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T/F Crime rates are a more reliable way to measure crime than raw numbers.


T/F Our definition of a crime is an act prohibited or an omission required by law.


T/F The four sources of criminal law discussed in class were constitutions, statutes, court decisions & administrative regulations.


T / F Jurisprudence is part of the law that defines crimes and punishments.


T / F The burden of proof in a civil case is proof beyond a reasonable doubt.


T / F UCR Part I offenses are those crimes which have to occur first in order to charge people with more serious crimes.


6. True / False College educated police officers are found to be more authoritarian the police officers without a college education.


14. T / F The U.S.A. has three levels of criminal justice; local, state & federal.


16. True / False The legal definition of a "frisk" is "a patting down of the outer clothing of a suspect based upon reasonable suspicion, designed to locate contraband or criminal evidence while questioning a suspect"


17. True or False The typical prison in America is maximum security


19. True / False The "New Police" were immediately popular with the citizens of London because now they knew they would be safe


20. T/ F Transnational organized crime is unlawful activity that is undertaken and supported by organized crime groups across state lines.


22. T/ F "Mala in se" means "Wrong because the law says so".


25. True / False The two primary sources of police stress discussed in class were the nature of police work and family problems.


27. True / False The main purpose of the Miranda warnings is to give crime suspects extra time to think about their situation and whether or not they want to confess.


32. True / False An indeterminate sentence is a fixed term i.e.: 5 years, 10 years


32. True / False Most people take advantage of their rights to remain silent and have counsel present.


33. True / False A determinate sentence is a range of time i.e.: 5-10 years, 10-25 years


34. T / F The insanity defense is used often and is usually successful.


39. True/False The military model is well suited for police work


40. T / F A criminal offense punishable by death or incarceration in a prison facility for at least one year is known as a misdemeanor.


40. True / False Span of control means how many suspects an individual police officer can manage at one time.


5. True / False Nolo Contendere means "No plea at this time"


21. A form of police corruption involving the failure to perform a legal duty in a proper manner is known as:


22. A form of police corruption involving the commission of an illegal act is known as:


20. A form of police corruption involving the failure to perform a legal duty is known as:


11. True / False The two main divisions of authority in police agencies are line and staff operations.


12. T/ F Civil justice consists of activities and procedures having to do with private rights and relationships.


16. T / F The three types of damages in civil cases are actual, compensatory & punitive.


17. True / False A legal principle that excludes from introduction at trial any evidence later developed as a result of an illegal search or seizure is known as "fruit of the poisonous tree"


23. True / False One situation where the US Supreme Court must rule is when an act of Congress has been found unconstitutional in a lower federal court.


24. True / False The three main areas of the dangers of police work discussed in class were violence in the line of duty, risk of disease and infected evidence, stress and fatigue among police officers.


25. T / F The two main types of criminal law discussed in class were substantive and procedural criminal law.


26. True/ False "PREA" stands for prison rape elimination act


28. True / False Specific deterrence is aimed at preventing future crimes by those who have committed crimes before.


30. True / False Concurrent sentencing means serving multiple sentences at the same time.


30. True/ False One cause for the "graying" prison population is the general aging of the U.S.


31. True / False Consecutive sentencing means serving multiple sentencing all in a row.


35. True / False The two elements required for Miranda warnings are 1.custodial 2.interrogation.


35. True/ False most jurisdictions have statuses designed to extend Miranda provisions to juveniles


36. True/ False The Mutual Pledge systems was a system of community self-responsibility that existed in Britain in the Middle Ages in which residents were held responsible for the conduct of their neighbors


37. T / F A common law and constitutional prohibition against a second trial for the same offense is known as double jeopardy.


4. True / False Evidence of relevance to a criminal investigation that is NOT readily seen by the unaided eye is known as latent evidence.


7. True / False Effects of police stress can include: psychological problems, drug/alcohol abuse, family problems, and post-traumatic stress disorder.


7. True/ False the two types of conditions for probation are general and specific


9. True / False The three tenets of community policing discussed in class were: using a problem solving approach, being service oriented, encouraging officers use of discretion


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