The Crucible - Act I Questions

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What claims does Abigail make against Elizabeth Proctor? How might this affect future complication in the play?

Abigail claims Elizabeth knew about her affair with John Proctor, and that Elizabeth fired her. Abigail may be accused of being a witch since she drank the blood charm to kill Elizabeth.

How do the Putnma's connect Betty's current state to their daughter Ruth's current state? What is Mrs. Putnam's motivation for sending her daughter Ruth to Tituba? What is Mr. Putnam's motivation for urging Reverend Parris to officially announce that he has discovered "evidence" of witchcraft?

Betty and Ruth are both extremely ill. Mrs. Putnam thinks it is because of the girls dancing in the woods. Mrs. Purnam made Ruth ask Tituba to conjure her seven dead children. Mr. Putnam asked Reverend Parris to announce the evidence so his reputation lowers even more.

Why appears to be wrong with Betty? Why does Parris suggest sending for Reverend Hale?

Betty will not wake up from her comatose state. Parris suggests sending for Reverend Hale because he wants an experienced person in the studies of witchcraft to evaluate the situation.

The word crucible has three definitions: 1) a container made of a substance that can resist great heat; 2) the hollow at the bottom of an ore furnace, where the molten metal collects; and 3) a severe test or trial. Which definition of crucible do you think applies to this story? Explain your response.

Definition number 3 is the most fitting definition because of how this story relates to the Salem witch trials.

How does Hale lead Tituba to her "confession"? What is irony of her situation? How does Abigail add to the drama of this scene?

Hale used God and Christianity as a motive for Tituba to confess. The irony is that witchcraft is not holy. Abigail adds to the drama by naming people she saw with the Devil.

Why does Reverend Parris question Abigail about her unemployment? What does her reaction suggest about her response?

He questions Abigail because Goody Proctor won't sit next to "something soiled" at church. Abigail's angered reaction suggests she lied to her uncle.

According to the conversation between John and Abigail, what appears to have transpired between them prior to the beginning of Act One?

John and Abigail had an affair.

How and by whom are the other villagers accused of witchcraft? What is the motivation of the girls' accusations? How many people are accused on the last page of act one?

Other villagers are accused of witchcraft by Abby and Betty. The purpose of this is to take the blame off themselves. 11 people are accused.

Reverend Parris is worried that Abigail's actions have jeopardized something important. What does Parris consider important?

Parris is worried his reputation and job have been jeopardized.

Give two examples that Proctor and Corey give that explain why they believe Parris is an ineffective minister.

Proctor and Corey believe Parris is an ineffective minister because Parris feels way too entitled to money and material items. Along with this, Parris is too negative and too much of a fear-mongerer in his messages.

What does Rebecca say about Betty and ruth's "condition"?

Rebecca says Betty and Ruth's "condition" has to run its course.

What is the relationship among Reverend Parris, Betty, and Abigail? Who is Tituba? What is her relationship to them?

Reverend Parris is the father of Betty and the uncle of Abigail. Tituba is Reverend Parris' slave. She loves the kids dearly.

What other conflicts do the Putnam's have with the families of Salem?

The Putnam's are jealous of the large family the Nurse's have.

What does the conversation among Abigail, Mercy Lewis, Mary Warren, and Betty reveal about their recent activities? What will Abigail do to those who "breathe a word of the truth"?

The conversation reveals that they did dabble in witchcraft. It also reveals Abigail drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor. Abigail threatens to kill those who tell.

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