The Fetal Heart and Chest

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What are signs of Ebstein Anomaly

- enlarged right atrium - fetal hydrops - malpositioned tricuspid valve

Sonographic features of pentalogy Cantrell

- omphalocele - cleft sternum - diaphragmatic defect

Tetralogy of fallot consists of all of the following

- overriding aortic root - VSD - pulmonary stenosis

The normal fetal heart will fill approximately fill ______ of the fetal chest.


The fetal heart is usually formed by how many weeks?

10 weeks

When is the Herat fully formed by?

10 weeks

In the 3rd tri an average FHR is what?

150 BPM

When does the heart begin to contract?

36-37 days

A heart rate using M-mode should be obtainable with TV when the CRL measures between what?


Eventration of the diaphragm is best described as what

A lack of muscle in the dome of the diaphragm

The normal pulmonary artery should be position ______ to the aorta.


The normal pulmonary artery should be positioned ________ to the aorta and should be visualized crossing over it


What is the fetal shunt that connects the pulmonary artery to the aortic arch?

Ductus arteriosis

The most common form of diaphragmatic hernia is the:

Foramen of bochdalek

What is the opening located right anteriormedially within the diaphragm?

Foramen of morgagni

The apex of the heart will be angled to the _____ of the midline.


What is the chamber closest to the fetal spine?

Left atrium

EIF is most often seen within the:

Left ventricle

The base of the heart is closest to the ____.


The LVOT leads to what?

The aorta

The blood returning from the lungs through the pulmonary veins enters into what?

The left atrium

What describes transposition of the great vessels?

The presence of an omphalocele and ectopic cordis

The RVOT leads to what?

The pulmonary artery and branches

Fetal rhabdomyomas are associated with which of the following?

Tuberous sclerosis

The embryonic heart begins as what?

Two tubes

Where is the mitral valve located?

between left atrium and left ventricle

Where is the tricuspid valve located?

between right atrium and right ventricle

The moderator band is located within what?

right ventricle

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