from the Earth and the Sun. (AU).

Century Spanish settlers spread across America

16th (1500s)

Revolution and Industry

1700 - 1900. Includes the Russian Empire, the Manchu dynasty in China, the period of Enlightenment in Europe, birth of America, French Revolution, etc..

Revolution and Industry

1700-1900, includes the Russian Empire, the birth of the United States, the French Revolution, the British Empire, the American Civil War

Years of the Seven Years War (French and Indian War)

1754 - 1763

Years of the Revolutionary War

1775 - 1783

straight angle

180 degrees

Monroe Doctrine

1813, President Monroe made it clear to European that the United States was not going to permit the establishment of Colonies or become involved in European affairs

McCulloch v Maryland

1819, Cheif justice john marshall limits of the US constition and of the authority of the federal and state govts. one side was opposed to establishment of a national bank and challenged the authority of federal govt to establish one. supreme court ruled that power of federal govt was supreme that of the states and the states couldnt interfere

Years of the Mexican-American War

1846 - 1848

Years of the Civil War


Third Great Awakening

1880-1910- new denominations, very active missionary work,and also the social Gospel approach to social issues

Plessy vs Ferguson

1896 "separate but equal"

Spanish-American War

1898, war between the U.S and Spain that made the U.S a world power.

The Modern World

1900 - Present. Equal rights, WWI and II, Russian Revolution, Depression, etc..

The Modern World

1900-Present, equal rights for women, World War I, the Great Depression, the Industrial Revolution, the American Civil War

Years of World War I


World War I

1914-1918 Serbian assassinated Archduke of Austria. Austria demanded a full investigation, Serbia refused. Austria (w/ ally Germany) declared war on Serbia (w/ ally Russia). Germany then declared war on Russia, followed by France (b/c of France's alliance with Russia). Germany invaded Belgium (neutral) to be closer to Paris. Britain (ally to France and Belgium) declared war on Germany. US (under President Woodrow Wilson) declared neutrality. But, Germany threatened commercial shipping w/ submarine warfare, and US joined in 1917. Treaty of Versailles finally signed & League of Nations was created, agreeing to avoid armed conflict through disarment and diplomacy.

US joins WWI

1917 when Germany threatened commercial shipping to June 1919 Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations

19th Amendment

1920 - Gave women the right to vote.

Year of the Great Depression


Years of WWII

1939 - 1945

World War 2



1939-1945 Germany, Italy, and Japan initiated a policy of aggressive territorial expansion. Japan attacked China, Italy invaded Ethiopia, Germany (under Hitler) immediately began to build up armed forces (a direct violation of peace treaty) Germany then invaded many countries, including Austria, Czech, Polland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, and France. US (under Franklin Roosevelt) announced neutrality. Roosevelt's plan was to defeat the Axis nations by sending the Allied nations war supplies. Roosevelt stopped all exports to Japan and refused to let them withdraw money from American banks. Japan bombed US at Pearl Harbor, causing US to join in war. After victory was atttained in Europe, focus went to Japan. 2 atomic bomb were dropped and the Pacific war ended. Allies agreed that Germany's armed forces be abolished and Nazi Party outlawed. Outcome: United Nations named for promoting world peace. Consequences: death, destruction, displaced people, strength/spreading of Communism/Cold War tension (ended more lives and caused more devastation than any other war)

Year Columbus's expedition set sail


Years of the Cold War


Korean War

1950-1953 After WWII ended, Japan stopped controlling Korea. The Soviet Union occupied the North, US controlled the South, through trusteeship. United Nations ordered elections to create a unified govt. but both countries backed different candidates, creating a division of 2 separate states. North Korea (backed by Soviets) declared war on South Korea (US, British, Australia, UN forces). China also got involved when forces entered N. Korea. 1953: Peace negotations resulted in cease-fire. Since then, N. Korea has an isolated, communist dictatorship, S. Korea has grown into a major world economy.

Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka

1954, outlawed segregation in public schools

Vietnam War

1957-1973 Like Korea, Vietnam became divided after WWII (communist North, western-govt South). North began to drive out South. US became more involved when N. Vietnam attacked US ships. As controversy over the war began to grow in US, Nixon began to reduce troops, while assisting the S. Vietnam army in building strength. US withdrew troops, with a promise from Nixon to send defense assistance. But, after Watergate, Congress cut off all funding. US withdrawal left S. Vietnam w/o economic or military support, and N. Vietnam was able to take control of the entire country.

Civil Rights Act

1964, prohibited segregation in all public facilities and discrimination in education and employment.

Years of the Vietnam War

1965 - 1972

Year the communist part gave up its power.



1st Quartile: median of the lower half of the data set 2nd Quartile: median of the entire data set 3rd Quartile: median of th upper half of the data set

Counting Principle in probability

2 distinct, independent events: n x m Ex: 3 options for meal x 2 options for dessert


2 main devisions: Somatic and Automatic. Somatic allows voluntary control of skeletal muscles. Automatic (or involuntary) controls cardiac and glandular functions.


2 of the same dominant or recessive gene.


2 or more atoms bonded together in a chemical bond.


2 or more atoms bonded together in a chemical bond. There are 2 types of chemical bond: Ionic and Covalent Bonds.

Consonant Diagraph

2 or more consonant letters that represent one sound.

Sexual Reproduction

2 parent cells and the combination of DNA from both parents. Occurs in more complex organisms through a process called Meiosis. Humans have 46 chromosomes, 23 from each gamete. Also can occur in plants.


2 short tube at the lower end of the trachea.

Direct variation

2 things vary directly: as one gets larger, the other does too; if one gets smaller, so does the other one. If x and y vary directly, there should be a constant Ex: pay per hour at the same rate: increase hours=increase pay

Composition reaction

2+ substances combine to form a compound A + B → AB ex: silver and sulfur yield silver dioxide

Musculoskeletal System

200 plus bones held together by connective tissues called ligaments. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones with tendons called tendons.

Ibn Battuta

21 years old in 1325 when he set off to explore the world. He was from North Africa and wanted to explore the Muslim world.

Dolch Words

220 of the most frequently used words in English. The introduction of these sight words can expedite the decoding process and develop fluency among early readers.

Number of Chromosomes in a Sex Cell

23 Chromosomes

Circumference of the Earth

25,903 miles

Number of Graphemes in English

26 (Letters of the alphabet)

Graphemes in the English Language


Length of time it takes the moon to revolve around the Earth

27.3 days.

War of 1812

29 years after the American Revolution, conflict between Great Britain and the U.S flared again after the capturing of U.S ships. In June 1812, James Madison became the first U.S president to ask Congress to declare war. Ended with the Treaty of Ghent in 1815.

Surface Area of a Triangular Prism

2B + Ph

Surface Area of a Rectangular Solid

2lw + 2wh + 2lh

Anson Jones

2nd and last President of the Republic of Texas.

Appalachian Mountains

2nd largest mountains in North America. In Canada it is known as the Laurentian Highlands. Run along the eastern part of North America from Canada to Georgia and Mississippi.


2nd planet, hard to see because its surrounded by thick clouds.

Iron Triad

3 elements from Group 4 of the periodic table. Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel. Have very similar properties.

Radius of the Earth

3,959 miles

Speed of Light

300,000 km/s, no matter the wavelength.


3rd planet, has atmosphere and can support life.

Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.

4 Organic Compounds All Living Things Need to Live

Ancient World

4 million years ago to 500CD - Focused on first humans, first farmers and first civilizations.


4-sided space triangle (basically a triangular pyramid)

House of Representatives

435 members, who serve 2-yr terms Powers: -initiating financial bills -bringing impeachment charges against high federal officials

Number of Phonemes in English

44 (Units of sound)

Number of Chromosomes in a Body Cell

46 Chromosomes (23 Pairs)


4th planet, has seasons and polar ice caps. Has two moons, Phobos and Deimos.

World History

5 Periods: the Ancient World the Middle Ages the Age of Discovery Revolution and Industry the Modern World


5/9 (F-32)

The Middle Ages

500 - 1400CE. Includes the Byzantine civilization, the rise of Islam, civilizations of the Americas, the Vikings, the feudal system, the Crusades, Genghis Khan and China, the African Kingdoms and the Hundred Years' War.

The Middle Ages

500-1400 ce, the rise of Islam, civilizations of the Americas, the Vikings, the feudal system, the Crusades, Genghis Khan, African kingdoms, and the Hundred Years' War


5th planet, Largest planet and spins fastest. The Great Red Spot is a giant storm on its surface. Has 28 moons. Some may have liquid water under icy crusts. It has more active volcanoes than any other object in the solar system.

United States Constitution

6 years after the Articles of Confederations, the nation realized that the document was too weak. a Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia in 1787, with a system of checks and balances and three different branches.


6th planet. Rings are made of hundreds of smaller rings. Has at least 30 moons. One moon, Titan, has an atmosphere similar to Earth's.

Expanded Form

7,325.4 = 7 x 1000 + 3 x 100 + 2 x 10 + 5 x 1+ 4 x 1/10 or 7 x 10(3) + 3 x 10(2) + 2 x 10 (1) + 5 x 10(0) + 4 x 10(-1)

Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers

7/2 divide the numerator by the denominator. 2 goes into 7, 3 times. The remainder of the fractional portion of the mixed number and the denominator stays the same.


7th planet. Is nearly lying on its side in terms of axis rotation. At least 21 moons. Made mostly of hydrogen and helium and methane. Methane makes it look bluish green.

Hawaiian Islands

8 large islands and many small ones.


80,000 people who made the journey to California during the Gold Rush of 1849.

Frustrational level

89% of words correctly


8th planet. Methane and helium make it blue. 8 Moons. Triton, the largest moon, has many geysers.

right angle

90 degrees


9th planet. Small, rocky with a frozen crust. Smallest planet, discovered in 1930 and has one moon.

War of 1812

A 32-month military conflict between the US, Great Britain, its North American colonies and its Indian allies. The outcome resolved many issues which remained from the American War of Independence, but involved no boundary changes. The United States declared war in 1812 for several reasons, including trade restrictions brought about by Britain's continuing war with France, the impressment of American merchant sailors into the Royal Navy, British support of American Indian tribes against American expansion, outrage over insults to national honour after humiliations on the high seas, and possible American interest in annexing British North American territory (part of modern-day Canada) which had been denied to them in the settlement ending the American Revolutionary War.

Worcester V Georgia (1832)

A case in which the United States Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel Worcester and held that the Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Native Americans from being present on Native American lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional.


A cell's chromosomes duplicate. Nucleolus is clearly visible in the nucleus.

Cell Membrane

A cell's outer covering.


A change in a gene or chromosome.

Chemical Change

A change in the identity of a substance due to the chemical properties.

Chemical Property

A characteristic that gives a substance the ability to undergo a change that results in a new substance.


A chemical compound that plants make out of sugar.

Krebs Cycle

A chemical cycle involving eight steps that completes the metabolic breakdown of glucose molecules to carbon dioxide; occurs within the mitochondrion; the second major stage in cellular respiration.

Endothermic Reaction

A chemical reaction that absorbs heat energy.


A chemical that is produced by one animal to influence the behavior of another animal of the same species.

Phonemic Awareness

A child's ability to understand that words have smaller parts called sounds that create syllables and words.

Independent Clause

A clause that can stand by itself.

Dependent Clause

A clause that cannot stand by itself.


A code that is stored in a cell's hereditary material.

Stationary Front

A cold and warm front meet, but neither advances. Cloudiness and precipitation occur along the front. Some can be heavy because the front moves so little.


A collection of structures, cycles and processes that relate to an interact with each other.

Royal Colony

A colony under the direct control of the English crown.

Thermal (Thermal Column)

A column of warm air that is forced up as cold air around it sinks.

Compound Machine

A combination of simple machines.


A complete change in body form as an organism matures.


A complex system of tissues working together to carry on one of the body's life functions


A conclusion about an observation.

Cold war

A conflict that was between the US and the Soviet Union. The nations never directly confronted eachother on the battlefield but deadly threats went on for years.


A congress in Russia whose members were elected by the people. It lasted until the fall of the Czars in 1917. Put in place by Czar Nicholas.


A current in the ocean that brings deep, cold water to the ocean surface.


A cyclic response to cold temps and limited food supplies.


A device that transforms kinetic energy into electrical energy.


A device that transforms radiant energy into electrical energy.

Magna Carter

A document that King John was forced to sign in 1215 that granted more power to nobility and limited power to the king.


A focus on improving this world rather than hoping for a better life after death.


A force that attracts all objects towards each other.


A force that resists motion between two surfaces that are in contact.


A form of reasoning that allows animals to use past experiences to solve new problems.


A form of unlimited government in which the state owns the farms and factories and decides what will be grown and produced.


A framework throughout the cytoplasm that helps a cell maintain or change shape and move. Made of thin, hollow tubes of protein and thin, solid protein fibers.

Statue of Liberty

A gift from France commemorating the 100th anniversary of the US.


A group of animals of the same species living and working together in an organized way.


A group of nobles who controls the economy and government.

Organ System

A group of organs working together to perform a function.

Organ System

A group of organs working together to support and help carry out a life function and keep the organism alive.


A group of similar cells that work together to do one job.


A group of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity.


A hot fountain that erupts periodically, shooting water and steam into the air.

Expresses a theorem and its converse are true?

A if and only if B


A king or queen leads the nation.


A land that is ruled by an official chosen by a Monarch.

Marbury V Madison (1803)

A landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court formed the basis for the exercise of judicial review in the United States under Article III of the Constitution. The landmark decision helped define the boundary between the constitutionally separate executive and judicial branches.

McCulloch V Maryland (1819)

A landmark decision by the Supreme Court of the United States. The state of Maryland had attempted to impede operation of a branch of the Second Bank of the United States by imposing a tax on all notes of banks not chartered in Maryland. Though the law, by its language, was generally applicable to all banks not chartered in Maryland, the Second Bank of the United States was the only out-of-state bank then existing in Maryland, and the law was recognized in the court's opinion as having specifically targeted the U.S. Bank. The Court invoked the Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution, which allowed the Federal government to pass laws not expressly provided for in the Constitution's list of express powers, provided those laws are in useful furtherance of the express powers of Congress under the Constitution. This case established two important principles in constitutional law. First, the Constitution grants to Congress implied powers for implementing the Constitution's express powers, in order to create a functional national government. Second, state action may not impede valid constitutional exercises of power by the Federal government.

Dred Scott V Sandford (1857)

A landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court held that African Americans, whether slave or free, could not be American citizens and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court,[2][3] and that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the federal territories acquired after the creation of the United States. Dred Scott, an African American slave who had been taken by his owners to free states and territories, attempted to sue for his freedom. In a 7-2 decision written by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, the Court denied Scott's request and in doing so, ruled an Act of Congress in this case—the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery north of the parallel 36°30′ north—to be unconstitutional for the second time in its history.

Gibbons V Ogden (1824)

A landmark decision in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that the power to regulate interstate commerce was granted to Congress by the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution.

Cultural Landscape

A landscape that has been shaped by humans and that reflects their culture.

Air Mass

A large body of air that develops over a particular region of Earth's surface.


A large body of ice and rock that travels around the sun in an elliptical orbit.


A large raised area of mostly level land.


A large storm that begins as an area of low pressure over tropical oceans. The Coriolis Effect causes the winds to rotate counter clockwise around the center of the storm.


A layer of permeable rock through which water flows freely.


A learning strategy used to replicate someone's behavior, actions, phrases, etc.


A letter that is not always originally intended for public distribution, but b/c of the fame of sender/recipient becomes public domain. (EX: Paul in the Bible)


A line drawn to connect points of equal atmospheric pressure.


A line that connects points of equal temperature or pressure.

Sanitary Landfill

A lining of plastic or concrete traps liquid wastes from permeating the ground below.

Simple Machine

A machine that uses only one movement.

Raw Material

A material or resource that is still in its natural state, before being processed or manufactured into a useful product.


A measure of the amount of solids or salts dissolved in seawater.

Relative Humidity

A measure of the amount of water vapor that is present compared to the amount that could be held at a specific temp.


A measure of the kinetic energy, or energy of motion, of the particles that make up matter.


A measurement of force.


A method of teaching beginners to read and pronounce words by teaching them the phonetic value of letters, letter groups and syllables.


A mix of weathered rock, organic matter, water and air that supports plant life.


A molecule that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Continental Divide

A mountain ridge that separates river systems flowing toward opposite sides of a continent.


A muscle beneath your lungs that contracts and relaxes to help move gases into and out of your lungs.


A narrow strip of land that connects two larger areas of land.


A nation becomes strong by keeping strict control over its trades.

Greenhouse Effect

A natural heating that occurs when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat.


A natural process that causes rocks to change, break them down and causes them to crumble.

Sexual Reproduction

A new organism is produced from the DNA of two cells.

Prime Numbers

A number divisible by 1 and itself Ex. 3,7,11,13


A one or many-celled organism that lives in moist or wet surroundings.

Cloze Test

A passage with omitted words the test-taker must supply.


A person who wages an unofficial war on a country.


A piece of metal that can conduct electricity.


A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land


A prediction, or statement, that can be tested.

Cry of Dolores

A priest cries for all in New Spain to be treated equally.


A process that breaks rocks down into tiny pieces. Caused by wind, rain, and ice.


A process that is used to kill most harmful bacteria with a minimum effect on the flavor of the product.

Reciprocal Teaching

A research-based method of teaching fluency that develops comprehension. 4 students take on 4 parts after reading a text: summarizing, questioning, clarifying and predicting.


A rigid body covering.


A row of elements in the periodic table whose properties change gradually and predictably.

Scientific Law

A rule that describes a pattern in nature.


A sample that does no have independent variables applied to it in an experiment.

Compound Sentence

A sentence that contains 2 independent clauses. Uses a coordinating conjunction and a semi colon.

Cellular Respiration

A series of chemical processes in which oxygen combines with food molecules and energy is released.

The Hundred Years' War

A series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453 between England and the France for control of the French throne.

New Deal (Roosevelt)

A series of domestic programs enacted in the United States between 1933 and 1938. The programs were in response to the Great Depression, and focused on what historians call the "3 Rs": Relief, Recovery, and Reform. That is Relief for the unemployed and poor; Recovery of the economy to normal levels; and Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression.

Food Web

A series of overlapping food chains that exist in an ecosystem.

Second Great Awakening

A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans.

The Crusades

A series of wars fought by Christians to control the Holy Land which Muslims had controlled for centuries.


A short exclamation. e.g.: Oh!, Ouch!

Kernel Sentence

A simple declarative construction with only one verb. e.g.: Katrina was a hurricane.


A small group of people controls the government.


A small section of DNA on a chromosome that has information about a trait.

Electron Cloud

A spherical cloud of varying density surrounding the nucleus.


A stable internal condition.

Story Retelling

A strategy used with children to assess listening and reading comprehension. Can also assess sentence structure knowledge, vocab, speaking ability, and knowledge about the structure of stories.


A structure found in the nucleus of cells. It forms around specific chromosomal regions in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, and is made up of proteins and ribonucleic acids. Its function is to transcribe ribosomal RNA and combine it with proteins to form incomplete ribosomes.


A structure in the nucleus that contains hereditary material.


A structure made up of 2 or more different types of tissue that work together.


A substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction without any permanent change to its own structure.


A substance that slows down a chemical reaction.


A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction.


A substance whose smallest unit is made up of atoms of more than one element bounded together.


A system of government in which citizens chose representatives.

Apparent Magnitude

A system used to classify how bright a star appears from Earth. The smaller the number, the brighter the star.

Directed Reading/Thinking Activity (DRTA)

A teacher-directed strategy that helps students establish a purpose for reading a story or reading expository writing from a content book. The teacher models the process of creating and correcting predictions as the story progresses to strengthen comprehension.


