The Beatles Final

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The Beatles first studio recording on a label was:

" Love Me Do"/ "P.S. I Love You" XXXX

The Beatles first number one single was

"Please, Please Me"

Chamber music refers to

2-10 players, one per part

The basic story line for the movie "Help" was:

A "spoof" on James Bond movies

The first use of an electric 12-string guitar was recorded on which song:

A Hard Day's Night

The last songs the Beatles recorded together were featured on

Abbey Road

The first satellite broadcast around the world featured which Beatle song?

All You Need is Love

The Beatles' songwriting style drew influence(s) from:

All the above

The result of the meeting between Bob Dylan and the Beatles at the end of their 1964 tour was

All the above

The song Strawberry Fields Forever employed which of the following instruments?

All the above

The manager brought in to "clean up" Apple Corps near the end of the Beatles was

Allen Klein

The Beatles last ever public performance was

An unannounced rooftop concert

Opera became established in what period?


The piano solo by George Martin in "In My Life" was played in a "_______" style.


The song "Because" was based on " Moonlight Sonata" by


The well known classical piece that is featured in the "tiger scene" in Help is

Beethoven's Ode To Joy in D minor

The musician brought in to ease tensions during the making of "Let it Be" was

Billy Preston

The "covers" performed and recorded by the Beatles were primarily drawn from

Black artists in America

Which classical piece influenced McCartney's song "Penny Lane"?

Brandenburg concerto no 2

George Harrison's first original song released on "With the Beatles" was

Don't Bother Me

The Beatles developed their look and style of performing

During their engagement in the Reeperbahn in Hamburg

The first outsider to work with the Beatles in the studio aside from classical and Indian musicians was

Eric Clapton

By the time "Help" was released in 1965, the Beatles were still enjoying the impact of Beatlemania.


During the "White Album" sessions the Beatles worked together as a team like they did on Revolver, along with George Martin and Geoff Emerick.


During the sessions for "Pepper" the Beatles did not employ the entire symphony orchestra.


George Martin's influence on "Revolver" and "Pepper" was minimal.


John Lennon continued to dominate the band on "Revolver" and "Pepper".


Magical Mystery Tour was received with critical acclaim


Paul McCartney was the dominating vocalist on "With the Beatles" and "Hard Day's Night".


The Beatles consulted and provided voices in the making of the animated film "Yellow Submarine".


The Beatles felt pressured by George martin to incorporate classical instruments to their songs during the recording of the album Help.


The String Quartet was a standard medium during the Renaissance


The critical reviews for "Pepper" were damaging for the Beatles reputation.


The instrumentation of the early Beatles has no connection to common instruments used during the Renaissance.


The movie Help was not as successful as A Hard Day's Night at the box office.


When George Martin resigned from EMI the Beatles relied on him less as a producer.


In addition to a record label, a film division, electronics, and a boutique, Apple Corps also provided a tax shelter for the Beatles royalties.

False XXXX

The first "mania" phenomenon was with which Classical composer?

Franz Liszt

The 19 year old studio engineer responsible for numerous innovations on "Revolver" and "Pepper" was:

Geoff Emerick

The Beatle responsible for ushering a heavy influence of Indian music into the recordings of 1966 and 1967 was

George Harrison

The Beatle who led the way to Rishikesh for an extended retreat with the Maharashi was

George Harrison

The Beatle who wrote the soundtrack for "Wonderwall", the second solo album for a Beatle was

George Harrison

The first musician to introduce the sitar and fuse Indian music into pop music was

George Harrison

The song "Something" was written and sung by

George Harrison

The song "Within You Without You" features only one Beatle;

George Harrison

The composer considered the "Father of the String Quartet" is


The masters of the Viennese school included


The first record to be released on the Apple label was

Hey Jude

The song Lennon and McCartney gave to the Rolling Stones for their first hit was

I Wanna Be Your Man

The song that catalyzed the Beatles' success in America was

I Want to Hold Your Hand

The iconic cover photo of Abbey Road was shot by

Iain Macmillan

The song from "Hard Day's Night" album with a recitative introductory verse is

If I Fell

Claude Debussy was associated with what period?


The Beatle who starred in Richard Lester's "How I Won The War" was

John Lennon

The third Beatle solo album "Two Virgins" Featured which Beatle?

