The Autonomic Nervous system

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Describe the four possible pathways of efferent neurons in the sympathetic nervous system.

1, go out spinal nerve and synapse with chain ganglia. 2, go out spinal nerve, go through chain ganglia to the synapse at the collateral ganglia. 3, go out spinal nerve and enter the chain ganglia and move up to a higher chain and synapse. 4, go out spinal nerve and enter the chain ganglia and move down to a lower chain ganglia and synapse

The chain ganglia has a paired series of,___? ganglia located along the length of the vertebral column.


Name the four cranial nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system.

3, oculomotor, 7, facial, 9, glossopharyngeal, 10, vagus.

The ANS has the same specific functions as the,____? because,_____, is the main subcortical center of autonomic regulation.

Hypothalamus / hypothalamus

What is the relation between the spleen and exercise?

The spleen cleans out debris of blood. When at rest, blood flows through the spleen. When exercising the spleen dilates and blood rushes out into the muscles.

True, or False, The same stimulus can affect both the somatic and autonomic systems.


The neurotransmitter,___?, is used in the parasympathetic division as an inhibitory neurotransmitter.


The sympathetic postganglionic fibers innervating the sweat glands of the skin and some blood vessels within the skeletal muscles and external genitalia are the neurotransmitter exception, releasing,___?


____?, is released by all preganglionic axons of the ANS and all parasympathetic postganglionic neurons. This process is called,____.


The neurotransmitter of the somatic system is,____?, whereas the neurotransmitter(s) of the ANS are, ____? and, ____?

acetylcholine / acetylcholine and norepinephrine

Most glands are activated by parasympathetic fibers except, ___?, glands and,___? glands of the skin.

adrenal glands and sweat glands

The, ___?, part of the endocrine system, is sometimes viewed as the "misplaced" sympathetic ganglia because it arises from the same tissue. Its cells, located in postganglionic sympathetic neurons, secrete large amounts of norepinephrine and epinephrine into the blood. This hormone is carried to all parts of the body to reinforce the action of the sympathetic nerves. Example:, Adrenaline rush

adrenal medulla

This adrenergic receptor is a vasoconstrictor, stimulatory.

alpha receptors

What two kinds of adrenergic receptors does norepinephrine activate?

alpha receptors

This adrenergic receptor is a vasoconstrictor, inhibitory.

beta receptors

In the sympathetic division of the ANS, preganglionic axons connect to either the,___? ganglia or the,___?, ganglia.

chain / collateral

Name the three types of ganglia of the ANS, that is found outside the CNS. Note that the somatic system does not have any ganglia.


____?, Rapidly destroys acetylcholine after it is released, therefore parasympathetic effects are short-lived and brief compared to sympathetic.


Each postganglionic neuron may get input from many different preganglionic neurons. This preocess is called,___?


Because of the origin in the cranial section and sacral area, the parasympathetic nerves are sometimes known as the,___?

craniosacral outflow

The parasympathetic system is located in the,___?, region of the CNS because the preganglionic fibers spring from opposite ends of the CNS "brain and sacrum".

craniosacral ragion

In the sympathetic nervous system, there are more postganglionic neurons than preganglionic neurons. Each preganglionic neuron synapses with 30 or more postganglionic neurons. This is a preocess called,____?, As a simultaneously.


The parasympathetic nervous system, "does or does not" innervate blood vessels or sweat glands.

does not

In what three ways does the ANS differ from the Somatic?

effectors, efferent pathways, neurotransmitter effects

The hypothalamus serves as the,__?, and,___?, brain, so therefore emotions influence ANS functioning and behavior.

emotional and visceral

____?, activates both alpha and beta receptors equally, however,____?, has a greater effect on the alpha receptors.

epinephrine / norepinephrine

The,___?, cranial nerve stimulates the nasal, lacrimal and salivary glands.


The,___?, cranial nerve activates parotid salivary glands.


The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system counterbalance each other's activities in order to maintain, ___, This is called dual innervation.


The main function of the ANS is to maintain,___?, and coordinate life processes essential for survival.


The digestive system is mainly under the control of the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic stimulation,___?, peristalsis and strong symphathetic stimulation,____?, peristalsis.

increases / inhibits

The effect of Ach binding with muscarinic receptors is either,___?, or,___?, depending on the target organ.

inhibitory or stimulatory

The vagus nerve goes through,___?, ganglia and,____?, ganglia located within the target organ.

intramural ganglia and terminal ganglia

The emotional response of the,___?, lobe to danger and stress signals the hypothalamus to activate the sympathetic system to "fight or flight" status.


Heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration are regulated by the,___? of the brain stem. Vomiting and respiration are regulated by the,___? of the brain stem.

medulla / pons

This cholinergic receptor is present in all effector cells stimulated by postganglionic parasympathetic neurons. It is also present where acetylcholine's neurotransmitter is sympathetic.

muscarinic receptors

What two kinds of cholinergic receptors does acetylcholine activate?

muscarinic receptors and nicotinic receptors

This cholinergic receptor is found on postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. It contains the hormone producing cells of the adrenal medulla.

nicotinic receptors

Postganglionic sympathetic neurons release,___? as a neurotransmitter, therefore they are adrenergic fibers.


The neurotransmitter,___?, is used in the sympathetic division as an excitatory neurotransmitter.


The,___?, cranial nerve innervates smooth muscle of the eye to cause the pupils to constrict and eye lens to bulge.


The difference between the somatic and ANS in regards to their number of efferent pathways is that the somatic has,___?, Pathway(s) and the ANS has,___?, pathway(s).

one / two

Parasympathetic fibers have,___?, preganglia axons and,___?, postganglia axons, whereas sympathetic fibers have,___?, preganglia axons and,____? postganglia axons.

para=long pre / short post symp = short pre / long post

This division of the ANS conserves and restores energy. It decreases BP, decreases the rate of the heartbeat and stimulates the digestive system to process food. It allows the body to unwind as it performs maintenance activities and conserves body energy.


___?, tone prevents unnecessary heart accelerations and also dictates the normal activity levels of the digestive and urinary tracts.

parasympathetic tone

Unlike sympathetic, parasympathetic preganglionic neurons synapse with only a few postsynaptic neurons. Therefore, effects of parasympathetic system are more,___? and,____?

precise and localized

The motor unit in the ANS is a two neuron chain, meaning there is a,___?, which resides in the brain or spinal cord and it synapses with a,____?, which is residing outside of the CNS. Its axon then extends to the effector organ.

preganglionic neuron/postglionic neuron

Some sympathetic postganglionic fibers re-enter the spinal nerves by way of the,___?. These allow sympathetic output to reach all parts of the body without running through spinal nerves.

rami communicantes

Ach and NE are not consistently either excitatory or inhibitory, it depends on the,____?, they attach to.


The ANS is functionally organized into,____, Pathways. Sequence: The receptor within viscera triggers impulse, the afferent nerve sends impulse to CNS, integration occurs at various levels, decisions are made and sent along efferent nerves to the effector organ, "smooth or cardiac muscle, diaphragm, or glands"


Stimulation of both the alpha and beta receptors causes,____?, of the intestine.


The,___?, fibers from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, sacral spinal nerves form pelvic nerves that innervate the distal portion of the large intestine, the urinary system, and the reproductive system includint erectile tissues.

sacral parasympathetic fibers

___?, is the ground state of our metabolic system, however, our digestive, and urinary system are at their highest. This is because the parasympathetic system stimulates the kidney and digestive function by increasing the diameter of blood vessels and arteries.


The ANS innervates,___?, and,___? muscle, whereas the somatic stimulates

smooth and cardiac muscle / skeletal

The effectors of the ANS are, ___?,___?,___? and the, ___?.

smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands and the diaphragm

____? nerves are preganglionic neurons that do not end at the chain ganglia but instead pass on to ganglia located in the abdomen close to the aorta.


The sympathetic pathway of the ANS is the,___?, of metabolism, except for digestive and urinary systems, whereas the parasympathetic is the,___? of metabolism, except for the digestive and urinary system.

stimulator / restorative

The effect of Ach binding to Nicotinic receptors is always,___?, and results in excitation of the neuron or the effector cell.


The " fight or flight" system is used to describe the,___?, system. This means this system enables the body to cope rapidly with situations that threaten homeostasis. It functions to provide the optimal conditions for an appropriate response to some threat.


The vascular system is almost entirely innervated by the,___?, fibers.


This division of the ANS mobilizes energy during times of stress. It increases BP, increases the speed rate and force of the heartbeat, increases blood sugar concentration and re-routes blood flow to skeletal muscles.


During times of stress, the,____?, division can override, ____?, effects.

sympathetic override parasympathetic

Name the two divisions of the ANS. They serve the same visceral organs, but have opposite effects on them.

symphetic and parasympathetic

In the parasympathetic system, preganglionic axons extend from the CNS nearly all the way to the structures to be innervated. There they synapse with postfanflionic neurons located in the, ____? ganglia, which are very close to or within the target organs.


Sympathetic fibers originate from the,____? region of the spinal cord.

thoracolumbar region

The,___?, cranial nerve supplies 75% of all parasymphathetic fibers.


The,___?, nerve innervates the heart, lung, liver, pancreas, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and proximal portion of the large intestine.


____?, Tone prevents unnecessary heart accelerations and also dictates the normal activity levels of the digestive and urinary tracts.

vasomotor, "sympathetic" tone

Postganglionic neuron fibers travel with the other fibers of the spinal nerve, but eventually branch off forming a,___?

visceral nerve

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