A technique used to emphasize phonemes by using successive words that begin with the same consonant sound or letter.

Punnett Square

A tool used to predict results in Mendelian genetics.


A transfer of energy from one object to another due to a difference in temperature.


A tube about 12 cm long, in the throat.

Sound Waves

A type of mechanical wave, can't travel through empty space.


A violent, whirling wind that moves in a narrow path. Caused by an updraft or rising air that begins to rotate.


A way scientists use radioactive decay to determine the age of artifacts and fossils. Can only be done on items that were once alive.


A word that connects parts of a sentence.

compound interest

A(t)=A0(1+(i/n))^(nt) A i = principle, i = rate, t = time


A, an, and the.


Ability of two waves to combine to form a new wave when they overlap.


Ability to replace body parts that have been lost because of an injury.

Resonance Disorder

Abnormalities created when sound passes through the vocal tract.


Above mesosphere. 500 km above Earth's surface. Temps climb to more than 1700 degrees Celsius. Filters x-rays and gamma rays from the sun.


Above outer core. Largest layer of the Earth's interior. Solid, but still flows slowly like putty.


Above the stratosphere. 85 km above Earth's surface. Contains little ozone and has the lowers temperatures.


Above the troposphere. Up to 50 km above Earth's surface. Most atmospheric ozone is contained here. The Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation. It gets hotter as you go up.

Endothermic Reactions

Absorb heat energy.

Newton's 2nd Law

Acceleration is produced when a force acts on mass. The greater the mass, the more amount of force needed to accelerate that object.

Fredrick Douglas

African American abolitionist. Began publishing antislavery newspaper North Star in 1847.

Long Plural

After ch, sh, s, z and x. e.g.: Churches, washes, and boxes

First Continental Congress (1774)

Agreed to boycott all British goods until the Intolerable Acts were repealed.


Air moving from one temp or pressure area to another. The greater the difference in temp or pressure between two areas, the stronger the wind.

Thermal Energy

All objects have it and it increases as the temperature increases.


All of the communities in an area and all the abiotic factors that affect them.


All the individuals of one species that live in the same are at the same time.

Compromise of 1850

Allowed California to enter the Union as a free state. Divided Mexican Cession into new Mexico and Utah. Ended slave trade in Washington D.C.. Included a fugitive slave law. Settled a border dispute between Texas.

Tea Act (1773)

Allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to colonists so that it would be cheaper even through it was still taxed. Tea was boycotted.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Allowed the states to decide to have slaves by popular sovereignty.


Allows the teacher and students to problem solve together. The teacher poses a question and students respond. Can be used to increase reading comprehension.

Somatic System

Allows the voluntary control of skeletal muscles. Voluntary movement is caused by nerve impulses sent from the brain through the spinal cord to nerves to connecting skeletal muscles.


Alonso de Leon establishes San Francisco del los Tejas Mission in East Texas, opening the Old San Antonio Road portion of the Camino Real

Trade Winds

Also called tropical easterlies, flow east to west.

Examples of coordinating conjunctions:

Although When If Unless Because


Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca explores Texas for trade

Free Enterprise System

America's economic system. Private or corporate ownership of capital goods; investments that are determined by private decisions rather than state control; determined by a free market. E.g.: Capitalism or market economies.

Allied Powers of WWI

America, Great Britain, France, and Italy

Growth of Cities after 1865

American Labor Union Movement started when

SI Base Unit of Electric Current

Ampere (A)

Missouri Compromise

An agreement passed in 1820 between pro-slavery and anti-slavery states in order to keep the balance of representation of slave and free states.

Rain Shadow

An area on the side of a mountain away from the wind that receives little rainfall.

Sanitary Landfill

An area where garbage is deposited an covered with soil. Lined at the bottom to prevent pollutants from leaking into groundwater.

Karst Area

An area where many sinkholes are found. Usually has an abundance of limestone and rainfall.

Culture Region

An area where people share the same culture traits.


An atom or molecule that has lost or gained one or more electrons and thus has negative or positive charge.

Albany Plan of Union

An attempt to create one general government for the 13 colonies. Proposed by Ben Franklin and was never approved.

Scientific Theory

An attempt to explain a pattern observed in the natural world.


An automatic response that does not involve a message from the brain.


An embryo after two months.

quadratic equation

An equation that can be written in the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, where a,b,and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0


An extended metaphor which compares two very dissimilar things= one lofty, one lowly

Proclamation of 1763

An imaginary border was created along the crest of the Appalachian Mountains and no one was allowed to settle west of it.

Phonemic Awareness

An important prerequisite skill in learning to read. It involves being able to hear, identify, and manipulate the smallest units of sound in words. Predicts learning to read.

Space Probe

An instrument that gathers info and sends it back to Earth.

Newton's Second Law of Motion

An object acted on by an unbalanced force will accelerate in the direction of this formula: acceleration=force/mass.

Newton's 1st Law

An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted on by an outside force

Newton's First Law of Motion

An object will remain at rest or move at a constant speed until an unbalanced force acts upon it.


An organism that can live without oxygen.


An organism that uses oxygen for respiration.


An organism with two shell halves joined by a hinge.




Animals that have joined appendages.

Descriptive Research

Answers scientific questions through observation.

Limiting Factor

Any biotic or abiotic factor that limits the number of individuals in a population.

Physical Property

Any characteristic of a material that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the material.


Any close interaction between two or more different species.


Any deviation from text made during oral reading.


Any fragments from space that survive their plunge through the atmosphere.

Phonation Disorder

Any kind of abnormality in the vibration of the vocal fold.

Fluency Disorder

Any kind of condition that affects the child's ability to produce coherent and fluent communication. e.g.: Stuttering or Cluttering.


Any organism that causes a disease.


Any organism that uses dead material as a food and energy source.

Separation of Powers

Any person or group cannot gain too much power.

Voice Disorder

Any type of distortion of the pitch, timbre or volume of spoken communication.

Natural Resource

Anything from the Earth that people use in meeting their needs for food, clothing, and shelter.


Anything that has mass and takes up space.


Anything that takes up space and has mass.

MLK Assissination

April 4th 1968

2 Groups of Bacteria

Archaebacteria and Eubacteria

an = a1 + (n-1)d

Arithmetic sequence

Permutations of like objects

Arrange the letters in the word POOR 4x3x2x1 but the O's are repeated so... 4x3x2x1/2x1 = 24/2 = 12

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Arrangement of electromagnetic waves according to their wavelengths.


Arrived in the Valley of Mexico in the 1100s. They settled permanently in 1325 on an island in Lake Texoco and called it Tenochtitlan, present day Mexico City.

Warm Front

As the warm air moves up, it cools. Water vapor condenses and precipitation occurs over a wide area. high cirrus clouds are seen when condensation begins. The clouds get progressively lower as you get near the front.

2 forms of Reproduction

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction


Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.


Austin becomes the capital of the Republic of Texas

Distance Traveled Formula

Average speed x Time

Phonemic Awareness

Awareness of sounds.

Standard Form

Ax + By = C

World War II

Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and Allies (Russia, France, and England), Started with the Polish invasion in 1939. The U.S joined when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941.


Bacteria produce food using dissolved sulfur compounds that escape from hot rock.

Symbolism of the Great Seal of the US

Bald eagle holding an olive branch and a bundle of arrows. Scroll in eagle's mouth says E Pluribus Unum - Out of many, one.


Balls of ice that form in cumulonimbus clouds. Wind blows ice crystals around, they get heavier as more water freezes around them and eventually fall.

Shelf Volcano

Basaltic lava flows in broad, flat layers. Vocano has gently sloping sides, largest kind of volcanoes.

Norm Referenced Test (NRT)

Based on the norm. Students are compared to what's normal.


Basic units of sound.

Battle of San Jacinto (April 21, 1836)

Battle at which Santa Anna was defeated by Sam Houston.


Battle of Medina. The bloodiest battle in Texas history.


Battle of Velasco - 1st casualties of the Texas Revolution

March 6th, 1836

Battle of the Alamo ended.

Battle of Gonzales

Battle that marked the start of the Texas Revolution.

Coriolis Effect

Because the Earth rotates, moving air is deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

Industrial Revolution

Began in Great Britain and the first machines were invited to produce textiles.

Consolidated Alphabetic Phase

Begin conceptualizing that they can use components of words that they know to decode new words. (Phase)

Partial Alphabetic Phase

Begin connecting the shape of the letters with the sound that they represent. (Phase)

Full Alphabetic Phase

Begin making connections between the letters, the sounds they make and the meanings of the words. (Phase)

8 - 12 Year Olds

Begin to use language in an academic setting rather than just having their needs met.

Oocytes and Spermatocytes

Beginning cells

Food Chain

Begins with the Sun - Plants - Animals - Other Animals - Decomposers Ex. Sun - Wild Corn - Mouse - Snake - Hawk - decomposing bacteria


Behavior is modified so that a response to one stimulus becomes associated with a different stimulus.

Innate Behavior

Behavior that an organism is born with.

Analogous structures

Beneficial adaptations to unrelated species. Ex. The wings of a bird and the wings of a house fly.

Constitution is the best representation of the results of the American genius of Compromise

Best description of why the US constitution is stronger than Articles of Confederation.

Interior Plains

Between the Rockies and the Appalachian Mountains. The dry western parts are called the Great Plains. The Eastern part is called the Central Plains.


Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.


Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart.


Blue-green algae thought to be one of the earliest forms of life on Earth.


Born in America to Spanish parents.


Boundary between air masses of different temperatures.

Mechanical Weathering

Breaks rock down without changing them chemically (ice wedging, living organisms, etc.).

Roanoke (1585)

British settlement set up by colonists funded by Sir Walter Raleigh that was mysteriously abandoned.

Continental-Continental Collisions

Buckle and fold and create mountains.


Buys land and sells it bit by bit.

Formula for photosynthesis

CO₂ + H₂O + energy (sunlight) → C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6 O₂ (Carbon dioxide + Water + Light energy → Glucose + Oxygen)

The New Jersey Plan

Called for strong government and 3 branches and one house of reps. Each state would have one rep. Trade would be taxed and regulated.

The Virginia Plan

Called for strong government and 3 branches and two houses of representatives.


Can be drawn into wire without breaking.

Phonemic Stress

Can be taught by Nursery Rhymes, short poems, and stories like Humpty Dumpty.


Can be understood by native speakers with minimum effort.

Semantic Mapping

Can be used as a strategy to make direct connections between the vocabulary or words they are learning in the classroom and those they may have seen, heard or learned elsewhere.

Newly Fluent Readers

Can read with relative fluency and comprehension. They are able to use several cuing systems to obtain meaning from print. Self-monitor their reading and can identify and correct simple errors with minimum external support. They ask clarification questions and develop an understanding of the content.

SI Base Unit of the Intensity of Light

Candela (cd)

Economic Systems

Capitalism and Communism are both

Chemical Compounds of Life/Organic Molecules

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acid


Carried on by plants and animals, energy is produced in the form of ATP.

Respiratory System

Carried out by the expansion and contraction of the lungs. Oxygen enters tiny capillaries where it combines with hemoglobin in the red blood cells and is carried to the tissues through the circulatory system. Caron dioxide passes through capillaries into the air contained within the lungs.

Lymphatic System

Carries lymph through a network of lymph capillaries and larger lymph vessels.

Mississippi-Missouri River System

Carries water thousands of miles through the interior plains to the Gulf of Mexico.


Carvings in rock.

Negative Mechanism

Cause reactions to slow down Ex. Such as to stop eating when full.


Caused by wind that carries sediment.

Order of Organization

Cells - Tissues - Organs - System - Organ Systems - Organism


Cells with membrane-bound structures.


Cells without membrane-bound structures.


Change from a gas to a liquid.


Change from a solid to a gas without ever being liquid.


Change from liquid to a gas.

Acceleration Formula

Change in Velocity/Time The Change Takes to Occur = Acceleration


Characterized by differences in life-forms, but some of these vary regionally.


Characterized by multiple false starts or the inability to produce the intended sounds.


Characterized by types of life existing worldwide.

Animal Tales

Characters are animals with human characteristics.


Chemical hormone substances in plants which cause a variety of growth patterns called tropisms.

Indians with advanced political structures

Cherokee and Choctaw, elected chiefs


Children are guided to look for specific information in the text.

Partial Alphabetic Phase

Children begin connecting initial letters with the sound of names of peers. Ex. N for Nancy


Children communicate what they think and know.

Connecting oral language to reading instruction

Children need to know that what they're reading can be said and what is said can be written. Ex: Read out loud, ask questions, videos, cd's, podcast, watching news stories.

Connecting Discourse

Children often produce choppy sentences without transition words or phrases to connect ideas or paragraphs. Teachers can provide a list of sentence connecters. e.g.: On the other hand,", "moreover,".

Electoral College

Citizens vote for a group of electors who are pledged to the candidate. Number of electors depends on the number of reps. No state has less than 3. Electors cast their vote and the candidate with most electoral votes becomes president.


Clean up environment by decomposing and freeing dead matter for recycling back into the ecosystem. E.g.: fungi and bacteria


Closest layer of atmosphere to the Earth's surface. Up to 10 km. Contains 3/4 of the matter of the entire atmosphere and nearly all clouds and weather occur here. Gets colder as you go up.


Closest planet to the sun, second smallest planet. Full of craters from meteorites. Almost no atmosphere so very hot.

High and Vertical Clouds

Clouds that are made entirely of ice crystals. Cirrus, cirrostratus and cumulonimbus clouds.

Cumulonimbus Clouds

Clouds that can extend vertically through all levels of the atmosphere. Can create the heaviest precipitation.

Layered Stratus Clouds

Clouds that form dull, gray sheets that can cover the entire sky.

Nimbostratus Clouds

Clouds that form low, dark, thick layers.

Types of Fungi

Club - Mushrooms, shelf, puffballs, and toadstools Sac - Yeasts, molds, morels, and truffles. Zygospore - Black mold Lichens - Formed when a fungus and either a green algae or a cyanobacterium live together.

Geographic Regions of Texas

Coastal Plains, Central Plans, Great Plains, Mountains and Basins, and Chihuahuan Desert.


Cold-blooded animals


Collections of student's best work.


Colonial volunteers who were ready to fight the British at a minute's notice.

No taxation without representation

Colonists did not want to pay taxes to Britain when they had no representation in Parliament. They wanted to only pay taxes that were passed by their own colonial legislatures.

Boston Tea Party (Dec. 16th, 1773)

Colonists disguised as Indians dumped British tea off of their cargo ships into Boston Harbor.

Quartering Acts

Colonists had to provide housing, candles, bedding, and beverages to soldiers stationed in the colonies.

Georgia (1732)

Colony founded as a buffer zone from the Spanish settlement south of the colonies and provided a safe haven for poor people.


Color of a mineral in a power form.

Examples of Physical Properties

Color, shape, length, mass, volume and density.


Combinations of two or more substances.

Synthesizing Information

Combining new info with existing knowledge to form an original idea or interpretation.

Liberty Bell

Commemorates the 50th anniversary of William Penn's Charter of Privileges. Abolitionists changed the name from The State House Bell to what it is known as today.

Rational Numbers

Commonly expressed as fractions or decimals

Bolshevik Revolution (1917)

Communists led by Lenin took over the Russian government.

White House

Completed in 1800. John Adams was the first resident. Was christened with its current name in 1901 by President Roosevelt.


Complex molecules that are made into amino acids. Make up connective tissues, bones, and muscles; and are the enzymes and hormones that control the body's metabolism and internal actions that maintain life. Ex. Meat, eggs, cheese


Complex pattern of innate behavior.

Homogeneous Mixture

Components are distributed evenly and there is an even concentration throughout. Ex. Milk


Composed of atoms; basic kinds of matter.

Chemical Reaction

Compounds are broken or new ones are formed.


Compromise of 1850 adjust the state boundary, ended Mexican American War and United States assumed Texas debts


Cone shaped mountains formed by rising magma that has erupted.

Battle of Shiloh

Confederate forces suprised union troops & drove them across the Tennesee river; union got backup and won the battle but it was one of the most bloody battles in the civil war

Robert E. Lee

Confederate general who had opposed secession but did not believe the Union should be held together by force

The Legislative Branch

Congress Makes the laws. Congress is made up of the House of Reps and the Senate. House of Reps is based on population. Larger states have more reps than smaller states. Reps serve 2 year, unlimited terms. Leader of the house is the Speaker who is 3rd in line for the Presidency. Senate is based on equal representation. Each state has 2 senators who have 6 year terms. Vice President is president of the Senate.

Legislative Branch

Congress: House of Representatives and Senate Responsibilities: -make, repeal, and amend all federal laws -levying federal taxes and distributing funds

Arthur Robinson's Projection

Considered the best map available. It shows the size and shape accurately and has some distortion around the edges.

The Declaration of Independence

Consists of a Preamble, or introduction, followed by three main parts. The first part stresses unalienable rights and liberties that belong to all people from birth. The second part consists of a list of specific grievances and injustices committed by Britain.

Particulate Matter

Consists of fine particles such as dust, pollen, mold, ash and soot that are in the air.


Consists of unicellular organisms. The only group of living organisms made of prokaryotic cells.

CVC Words

Consonant-vowel-consonant words.

Federal Republic

Constitutional government in which the powers of the central government are restricted to create semi-autonomous bodies with certain degrees of self-governing powers. The U.S. has this kind of government.

Alpha Particle

Contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons.


Contains a type of eukaryotic cell with a more complex organization system. Includes mostly unicellular organisms that live in aquatic habitats. Not animals or plants, but unique organisms. E.g.: Amoeba, paramecium, and euglena.


Contains elements that have similar physical or chemical properties.


Contains enough of a useful substance that it can be sold for profit.

Continental Drift

Continents have moved slowly to their current locations.


Contractors who put together business deals. Land agents.

Automatic System

Controls the cardiac and glandular functions. Involuntary movement occurs in direct response to outside stimulus. Involuntary responses are called reflexes.

Bartolome de Las Casas

Convinced Spanish leaders to use Africans as slaves instead of Native Americans.

Neutron Star

Core of a supergiant after a supernova. These can become black holes.


Coronado searches for the 7 cities of gold (Cibola).

Seneca Falls Conventions

Created a Declaration of Sentiments that proclaimed We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal.

Treaty of Versailles

Created by the leaders victorious allies Nations: France, Britain, US, and signed by Germany to help stop WWI. The treaty 1)stripped Germany of all Army, Navy, Airforce. 2) Germany had to rapair war damages(33 billion) 3) Germany had to acknowledge guilt for causing WWI 4) Germany could not manefacture any weapons.

Fossil Fuels

Created over millions of years from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals.

Compound Words

Created when two independent words are joined to create a new word. e.g.: elsewhere, football

Applied Questions

Creative questions that extend beyond the text.

Why slavery arose in the Southern Colonies

Cultivate large plantations of cotton, tobacco, rice, indigo, and other crops

Traditional Economy

Customs, traditions and habitats of the group influence the producing, buying and selling of goods.


Cyclical process in which the heart pumps blood.

Nucleic Acid

DNA/RNA DNA - nucleotides and nitrogen base, double helix, Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, or Guanine (A-T, C-G) RNA - single stranded, Adenine, Uracil, Cytosine, and Guanine.

Negative Relationship

Data points move in a downward direction. Ex. Relationship between the number of hours of television watched and homework scores.

September 2, 1945

Date of V-J Day, when MacArthur accepts Japanese surrender off of the Missouri

Wilmot Proviso

David Wilmot called for a law to ban slavery in any territories won from Mexico.


Deals with specific issues related to the decision making process at the household, firm or industry level.

Cultural Geography

Deals with the interaction of humans with their environment and how that interaction produces changes.