John Lennon

The single that signaled a return to the Beatles' roots in "Rock and Roll" after their journey in psychedelic excess was

Lady Madonna

The last album released by the Beatles was

Let it Be

The string arrangement for "She's Leaving Home" was scored by

Mike Leander

Which revolutionary new instrument was used in pop for the first time on Abbey Road?

Moog Synthesizer

The Beatles' road manager was

Neil Aspinal

The result of the meeting between Elvis and the Beatles after their 1965 tour was

None of the above

The first Pop song to use sitar accompaniment was

Norwegian Wood

The Beatle who scored music for the movie "The Family Way" was

Paul McCartney

The film Magical Mystery Tour was (unoffically) directed by

Paul McCartney

The original members of the Beatles included:

Pete Best

The cover art for "Pepper" was created by

Peter Blake

The Lennon/McCartney original "World Without Love" was a hit with:

Peter and Gordon

The first use of backwards tapes in pop music was on the song


The first use of vari-speed in a pop music was on the song


The Director for Hard Day's Night is:

Richard Lester

The groundbreaking cover photo for "With The Beatles" was shot by

Robert Freeman

McCartney's competitive nature was spurred by which group when the "Pepper" session began?

The Beach Boys

The album "Beatles for Sale" is said to have a split personality because

The contrast between new material and covers from the 50s

Robert Freeman did the cover art photos for "Beatles for Sale", "Help", and "Rubber Soul".


The "cover" songs on "Beatles for Sale" were mostly drawn from Rock and Roll artists of the 1950's


The Beatles changed and revolutionized the way pop music was written, performed, recorded, packaged, and listened to from 1960s to the present.


The Beatles did not collaborate writing songs and rehearse prior to the "Revolver" session


The Beatles did not think of themselves as actors and felt like guest stars in their own movie while filming "Help".


The Beatles were the first rock performers to pretend to perform songs in a non-performance setting 15 years prior to MTV.


The Beatles' melodies and harmonies are derived from Major and minor scales.


The album "Please, Please Me" was recorded in 12 hours


The cover art to "Pepper" is considered as revolutionary and influential as the music itself.


The extent of John Lennon's musical dominance was on the soundtrack album of Help.


The idea of "Pepper" was for the Beatles to lose their identities and submerge themselves in the persons of a fictitious band.


The idea to add a string quartet to "Yesterday" was George Martin's idea


The movie "Hard Day's Night" was a landmark film with critical acclaim.


The single "Day Tripper/ We Can Work it Out" was the first release to be designated a "double-A side".


The song "A Day in the Life" was banned by the BBC.


The song "Hey Jude" was written for Julian Lennon by McCartney in lieu of John and Cynthia's divorce.


The Album Rubber Soul appealed to "Soul Music" enthusiasts in America.


The first use of hired studio musicians in the studio with the Beatles was on the song

Yesterday XXX

John Philip Sousa was

a great bandmaster and composer of the American wind tradition

Beatlemainia refers to:

a term coined by the press to describe fan hysteria

By 1965 the problem with Beatles' live performance was

all the above

George Martin's primary role in the Beatles' early recordings was

all the above

The Classical orchestra includes which instrument(s)?

all the above

The Shea stadium concert in 1965 was

all the above

The songs on "Rubber Soul" reflected

all the above

What made the Beatles unique?

all the above

The title "Rubber Soul" was a reference to

an inside joke by the Beatles XXX

George Martin signed the Beatles to Parlaphone because

he liked their irreverence and thought they could make it on their charisma alone

The Lennon's book " In His Own Write"

is a collection of nonsensical wordplay

The expressive device, "Word painting" used in the song "Things We Said Today" is best described as

making music reflect the meaning of the words

Early Beatle songs resemble what type of secular song from the Renaissance?

organum XXX

Astride Kirchherr's significance to the Beatles is because:

she helped develop their look

Brian Epstein's primary role in the Beatles' success was:

signing them to a label XXXX

The "Mellotron" was a new instrument employed in the studio during the "Pepper" sessions that operated by:

tape loops of strings, voices, and flutes

Brian Epstein's death marked a turning point when the Beatles decided

to manage themselves and form their own label

The string quartet scored for the song "Yesterday" is comprised of

two violins, viola, cello

The film, "Magical Mystery Tour" was

was influenced by Ken Kesey and the Merry PrankstersXXX

Astride Kichherr's early photos of the Beatles

were widely imitated and considered art

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