The central processing unit
What does CPU stand for?
Central Processing Unit
The boot loader is..
A program that starts the book sequence when the computer is switched on.
A register is a discrete memory location within the CPU designed to hold temporary data and instructions.
Give one advantage and disadvantage of using cache memory.
Advantage: The access time is similar to the CPU. Disadvantage: Cache memory is expensive.
Why is it called a unit?
Because it is a self-contained device
What is CPU speed
Determines how fast the CPU can process data and commands.
The speed of the processor are measured in ..
Gigaherts (Ghz). These are billions of cycles per second.
The clock speed is measured in...
Herts (Hz). This is cycles per seconds.
What is one DISADVANTAGE of using multiple processors?
More complicated operating systems need to manage them.
What is one ADVANTAGE of using multiple processors?
More data can be processed simultaneously.
Why is cache memory needed..
The CPU can't access the main memory ath the same speed as the processor clock chip.
In the fetch-execute cycle, explain happens in the DECODE part of the cycle
The CPU decodes the instructions to find out what processing to do.
In the fetch-execute cycle, explain happens in the EXECUTE part of the cycle
The CPU executes (carries out) the instructions.
Can you explain what is happening at 1-4 in the diagram?
The answers are on the next card
Explain the term clock speed.
The speed of the fetch-execute cycle is determined by the electronic clock chip.
Data bus
This is a collection of wires, through which data is transmitted from one part of the motherboard to another.
The purpose of the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) is
To carry out all of the arithmetic and logical operations.
The purpose of the control unit is to
Use electrical signals to control the flow of data within the CPU
The boot sequence is...
Is a sequence of processes that contain all of the information and instructions to get the computer up and running.
Can you explain what is happening at 1-4 in the diagram?
1) The CPU requests the data 2) If the data isn't in the cache, the data is requested from the main memory. 3) The data is copied to cache 4) The data is sent to the CPU.1) The CPU requests the data
The speed of the CPU depends on THREE things, these are..
1) The clock speed (processor speed) 2) Cache memory 3) The number of processor cores.
What does the CPU do?
It carries out all of the processing in a computer.
Multiple processors means...
Multiple CPUs are working together. The CPUs can all fetch execute and decode at the same time.
In the fetch-execute cycle, explain happens in the FETCH part of the cycle
The CPU fetches instructions from memory
What happens it the CPU tries to access data which is not in the cache memory?
The CPU requests the information from the main memory.
This is a microchip that controls the timing and the speed of all compute functions. This is usually measured in Ghz