Immune System

Defends itself against foreign proteins and infectious organisms. Develops antibodies needed to control and destroy invasive organisms. Fever fights invading molecules and kills some bacteria. Main parts of the system are thymus, lymph system, bone marrow, white blood cells, antibodies and hormones.

Basaltic Rocks

Dense, dark colored rocks.

Functional Writing

Describes activities in which writing is used to achieve a specific purpose.


Describes how context can affect the interpretation of communication. The hidden rules of communications understood by native speakers.

Intonation Pattern

Describes the pitch contour of a phrase or a sentence that is used to change the meaning of the sentence.


Developed from unrelated evolutionary lines, but the structure was a positive adaptation to the environment.

Punnett Square

Diagrams used to help predict gene combinations

Emerging Writers

Dictate an idea or a complete story. Use pictures to communicate a message. Understand that writing symbolizes speech.


Differences in depth and texture on a globe.


Different forms of a trait that a gene may have.


Directed Reading/Thinking Activity - to establish a purpose for reading a story or expository writing from a content book


Directs all cell activities and is separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane. Contains the instructions for everything the cell does, found in threadlike, hereditary material made of DNA.


Discovery of oil at Spindletop.


Distance formula

Speed Formula

Distance travelled/Time travelled = Speed


Disturbances that carry energy through matter or space.

Yalta Conference

Divided Germany into 4 pieces, each to be controlled by an ally. Poland was divided and Russia took once section.


Division of the nucleus. The process results in two nuclei, each with the same genetic information.

Inflectional Morphemes

Do not change the syntactic classification and typically follow derivational morphemes in word. (short plural, long plural, third person singular, possessive, progressive, past tense, past participle, and comparative and superlative)

Nonfoliated Rock

Do not have distinct layers or bands.

Electromagnetic Waves

Do not require matter to carry energy.

Truman Doctrine

Document stating US support of any nation in danger of falling under Communist rule. Resulted in Korean and Vietnam wars.


Dormant form of some bacteria inside a thick-walled structure formed when environmental conditions are unfavorable.


Dripstone deposits that built towards the ceiling.


Dripstone deposits that hang from the ceiling.

Civil War

Due to political, social, and economic differences. Industrialized North/Agricultural South Slavery South Slavery become a main issue of the Presidential Election. In response to the election of Abraham Lincoln, 11 southern slave states seceded

Food Chain Energy

Each level of the food chain receives less and less energy because of the use of some of the energy by the organism itself to sustain its life functions


Earliest known civilization in the Americas. Located in Central America, they lived in the lowlands near the Gulf of Mexico around 3,500 years ago.

Principle of Uniformitarianism

Earth processes occurring today are similar to those that occurred in the past.

Plate Tectonics

Earth's crust and part of the upper mantle are broken into sections. These sections or plates move on a layer of the mantle.


Earth's outermost layer. Thinnest under the ocean and thickest under continents. All features on the Earth's surface are part of the crust.


Earth's path around the sun, the movement is called revolution.

Coastal Plains

Eastern most part of North America. Flat, lowland area. The Atlantic plain lies between the Atlantic Ocean and the foothills of the Appalachians. The Gulf Plain lies along the Gulf of Mexico.

Command Economy

Economic decisions are made by the central government. The government decides what products are made, how much is produced and what the goods cost. Socialism and Communism are command economies.

Inca occupied land

Ecquador, Peru, and central Chile. Cuzco was their capital.

4 Stages of Metamorphosis

Egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

Covalent Bonds

Electrons are shared equally or unequally between the different atoms in the molecule.

Covalent Bond

Electrons are shared, equally or unequally, between different atoms.

Ionic Bonds

Electrons are transferred from one atom to the other atom it is bonding with.

Ionic Bond

Electrons are transferred from one atom to the other that it is bonding with

Types of Galaxies

Elliptical, Spiral and Irregular

6+1 Trait Writing

Emphasizes 7 elements of the writing process. 1.) Organization 2.) Ideas 3.) Voice 4.) Word Choice 5.) Sentence Fluency 6.)Conventions 7.) Presentation

Rolling friction

Enables a wheel to roll past a surface. Friction occurs in the same direction of the wheel that is rolling.

Treaty of Versailles

Ended WWI

Law of Energy Conservation

Energy can change form but cannot totally disappear. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed in form.

Electrical Energy

Energy carried in an electric current.


Energy from the Sun is changed into chemical energy that is used for life processes.

Law of Conservation of Energy

Energy is never created or destroyed. The only thing that changes is the type of energy that appears.

Activation Energy

Energy necessary to transfer or convert potential energy into kinetic energy.

Activation Energy

Energy necessary to transfer/convert potential energy into kinetic energy. Ex. When driver starts the engine using chemical energy.

Light Energy (Radiant Energy)

Energy of light.

Digestive and Excretory System

Energy required for sustenance of the human body is supplied through the chemical energy stored in food. Food has to be fragmented and digested Digestion begins when food makes contact with saliva. Partially digested food passes down the esophagus to the stomach, where the process is continued by the gastric and intestinal juices. Then food moves to the small intestines where the nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream. The rest is excreted as waste.

Nuclear Energy

Energy stored in atomic nuclei that can be transformed into other forms of energy by complex power plants.

Chemical Energy

Energy stored in chemical bonds.


Energy that is transmitted from one place to another by electromagnetic waves.

American Revolution

English colonists in America won freedom from Great Britain Results: representative govt.


Entails the ways in which words are organized and analyzed in a language.

Point Source Pollution

Enters water from a specific location.

Paleozoic Era

Era of Ancient Life. 544 - 248 million years ago.

Mesozoic Era

Era of Middle Life.

Cenozoic Era

Era of Recent life. 65 million years ago until today.


Erosion of land by wind.

Mexican-American War

Established the Rio Grande as the border between Texas and Mexico. Also ceded California and Southwest states to the US.

Euclidean geometry

Euclid wrote a set of 13 books in 330 BC called Elements, where he outlined 10 axioms and then deduced 465 theorems. Is based on the undefined concept of the point, line, and plane. His 5th axiom (parallel postulate) has not been as readily accepted b/c it could be proved by the other 9 he created.

Protista (protozoans)

Eukaryotic cell (with nucleus), mostly unicellular organisms that live in aquatic habitats, unique organisms. Ex. Amoeba

The Enlightenment (Late 1600s - 1700s)

European thinkers believed that reason and scientific methods could be applied to the study of society.

Computations with complex numbers

Evaluate 5 + 7i - 3i + 9 14 + 4i Evaluate 3i (-2+5i) -6i + 15i^2 -15 + -6i Evaluate (7+2i)(3-4i) 21-28i+6i-8i^2 29-22i

Performance-Based Assessment

Evaluate process student uses and outcome they produce.

Informal Assessment

Ex. Essay, Portfolio, and Running record.

Positive Relationship

Ex. Relationship between the number of hours studied and homework scores. Move in an upward direction

Language Play

Ex. Rhyme, Tounge-Twister, Alliteration, Songs

Permutations of unlike objects

Ex. Ways to arrange 3 books (ABC) on a book shelf. 3x2x1 = 6 different ways Ex. Arrange the letters in the word Math. 4x3x2x1 = 24 arrangements

Irrational numbers

Ex. pie, E, square root of 2

Expository Writing

Explain and clarify ideas.

Hernando De Soto (1539 - 1542)

Explored Florida for Gold.

Fransisco Vazquez de Coronado

Explored Southwest and Northern Texas for Seven Cities of Cibola.

Cabeza de Vaca (1528)

Explored Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

Ferdinand Magellan

Explored near the Pacific Ocean in 1519. In 1522, one ship and 18 sailors returned to Spain. He and his crew were the first people to circumnavigate the Earth.


Expression that does not make sense in its literal form, but holds a different meaning.

Ozark Highlands

Extend across southern Missouri, northern Arkansas, and eastern Kansas.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Extends from the nucleus to the membrane. A series of folded membranes in which materials can be processed and moved around inside of the cell.


Extends to where space begins. There is no clear boundary.


F = C x 9/5 + 32


Factories along the Mexican border owned by American companies.

Battle of San Jacincto

Famous Battle found in Texas that resulted in Texas's independence.


Fat, basic building blocks. Stored in energy reserves. Provides insulation for animals in cold climates. Contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules. Ex. Butter and Oils


Fats, stored as energy reserves, provides insulation for animals in cold climates, important for brain development. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Fort Sumter

Federal fort in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina; the confederate attack on the fort marked the start of the Civil War


Fees that a government charges for goods entering the country.


Female reproductive part of a flower. Consists of ovary, style and stigma. Ovary contains the egg cells (ovules). Style is the tube above the ovary and stigma is the top of the style and is sticky.


Fertilized plant egg.


Figurative speech. "It's raining cats and dogs".


Filter blood that contains wastes collected from cells.

Lymph Nodes

Filter out microorganisms and foreign materials that have been taken up my lymphocytes.

Bill of Rights (1791)

First 10 Amendments 1.) Protects individual liberties 2.) Right to bear arms 3.) Congress cannot force quartering 4.) Protects against unlawful searches of homes and property 5.) People cannot be forced to incriminate themselves. 6.) Right to speedy and public trial by a fair jury. 7.) Provides juries for civil or non-criminal trials. 8.) Forbids judges from ordering excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment. 9.) A citizen's rights are not limited to those in the constitution. 10.) All powers not given to the government or denied to the states are reserved for the states or for the people.

Bill of Rights

First 10 amendments of the constitution. Prevents the government from taking away the natural rights of citizens.

Hispaniola (1493)

First Spanish colony in the Americas. Started by Columbus. Now present day Haiti and Dominican Republic.

South Carolina

First State to secede

Battle of Bull Run (July 21, 1861)

First major battle of the Civil War

Battle of Bunker Hill (January, 1776)

First major battle of the Revolution.

Sam Houston

First president of the Republic of Texas.

The Articles of Confederation (1777)

First version of the constitution.

Examples of Chemical Properties

Flammability, incombustible, change with light, oxygen corrosion, etc.

Spanish Colonies

Florida, Gulf Coast of Texas, California


Flower plants. Produce seeds without hard coverings.

Gulf Stream

Flows from Florida to North Carolina. Warm current that originates from the Equator.

Danube River

Flows from the mountains of Germany and empties in to the Black Sea. It is the second longest river in Europe.

Circulatory System

Follows a cyclical process in which the heart pumps blood through the right chambers of the heart and through the lungs where it acquires oxygen. Then it is pumped back into the left chambers where it is pumped into the main artery (aorta) which sends oxygenated blood to the body using a system of veins and capillaries.

Newton's 3rd Law

For every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction.


Force that pulls plates apart.

Work Formula

Force x Distance

Indian Removal Act (1830)

Forced many Native Americans to move west of the Mississippi. Trail or tears. Requested by Andrew Jackson.

Balanced Forces

Forces that cancel each other out.

Compromise of 1850

Forestalled the Civil War by instating the Fugitive Slave Act , banning slave trade in DC, admitting California as a free state, splitting up the Texas territory, and instating popular sovereignty in the Mexican Cession

Middle Clouds

Form between 2,000 m and 8,000 m. Most are layered. sometimes produce light precipitation. Alto cumulus and altostratus.

Organic Rocks

Form over millions of years when living matter dies and is compressed.

Upwarped Mountains

Form when forces inside Earth push up the crust. (E.g.: Rocky Mountains, Black HIlls)

Igneous Rocks

Form when melted rock (magma) cools.


Formally give up ownership of something.

Intrusive Igneous Rock

Formed below Earth's surface.

Committee of Correspondence

Formed by Sam Adams. Members wrote letters and pamphlets reporting to other colonies on events in Massachusetts.

Folded Mountains

Formed by the folding of rock layers caused by compressive forces (E.g.: Appalachian).

Extrusive Igneous Rock

Formed on Earth's surface.

Amniotic Sac

Forms around the embryo to protect it and store nutrients and wastes.


Forts where soldiers lived.

Permineralized Remains

Fossils in which the spaces inside are filled with minerals from groundwater.

Juan de Onate (1598)

Founded New Mexico.


Founded by Sir George Calvert with land granted by King Charles I as a place where Catholics could worship freely.

William Penn

Founder of Pennsylvania (1681)

Consolidated Alphabetic Stage

Fourth and last stage of development, children begin conceptualizing that they can use components of words they know to create new words.

D-Day (June 6th, 1944)

Freed France from German occupation.

Emancipation Proclamation (1863)

Freed slaves in areas loyal to the Confederacy


French claim Texas but do not have a physical presence in Texas


French colony is massacred

Robert de la Salle

French explorer who explored Texas during French reign over Texas in 1685.


French give up claims to Texas and cede Lousiana to Spain until 1800

Low Clouds

From at 2,000 m or less. Cumulus, layered stratus, nimbostratus and fog.

Chemical Sedimentary Rocks

From when dissolved minerals come out of solution.

Irregular Galaxy

Galaxy that can be any shape or size.

Spiral Galaxy

Galaxy that has arms that radiate out like a pinwheel.


Galvestion is destroyed and 8000 people killed in category 4 hurricane


Gaps in rock sequences. Angular - horizontal layers with new deposits on top Disconformity - Parallel layers with gaps Nonconformity - Sedimentary rocks are deposited when metamorphic or igneous rocks are eroded.

Interrupted Projection

Gaps in the picture allow the map to show sizes and shapes accurately.

Homestead Act (1862)

Gave 160 acres of land to any adult willing to farm it and live on it for 5 years

19th amendment

Gave women the right to vote


Gelatin like material inside a cell. Inside is hereditary material that controls the life of the cell.


General Dwight D. Eisenhower and the allies launches the most massive attack against German forces,


Genetic makeup.

an = a1 x r^(n-1) , r=a(n+1)/an

Geometric Sequence

Sugar Act (1764)

George Grenville asked Parliament to put a new tax on molasses.

Martin Luther (1517)

German monk who publicly challenged practices of the Catholic Church. Followers became known as Protestants and formed the Protestant reformation.

May 7, 1945

Germany surrenders

Central Powers of WWI

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria

Axis Powers of WWII

Germany, Italy and Japan


Giving students texts to read which have correct uses of conventions as well as incorrect uses. Also used to show examples of different types of writing.

Negative Slope

Goes downward to the right

Positive Slope

Goes upward to the right

Popular Sovereignty

Government gets its authority from the people.

Constructive Processes

Gradual collision and crushing of tectonic plates.


Grasslands which cover much of western Africa.


Green plants that produce oxygen and store chemical energy.


Gross Domestic Product - a monetary measure of the economy's output during a specific time period Measured by expenditure approach and incomes approach GDP = Consumption $ + Investment $ + Govt. $ + Net Export $ (includes only final goods and services)


Groundwater dissolves rocks and drips then evaporates, leaving behind deposits of calcium carbonate.

Alkali Metals

Group 1 of the periodic table. Silvery solids with low densities and low melting points.

Noble Gases

Group 18 in the periodic table. Found only as uncombined elements in nature.

Alkaline Metals

Group 2 -harder -denser -higher melting point -chemically active

Alkaline Earth Metals

Group 2 of the periodic table. Denser, harder and has a higher melting point.


Grouped according to the extreme environment in which they live. Usually live where few organisms can survive.

Representative Elements

Groups 1 and 2, 13-18 in the periodic table. Consists of metals, metalloids, and nonmetals.

Transition Elements

Groups 3- 12 in the periodic table. All metals.

Consonant Cluster

Groups of consonants before and after a vowel.


Groups of stars that form patterns in the sky.

Circadian Rhythms

Growth patterns

Authentic Multicultural

Has been used to describe literature written by members of a particular cultural group to represent their own historical development and culture.


Have Spanish and Indigenous ancestors.

Fluent Writers

Have an improved sense of audience. Can write from different points of view. have more skills in revising and editing their own work. Show a wide range of skill in writing. Like to experiment with voice.


Have characteristics of metals and nonmetals. All are solid at room temperature.

Early Readers

Have mastered reading readiness skills and are beginning to read simple texts with some degree of success. Developing an internal list of high frequency words in print. Rely on visual aids less.


Have radial symmetry and have spiny skin. All have water-vascular system.

Vascular Plants

Have tube-like structures that carry water, nutrients and other substances throughout the plant.

Photochemical Smog

Hazy, yellowy brown smog that is formed with sunlight.


Helical cells.

Graphic Organizer

Help students improve organizational skills and provide a visual representation of facts and concepts and their relationships within an organized framework.

Underground Railroad

Helped slaves escape to the North.

Venn Diagram

Helps students identify how things are alike and different.

Missouri Compromise

Henry Clay created the plan to keep number of slaves and free states equal.

Cirrostratus Clouds

High and layered clouds that can cover the sky.

Beta Particle

High-energy electron that comes from the nucleus, not from the electron cloud. During some forms of transmutation, a neutron becomes unstable and splits into an electron and a proton.

Static Friction

Hinders a stationary object from moving on a surface when a force is applied to the objet.




Hitler's plan to exterminate all of the Jewish population.

Strong Nuclear Force

Holds protons together because they are packed into the nucleus with the neutrons.

White Dwarf

Hot dense core that contracts under force of gravity.

Seafloor Spreading

Hot, less dense material below the surface of Earth, rises towards the surfaces at the mid-ocean ridges. Then it flows sideways, carrying the seafloor away from the ridge in both directions. magma moves up and cools to make new seafloor.


How high or low a wave is in relation to the normal level.

add the two

How many ways

Population Distribution

How the population is spread out across the world.

Negation of a Statement

If a statement is true, then its negation must be false and vice versa EX: "if p, then q" is "p and not q" "not q" is "q" "r and s" is "not r" OR "not s" (if you negate both, than still true) "r or s" is "not r" AND "not s" negation of: "some winter nights are not cold" : "none of the winter nights are cold" "if it rains, then the beach party will be held" : "it rains and the beach party will not be held"

Law of Syllogism

If q, then r Therefore if p,then r

Calculating Error

If the angle was measure was 88 and was supposed to be 90. Subtract 88-90 = 2. Then, divide the error by the supposed right answer. 2/90 = .0222 then multiply by 100 = 2.22

Epic examples

Illiad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Paradise Lost, the Fairie Queene, Aurora Leigh, The Rape of the Lock

Emancipation Proclamation

In 1862, Abraham Lincoln issued this, granting freedom to slaves in the rebellious states.

Principle of Superposition

In undisturbed layers of rock, the oldest rocks are on the bottom and the rocks become progressively younger towards the top.

Nucleic Acids

Include DNA and RNA and contain hereditary information.


Include: solids, gases, and one liquid (bromine) -usually dull, brittle -not good conductors of heat or electricity -have 4 to 8 electrons in their outermost energy level -tend to attract other electrons -react with metals

Direct results of Industrial Revolution

Increase in Productivity Increase in world trade specialization and division of labor Standardization of parts and mass productions Growth of business conglomerates, and monopolies


Indicates wind speed by how fast an array of cups that catch the wind rotate.


Individual letters that represent phonemes.

Industrial Revolution Results

Industry: -increase productivity -increase world trade -specialized division of labor -growth of giant businesses and monopolies -revolution in agriculture b/c of: steamship, fertilizer, canning, refrigeration Social: -increase population, esp. in industrial areas -advances in science (agriculture, sanitation, medicine) -growth of cities -disappearance of diff. b/w city dweller and farmer -faster life tempo, increase stress -increased mobility produced rapid sharing of knowledge and ideas -conflict over slavery


Information contained in the specific sequence of DNA in areas called genes. Traits are inherited from parent cells to offspring. Genes inherited may be either dominant or recessive.

Quarternary Industry

Information technologies. Internet, software, cable, telephone, etc..

Respiratory System

Inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide.

Language Acquisition Device (LAD)

Innate abilities and mechanisms to develop language. (Noam Chomsky)

Cyclic Behavior

Innate behavior that occurs in a repeating pattern.


