The Cold War

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A major event that led uo to the korean war

Chinese civil war

The north atlantic treaty organization was based on this principle

Collecfive security

A policy developed by american leaders to resist and stop the spread of communism


Eisenhower halted exports there after it was taken over by communist forces


The policy of making the military power of the united states and its alloes so steong that no enemy would dare attack it for fear of retaliation


After World War II, The Soviet Union quickly took control of nations in this region.

Eastern europe

He favored breaking the stalemate in korea by attacking the chinese mainland

General mac aurther

Stalin was determined that this country never threaten his nation again


Its members charged numerous hollywood figures wirh being sympathetic to communist ideas


An imaginary line that divided europe between capitalist west and communist east

Iron curtain

This country controlled korea for much of the first half of the twetieth century


His and his wife trail and execution in 1953 intensified rhe fear of communism as an internal threat to the united states

Julius rosenberg

During the cold war a major goal of the united states in this region was to protect american finnancial investments rhere

Latin american

One of its major goals was to create stable democracies thats coukd resist communism

Marshall plan

Pledged american financial aid to european nations following WW2

Marshall plan

One reason the united states became involved in this region was to prevent oil-rich arab nations from falling under soviet influence

Middle east

Disagreements over the future of this country worsened postwar relations between the United States and the Soviet Union.


President Truman issued the Truman Doctrine in response to Stalin's demands at the Conference held there?


An eastern european nation controlled politically and economically by the soviet union

Satellite nation

His power faded shortly after he appeared in television hearings

Senator joseph mc cathy

The untied states succeeded in keeping this region free of communism

South korea

The immediate result of its implementation was Congressional approval of $400 million to help Turkey and Greece resist Soviet influence.

Truman doctine

They passes a resolution that supported efforts to defens south korea and restore peace

United nations

The soviets created this allience after the formation of NATO

Warsaw pact

The berlin airlift was president trumans reaponce to its blockade by the soviets

West berlin

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