The FBI Right Now

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$8+ billion

$8+ billionWhat is the FBI's budget?

1. 23-37 years old (exception: special preference to veterans over 37) 2. American citizen 3. Possess valid U.S. driver's license 4. Bachelor's degree and 3+ years of "career-related" experience 5. Pass fitness test

1. 23-37 years old (exception: special preference to veterans over 37) 2. American citizen 3. Possess valid U.S. driver's license 4. Bachelor's degree and 3+ years of "career-related" experience 5. Pass fitness testWhat are 5 hiring criteria for Special Agents?

Smaller field offices

After graduation, where are new SAs assigned?

Who is the current director of the FBI?

Christopher Wray

How long do FBI directors serve and under what proviso?

How long do FBI directors serve and under what proviso?

5 months

How long is the training to become a Special Agent?

35,000+ employees (12,000+ SAs)

How many employees does the FBI have? How many of them are special agents?


How many field offices does the FBI have?

60+ legal attaches in U.S. embassies and consulates throughout the world; primary purpose to coordinate with foreign security services

LEGATs: what are they, where are they, and how many of them are there?

Looks into people working for the bureau who have done bad things; if not fired, agents are typically suspended or put on desk duty

Looks into people working for the bureau who have done bad things; if not fired, agents are typically suspended or put on desk dutyWhat does the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) do?

1. Behavioural analyst 2. SWAT 3. Hostage negotiator 4. Bomb tech 5. Undercover

Name 5 SA corollary duties

1. Intelligence analyst (IA) 2. Language specialists (LA) 3. Surveillance speiclaists (SS) 4. Scientists 5. Information technology (IT) specialists

Name 5 support staff positions

Loretta Lynch

Name another Attorney General

James Comey

Name another FBI director aside from the current one and J. Edgar Hoover

1. Guns 2. Academics (interview skills and development of informants major focus) 3. Physical fitness

What 3 disciplines are new SAs trained in?

400+ smaller agencies in lesser cities and areas across the nation

What are resident agencies and how many are there?

1. Lawyers 2. CPAs 3. Diversified (everybody else) 4. IT 5. Language

What are the 5 pools that SAs are selected from?

1. Criminal division 2. National security division (counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence) 3. Human Resources division 4. Information Technology (IT) division 5. Science and technology division

What are the FBI's five divisions?

1. protect the U.S. from terror attacks 2. Protect the U.S. against foreign intelligence operations and espionage 3. Protect the U.s. against cyber-based attacks and high-tech crimes 4. Combat public corruption at all levels 5. Protect civil rights 6. Combat transnational/national criminal organisations and enterprises 7. Combat major white collar crime 8. Combat significant violent crime 9. Support federal, state, local, and international partners 10. Upgrade technology to enable, and further, the successful performances of it s missions

What are the FBI's investigative priorities (list and define)? (hint: there are 10)

1. Criminal investigative body (traditional reactive role: reacts to crime after/when it happens) 2. Internal intelligence agency (largely encompasses counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence; proactive intelligence: takes steps before crime occurs)

What are the FBI's two roles?

NYC (26 Federal Plaza in Tribeca) and LA

What are the two biggest field offices?

The U.S. Department of Justice in the executive branch

What cabinet-level and what branch of gov't does the FBI operate out of?

Title 28 U.S. Code Section 533 (authorises AG to appoint officials to detect and prosecute crimes against the U.S.)

What created the FBI?

The language of the Department of Homeland Security Act of 2002 enacted in the wake of 9/11

What gives the FBI the authority to be the lead agency on terror attacks on the U.S. and U.S. interests?

The chief/most. important law enforcement officer in the U.S. (the FBI director's boss)

What is the Attorney General?

Violations of over 200 categories of federal crimes

What is the FBI's jurisdiction?

1. Protect and defend the U.S. 2. Uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the U.S. 3. Provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners

What is the FBI's mission? (Hint: there are 3 points)

Fidelity, bravery, integrity

What is the FBI's motto?

If you or others are threatened with death or serious bodily harm you are entitled (permitted) to use deadly force

What is the FBI's policy on the utilisation of deadly force?

The lead agency on terror attacks on the U.S. and U.S. interests (people and things)

What is the FBI's responsibility in the war on terror?

Director --> Assistant Director (ADIC) --> Special Agent in Charge (SAC) --> Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) --> Supervisory Special Agents (SSA) --> Special Agents (SA) --> support staff

What is the hierarchy of bureau officials?

57 years old

What is the mandatory retirement age in the FBI?

Glock 22 or Glock 23

What is the standard issue weapon in the FBI?

The Bureau of Investigation

What was the Bureau founded as?


When was the Bureau founded?

FBI Academy in Quantico, VA

Where do new Special Agents train?

Quantico, VA

Where is the FBI laboratory located?

Special Agents in Charge head field offices; Assistant Director heads NYC and LA field offices

Who heads the field offices? What are the exceptions?

Jeff Sessions

Who is the current Attorney General?

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