Inorganic, solid materials found in nature.


Instinctive seasonal movement of animals.

Texas Observation Protocol

Instrument administered in bilingual or ESL classrooms to assess language proficiency of ELLs. Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced and Advanced High.


Instrument used to obtain a record of seismic waves.

Social Behavior

Interactions among organisms of the same specifies.


Internal system of bones.

SI Units

International System of Units. Designed in 1960 by scientists to provide a universal standard of physical measurement for science, industry and commerce.

Phases of Cell Division

Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

Controlled Experiment

Involves changing one factor and observing its effect on another while keeping all other factors constant.

Phonological Awareness

Involves listening and the ability to hear and make distinctions in oral language.


Irregularly shaped cell fragments that help clot blood.

A quadratic function has imaginary roots. What is always true of the graph of the function in the xy-coordinate plane?

It never intersects the x-axis


James Long declares Texas a Republic.

First Permanent English Settlement (1607)

Jamestown, Virginia

First English Colony

Jamestown, Virginia. Capt. John Smith, (life was saved by Pocahontas, who married John Rolfe)

Louisiana Purchase (1803)

Jefferson bought all the land between east of the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River for $15 million from France and doubled the size of the U.S.

Embargo Act (1807)

Jefferson persuaded Congress to impose an embargo on all foreign trade. Replaced with Nonintercourse Act in 1809 which placed a ban on trade with Britain and France.

Start of World War 1

June 28th 1914, Francis Ferdinand assassinated at Sarajevo Austria declared war on Serbia


June 6, 1944 - Led by Eisenhower, over a million troops (the largest invasion force in history) stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France. The turning point of World War II.

Outer Planets

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Outer Planets

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Buoyant Force

Keeps an object float in liquid.

SI Base Unit of Temperature

Kelvin (K)

SI Base Unit of Mass

Kilogram (kg)

Intolerable Acts (1774)

King George III encouraged Parliament to Punish Massachusetts by shutting down the port of Boston until colonists paid for the tea that was destroyed, no town meetings more than once a year without the governor's permission, People could be tried with major crimes in Britain or Canada, and New Quatering Act which made colonists host redcoats in their homes.

Louis XIV (14th)

King of France from 1643 to 1715.

KWL (reading strategy)

Know, Want to Know, Learned.

James Madison

Known as the Father of the Constitution


LaSalle established Fort St. Louis at Matagorda Bay, basis for French claim to Texas territory


Land grants that included the right to demand labor or taxes from Native Americans.

Harlem Renaissance Writers

Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, James Weldon Johnson, Jesse Redman Fauset, and Zore Neale Hurston.


Large protein molecules that speed up or slow down reactions needed for your cells to work properly.


Largest country in the world.

Rocky Mountains

Largest mountains in North America. The Continental Divide runs along its spine. Stretch from Alaska, through Canada and into Western U.S.

Mississippi River

Largest river in North America. Begins in Minnesota and runs through the Central Plans to the Gulf of Mexico.


Latitude line half way between North and South poles. Divides Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres.

Temperate Zones

Latitude zones between the Tropics and the Poles.

Geographic Regions of the US

Laurential Highlands, Coastal Plains, Appalachian Highlands, Interior Plains and Great Plains, Interior Highlands, Rocky Mountain System, Intermontane Plateaus, and Pacific Mountain System

4 standard forms of valid arguments

Law of Detachment Law of Contraposition Law of Syllogism Disjunctive Syllogism

Ozone Layer

Layer within the stratosphere, 19-48 km above Earth. made of Oxygen.

Francisco Coronado (1540)

Led an expedition to find the Seven Cities of Cibola.

Plessy V Ferguson (1896)

Legalized segregation and allowed 'separate but equal facilities'.

Outer Core

Lies above the inner core. Mostly made of molten metal.


Limit the growth of other batcteria.

April 14, 1865

Lincoln is assassinated.


Lines of latitude.


Lines of longitude.


Links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words. Precedes a noun. e.g.: above, across, into, etc.


Liquid's resistance to flow.


Literal speech. Ex: A sign that says Dog Bite's. All dogs have the ability to bite.


Live in less harsh environments. Causes all known bacterial diseases.


Lived in Central America and Southern Mexico from 300 A.D. - 900 A.D.. They built Copan in Honduras and Tikal in Guatemala. They created an accurate calendar from studying stars and planets. They also had a number system similar to the modern day decimal system. In 900 A.D. they left their cities, but no one knows why.


Living and nonliving organisms in an ecosystem.

Biotic Factors

Living or once-living organisms in the environment.


Long cracks that form between plates as they move apart.


Long poem, usually of book length, reflecting values in society. Include: invocation to a Muse for inspiration, purpose for writing, general setting, protaganist/antagonist with supernatural strength, and intervention of a God or gods.


Longest River in the world, located in Africa.

Precambrian Time

Longest part of Earth's history. 4.5 billion years - 544 million years ago.

Volga River

Longest river in Europe. Flows through Russia and ends in the Caspian Sea.


Longest subdivision of geologic time.

Types of Sound Waves

Longitudinal and transverse.

Matter Physical Properties

Looks and feels, ex. Color - perception by humans, Density - mass in a unit of volume, Hardness - resistance to penetration, Conductivity - electrical current


Lower chambers of the heart.


Loyalty to one's state or section rather than to the nation as a whole.


Lucas Gusher - start of Texas oil boom


Made from particles of damaged bacterial cell walls or from killed bacteria.

House of Burgesses

Made laws for the colony of Jamestown.


Made of broken rock, shells, mineral grains, etc..

Fault-Block Mountains

Made of huge, tilted blocks of rock that are separated from surrounding rock by faults (E.g.: Sierra Nevada, Tetons).


Made of repeating and often turned or twisted chain of amino acids. Are in cell membranes and make up connective tissue, bones and muscles and are in enzymes and hormones that control the body's metabolism and internal actions that maintain life. Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen.

Organic Sedimentary Rocks

Made of the remains of once-living things.


Made up of protons (+), neutrons, and electrons (-).

Geothermal Energy

Magma heats water and the steam powers turbines.


Main characters are animals and they present a moral.

Union States

Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, California, Oregon, Kansas


Major quarrel between Colonial Americans and British created from a series of British Acts of Parliament that dealt with


Making copies of organisms.


Male reproductive part of a flower. Composed of filament and anther. The anther contains pollen and in the pollen are the sperm nuclei.


Mammals who lay eggs. Duck billed platypus and spiny anteaters.

Josef Stalin

Man who took control of Russia after Lenin (1924)

Secondary Industry

Manufacturing businesses. Makes raw materials into goods.


Many-celled threadlike tubes that make up the body of a fungus.


Map makers.


Marked by major changes in fossils.

McCulloch v. Maryland

Maryland was trying to tax the national bank and Supreme Court ruled that federal law was stronger than the state law

Original 13 Colonies

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia.

The New England Colonies

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, based on farming and small industries

Algonquian occupied land

Massachusetts. Interacted with settlers at Plymouth.

Thermal Conductors

Materials through which it is easy to transfer energy.

Matter Electrical Properties

Matter can either be a conductor or non-conductor of electricity. Ex. Metals are normally a good conductor. Wood is not.

Matter Chemical Properties

Matter can exist in 4 chemical states: Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.

Compressional Waves

Matter in the medium moves forward and backward in the same direction that the wave travels.

Matter Thermal Properties

Matter is sensitive to temperature changes. Ex. Water in solid, liquid, gas states through different temperatures. Through this water maintains chemical property, 2 hydrogen and one oxygen, H20.


Matter made of one kind of atom.


Matter that has a definite volume, but no definite shape.


Matter that has the same composition and properties throughout.


Matter with a definite shape and volume.


Matter with no definite shape or volume.

Two major characteristics of the 1st American literature?

Maudlin and self-pitying egocentricism. (ex: John Smith, William Bradford, and Michael Wigglesworth)


Meaning of a word . How words are ordered to convey meaning. SeMANtic = meaning


Measure of heat. Most common device to measure temperature is the thermometer.


Measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched.

Absolute Magnitude

Measure of the amount of light a star gives off.


Measure of the energy released by the earthquake.


Measures air pressure.


Measures an object's tendency to resist changing its motion.


Measures relative humidity.


Measures the amount of matter in an object.

Mnemonic Devices

Memory-related devices used to help students remember something.

Inner Planets

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

Inner Planets

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Prime Meridian

Meridian that divides Earth into Eastern and Western hemispheres.

Location and time across world

Meridians and Longitudes do what.

Types of Elements

Metals, metalloids, and nonmetals.

SI Base Unit of Length

Meter (m)

Mercator Projection

Method of putting a map of the Earth onto a flat surface.

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848)

Mexican Cession of California and most of New Mexico to the US.


Mexico captures San Antonio twice and retreats both times


Mexico gains independence from Spain

Colonization Law (1823)

Mexico wanted more settlers to move to Texas (still part of Mexico). They were offered a lot of land for very little money. US settlers would become Mexican citizens.


Mexico wins Independence from Spain(the treaty of Cordoba). Texas now falls under Mexican rule.

Aztec occupied land

Mexico. Tenochtitlan was their major city.


Microscopic blood vessels that connect arteries and veins.

Push - Pull Theory

Migration occurs because circumstances push them out of their countries and opportunities pull them towards other countries.


Minerals that are rare and can be cut and polished.


Minerals that contain silicon, oxygen and usually one or more other elements.

Rivers of the US

Mississippi, Ohio, Rio Grande, Colorado, and Missouri


Mixture of minerals, volcanic glass, organic matter and or other matierals.


Mixtures that are homogeneous (distributed evenly and even throughout)


Mixtures that are homogenous which means that the components are distributed evenly and there is an even concentration throughout.

Computer Models

Models built using computer software.

Idea Models

Models that are ideas or concepts that describe how someone thinks about something in the natural world.

Physical Models

Models that you can see and touch.

SI Base Unit of An Amount of Substance

Mole (mol)

Parliamentarian Monarchy

Monarch shares the power with parliament.

5 Major Taxonomic Groups

Monera (bacteria), Protista (protozoans), Fungi, Plantae (plants), and Animalia (animals).


Money used to expand a business

Density Current

More dense seawater sinks below less dens seawater. Seawater becomes more dense when it is cold or more salty. Exists in the Mediterranean sea.

Townshend Acts

More taxes on goods and writs of assistance which allowed British officers to search colonial ships.

Battle of Gettysburg

Most devastating battle of the Civil war, in 1863. More than 50,000 soldiers lost their lives.


Mostly gas at room temperature. Brittle. Bad conductors.

Volcanic Mountains

Mountains made over time when layers of lava pile up into a cone shape.

Ural Mountains

Mountains that mark the boundary between Europe and Asia.


Move on a large, muscular foot.

Longitudinal Waves

Move parallel to the direction the wave moves.

Transverse Waves

Move perpendicular to the direction of the wave.


Much of north Texas is returned to France and later sold to the US as part of the Lousiana Purchase


Multicellular organisms containing eukaryotic cells. Because they do not possess chlorophyll, they cannot produce their own food, so they obtain energy, water, and carbon by digesting dead materials. Ex. Mushrooms, mold, mildew, and yeast.


Multicellular organisms with a sophisticated organization system. Includes moss and ferns.


Multicellular organisms with a sophisticated organization system. No chlorophyll so cannot produce food through photosynthesis. Obtain energy, carbon and water from digesting dead materials.


Multicellular organisms with specialized senses and organs. Most sophisticated.


Multicellular organisms, have chloroplasts that allow them to trap sunlight as energy for photosynthesis.


Multicellular with specialized senses and organs.

Main Functions of Writing

Narrate, describe, explain, and persuade.

Whole Numbers

Natural numbers including zero.


Naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and an orderly arrangement of atoms.


Negatively charged electrode

Control Systems of the Body

Nervous system and endocrine system

Metamorphic Rocks

New Rocks that form when existing rocks are heated or squeezed.

The Middle Colonies

New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, based on farming, shipping, fishing, and trading

8th Amendment

No cruel and unusual punishment (amendment)

Habeus Corpus

No person could be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime.

4 types of measurement scales used in statistic

Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio

Real GDP

Nominal GDP/Price Index


Non-living components of an ecosystem.


Nonliving components of the ecosystem


North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Formed in 1949 with the goal of protecting the Interests of the member nations and promoting international cooperation.

Zapotec, Olmec, and Toltec occupied land

Northern Mexico.Teotihuacan is their religious site.

Land Regions of Europe

Northwestern Highlands, North European Plain, Central Uplands and the Alpine Mountain System.

Pre-Alphabetic Phase

Not connecting letters and sounds. (Phase)

3rd Amendment

Not forced to offer quarters. (amendment)

Law of Contraposition

Not q, therefore not p Ex: If John drives the big truck, then the shipment will be delivered The shipment is not delivered b/c ~q = ~p Answer: John does not drive the big truck

Study Skills

Note Taking: Graphic Organizer, Think Aloud

Day the Berlin Wall came down

Nov. 9, 1989

Death Rate

Number of deaths each year per 1,000 people.

Birth Rate

Number of live births each year per 1,000 people.


Number of wavelengths that pass a given point in 1s. Number of Wavelengths per second (Hz).

Criterion Reference Test (CRTs)

Objective based test. Students are NOT in competition with each other

Newton's Third Law of Motion

Objects exert forces on each other that are equal, but in opposite directions.

Artesian Springs

Occur when a crack forms in a layer of impermeable rock that sandwiches an aquifer. The sandwiched water forces the water up.

Anaerobic Respiration

Occurs in small organisms and doesn't require oxygen.

Sliding Friction

Occurs when 2 surfaces slide past each other.


Occurs when an animal forms a social attachment to another organism within a specific time period after birth or hatching.


Occurs when so much rock has been dissolved, the roof of a cave collapses.

Chemical Weathering

Occurs when the chemical composition of rock changes (natural acids, plant acids, oxygen, etc.).

Full Moon

Occurs when the sun and moon are at opposite sides of the Earth.

New Moon

Occurs when the sun and moon are on the same side of the earth.


Occurs when the sun is directly above Earth's equator. Day and night are nearly equal during this time.


Occurs when water soaks through soil and rock. Minerals are deposited and act as cement.

Octava Rima Poetry

Oct- eight-line stanza whose rhyme scheme is ababacc


One dominant and one recessive gene together.


One individual from a population


One large landmass that used to exist on Earth which pulled apart into the continents.


One parent cell that devices by mitosis or binary fission. Occurs in one-celled organisms and body cells when they undergo growth and repair.

Asexual Reproduction

One parent cell that divides by a process called mitosis or binary fission into two daughter cells with identical DNA as the parent cell.


One-celled organisms. Their cells are prokaryotic because they do not have their genetic material in a nucleus.


One-celled, animal like protists.

Recessive Gene

Only expressed when paired with another recessive gene for a trait.

Subsistence Farmers

Only grow enough food for their families to eat.


Only in plants, take sunlight and make food for the plant in a process called photosynthesis.


Only in plants. Take in sunlight and use this energy to convert carbon dioxide and water taken in from the roots to make glucose. Contain chlorophyll which converts light into chemical energy.

Iroquois occupied land

Ontario and New York.


Organelles that contain digestive chemicals that help break down food molecules, cell wastes and worn-out cell parts.


Organelles where energy is released from breaking down food into carbon dioxide and water.


Organic molecules made up of amino acids.

Natural Selection

Organisms that are better adapted to an environment survive and reproduce at a greater rate.

Emphasized 7 elements or the writing process

Organization - the internal structure of the sample Ideas - how ideas are presented Voice - uniqueness of the author Word Choice - the vocabulary to convey meaning Sentence Fluency - flow of ideas Conventions - capitalization, punctuation, and spelling Presentation - how the final presentation looks

Non-point Source

Originate over roadways, agricultural areas, and industrial sites.

Brown V Board of Education of Topeka (1954)

Outlawed segregation in public schools.

Systemic Circulation

Oxygen-rich blood moves to all of your organs and body tissues, except the heart and lungs.

Quadratic Graphs

Parabola f(x)=x² : normal graph, vertex at origin f(x)= (x± c)² : opposite of what you would think- negative goes right, + goes left f(x)=x² ± c: positive goes up, negative goes down f(x)=cx² : again, opposite of what you would think-the larger the number the skinnier the graph; the smaller the number the wider the graph. If c is negative the parabola points down

Glorious Revolution (1688)

Parliament removed King James II and asked William and Mary of the Netherlands to rule England.

Zone of Saturation

Part of an aquifer where all the pores are filled with water.


Part of the mesosphere and thermosphere. Particles become electronically charged because of interaction with the sun's radiation and become ions. This layer is useful because it reflects AM radio waves which makes long-distance communication possible.

Navigation Acts (1650s)

Passed by Parliament and regulated trade between England and its colonies. Only colonial and English ships could carry goods to and from the colonies.

Quebec Act

Passed by Parliament, gave religious freedom to French Catholics and extended the border to include land between the Ohio and Missouri rivers.

Structural Clues

Pay attention to letter groups because there are many groups of letters that frequently occur within words (morphemes). (Context clue)


Peasants (serfs) worked on the land of lords who collected taxes for the king.

Order of Operations



People born in Spain, held high jobs in government and the Church.


People of Mexican decent born in Texas.

Indentured Servants

People who had to work for a period of years to gain freedom.

Cold War

Period of tension without actual warfare.


Permanently frozen soil.




Person in charge of a viceroyalty.

Journal Writing

Personal journals, dialogue journals, reflective journals, and learning logs.

Levels of the Sun's Atmosphere

Photosphere, Chromosphere, and Corona.

Science POI

Physical Change DOES NOT equal Chemical Change. Chemical changes generally cannot be reversed.


Physical structure of an organism. E.g.: vertebrate

4 Properties of Matter

Physical, thermal, electrical, and chemical.


Pictures drawn on cave walls, ledges and cliffs.


Piece of rock similar to the material that formed into planets.


Pieces of the Earth's crust.

Piecewise Function

Piecing multiple graphs together (may or may not intersect)


Pineda maps the coast of Texas. First Europeans visit Texas mainland. Cortes invades Mexico and attacks the Aztec empire.

Stamp Act (1765)

Placed duties on legal documents like wills, diplomas, and marriage papers. Also taxed newspapers, almanacs, playing cards and dice. All items had to carry a stamp showing that the tax has been paid. Repealed in 1766.


Plant cells' chloroplasts capture energy from the sun and take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and absorb water, restructuring these molecules into glucose. Glucose is used to make it own body structures and stored in chains, that when assembled, produce carbs or starch. Photosynthesis is the way plants make food but it is NOT the way the metabolize food for energy. The sugar plants make are metabolized by oxygen in respiration to produce energy for plants


Plant-like protists.


Plants that produce seeds, but not flowers.

Dwaft Planets

Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Haumea, Makemake

Dwarf Planets

Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake

Social Results of Industrial Revolution

Population Increase Advances in sciences Growth of Cities Disappearances of DIfferences between city dwellers and farmers Faster tempo of life and increased stress from work


Positively charged electrode.


Positively charged particles in the nucleus

Kinetic Energy

Possessing energy because of it's potential to move. Ex. When vehicle is moving.

Reconstruction Era

Post-Civil War physical reconstruction focused on the South. In 1868, Congress passed the 14th amendment which grated citizenship.

3 States of Energy

Potential, Kinetic, and Activation

Surface Currents

Powered by wind, occur in upper few hundred meters of seawater.


Powerhouse of the cell, to produce enzyme for conversion of food to energy.

