T/F Questions

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The qualified thrift lender test is utilized to determine whether an institution can serve as an FI.


The risk that the sale price of an asset will be less than the purchase price of an asset is called liquidity risk.


The standardization of many FI products is evidence of the inefficient institutionalization by financial markets and the mechanisms through which these products trade.


The use of off-balance-sheet activities and instruments will always reduce the risk to a bank.


The value of assets is the traditional measure of size in the securities brokerage and investment banking industry.


Time intermediation involves the investment of small amounts by investors into mutual funds that invest in long-term securities such as stocks and bonds.


When an FI function as a broker, they are selling a financial asset that they have created and will continue to hold on their balance sheet


A change from commercial bank deposits to money market mutual funds typically allows an investor to benefit from higher yields, but with the cost of losing deposit insurance coverage.


A finance company that lends money to high-risk customers is known as a subprime lender.


A major role of the captive finance company is to provide financing for the purchase of products manufactured or sold by the parent company.


Activity and performance trends in the investment banking industry are highly correlated with general economic expansions and recessions.


Agency transactions of market makers are two-way transactions on behalf of customers


All classes of mutual fund shares may legally charge an annual 12b-1 fee.


As a delegated monitor, an FIs actions reduce agency costs


As an asset transformer, the FI issues financial claims that are more attractive to household savers than the claims directly issued by corporations.


As compared to venture capital firms, private equity firms specialize in assisting existing companies that have proven themselves in their industry.


Bad debt expense and administrative costs are lower on home equity loans than other typical loans of finance companies.


Because finance companies do not accept deposits, they do not have bank regulators providing oversight of their activities.


Because of changes in regulatory barriers, technology, and financial innovation, a single financial service firm may now be able to offer a full set of financial services.


By converting to a bank holding company, an investment bank gains access to Federal Reserve lending facilities.


Commercial banks in the U.S. often are subject to several of the four regulatory agencies.


Depository institutions serve as the primary conduit through which monetary policy actions impact the economy.


Electronic brokerage allows an investor to have direct access to the trading floor.


FI acting as an agent in matching savers and borrowers of funds can attain economies of scale and provide this service more efficiently than either the saver or borrower could on their own.


FIs are independent market entities that create financial assets whose value is the transformation of financial risk.


Failure to monitor the actions of firms in a timely and complete fashion after repurchasing securities in that firm exposes the investor to agency costs


Finance companies differ from banks in that they do not accept deposits


Finance companies have relied primarily on short-term commercial paper and other debt sources to finance asset growth.


Financial Institutions act as intermediaries between suppliers and demanders of money.


Financial institutions are subject to economies of scale in the collection of information.


If a household invests in corporate securities and does not supervise how the funds are invested or used by the corporation, the risk of not earning the desired return or not having the funds returned increase.


If not done by FIs, the process of monitoring the actions of borrowers would reduce the attractiveness and increase the risk of investing in corporate debt and equity by individuals.


In most countries, cash is required to be held in reserve against deposits.


In recent years, the proportion of savings and demand deposits have decreased and the proportion of pension funds have increased in the financial assets held by U.S. households.


Initial public offerings (IPOs) are first-time issues of firms whose equity has not previously traded in an organized market.


Investment banks engage in activities such as advising on mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructuring.


Investment banks specialize in the organization, underwriting, and distribution of new securities issued by corporations or governments


Market makers in an NYSE stock are obligated to buy shares from sellers even when the market for the stock is declining.


Money market mutual funds have attracted large amounts of retail savings and retail time deposits from commercial banks in recent years.


Most individuals who invest in mutual funds for the first time realize that mutual fund investments carries some risk.


Most securities firms are subject to large amounts of interest rate and market risk because of the large amount financial assets on the balance sheet.


Mutual funds achieve economies of scale for individual investors by realizing the benefits of lower transaction costs and commissions as compared to those incurred by individual investors.


Mutual funds are financial intermediaries that invest in diversified portfolios of assets


One of the goals of mutual funds is to achieve superior diversification through fund and risk pooling compared to what individual investors can achieve.


One reason for the increasing proportion of total financial assets controlled by pension funds and investment companies is that these intermediaries exploit the comparative advantages of size and diversification.


Open-end mutual funds are the major type of mutual funds


Regulation of FIs is an attempt to enhance the social welfare benefits and mitigate the social costs of providing FI services.


Savers increasingly favor investments that closely imitate diversified investments in the direct securities markets over the transformed financial claims offered by traditional FIs.


Securitized mortgage assets are used as collateral backing secondary market securities.


Services provided by depository institutions have become relatively less significant as a portion of all services provided by FIs.


Small banks make proportionately larger amounts of real estate loans than large banks.