Outline of the Constitution

Preamble - Intro - Defines 6 Goals 1.) To form a more perfect union 2.) To establish justice 3.) To ensure domestic tranquility 4.) To provide for common sense 5.) To promote general welfare 6.) To secure the blessings of liberty Articles - Establish the Framework 1.) Establishes the powers and limits on Congress 2.) and 3.) The same for President and the Courts. 4.) Relations between the states 5.) A process to amend the Constitution 6.) States that the constitution is the supreme law of the land. 7.) Sets up a procedure for the states to ratify the constitution. Seven Basic Principles 1.) Popular sovereignty 2.) Limited government -The government only has the power the constitution gives it. 3.)Separation of Powers - 3 branches of government. 4.) Checks and Balances - safeguards against the abuse of power. 5.) Federalism - Division of power between the federal government and the states. 6.) Republicanism - Citizens elect representatives 7.) Individual Rights - Constitution protects individual rights.

Outline of Declaration of Independence

Preamble -Intro Natural Rights - Rights that belong to all people from birth. British Wrongs - List of wrongs that led Americans to break ties with Britain. Independence - Declares the colonies as the USA. All political ties with Britain are cut.

Derivational Morphemes

Prefixes and suffices and inflectional endings.

Law of Detachment

Premise 1: If p, then q Premise 2: p, therefore q

The Monroe Doctrine (1823)

President Monroe declared that the U. S. would not interfere in the affairs of European nations or existing colonies of the European nations.

The Executive Branch

President is the head. President directs foreign policy and has the power to make treaties with other nations and to appoint ambassadors. President is commander in chief of the armed forces. Only congress can declare war though. Suggests new laws and works for their passage. Can grant pardons and call special sessions of Congress. 4 year term, and only 2 terms max.

Jefferson Davis

President of the Confederacy

Executive Branch

President, various executive dept, and independent agencies Powers: -enforcing federal laws -appointing/removing any high federal officials -commanding armed forces -conducting foreign affairs -recommending laws to congress -can veto bills that congress pass

Atmospheric Pressure

Pressure of air. Air exerts 101,000 N on every sq. meter it touches.

Economic Indicators

Price index, inflation rate, real GDP and unemployment rate

Supply and Demand

Prices vary based on the balance between the availability of a product or service at a certain price and the desire of potential purchasers to pay that price.

add the two

Principle of counting with an "or"


Principle stating that Earth's crust and lithosphere float on the upper part of the mantle.

Articulation Problems

Problems with specific sounds that can cause unintelligibility and the production of aesthetically displeasing sounds. e.g.: Lisping

Calvin Cycle

Process by which a photosynthetic organism uses energy to synthesize simple sugars from CO2.


Process in which sex cells are formed in the reproductive organs, involves two divisions of the nucleus, producing four sex cells, each having half the number of chromosomes as the original cell.


Process that produces sex cells.


Produce the sound of S, SH, Z and CH with their tongue between the upper and lower teeth.

Civil Rights Act (1964)

Prohibited all segregation in public facilities.


Property of a body that causes it to have weight.

Three-fifths Compromise

Proposed a the Constitutional Convention of 1787, centered on how to count slaves in the deciding the number of representatives for the House of Representatives.

English Bill of Rights (1689)

Protected the rights of individuals and gave convicted citizens the right to trial by jury. A ruler could not raise taxes or an army without the approval of Parliament.


Proteins on small structures produced by cells. Not membrane-bound.

Reformation period

Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation


Protestant reformers who believed all people are equal in God's eyes. Spoke out against war.

Atomic Mass

Protons plus Neutrons equate the mass of an atom, electrons are virtually mass-less.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Published Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852.The book showed the evils of slavery.

Cumulus Clouds

Puffy clouds that can be fair weather or contain rain, thunder and lightening if they have high vertical development.

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

Pythagorean Theorem

Divergent Question

Question with more than one correct answer.

Convergent Question

Question with only one correct answer.

Literal Questions

Questions that are easily answered and can be easily located within the text.


Radioactive elements.

Specific Gravity

Ration of an items weight compared to the weight of an equal volume of water.

Frustration Reading Level

Read 89% or less with no miscues.

Instructional Reading Level

Read 90 - 94% without miscues.

Independent Reading Level

Read 95% or more with no miscues.

Instructional level

Reading level 94-90 % of words correct with help from teacher.

Independent level

Reading level where student is reading 95% of words correctly


Rebirth of interest in art and learning. Began in Italy in the 1300s and reached its peak in the 1500s.


Rebuilding of the South after the civil war.

Civil rights movement in 1960's sought to address issues from:

Reconstruction era following the civil war

Recyclable Resources

Recycle through the environment naturally. Water, nitrogen, carbon, etc.

Symbolism of the American Flag

Red - Hardiness and valor Blue - Vigilance, perseverance and justice White - Purity and Innocence


Refers to the reality that there are limited resources despite consumer's unlimited wants.


Refers to the way that meaning is conveyed in a language through the use of its vocabulary.

Cause and Effect order

Relationships between described events, with the causal factors identified or implied

Exothermic Reactions

Release heat energy.


Replaces a noun. e.g.: I, you, he, she

Asexual Reproduction

Reproduction in which a new organism is produced from a part of another organism by cell division.

Semantic Clues

Require a child to think about the meanings of words and what is already known about the topic being read.

Fugitive Slave Act

Required all citizens to help catch runaway slaves.

Aerobic Cellular Respiration

Requires oxygen.

Renewable Resources

Resources that can be replaced.

Pay taxes, jury duty, uphold constitution

Responsibilities of citizenship under American system of government

Spanish American War

Resulted in America's possession of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines (1898)

Space Shuttle

Reusable spacecraft that transports astronauts, satellites and other materials to and from space.

Urinary System

Rids the blood of wastes produced by the cells.

2nd Amendment

Right to bear arms (amendment)

5th Amendment

Right to due process (amendment)

4th Amendment

Right to privacy (amendment)

6th Amendment

Right to speedy public trial (amendment)

7th Amendment

Right to sue (amendment)

9th Amendment

Rights can't be taken away (amendment)

10th Amendment

Rights no delegated by federal government can be given by states. (amendment)


Rivers and streams that flow into a larger river.


Rocklike material made of the skeletons of tiny sea creatures.

Reverse Fault

Rocks are compressed

Normal Fault

Rocks are pulled apart.

Sedimentary Rocks

Rocks created by several layers of sediment.

Great Compromise

Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth. Provided a dual system of congressional representation. In the House of Representatives each state would be assigned a number of seats in proportion to its population. In the Senate, all states would have the same number of seats.

Activities to Promote Oral Communication

Role play, Language Play, Sharing, Pair Interview and Presentations


Ruled by a group of religious leaders.


Ruler has unlimited power, uses power in arbitrary manner.


Ruler holds absolute power to make laws and command the army.


Rules of language. Rules native english speakers see as common sense but may not be understood as easily by ESL speakers. Ex. The phrases "How are you" and the responses between two different speakers

Dred Scott vs. Sandford

Ruling, slaves have no rights to sue, the federal government has no legal right to interfere with the institution of slavery.

Ivan IV (4th)

Russia's first Czar. 1547. He was known as Ivan the Terrible because of his cruelty.

Gettysburg Address (Nov. 19, 1863)

Said that the Civil War was a test of whether or not a democratic nation cold survive.


Sam Houston moved the state capital 5 times ending in Houston in 1837


Same consonant or letter.


San Antonio founded. The Presidio San Antonio de Bexar and Mission San Antonio de Velero(the Alamo).



Fossil Record

Scientist are able to reveal from fossils the time period that it's from to see how these species have changed over time.


Scientist who studies population.

Scientific Revolution

Scientists started to base theories on facts by watching carefully to see what really happened in the world.

SI Base Unit of Time

Second (s)


Sediment cemented together with pebbles.

Detrital Rocks

Sedimentary rocks made of grains of minerals or other rocks that have moved and been deposited in layers by water, ice, gravity, or wind. Minerals dissolved in water cement the layers and the weight of sediment squeezes them together.

Chemical Rocks

Sedimentary rocks that form when mineral-rich water from geysers, hot springs or salty lakes evaporates.


Seismic sea wave.

Context Clues

Semantic, Syntactic, Structural

Nervous System

Sends messages to and from the brain throughout the body.

1st Amendment

Separation of Church and State (amendment)

Tertiary Industry

Service companies. Banking, health care, transportation, etc..

Northwest Ordinance (1787)

Set up a government for the Northwest Territory, guaranteed basic rights to settlers and outlawed slavery.

Liberia (1822)

Set up by the American Colonization Society as an independent colony in West Africa for freed slaves. Assisted by President Monroe.


Settled in Cuzco in 1200, a village in the Andes which is now Peru.


Sex cells - Sperm or eggs


Shiny, metallic luster, good conductors of heat and electricity. Solid at room temperature except mercury. Malleable. Ductile.

Thematic Maps

Show a particular topic such as population density or distribution of world religions, etc..

Reference Maps

Show the locations of places, boundaries of countries, states, counties and towns.


Show-Tell, oral presentation

Physical Map

Shows physical features of a place.

Political Map

Shows political features of an area.

Declaration of Independence

Signed on July 4th, 1776, consists of preamble, introduction, followed by three main parts.

Ribonucleic Acid

Single stranded, the sugar is ribos. Makes proteins.

Indians in middle of continent, teepees, buffalo skins, feather headdresses

Sioux, eyenne, Blackfeet, Comanche and Pawnee

Musculoskeletal System

Skeleton consists of more than 200 bones held together by ligaments. Movements are effected by skeletal muscles which come in pairs. They contract and move the bones. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The spongy tissue at the end of the bones is cartilage. Muscular contractions are controlled by the nervous system. Smooth muscles and cardiac muscles are not attached and are controlled by the automatic nervous system.


Slip Fault rocks are sheared (sideways movement).

Cinder Cone Volcano

Small cone volcano.


Small sediments stick together to form solid rock.


Small, hard-shelled organisms that crawled on the seafloor and sometimes swam. 2cm-7cm long and 2cm to 3cm wide. Index fossils.


Smallest representation of meaning.


Social science that analyzes the principles that regulate the production, distribution, and consumption of resources in society.


Soft metals that can be cut with a knife.


Soft-bodied invertebrate that usually have a shelf.


Solid material with atoms arranged in a repeating pattern.

States of Matter

Solid, liquid, gas, plasma


Solids such as dust, salt, pollen, small drops of acid, etc.

2 Main Systems of the Nervous System

Somatic and automatic.

Alternative Resources

Sources of energy that are safer and cause less harm to the environment.

Inexhaustible Resources

Sources that can't be used up.

Seminole,Muscogee Creek, and Cherokee occupied land

Southeast U.S.

Pueblo, Apache, and Navajo occupied land

Southwest U.S.

Six Flags Over Texas

Spain (1519 - 1821) France (1685 - 1691) Mexico (1821 - 1836) Republic of Texas (1836 - 1845) U.S. - (1845 - 1861) Texas in the Confederacy (1861 - 1865) U.S. (1870 - Present)

Pickney Treaty (1795)

Spain agreed to let American ship their goods down the Mississippi and store them in New Orleans.


Spain establishes Catholic missions throughtout Texas


Spain's 800 year struggle to regain control of their land from the Moors - an Islamic people who came from Northwest Africa.


Spanish conquerors who cam to American in the 1500s.

Fransisco Pizarro

Spanish conquistador who, in 1531, captured and killed the Incan emperor. By 1535, he conquered most of the Incan Empire.


Spanish explorer Alonso Alvarez de Pineda maps the Texas Coast

Alvarez de Pineda

Spanish explorer who might have had the first contact between Europeans and Texas Indians. His voyage gave the Spanish their first accurate information about the Texas coastline.

Hernando Cortes

Spanish solider who conquered the Aztecs. He landed in Mexico in 1519.

Informal Reading Inventory

Specifically measures accuracy in decoding and comprehension of text at both literal and inferential levels.

3 Basic Shapes of Bacteria

Spheres - Cocci Rod - Bacilli Spiral - Spirilla

Golgi Bodies

Stacked, flattened membranes. Sort proteins and package them into vesicles.

Texas Mathematic Standards

Standard I - Number Concepts Standard II - Patterns and Algebra Standard III - Geometry and Measurement Standard IV - Probability and Statistics Standard V - Mathematical Processes Standard VI - Mathematical Perspectives Standard VII - Mathematical Learning and Instruction Standard VIII - Mathematical Assessment

Formal assessment

Standardized written or performance test of knowledge, aptitude, values, etc.


Star in its late stage of life.


Stars begin as this large cloud of gas and dust.


Steep cliff.


Steep hills with flat tops


Steep sided hills

Composite Volcano

Steep-sided mountains composed of alternating layers of lava and tephra. Forms when one plate sinks beneath another.


Stephen Austine begins colony known as Old Three Hundred along the Brazos River


Stephen F. Austin founds first colony.

Internal Stimuli

Stimuli from within the organism Ex. Being hungry

External Stimuli

Stimuli outside of the organism Ex. Warmth or cold, light or dark.

Water Cycle

Storage - Evaporation - Precipitation - Runoff


Stored as starches and used in cellular respiration to produce energy. Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Ex. Potatoes, Carrots, Turnips, Corn, Peas, Celery, Spinach, Apples


Stored as starches, simplest building block is sugar or monosaccaride. Used in cellular respiration to produce energy for all life functions. Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Pourquois tales

Stories from around the world about how things were created.

Tall Tales

Stories of legendary people or fictitious characters that manage to accomplish great things.

Traditional Literature

Stories that have their roots in the oral tradition of storytelling. Animal tales, fables, pourquois tales, wonder tales, cumulative tales, tall tales and ghost stories.


Structures are the same in origin, but have different functions.


Structures inside eukaryotic cells that process energy and others make substances needed by the cell.

Fluency Expectations

Student in middle school should be reading at about 120-150 wcpm.

Inferential Questions

Students must draw conclusions.


Students read major headings, table of contents, bold letters, graphic material, and summary paragraphs.

Phonetic Phase

Students write one letter, or a cluster of letters, for every sound in the word. Teachers should emphasize visual strategies (looking for predictable letter sequence and patterns)

Human Geography

Study of people in a location and their ways.

Fluency Disorder

Stuttering and cluttering.


Substance in the smaller amount that dissolves into larger amount (solvent)


Substances that exist before a reaction begins.


Substances that form as a result of the reaction.

Great Lakes

Superior, Michigan, Huron, Eerie, and Ontario. Together they form the largest body of fresh water in the world.


Supported the constitution.

Judicial Branch

Supreme Court and other lower federal courts

The Judicial Branch

Supreme Court is made of the Chief Justice and 8 associate justices. They serve until they die, retire, resign or are removed. Supreme court is the nation's final court of appeals. Supreme court decides if something is unconstitutional.


Survey - Examine headings, illustrations, bold words and other major points. Question - Ask questions you want to find out. Read - Look for answers to the questions. Reflect - Write a summary of the text. Recite - Answer questions orally. Review - Review the text.


Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review

Syllabic Writing System

Syllable are depicted through symbol. Ex. Chinese character

Syllabic Writing System

Syllables are depicted through the use of unique symbols.


Symbiosis that benefits one organism without affecting the other organism.


Symbiotic relationship between two species in which one species benefits and the other species is harmed.


Synonymous with Newton's 1st Law. An object at rest will stay at rest etc...

What oral language activity would be most effective in promoting students' multicultural awareness and appreciation?

Teacher guides students to discuss some features that folk tales of various countries have in common as well as some of the unique features of each culture's folk tales.

Sentence Builders

Teacher provides a list of words by syntactic categories and guide students to make sentences. Then identify subject and predicate.

Punctuation Exercises

Teacher use sentences in which punctuation is necessary to deliver the ideas and asks them to provide the correct punctuation.

Formal Assessment

Teacher-made test, district exam, standardized test.

Mentor Texts

Teachers model good writing by a certain author or genre by sharing exemplar texts that are representative of that author or genre.

Chemical Equation

Tells chemists at a glance the reactants, products, physical state, and the proportions of each substance present.


Tells how things are done. e.g.: slowly


Tells something about the subject.


Tendency to resist a change in motion.


Texas Revolution begins to gain freedom from Mexico


Texas admitted to United States


Texas adopts current Constitution.


Texas declares Independence from mexico on March 2nd. The Battle of the Alamo February 23rd- March 6th. The Battle of San Jacinto April 21st.


Texas is readmitted to United States


Texas secedes from Union and joins Confederacy, Governor Sam Houston was replaced

Mason-Dixon Line

The 244 mile boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland, but also between the Middle and Southern colonies. (1763)

League of Iroquois (1570)

The 5 nations of Iroquois - Mohawk, Seneca, Onondaga, Oneida, and Cayuga - Formed an alliance to stop fighting.


The Civil war begins. Texas secedes from the union and becomes part of the Confederacy.

First Great Awakening

The First Great Awakening was a time of religious fervor during the 1730s and 1740s. The movement arose in reaction to the rise of skepticism and the waning of religious faith brought about by the Enlightenment. Protestant ministers held revivals throughout the English colonies in America, stressing the need for individuals to repent and urging a personal understanding of truth.


The ability of rock and soil to transmit water and other fluids.


The ability to cause change.


The ability to conceptualize and separate words into their basic components which are.... Syllables.

Alphabetic Principle

The ability to connect letter with sounds.

Alphabetic Principle

The ability to connect letters with sounds and to create words based on these associations.

Reading Fluency

The ability to decode words quickly and accurately in order to read text with the appropriate word stress, pitch and intonation pattern.


The ability to do work

Phonological Awareness

The ability to recognize and manipulate components of the sound system of a language.


The act of one organism hunting, killing and feeding on another organism.


The action of moving an object by pushing or pulling it.

Absolute Age

The age, in years, of a rock or other object.


The airway to which two pairs of horizontal folds of tissue, called vocal cords, are attached.


The amount of gravitational force exerted over an object.


The amount of mass a material has for a given volume.


The amount of space an object occupies.


The amount of time it takes for half of a sample of the element to decay.


The amount of water pressure in the air.


The author's mood and manner of expression.

Population Density

The average number of people who live in a square mile.


The average weather of a place over many years.

Manifest Destiny

The belief that Americans had the right and duty to spread their culture across the continent.


The bending of waves around a barrier.

Repeated Reading

The best approach to developing fluency in reading. Independent level reading builds on success.

Archimedes Principle

The buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.


The cell that forms when fertilization occurs.


The central government controls the production and distribution of goods, services and labor in the nation. The goal is to promote an equitable distribution of resources among the people.


The changing of one element into another through radioactive decay.


The chromatid pairs are lined up in the center of the cell.


The chromatid pairs are now visible and spindle begins to form.


The chromosomes have separated.

Tropic of Cancer

The circle of latitude on the Earth that marks the most northerly position at which the Sun may appear directly overhead. This event occurs once per year, at the time of the June solstice, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun to its maximum extent.

Tropic of Capricorn

The circle of latitude that contains the subsolar point on the December (or southern) solstice. It is thus the southernmost latitude where the Sun can be directly overhead.

Nuclear Fusion

The combining of atoms in high speed collisions releasing tremendous amounts of energy.

Korean War

The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea. 1950-53


The current condition of the atmosphere.


The cytoplasm begins to separate.


The different ways that certain trait appears.


The direction and the distance between the final position and the starting position.

Absolute Value

The distance a number is from zero on a number line Ex. |-3| = 3, since -3 is exactly 3 steps away from zero.


The distance from the top of one crest to the top of the next crest or the bottom of one trough to the bottom of the next.

Potential Energy

The energy an object has because of position or condition. (Potential of object to move) Ex. Vehicle parked in a garage.

Kinetic Energy

The energy an object has due to its motion.


The energy flow that occurs between areas of opposite electrical charge.

Potential Energy

The energy stored in an object because of its position.

Cultural Diffusion

The exchange or transmission of cultural information and lifestyle from people around the world.

Dependent Variable

The factor being measured in an experiment.

Gregor Mendel

The father of heredity.

Alluvial Soils

The fertile top soil left by rivers after a flood.

The Old 300

The first 300 families who settled in Texas.


The first emperor of Rome, came to power in 27 B.C.. His rule began 200 years of Roman peace or Pax Romana.

Pulmonary Circulation

The flow of blood through the heart to the lungs and back to the heart.

Coronary Circulation

The flow of blood to and from the tissues of the heart.


The force of attraction or repulsion between objects that results from the positive and negative ionic charges of the objects.

Milky Way

The galaxy in which we live and has a spiral shape.

Socialist System

The government owns most basic industries. The government decides how much to pay workers and how much to charge for goods. It uses profits to pay for services such as health care and education.


The height of land above sea level.


The implied meaning of words and ideas.

Inner Core

The inner most layer of Earth's interior. 5,000 degrees. Hottest part of Earth.

Missouri Compromise

The issue was that Missouri wanted to join the Union as a slave state, therefore unbalancing the Union so there would be more slave states then free states. The compromise set it up so that Maine joined as a free state and Missouri joined as a slave state. Congress also made a line across the southern border of Missouri saying except for the state of Missouri, all states north of that line must be free states or states without slavery.

Boston Massacre (March 5, 1770)

The killing of five colonists by British soldiers.

Proprietary Colony

The king gave land to one or more people in return for a yearly payment. The proprietors could divide the land and rent it to others.

Carrying Capacity

The largest number of individuals of a species that an environment can support and maintain for a long period of time.


The layer of gases surrounding the Earth.


The level of biological organization that is made up of all the ecosystems on Earth.


The liquid part of blood, which is made mostly of water.


The literal meaning of words and ideas.


The majority rules. People elect representatives.

Law of Conservation of Mass

The mass of what you end with is always the same as what you start with.

Biotic Potential

The maximum rate at which a population increases when plenty of food and water are available, the weather is ideal and no diseases or enemies exist.

Continental-Oceanic Collision

The more dense oceanic plate slides under the continental plate, forming volcanoes.


The movement of people to cities and the growth of cities.


The multilayered band of gases that surrounds the Earth.

Abiotic Factors

The nonliving parts of the environment. Water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil, etc..

Expanded Notation

The number 24.78 in money Two $10 bills, four $1 bills, seven dimes, and eight pennies. or 2 x 10 + 4 x 1 + 7 x 1/10 + 8 x 1/100

Population Density

The number of individuals in a population that occupy a definite area.

Atomic Number

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

Mass Number

The number of protons plus the number of neutrons an atom contains.


The number of times a wave vibrates per unit of time. The shorter the wavelength, the more vibration will occur.

Mechanical Advantage

The number of times the applied force is increased by a machine.


The outer part of a supergiant explodes and becomes bright.

Primary Industry

The part of the economy that produces raw materials.

Middle Passage

The passage of slave ships west across the Atlantic Ocean.


The passing of traits from parent to offspring.


The pattern or structure of word order in sentences, clauses and phrases.

Physical Geography

The physical characteristics of the surface of the Earth and how those features affect life.


The point inside Earth where an earthquake first occurs and energy is released.


The point on Earth's surface directly above the Earthquake focus.


The populations of different species that interact in some ways.


The practical use of science or applied science.

Spoils System

The practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs.


The process by which soil and rock are removed from the Earth's surface and then transported and deposited in other locations.

Reproductive System

The process of meiosis in the egg cell for women. In men, the process of meiosis occurs to produce sperm cells. These specialized sex cells (gametes), form a fertilized egg.


The process of warm air rising and cool air sinking.

Adaptive Radiation

The production of several species from one ancestral species.


The quick and accurate recognition of letters, words and language conventions.

Cause and Effect

The reason something happens and the result of it happening.

Social Structure

The relationships within a society that form a basis for interaction among members of that society.

Radioactive Decay

The release of nuclear particles and energy. This is done when a nucleus releases particles to remain stable. If a proton is released then the atomic number changes and the element changes.

Index Fossils

The remains of species that existed on Earth for short periods of time, were abundant and widespread.


The rigid, upper part of Earth's mantle and crust. It has about 30 sections called plates. These move around on the asthenosphere, part of the mantle.

Natural numbers

The set of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ... Also called counting numbers.

Mayflower Compact

The settlers pledged themselves to unite into a civil body politic and agreed to make and abide by laws that insured the general good of the colony.


The smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions.


The sound produced due to the rapid expansion and contraction of heated air.

Sex Cells

The specialized cells that carry DNA and join in sexual reproduction.


The speed in a particular direction.

Instantaneous Speed

The speed of an object at any instant of time.


The spinning of the Earth on its axis.

Earth Science

The study of Earth systems and the systems in space.


The study of evidence left by early people in order to find out about their way of life.


The study of how people and cultures develop.


The study of how people manage their limited resources to satisfy their wants.


The study of how people think and behave in groups.


The study of how people think and behave.


The study of how traits are inherited through the interactions of alleles.


The study of how traits are passed from parents to offspring.

Life Science

The study of living systems and the ways in which they interact.


The study of the Earth's surface, the organisms that populate it, and their interaction within the ecosystem.


The study of the Earth.


The study of the earth's surface, climate, continents, countries, peoples, industries, and products.


The study of the economy at the world, regional, state and local levels.


The study of the interactions among organisms and their environment.


The study of the rights and responsibilities of citizens.


The study of the sound system of a language.


The study of the structure of words and word formations.


The substance in the smaller amount that dissolves and that you add into the substance that is the larger amount - the solvent.

Political Systems

The system a government uses to govern, or set rules for the safety of, its people.

What activity would best promote students' understanding of relationship b/w written and spoken words?

The teacher displays a big book and points to each word as she reads the book aloud

Dew Point

The temp at which saturation and condensation occur.

Melting Point

The temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid.

Boiling Point

The temperature at which as liquid becomes a gas.

Plate Tectonics

The theory that the Earth's crust is made of huge, slowly moving slabs of rock called plates.

Agricultural Revolution

The time when human beings first domesticated plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and gathering

Water Table

The top surface of the zone of saturation in an aquifer.

Dominant Gene

The trait that is expressed with another dominant gene or a recessive gene.


The transfer of a property of the atmosphere


The transfer of energy that results when molecules collide.

Surface Tension

The uneven forces acting on the particles on the surface of a liquid.


The uniqueness of the author and how ideas are projected.


The use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Phonemic Stress

The use of rhythmic patterns introduces children to the sounds and music of language.Can be taught with nursery rhymes.

Independent Variable

The variable that is changed in an experiment.


The vocabulary of a language.


The volume of pore space divided by the volume of a rock or soil sample.


The way a mineral reflects light.


The way an organism interacts with other organisms and its environment.


The way an organism looks and behaves as a result of its genotype.

Visual Coherence

The ways in which the design of the piece creates a sense of unity and wholeness.

Visual Impact

The ways in which the overall visual design appeals to the reader.

Force of Gravity

The weight of an object.

Atomic Mass

The weighted average mass of the isotopes of an element. The bottom number of an element key.

Syntactic Clues

The word order in a sentence might also provide clues to the reader.

Syntactic Clues

The word order in a sentence that provide clues to readers.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

This Act set up Kansas and Nebraska as states. Each state would use popular sovereignty to decide what to do about slavery. People who were proslavery and antislavery moved to Kansas, but some antislavery settlers were against the Act. This began guerrilla warfare.


Time before written records.


To defend the body against foreign proteins and infectious organisms. Fever is the body's way of fighting invading molecules.

Prime Factorization

To factor a number until you have all prime numbers Ex. 36 6 6 2 3 2 3 36 = 2^2 x 3^2

Atomic Number

Top number above an element symbol in an element key. Tells the number of protons in the nucleus of each atom.

Average Speed Formula

Total Distance/ Total Time = Average Speed

Gross Domestic Product

Total value of all goods and services produced in the country. GDP = Consumption + Investment + Government Spend + (Exports - Imports)

Translation, reflection, rotation, glide



Translates to "false feet". Temporary cytoplasm-filled parts of the cell wall that are able to change their form in order to move.

Juan Ponce de Leon (1513)

Travelled through Florida to find the fountain of youth.

Treaty of Velasco

Treaty that ended the Texas Revolution.

Treaty of Paris (1783)

Treaty that gave America independence.

each element of the domain corresponds to one element of the range.

True function


Tube-like passageway used by food, liquid, and air.

Battle of Gettysburg

Turning point of the War that made it clear the North would win. 50,000 people died, and the South lost its chance to invade the North.

Parliamentary systems

Two interdependent branches in which only the legislature is elected, and the executive rises from the legislature. The head of the executive branch is the prime minister and his/her cabinet. Usually, neither branch has a fixed term, but a member of the cabinet can be voted out at any time (vote of confidence); a form of democracy where citizens vote for legislative representatives, who in turn select the leaders of the executive branch

Pair Interviewing

Two people interviewing and report finding to class


Type of cell with no nucleus and one strand of DNA. (Pro = No)


Type of cell with nucleus and many structures.

Allied Powers of WWII

U.S., Great Britain, France and Russia

Cuban Missile Crisis (1963)

US and Soviet Union were on the verge of nuclear war after Khrushchev deployed missiles to Cuba. Ended with negotiations between Khrushchev and Kennedy. During Cold War.

Indirect election of the President by electors. Electoral College

US constitution provided for what process of electing a president.

Gadsden Purchase (1853)

US paid Mexico $10 million for a strip of land in Arizona and New Mexico.

Marshall Plan

US provided money an machinery to help reconstruct Europe.

Early Writers

Understand that a written message remains the same each time it is read. Utilize their knowledge of sounds and letters as they progress through the stages of spelling development. Begin to use conventional grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Emergent Readers

Understand that print contains meaningful info. They imitate the reading process and display basic reading skills.

Heterogeneous Mixture

Uneven distribution of substances Ex. Italian Dressing

Monera (bacteria)

Unicellular organisms. only group with prokaryotic cells. Ex. bacteria, blue-green algae


Union troops landed in Galvestion, Emancipation Proclamation ends slavery in Texas


United States annexes Texas. Texas becomes a state.

Pearl Harbor

United States military base on Hawaii that was bombed by Japan, bringing the United States into World War II. Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941.


Unlike the Pilgrims, did not warn to separate from the Church of England, but hoped to reform it by introducing simpler forms of worship.


Upper chambers of the heart.

Zone of Aeration

Upper part of an aquifer. Some pores are filled with water and the other part is filled with air.

Mechanical Waves

Use matter to transfer energy.

Information Revolution

Use of new technologies such as the telephone, radio, television, computers, the Internet, automated databases, and remote sensing satellites to enable people to have increasingly rapid access to much more information on a global scale.

Newly Fluent Writers

Use prewriting strategies to achieve their purpose. Address as topic or write to a prompt creatively and independently. Organize writing to include a beginning, middle and end. Consistently use conventional grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation. Revise and edit written work independently and or collectively.

Interactive Journals

Used for communicating.


Used in writing to introduce the background information and to understand or introduce characters.

Experimental Research Design

Used to answer scientific questions by testing a hypothesis through the use of a series of carefully controlled steps.

Light Year

Used to measure distances between galaxies. 9.5 trillion km, the distance light travels in one year.


Used to show the Earth's curved surface onto a flat map.

Curriculum Based Measurement

Uses a quick and efficient method of measuring an aspect of the learning process.

Endocrine System

Uses hormones to control the body.

Alphabetic Writing System

Uses the sounds of language as the basic unit for writing.

Alphabetic Writing System

Uses the sounds of the language as a basic unit of writing. (Writing system)

Visual Salience

Using design features to generate a certain effect.

Ghost Stories

Usually used to regulate the behavior of children.


Variable that stays the same in an experiment.

Present Participle

Verb form ending in 'ing'.

Elliptical Galaxy

Very common galaxy type, shaped like a football.

13 Colonies

Virginia, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Delaware, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

Confederate States

Virginia, North Carolin, South Carolina, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia

Southern Colonies

Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, base on tobacco, rice, indigo, and cotton.

Foliated Rock

Visible layers or elongated grains of minerals.

6 - 7 Year Olds

Vocab of 2,100 words and comprehension of 20,000. Use well-constructed sentences using all parts of speech.

(pi x r^2 x h)/3 , pi x r x sq rt (r^2 + h^2) + pi x r^2

Volume and SA of right cone

pi x h x r^2 , 2(pi)rh+2(pi)r^2

Volume and SA of right cylinder

(4/3) pi (r^3), 4(pi)r^2

Volume and SA of sphere

Free Soil Party

Wanted to keep slavery out of the western territories.

Seven Years War (French and Indian War)

War between Great Britain and France for land in North America


Warm-blooded animals. Body temps to not change with their surroundings.

Point Source

Waste is dumped directly into water from a pipe or channel.

Ground water

Water beneath the surface.


Water contained in the open spaces of soil and rock.


Water that flows over Earth's surface.

Electromagnetic Radiation Waves

Waves that carry energy through empty space and matter. Radio waves, visible light, gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet waves, infrared waves and microwaves.

Seismic Waves

Waves that travel from the focus in all directions.

Scientific Methods

Ways or steps to follow to try to solve problems.

Destructive Processes

Weathering and erosion.

Artesian Well

Wells drilled into pressurized aquifers. The amount of pressure depends on the elevation.


What is being dissolved into. Ex. Water = Universal Solvent

Railroad System

What made the Westward movement available to the US


What plates of the lithosphere float on.


What the zygote becomes after it attaches to the wall of the uterus.

Cold Front

When a cold air mass advances and pushes under a warm air mass, the warm air has to rise. As water condenses, clouds and precipitation develop., If the air is pushed upward quickly enough, a narrow band of violent storms can result. Cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds can develop.

Occluded Front

When a fast moving front overtakes the other.

Pascal's Principle

When a force is applied to a confined fluid, an increase in pressure is transmitted equally to all parts of the fluid.


When a large star begins to use up the fuel in its core.


When countries take over other countries and make colonies.


When force is applied over a distance work is done. Work is the product of force acting in the direction of movement and causing displacement

Mass Movement

When gravity alone causes rock or sediment to move down a slope.


When light travelling in a straight line hits an object or substance and is bent.


When light waves bounce back from an object.


When one oceanic plate sinks underneath another. This causes deep ocean trenches where the plates meet. Erupting lava forms islands near the trench.

Lunar Eclipse

When the Earth is between the sun and the moon.

Waning Moon

When the moon changes from full to new.

Waxing Moon

When the moon changes from new to full.

Solar Eclipse

When the moon is between the sun and Earth and blocks out the sun.

Physical Change

When the physical properties of a substance changes.

Nonrenewable Resources

When they are used up, they can't be replaced.

Inductive Reasoning

When thinking inductively, students will make hypotheses, extend patterns of thought, use analogies, and make reasonable conclusions from examining evidence.


When two or more substances come together, but don't combine to make a new substance.

Vowel Diagraph

When two vowels produce one sound. e.g.: beach


When water no longer fills the pores in the aquifer, the land above the aquifer sinks.

Pictographic Writing System

When words ideas and concepts are expressed via images and visuals. Ex. Hieroglyphics

Seed Germination

Where the seed sprouts into a plant.

William Lloyd Garrison

White abolitionist, launched The Liberator which was the most influential antislavery newspaper.

Examples of relative pronouns:

Who Whom Which That


Who or what the sentence is about.

Million of hardworking immigrants, Increase in technology developments, change from steam power to electricity.

Why US changed from primarily agriculture to industrial

There are different levels of government.

Why is the US government considered a federal system.

Measurement instruments

Wind - measured by anemometer Air Pressure - barometer Precipitation - rain gauges Temperature - thermometer Humidity - psychrometer

Cirrus Clouds

Wispy clouds.

Sight Words

Words that are not spelled in phonetically regular ways. They build automaticity and must be memorized.


Words that are spelled the same way but have more than one pronunciation and different meanings. e.g.: minute (time) and minute (small)


Words that have the same sound and the same spelling but differ in meaning. Stalk (bean stalk) and stalk (follow).


Words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. red and read.

Pictographic Writing System

Words, ideas and concepts are represented with a visual or image. (Writing system).

Sahara Desert

World's largest desert. Located in Northern Africa.

Process Writing

Writing how real writers write. Read about the subject, take notes and play with the topic before they compose. Share drafts with peers. Revise. Keep all work compiled in a portfolio for review.

Star-Spangled Banner

Written as a poem by Francis Scott Key during the war of 1812. Was made the official national anthem in 1931.

Pledge of Allegiance

Written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy.


Year Abraham Lincoln becomes president


Year George Washington is Elected President.


Year Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore land west of the Mississippi River


Year Texas become part of the Confederacy.


Year Texas becomes part of the US


Year pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts from England

Mayan occupied land

Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala, and Honduras. Major city was Chichen Itza.

Complex numbers

a + bi where a and b represent real numbers and i represents sq rt -1

Inverse property

a - a = 0 a x 1/a = 1

Manifest Destiny

a belief shared by many Americans in the mid-1800s that the United States should expand across the continent to the Pacific Ocean; a policy of imperialism rationalized as inevitable (as if granted by God)


a brief, often witty saying, usually an observation about life; (ex: a proverb, Jerry Seinfield)


a composition that imitates somebody's style in a humorous way

Standard Deviation

a computed measure of how much scores vary around the mean score. (looks like a lower case cursive o on the calculator) is found by taking the square root of variance


a contrast between two opposing viewpoints


a conversation or conference, usually formal

Box and Whisker Plot

a diagram that summarizes data using the median, the upper and lower quartiles, and the extreme values (outliers). Q2 - median Q1 - median of first half Q3 - median of last half Outliers - lowest number and highest number


a fanciful expression, usually in the form of an extended metaphor or surprising analogy between seemingly dissimilar objects


a figure of speech in which one directly addresses an absent or imaginary person, or some abstraction


a figure of speech in which someone absent or something inhuman is addressed as though present and able to respond


a flat toppped hill area with steep sides


a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership

Single replacement reaction

a free element replaces an element that is part of a compound A + BX → AX + B ex: iron + copper sulfate yields iron sulfate + copper

Mathematical Theorem

a mathematical statement derived from axioms, definitions, and previously proven statements


a mournful poem


a narrative poem of popular origin

The Enlightenment

a period during the seventeenth and eighteenth century when people began questioning religious dogmas and emphasizing scientific reasoning and knowledge. Ex. the quest for freedom led to the American and the French Revolution.


a political system governed by a few people

Federal government system

a political system in which power is shared between the national and local governments, including executive, legislative, and judicial branches


a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

Vietnam War

a prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States


a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)

irrational number

a real number that cannot be expressed as a rational number


a reference to something literary, mythological, or historical that the author assumes the reader will recognize


a religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches

soh cah toa

a saying that helps to remember the trigonometric ratios

complex sentence

a sentence composed of at least one main clause and one subordinate clause

Complex sentence

a sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause


a short pithy instructive saying


a solid object whose surface is made up of polygons

spenserian sonnet

a sonnet consisting of three quatrains and a concluding couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab bcbc cdcd ee

Shakesperian or Elizabethan Sonnet

a sonnet consisting three quatrains and a concluding couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab cdcd efef gg

Octava Rima

a specific eight-line stanza

spenserian stanza

a stanza with eight lines of iambic pentameter and a concluding Alexandrine with the rhyme pattern abab bcbc c


a statement that at first seems to be absurd or self-contradictory but which may in fact turn out to be true ex: the paradox of freedom...we have to have laws in order to be free


a statement that represents something in words


a story told or sung, usually in verse and accompanied by music. Earliest forms were anonymous folk ballads.


a system in which power is divided between the national and state governments


a systematic interpretation or explanation (usually written) of a specific topic

Differentiated instruction

a teaching method in which the teacher's plan includes strategies to support the range of different academic backgrounds.


a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research


a value that is widely separated from the rest of the date. Any value that is more than 1.5 time the interquartile range.