Small investors in mutual funds are often able to realize larger returns than they would receive from bank deposits.


The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 allowed investment banks and securities firms to offer deposit accounts to individuals.


The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 allows commercial banking activities and securities underwriting to operate simultaneously under the same ownership structure.


The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 and other regulatory changes have been the cause of the increase in inter-industry mergers of investment banks and securities firms.


The Internet has allowed individual investors to purchase securities while benefiting from decreased transactions costs.


The SEC requires that prospectuses or advertisements regarding a mutual fund contain information that returns of the mutual fund carry some risk.


The ability of diversification to eliminate much of the risk from the asset side of the balance sheet of an FI is the result of choosing assets that are less than perfectly positively correlated.


The adverse effects on the economy that can occur because of major disturbances to the special functions or services provided by financial institutions are negative externalities.


The efficiency with which FIs provide payment services directly benefits the economy.


The goal of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is to prevent deceptive accounting and management practices and thus to increase confidence in corporate governance.


The growth of the commercial paper market has led to a decline in the demand for business loans from commercial banks.


The largest source of funding for securities service firms and investment banks as an industry is repurchase agreements.


The liabilities of depository institutions are significant components of the money supply.


The movement of an off-balance-sheet asset or liability to an on-balance-sheet item is dependent on the occurrence of a contingent event.


The objective of the investment function of securities firms (funds management) is to allocate assets so that they outperform relative risk-return performance benchmark.


The parent institution provides a large portion of the debt that a captive finance company will use to generate personal loans.


The return from investing in mutual funds can include dividends, gains from the sale of the mutual fund assets, and gains from the sale of the mutual fund shares.


The securitization of mortgages involves the pooling of mortgage loans for sale in the financial markets.


Unfairly excluding some potential financial service consumers from the financial services marketplace is a reason why FIs must absorb net regulatory burden.


When a finance company pools mortgages with similar characteristics and securitizes the pool, the loans are removed from the balance sheet of the finance company.


Wholesale and retail motor vehicle loans and leases constitute the largest subcategory of business loans.


A major difference between banks and other nonfinancial firms is the low amount of leverage in commercial banks.


All commercial banks must be members of the Federal Reserve System.


An FI is exposed to liquidity risk because the average maturity of assets and the average maturity of liabilities are often different on the FIs balance sheet.


Because bank loans have a shorter maturity than most debt contracts, FIs typically exercise less monitoring power and control over the borrower.


Because of the large amount of equity on a typical commercial bank balance sheet, credit risk is not a significant risk to bank managers.


Cash management accounts were an early attempt by commercial banks to provide investment-banking services to individuals.


Commercial banks and finance companies have traditionally served the needs of the residential real estate market.


Credit allocation regulations are typically designed to benefit customers as well as the financial institution that must implement the guidelines.


FIs typically provide secondary claims to household savers that have inferior liquidity than primary securities of corporations such as equity and bonds.


Factoring is the process where accounts are purchased by a nonfinancial company at a discount from their face value in exchange for the responsibility of collection.


Finance companies generally attract less risky customers than do commercial banks.


In an attempt to enhance the net social welfare benefits of the services provided by financial intermediaries, safety and soundness regulation requires a DI to hold a minimum level of cash reserves against deposits.


In pure arbitrage, a trader would sell an asset in one market at one price while buying the same asset in another market at a higher price.


In recent years, the number of commercial banks in the U.S. has been increasing


It is impossible for an individual to be approved for a finance company loan with a bankruptcy on their record.


Large banks tend to make business decisions based on personal knowledge of customers creditworthiness and business conditions in the local communities.


Pension and mutual funds have a lower correlation between the maturities of their assets and liabilities than do commercial banks and thrifts.


Sales finance companies do not directly compete with depository institutions for consumer loans.


Secondary securities are securities that serve as collateral for primary securities


Securities underwriting and trading is an activity that requires a considerable investment in long- term assets and relatively small investments in short-term assets.


The Federal Reserve mandates reserve requirements for depository institutions so that the DIs may provide payment services for the U.S. economy.


The ability of savers to transfer wealth between youth and old age and across generations is called maturity intermediation.


The asset transformation function of an FI is to issue primary financial claims to corporations while purchasing primary claims issued by households and other investors.


The goal of credit allocation is the encouragement of FIs to diversity the composition of their assets.


The maturity structure of the assets of commercial banks tends to be shorter than the maturity structure of liabilities.


The more costly it is to supervise the use of funds by a borrower, the less likely a saver will encounter agency costs.


The primary objective of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act was to prevent commercial banks from competing directly with commercial insurance companies.


The proportion of financial assets controlled by depository institutions has been increasing in recent years.


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