World War 1

a war between the allies (Russia, France, British Empire, Italy, United States, Japan, Rumania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro) and the central powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria) from 1914 to 1918

Running Record

a way to assess student's word identification skills, accuracy, fluency. Ex.

Common Multiple

a whole number that is a multiple of two or more given numbers For example, 2,3,4 are common multiples of 12,24,36,48...

Distributive property


First Law of Exponents

a(n) x a (m) = a(n+m) 5^2 x 5^1 = 5^3 = 125

Identity property

a+0=a a x 1 = a

Commutative property

a+b=b+a ab=ba

Temperance Movement

a.k.a Prohibition, dealing with alcohol. Arguments against the legalization of alcohol: 1. Social order - threat to society 2. Religion - against religious beliefs 3. Damage to the Family 4. Medical Reasons.

Trend line

a.k.a line of best fit; used to describe the data. The closer the data points are to the line, the better the fit.

Random Sample

a.k.a probability sampling; Random selection of people from a larger target population.

Dolch Words

a.k.a sight words, 220 most frequently used words in the English identified by Edward W. Dolch

phonological awareness

ability recognize spoken language and how it can be pull apart, blended, and manipulated - non print

phonemic awareness

ability recognize spoken language and how it can be pull apart, blended, and manipulated - print and sound

Phonological Awareness

ability to recognize and manipulate components of sound system in a language

Resonance Disorder

abnormality created when sound passes through the vocal tract. Ex. Nasally speaking.

13th amendment

abolished slavery

John Brown

abolitionist who was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia (1800-1858)


across word: diameter


act or process or word: computation


act to regulate life functions and maintain homeostasis. They help produce glands in the body within the endocrine system. Ex. Adrenalin in secreted from the adrenal glands in high stress or fear situations.



United Nations

after World War II, although started in 1943 was complete when charter was drawn up in 1945

Real Numbers

all rational and irrational numbers


alternating rise and fall in sea level with respect to the land, and gravitation attraction of the moon and sun.


amount produced or manufactured by an industry

Ulysses S Grant

an American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War.

The Articles of Confederation

an agreement of the 13 founding states that was drafted in the Continental Congress in 1776-77. Established a new government with limited power and that could not declare war or raise an army.

Market Economy

an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices

Quadratic Equation

an equation of the form ax² + bx + c = 0, where a ≠ 0

slope-intercept form

an equation written in the form y=mx+b is in slope-intercept form. The graph is a line with slope m and y-intercept b.

Scientific Revolution

an era between 16th and 18th centuries when scientists began doing research in a new way using the scientific method


an error involving time in a story; something or someone misplaced in time


an expression that has been overused to the extent that its freshness has worn off


an expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up

League of Nations

an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations


an organization created for business ventures

United Nations

an organization of independent states formed in 1945 to promote international peace and security


an unusually far-fetched [extended] metaphor comparing two very dissimilar things cleverly

Rational numbers

any number that can be expressed as a fraction


any set of ordered pairs


are animals, both herbivores and carnivores, The herbivores take the chemical energy from plants and carnivores take the energy from other animals or directly from plants.

.5 x height x (top +bottom)

area of a trapezoid

.5 x base x height

area of a triangle

pi x r^2

area of circle


areas of lowlands formed by soil and sediment deposited at the mouths of rivers

Inverse variation

as one gets larger, the other gets smaller If x and y vary inversely, there should still be a constant. y=x/k Ex: driving time: increase speed=decrease time


at least 2,000 ft above sea level



difference quotient

average rate of change over an interval

Standard Form

ax + by = c

standard form of a linear equation

ax + by = c

Protestant Reformation

b/c of religious, political, and econ. reasons. Religious: abuses in the Catholic church- fraudulent clergy w/ immoral lifestyles, sale of religious offices, different theologies, frauds w/ sacred relics

Discriminant Formula

b^2 - 4ac, to determine the number of solutions


basic principle that government and those who govern must obey the law; the rule of law


basic unit of life


basic unit of sound, 44 in total Ex. Sugar /sh/ sound.


basic units of sounds

Deductive Reasoning

basically inferencing. Ex. If a students sees it is raining, she might conclude she'll need a umbrella.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

began with Rosa Parks and her refusal to give up seat on bus. December 1955

Transitional Phase

beginning phase of using visual memory. Students have learned about letter patterns, but often use them incorrectly. Teachers should implement visual and morphemic strategies (pre-fix, suffix, roots)

Stem and Leaf Plots

best suited for small sets of data and are especially useful for comparing 2 sets of data

World War I

between the Allies (England, France, Russia, Italy) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria). The U.S remained neutral up until the German submarine invention sank ships (the Lusitania) which forced President Wilson to declare war.

Unfixed Literature (poetry)

blank verse and dramatic monologue

Continental Drift

by Alfred Wegener, proposed that all continent were part of one large continent but broke apart

Discovery of New World

by Columbus in 1492

Compromise of 1850

by Henry Clay and Stephen Douglas to end the struggle between slave and non-slave states. 1. California was entered as a free-state 2. New Mexico and Utah were each to use popular sovereignty to decide if slavery should be permitted. 3. The Republic of Texas gave up lands that it claimed in present day New Mexico and received $10 million to pay its debt to Mexico. 4. The slave trade was abolished in D.C 5. Fugitive Slave Act

Rational numbers

can be expressed as a ratio of two integers Ex a/b where b DNE 0

Independent clauses

can stand alone or be joined with another clause

Positive Mechanism

cause reactions to increase, Ex. Eating when hungry

Word Stress

changes the meaning of a word Ex. PreSENT, PREsent,


checklist with assigned point values, created using lesson objectives.


children are guided to look for specific information in text.

Full Alphabetic Stage

children begin making connections between letters, the sounds that they represent, and the actual meaning of the word.

2(pi)radius, pi(diamter)


15th amendment

citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude

The Cold War

cold war between the U.S and Soviet Union from 1945-1991. Largest event to occur was Cuban Missile Crisis

Boston Tea Party

colonists dumped tea in the Boston harbor to protest against taxation.

glide reflection

combination of reflection and translation

ordinal measurement scale

compares categories ex: 1st, 2nd, etc.


comparison not using like or as

Decomposition reaction

compound breaks down into 2+ simpler substances AB → A + B ex: water breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen

Traditional literature

comprise the stories that have their roots in the oral tradition of storytelling and have handed down from generation to generation.


contains at least one subject and one verb (describes); ex: Lazy students whine. Subj - student, verb - whine.


convert light energy into chemical energy, help with photosynthesis.

Process Writing Skills

created by Dr. Donald Graves basically to teach students to write how real writers write. Students should write about what they want to write about, read the subject, talk about the subject, take notes, or generally place with the topic before they compose. They may write a draft, share the draft.

applied question

creative questions beyond the text Ex. What would you have done...? So what does this mean for us?

Noam Chomsky

creator of the language acquisition device


deals with angles, triangles, functions of sine, cosine, and tangent Development in jr high: similar shapes pythagorean theorem algebraic expressions/equations Careers using Trig: astronomy land surveying acoustics

American Revolution most influenced political developments in Mexico and Latin America by:

demonstrating that it was possible to overthrow European colonial rule


deposits of sand and soil at the mouth of a river form

Confidence level

determines the probability that the confidence interval produced will contain the true parameter value.


difference between highest and lowest

Yalta Conference

discussions on treaty to end WWII and agreed to create United Nations to prevent future world conflicts

Petrarchan or Italian Sonnet

divided into an octave rhyming abbaabba and a sestet normally rhyming cdecde


dividing the bell curve into 9 sections (5th section is the mean)

Skew lines

do not intersect and do not lie on the same plane


don't intersect

geometric construction

drawing made using only a compass and straightedge, and consists of only segments, arcs, and points

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

dropping of atomic bomb on these two cities which caused Japanese surrender in 1945.


earth movement of spinning on it's axis. Takes about 24 hours to complete a 360 turn which creates day and night.

Caddo Indians

east Texas, farming, trading and making pottery

Centrally planned economy

economic system in which the central government makes all decisions on the production and consumption of goods and services


elements of weather include wind, water (precipitation), wind speed and direction, air pressure, humidity, and temperature.

Treaty of Versailles

ended WWI in 1918.


energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays or waves or particles-sun to earth

12 inches

equal to 1 foot

100 centimeters

equal to 1 meter

5,280 feet

equal to one mile

Greatest Integer / Step Function

equation uses [ ], graph looks like steps

Powers delegated to Federal government

establish postal service, grant patents and copyrights, regulate interstate and foreign commerce, declare war, raise & support army, govern territories, define and punish felonies on high seas, fix standards of weights and measures, conduct foreign affairs


established in 1607, colonized by London, Captain John Smith, Pocahontas, John Rolfe

New Hampshire

established in 1623, Captain John Mason, John Wheelwright (Mason established a fishing village, Wheelwright founded a settlement Exeter)

New Jersey

established in 1623, Dutch, Duke of York

New York

established in 1624, Dutch, purchase of the island of Manhattan


established in 1633, served as a refuge for persecuted Catholics


established in 1636

Rhode Island

established in 1636, Roger Williams and Hutchinson founded and settled an additional part of the colony, had been banned from Massachusetts


established in 1638

North Carolina

established in 1653

South Carolina

established in 1663


established in 1682


established in 1732

Opportunity costs lead to consumers:

establishing purchasing priorities


establsihed in 1620, colonized by Puritans from London, Puritans, Mayflower, Mayflower Compact

Westward Expansion

expansion into the territory westward. includes the Louisiana Purchase. Louis and Clark Expedition.


express relationships

Linear Function

f(x)=ax + b

rational function

f(x)=p(x)/q(x) where q(x) DNE 0


factorial n!


famous horsemen and hunters

When are thunderstorms most likely to form?

fast-moving cold front enters an area in which there is a warm, humid air mass

1760 yards 5280 feet

feet and yards in a mile

Historical Fiction

fiction set in the past


fierce fighters but forward thinkers

Lexington and Concord

first battle of the American Revolution, Paul Revere warned the colonist of the British soldiers. The British were repelled and forced back to Boston. On their way back, American sharpshooters ambushed the British soldiers.


first system in which goods were exchanged


flat top hills or mountains, usually with steep sides. (similar to plateaus, but smaller)


flipped over x or y axis

Story Retelling

for reading comprehension, used to assess listening. Students are to retell the story with details.


force of attraction between two objects. Ex. when ice melts at the top of a mountain.


force of attraction or repulsion that results

Igneous Rocks

form directly from the cooling of magma or lava


formed by the constant motion of tectonic plates. This movement creates pressure that forces magma from the mantel to escapes to the surface creating an explosion of lava, fire, ash.

Ionic bond

formed by the transfer of electrons, when metals and non-metals bond -when electrons are shared, it throws off their neutrality creating ions

Covalent bond

formed when 2 atoms share electrons -happen among non-metals -always polar b/w 2 non-identical atoms


found in ballads, also called incremental repetition, used for effect


found in ballads, also called the repeated section


found in group 17 -combine readily with metals to form salts ex: salt, fluoride toothpaste, and bleach

Noble Gases

found in group 18 -do not react chemically with other elements -inert (inactive)

Transition elements

found in periods (rows) 4-7 under groups (columns) 3-12 -metals that do not show a range of properties -hard -high melting point -all of which are metals and tend to form salts when reacted with Halogens -compounds are: colorful, such as silver, gold, and mercury

13th Amendment

freed all slaves without compensation to slave owners


good farmers, hunters, tool-makers, and housebuilders


good jewelers and shell-makers

European Colonies

government based on democracy, eastern seaboard

Parliamentary System

govt. made up of a legislative body, called a parliament, and a cabinet with a prime minister. Cabinet stays in power for as long as it has support.

Despotism and Dictatorship

govt. where there is unlimited power over the people and no legislative body to limit rulers. Syn: tyranny, autocracy, totalitarianism

14th Amendment

granted citizenship to all U.S citizens born in the U.S (except Native Americans)

15th Amendment

granted the right for black males to vote

popular sovereignty

grants citizens the ability to participate in govt. by voting and running for public office. -the ideal behind Declaration of Independence -embodied in the Constitution

Greatest Common Divisor

greatest common factors between two numbers 40: 1,2,4,5,8,10,20,40 56: 1,2,4,7,8,14,28,56 GCF: 8


greatest frequency


green plants that produce oxygens and store chemical energy for consumer


groups of cells with similar functions to perform a specific function

19th Amendment

guaranteed the right for women to vote in 1920.


half word: semicircle

Rational Function

has 2 graphs (parabolas) and asymptotes (a line that a graph approaches, but does not intersect)

Parallel Lines

have same slope


heat transfer through airwaves. Ex. The sun


heat transfer through movement of fluid matter. I.E warmer gases or liquids rise and colder gases or liquids sink.

Forms of Energy

heat, light, solar radiation, chemical, electrical, magnetic, sound, and mechanical energy


how likely a particular outcome will occur. Ex. randomly selecting a marble from a bag of 1 red, 1 blue, and 1 yellow. What is the probability of selecting a yellow. Since there is only 1 yellow marble out of 3 marbles. 1/3

place 0 in place of variable

how to find intercept for x and y

wanted outcome divided by total outcome

how to find probability

multiple number or terms in each set

how to find sample sapce

take the ln of both sides

how to move variables down from exponents

multiply or divide by a negative

how to switch a inequality sign


hunting bison and gathers fruits and nuts

Complex Numbers

i = i i^2 = -1 i^3 = -i i^4 = 1

Venn Diagram in Math

if circles are inside each other: the inner circle must also meet the rules of the outer circle


if the denominator is a complex #, then you multiply by the (a/bi)(bi/bi) or ((a+bi)/(ci))(i/i)

Cartesian or Rectangular Coordinate System

if we know the dimensions of a 2-D shape, we could use coordinates to visualize that shape

market socialism

in between planned and market community

3/5 Compromise

in each state, 3/5 of slaves would be counted for taxes and representation.

Boston Massacre

in response to civil disobedience, the British sent troops to Boston, where the groups clashed and several colonists were killed.

Derivational morphemes

in the form of prefixes, suffixes, and inflectional endings.


indicates place or positoin


informal rules of ettiquette and behaviors a society follows ex: forming a line, holding doors

Reies Lopez Tijerina

initiated the Chicano Movement in New Mexico


inner part of the earth


inside plants root tips that sense and cause the roots to grow toward water (hydrotropism), gravity (geotropism), and light (phototropism)


interpretation of dialogue must be connected to motivation and detail. Director seeks a variation of tempo to keep audiences attention


intersection creates right angles

Division of Fractions

invert the second fraction and multiply 1/6 divided by 2/3 = 1/6 divided by 3/2 = 3/12 = 1/4


invisible, negatively charged particles.


is a sum of numbers represented by sigma (looks like a large greek E)


is an atom or molecule that has gained or lost one or more electrons and thus has a positive or negative charge

Composite Number

is an number that is divisible by at least one other number besides one and itself Ex. 12 because it's factors are 1,2,3,4,6,12


is the slope of a tangent line to a graph f(x) and is usually denoted f'(x). Also referred to as the instantaneous rate of change.


it takes 365 days for one revolution, for the earth to cycle completely around the sun.

Phonation Disorder

kind of abnormality in the vibration of the vocal fold Ex. breathiness interfering with comprehension


knowledge about our own thinking processes, of or pertaining to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes

Volume of a Rectangular Solid

l x w x h

Greatest Common Factor

largest number that is a factor of all given in a problem.


learning strategy in which young children use to replicate someone's behaviors, action, phrases, etc

converging lens

lens such that a beam of light passing through it is brought to a point or focus

acute angle

less than 90 degrees

Best way to help students learn

let them choose


letters, 26 in total


like fungi and bacteria, are in charge of cleaning up the environment by decomposing and freeing dead matter for recycling back into the ecosystems.

Identity Function

linear equation y = x, graph is a line going through origin and 1st and 3rd quadrants at 45 degree angles

Sample space in probability

list of all possible outcomes


lived in southeast, domed houses, animal skin clothes, hunters, farmers, fishermen, basketry, pottery, lacrosse


lived in wigwams and wore animal skin clothing, proficient hunters, gathers, trappers, and farmers


living and nonliving components in the ecosystem

Seminoles and Creeks

living in southeast, lived in chickees and wore clothes made from plant fibers


ln(e) =

learned territorial behavior

long song, learned thru trial and error, short songs are mating


long term weather conditions in an area on a continuous, season basis.


longest form of fictional prose


love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it


low areas drained by rivers or low spots in mountains


low areas of land, often surrounded by mountains


loyalty to one's own region of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole


lying in the same plane

Slope Formula

m = y^2-y^1 x^2-x^1

The main effect of formal changes to the constitution has been to:

make the constitution more democratic than the original document


makes work easier 2 types of Machines: Simple and Complex (consisting of two simple machines)

Density Formula

mass/volume = D


measure of association between two variables with 0 being random, 1 perfect positive, -1 perfect negative

Reflexive angle

measures more than 180 and less than 360 (has a circle around the back of the angle to show it goes all the way around and is greater than obtuse)


measures the distance in standard deviations from the mean z-score = (outcome-mean)/standard deviation ex: mean = 50, standard deviation=10, probability of less than 42 =(42-50)/10 =-8/10 =-.8

Correlation Coefficient

measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables The closer to -1, 1, the stronger the relationship.

Mnemonic Devices

memory related devices


method of heat transfer through a substance.


method of teaching beginners to read and pronounce words by teaching them the phonetic value of letters, letter groups, and syllables.

What best supports the big bang theory?

microwave background radiation is fairly evenly distributed across space


mixture of 2+ elements having properties of metal, but do not have to be all metal


moons orbiting the planets

reflexive angle

more than 180 less than 360

obtuse angle

more than 90 less than 180


more than one answer is correct

nominal measurement scale

most basic: classify responses into categories ex: gender, race, religion, marital status

Articulation Problems

most common articulation disorder is lisping.


most common form of solid material found in the Earth's crust. Can be slot as talc or hard as emeralds and diamonds.

ratio measurement scale

most informative scale, b/c it allows for proportional comparison (twice as much $, or half the length) basically an interval scale with a true 0 point ex: length measurement, $ systems, degrees Kelvin (b/c 0 value represents the absence of length, $, or temp.)

Bell Shaped Curve

most scores at the send of parabola opening downward


moved around a fixed point

Chicano Movement

movement by Mexican-Americans, four main goals: 1. restoration of land-grants 2. the farm workers' rights 3. Education 4 political rights

Multiplication Principle of Counting Independent Events

n(AandB) = n(A)n(B) ex: how many 6 letter combinations can be created if none can repeat? 26 x 25 x 24 x 23 x 22 x 21

Multiplication Principle of Counting for Dependent Events

n(AandB) = n(A)n(B|A) When the first event effects the outcome of the second event ex: How many ways can a Jack be drawn twice without replacing? 4 x 3 = 12 To find: multiply the outcomes of event A x outcomes for event B (should usually be 1 less than event A)

Addition Principle for Mutually Exclusive Events (OR)

n(AorB) = n(A) + n(B) If events are mutually exclusive of each other ex: travel agency offers 16 trips to Asia, 14 to Europe, in how many ways can you select a trip to Asia or Europe? 14 + 16 = 30 To find: add events together

Addition Principle of Counting

n(AorB) = n(A) + n(B) - n (A n B) The probability of event A or event B happening, if dependent on each other ex: drawing a Jack or black card: 4 + 26 - (26-4) = 28 To find: Probability of A + Probability of B - Difference of both probabilities

Whole numbers

natural numbers and 0 ex. x>-1



isosceles trapezoid

non-parallel sides are congruent


northwest, lived in tents or igloos, seal or animal skin clothes, fishermen, hunters


not in Texas long but known as good hunters and farmers

Prime numbers

numbers that can only be factored by number and 1

interval measurement scale

numeric scales, where intervals are fixed, uniform values throughout (limitation: no fixed 0 point) ex: thermometer

spring tides

occur during the full and new moons, tides are very high and very low

The Great Depression

occurred when the stock market crashed in October 1929

Summative Evaluation

occurs at the end of a specific time or course of study. Applies a single grade or score to represent a student's performance.


of or relating to or characteristic of trade or traders


one endpoint


only one answer is correct





Sedimentary Rocks

or secondary rocks because they are the result of small pieces broken off of existing rocks.


order of words


organelle, cell, tissue, organ, system, organism


outer portion of earth

21st Amendment

overruled the 18th Amendment and allowed the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages

Disjunctive Syllogism

p or q not p, therefore q Ex: Peter is a Jet Pilot or a Navigator Peter is not a Jet Pilot p v (or) q ~p, so has to be q Answer: Peter is a Navigator.

discriminant b^2-4ac

part of the quadratic formula under radical

Double replacement reaction

parts of 2 compounds replace each other (compounds switch partners) AX + BY → AY + BX ex: sodium chloride + mercury nitrate → sodium nitrate + mercury chloride

Representative Government

people can vote for their own lawmakers

2(l+w), LW

perimeter and area of rectangle

Misplaced modifiers

phrases not placed near the word they modify. (EX: "One damaged house stood only to remind townspeople of the hurricane." - suggests that the sole reason the house remained was to serve as a reminder. Correction: "Only one damaged house stood, reminding townspeople of the hurricane."

Dangling modifiers

phrases that do not relate to the subject being modified. (EX: "Weighing the options carefully, a decision was made about convicting the criminal." - who is weighing the options? Correction: "Weighing the options carefully, the judge made a decision...")

Area of a Circle



polygon with four sides


positive and negative numbers as whole Ex. -2,-1,0,1,2

United States v Richard Nixon

presidential power is not absolute, traditional privilege does not apply to papers of criminality


probability of an experiment where replacements are not allowed. (easier to use the counting principle) Order is important! nPr= (n!)/(n-r)! r-number of items to be selected n- number of draws ex: How many ways can 7 students choose a president and vice president? 7P2= 7!/(7-2)! =7 x 6 x 5!/5! the 5!'s can cancel out =7 x 6 = 42

Digestive and Excretory Systems

process in which food is broken down for energy. Nutrients are extracted and absorbed into the bloodstream. The unused portion of the food goes to the large intestine and eventually excreted from the body.

the New Deal

programs started by Roosevelt to try to jump start the economy.

18th Amendment

prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages

First Person

pronouns and verbs used to refer to the speaker or writer of the language in which they occur


properties of congruent triangles

John F. Kennedy

proposed new civil rights laws as well as programs to help the millions of American's living in poverty. Assassinated in Dallas in 1963.


protons + neutrons (MAN: mass=atomic # + neutrons)


pueblo houses, wool and cotton clothing, farmed in desert, pottery, Kachina dolls


quadrilateral with two parallel lines


quality in a work of literature that evokes feelings of pity or compassion. (Ex: Desdemona's death in Othello)

literal question

questions where answers are easily located within the text


quick and accurate recognition of letters, words, and language conventions


read: if p then q

Irrational numbers

real numbers that cannot be written as the ratio of two integers. there are infinite non repeating numbers.

Semi-phonetic Phase

realization that there is a relationship b/c letters and sounds. Students tend to spell by sound. Teacher should emphasize phonetics (sounding word out).

Eli Whitney developed interchangable parts, allowing for division of labor, resulting in:

reduced price of goods produced


refers to vocabulary of the language Ex. Hot meaning visually attractive, lucky, or warm in temperature

Powers delegated to states

regulate intrastate trade, establish local, protect general welfare, protect life and property,, ratify amendments, conduct elections, make state and local laws

2nd derivative

relates whether the curve is concave up or concave down


relation in which different ordered pairs have different first coordinates. NONE SHARE X COORD

graphophonemic knowledge

relationship of printed letters to spoken words

Second Continental Congress

representative of the colonies met in Philadelphia to discuss the political and economic situation in the colonies, met to discuss preparations for war.

Semantic Clues

require a child to think about the meanings of word and what is already known about the topic being read. Ex. A passage about hawks, teachers help students activate prior knowledge

1st derivative

reveals whether a curve is rising or falling from left to right

French Revolution

revolt of middle/lower class against rulers b/c of extreme taxation, inflation, lack of food, and disregard for their living conditions Results: consulship, a generalship, and then an emperor


rhetorical figure address personified things, absent people, or gods.


rhetorical figure addresses personified things, absent people or gods


sad and melancholic poem, usually about the death (lamenation) of an individual. Funeral poems or elegy is one of the most popular formats used in funeral and memorial services today. *Way to remember: eulogy*

Atomic #

same as # of protons or electrons (APE: A=P=E))


series of numbers that follow a specific pattern.


set made of all first coordinates of the ordered pairs


set made of all the second coordinates of the ordered pairs


set of points composing a flat surface


set of points indefinitely

Federal Reserve

sets the monetary policy for the United States

Earthquakes and Geologic Faults

shift and movement in the earth's plates.

Class A

should be used with ordinary combustibles such as paper.


shows how spread out a set of numbers are. The larger the variance, the larger the spread. To find: 1) add all numbers together 2) square that answer 3) divide by number of items


side of a polygon

Dramatic Arc

similar to the plot diagram


slides across graph

Finding slope when graph or coordinates are given

slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

(y2-y1) / (x2-x1)

slope formula


slope of the tangent line

Perpendicular Lines

slopes are negative reciprocals (ex: 3 and -1/3) If slopes aren't same or negative reciprocal the answer is neither


smallest representation of a meaning Ex. homonym "homo" - same


smallest unit that makes a word have meaning,

Fixed Literature (poetry)

sonnet, elegy, ode, pastoral, and villanelle


southwest, lived in hogans, rabbit skin clothes, sand painting, weapon-making, silversmithing, weaving


southwest, wikiups homes, cotton clothing, hunters and gatherers, basketry


speech sound, target sound, utterance: smallest unit of speech in a language

length of a line


Standard Deviation

square root of the variance

Standard deviation

square root of variance


started in European colonies with the first 20 slaves in 1619

Mexican Control of Texas

started with Mexico's independence from Spain in 1821, abolished slavery and expectation of Catholicism


state ruled over by a single person, as a king or queen


stories that are universally shared within a culture to explain its history and traditions (also, usually to explain a natural phenomenon)


story or account, can be fictional or non-fiction


story written in verse or prose with characters representing virtues and vices

Surface Water

streams, lakes, and rivers. All waters that is on the surface of the land.


stronger than folkways in the consequences for not following (person considered immoral) ex: cheating, lying

Homologous structures

structure of the same origin but have different functions. Ex. the bone structure of the wing of a bat is very similar to the bone structure of the human arm.


student read major headings, table of contents, bold letters, graphic materials, summary paragraphs to get main idea of the content.

inferential questions

students must draw conclusions


study of limit, rate of change, area under a curve, and slope of a tangent line. Junior high prepares for this by learning: infinity linear growth exponential growth slope change over time


study of the sound system of a language


study of the sound system of language


study of the structure of the words and word formations


study of the technique and rules for using language effectively (especially in public speaking)

To find y intercept

substitute 0 for x and solve. To find x intercept, substitute 0 for y and solve.


substituting the name of an attribute or feature for the name of the thing itself (as in 'they counted heads')


sum of squares divided by number of items,

cartesian coordinate system

system formed by two perpendicular axis

Powers of both State and Federal

tax, borrow money, charter banks and corporations, establish courts, make and enforce laws, take property for public purposes, spend money to provide public welfare

Westward Expansion

territorial acquisitions as settlers began moving westward beyond the Appalachian Mountains


terse tale offering up a moral or exemplum (EX: "The Nun's Priest's Tale" about animals that speak and act like humans, illustrating human foibles)

Cloze test

test over comprehension where the passage provided has omitted words which the test-taker must provide

Vertical line test

test to tell if or if not a function. Along y-axis but on x-axis


the "Convention of 1836" signed the Texas Declaration of Independence, The Battle of the Alamo, 400 executed by Santa Anna at Goliad, Sam Houston leads army of 800 to victory over Mexican army at Battle of San Jacinto Treaty of Velasco signed, Sam Houston first President of the Republic of Texas


the "Conventions" responded to unrest over the policies of the Mexican Government

Truman Doctrine

the U.S will involve itself in any nation in danger of falling under communist control. Led to U.S involvement in the Korean and Vietnam war.

Appomattox Courthouse

the Virginia town where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant in 1865, ending the Civil War

Pre-Alphabetic Stage

the ability to identify logos by design instead of specific letters. Ex. McDonald Arches


the ability to maintain a stable internal condition. Ex. Proper temperatures, PH, respiratory rates, etc


the act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events


the act of preying by a predator who kills and eats the prey


the action of nerves in the hand to the spinal cord to the muscle. The purpose of a reflex is for protection.

three fifths compromise

the agreement by which the number of each state's representatives in Congress would be based on a count of all the free people plus three-fifths of the slaves


the appropriate use of language in different contexts

Manifest Destiny

the belief that the United States was destined to expand across the country encouraged westward expansion

Manifest Destiny

the belief that the United States was destined to stretch across the continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean


the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures


the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment


the branch of economics that studies the economy of consumers or households or individual firms


the branch of economics that studies the overall working of a national economy


the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management


the consumption of one living organism, plant or animal, by another.

Constitutional Convention

the convention of United States statesmen who drafted the United States Constitution in 1787


the development of industry on an extensive scale

The Ancient World

the development of the first humans, farmers, and civilization.

Great Depression

the economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s

Gettysburg Address

the eulogy that President Lincoln gave to the fallen soldiers in the Battle of Gettysburg


the exchange or adoption of cultural features when two cultures combine or come in direct contact

The Virginia House of Burgesses

the first colonial assembly of elected representatives.


the first slaves were brought by the Dutch to Virginia in 1619.

American Revolution

the french joined the war in favor of the Americans, in retaliation for their defeat at the hands of the British in the Seven Years' War, the war ended after a battle in Yorktown, Virginia. The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783.

Centrally Planned System

the government makes all the decisions on the production and consumption of goods and services


the grammatical arrangement of words in sentences

New Deal

the historic period (1933-1940) in the U.S. during which President Franklin Roosevelt's economic policies were implemented

Popular Sovereignty

the idea that people living in territories or states should decide for themselves

Atomic mass

the mass of a subatomic particle and is the decimal below the symbol on the periodic table


the mean of the squared deviations


the middle number, if terms are even, add two middle and divide by 2


the movement of sediment from one location to other through the use of water, wind, ice, or gravity.

Theoretical Probability

the number of favorable outcomes out of the total number of possible outcomes.


the only requirement is rhythm.


the opposite of a symmetrical distribution. (in symmetrical mean=mode=median)


the placing of the object or person out of its time of the text


the points at which the polygons meet

How does the federal executive branch check the power of the federal judicial branch?

the president appoints the supreme court justices


the process of breaking down rock, soils, and minerals through natural, chemical, and biological processes. Ex. Exfoiliation and freeze-thaw

Interquartile Range

the range between the values at the third and first quartiles


the relation between two different kinds of organisms in which one receives benefits from the other by causing damage to it (usually not fatal damage)


the relation between two different species of organisms that are interdependent; 4 types: commensalism, parasitism, mutualism, endosymbiosis


the science of mental life

Least common multiple

the smallest number that all of the given numbers divide into


the study of *meaning* in language


the system the British had to exploit the colony. The system had 3 main principles: 1. the wealth of the nation is measured in terms of commodities accrued. 2. Economic activities can increase the power and control of the national government 3. The colonies existing for the benefit of the mother country.


the transfer of heat through a fluid (liquid or gas) caused by molecular motion

Industrial Revolution

the transformation from an agricultural to an industrial nation


the whole set of positive and negative whole numbers Ex. -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

y intercept

the y-coordinate of a point where a graph crosses the y-axis/ x axis = 0


thickest layer of Earth


think and talk about thinking

Logical Reasoning

thinking about something in a way that makes sense to the student

neap tides

tides with minimum daily tidal range that occur during the first and third quarters of the moon

Chronological order

time sequence from beginning to end

expository writing

to explain and clarify ideas Ex. a textbook about Texas history

Activating Prior Knowledge

to explore prior knowledge and information Ex. K.W.L chart.

descriptive writing

to provide information about a person, place, or thing.


traditional narrative or collection of related narratives, that started as facts, but have fiction added

glide reflection

transformation with both reflection and translation


triangle with two equal sides


trite or overused expressions


two dimensional figures composed of line segments

line segment

two end points

Maudlin and Egocentricism

two major characteristics of the first American literature.


two or more different kinds of atoms


two pairs of parallel sides

Real numbers

two types of numbers . Rational and Irrational


type of modern govt. where a small group of people control the govt. EX: a republic, an aristocracy, and some dictatorships (esp. those based on wealth or military authority)

equilateral, isosceles, scalene

types of triangles

Short Story

typically a terse narrative, with less developmental background about characters. Poe emphasized that successful short story should create one focused impact. (EX: Hemmingway, Faulkner, Twain, Poe, and Pushkin)


upper crust, in continuous motion, always changing in size and position.

Lyndon B. Johnson

urged Congress to pass the laws in honor of Kennedy, persuading the majority of Democrats and some Republicans.

Topographic Maps

use contour lines to show elevation change on the surface of Earth

Class C

used for electrical fires

Class D

used for metals such as sodium.

Class B

used for organic solvents such as acetone and alcohols


used in permutations written: n! ex: 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120tg

centrally planned economy

used to be called Communism and is the opposite of a market economy

Multicultural literature

used to describe literature other than traditional European stories.

Index Fossil

used to determine the age of a particular layer of sediment.


using one part of an object to represent the entire object (for example, referring to a car simply as "wheels")

planet with retrograde rotation


Mayflower Compact

was drawn and signed in 1620 by the Pilgrims aboded the Mayflower. They pledged to consult one another to make decisions and to act in the will of the majority.

high frequency irregular words

was, a, are, the have you, says, too, this, said, of, oh, away, what, does, do.


way of selecting sever objects out of a larger group where order does not matter. Ex. Allison, Ben, Chris, and Dave into a two person committee. Formula t!/n!(t-n) t = total, n = needed 4!/2!(4!-2!) = 4!/2!2! = 4x3x2x1/2x1x2x1 = 24/4 = 6

French Colonies

west of the Appalachian mountains

Chemical bond

when atoms bond chemically, they stop having their own individual property ex: H2O


when dividing fractions, you multiply by the ex (1/2) / (1/3) = (1/2) x (3/1)

1 real rational root

when finding roots, if the discriminant is 0

two real rational roots

when finding roots, if the discriminant is a positive number that is also a perfect square

two complex roots

when finding roots, if the discriminant is any negative number

two real irrational roots

when finding the roots, the discriminant is a positive number that is not a perfect square

Metamorphic Rocks

when hot magma or lava comes into contact with rocks or when buried rocks are exposed to pressure and high temperatures


when teacher leads students in learning process until they are able to do it on their own

maximum point

where y is the largest of all y values

minimum point

where y is the smallest of all y values

Composite numbers

whole numbers that have more 2 different factors

Alkali Metals

with the exception of Hydrogen, all elements in group 1 are alkali metals -shiny -softer, less dense -most chemically reactive


within cells that carry on life functions at a microscopic/chemical level. Ex. nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, ribosomes


witty language used to convey insults or scorn


word formation in a language including inflection, derivation, and compounding


words are spelled the same but have more than one pronunciation and different meaning. Ex. The ambassador wore a red bow, stood on the bow of the ship and bowed to the audience.


words that have the same sound and the same spelling but mean different Ex. Bank, Fine, Rock


words that sound the same but are spelled differently Ex. Eight and ate

Indentured Servants

workers in the New World, servants sell themselves into services, after their tenure had ended, they would either receive a plot of land or remain as salaried workers. Africans could not apply.

Literary tone

writers' attitude toward his or her audience

Persuasive Writing

writing to convince the reader of something

Quadratic Formula

x = -b ± √(b² - 4ac)/2a

x intercept

x coordinate of a point where a graph crosses the x axis/ y coordinate of this point is zero


x values are not repeated

Graph w/ Vertical Line

x= any number, meaning it only has an x intercept. Slope is undefined

varies indirectly


slope intercept form

y = mx + b

Point Slope Formula

y-y^1 = m(x-x^1)

Graph w/ Horizontal Line

y= any number, meaning it only has a y intercept. Slope is 0.

Slope intercept form

y=mx + b (m is the lines slope, b is the y intercept)

Spenserian Stanza

A stanza of nine lines in iambic meter, rhymed ABABBCBCC. The first eight lines are in iambic pentameter, and the ninth line is in iambic hexameter.


something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred

Women Education

Earliest accompolishment of Women's rights.

Pan Americanism

the idea that the United States and Latin America should work together to support peace and increase trade


the juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a feeling of balance


the manner in which an author chooses to write to his or her audience


inducement to act by argument or reasoning or entreaty

Economic Systems

the method used by a society to produce and distribute goods and services


many word: polygon


the nearly simultaneous purchase and sale of an asset in order to profit from price discrepancies.

Two major characteristics of first American literature

maudlin and self-pitying egocentricism.

Extreme nationalism

One of major causes in WW1 and WW2


the order in which your main ideas or events are placed

informal assessment

occurs in a more casual manner and may include observation, inventories, checklists, rating scales, rubrics, performance and portfolio assessments, participation, peer and self evaluation, and discussion

Marbury v Madison

The 1803 case in which Chief Justice John Marshall and his associates first asserted the right of the Supreme Court to determine the meaning of the U.S. Constitution. The decision established the Court's power of judicial review over acts of Congress, (the Judiciary Act of 1789).


omission or suppression of parts of words or sentences

Popular Sovereignty

people hold the final authority in all matters of government


policy allowing business to operate with little or no government interference

Third Person

pronouns and verbs that are used to refer to something other than the speaker or addressee of the language in which they occur

Second Person

pronouns and verbs used to refer to the person addressed by the language in which they occur


a writer's or speaker's choice of words

Tall Tale

an outrageously exaggerated, humorous story that is obviously unbelievable

Students learn more when

analyzing own work


arts, sciences word: arithmetic

formative assessment

assessment during instruction and gives teachers information on whether they need to adjust their teaching and the students learning. Helps ensure students achieve targeted standards. Students are involved in assessing their own learning and helping others.


can be, able to be word: divisible

Free Enterprise

economic system in which individuals and businesses are allowed to compete for profit with a minimum of government interference

Octava Rima

eight iambic lines, usually iambic pentameters. Each stanza consists of three alternate rhymes and one double rhyme, following the a-b-a-b-a-b-c-c pattern.

Compare and Contrast

finding similarities and differences between 2 things


formal conversation


gives human characteristics to an inanimate object or animal


incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs

Lousiana Purchase

the selling of Lousiana by the French to the United States in 1803 for about $15 million; Napoleon gave this land because he no longer wished to conquer the New World after failing with Santo Domingo, and he also did not wish to provoke the British into forming an alliance with the U.S.; Jefferson was hesitant about the purchase, as he did not believe it was constitutional, however he evetualy submitted to the treaties of Congress


the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings


the study and classification of human societies

Political Science

the study of government of states and other political units


the study of language meaning


three word: triangle


to deduce an interpretation from someone else's discourse


two word: bicycle

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