The Giver Questions

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3. You are exempted from rules governing rudeness. You may ask any question of any citizen and you will receive answers.

Jonas could ask anyone anything without worrying about rudeness.

8. You may lie.

Jonas could lie whenever necessary.

7. You are not able to apply for release.

Jonas could not ever leave the community

6. Exempt for illness or injury unrelated to your training, do not apply for any medication.

Jonas could not receive any medicine for pain related to his training.

4. Do not discuss your training with any citizens of the community, including parents and Elders.

Jonas couldn't talk about his training with anyone.

2. Go immediately to your dwelling after Training Hours.

Jonas had to go directly home after each training day.

1. After school go immediately to the Annex behind the House of Old after school.

Jonas had to go straight to training after school.


Jonas has not acquired this yet but he will after his training

Capacity to See Beyond

Jonas has this ability and it has something to do with the apple


Jonas was a top student


Jonas was always prompt to deliver his apology when chastised.

5. You are prohibited from dream telling.

Jonas was not permitted to share any of his dreams.


Jonas would have to undergo rigorous training.

Do you think that the position of Receiver of Memory is an honor to have? Explain your thoughts.

Page - It was an honor. The community is being selfish by having one Reciever contain all the memories of the world and to have him hold all the pain so that no one in the community had to suffer.

What shocking detail did Jonas discover about the previous person who had his position?

Page - Jonas discovered that the previous Receiver had been a female and that her name was designated Not-To-Be-Spoken which was the highest degree of disgrace in the community.

At the end of chapter 1, we find out what Jonas was thinking about. What is it and how does the chapter end?

Page - Jonas is worried about the ceremony in December. The chapter ends with Lily being told to go to bed so that Jonas can talk privately with his parents.

Did the Giver have a spouse? Explain the complications the Receiver of Memory faces with a family unit.

Page - The Giver did have a spouse who was now with the childless adults. The Giver could not share the books or experiences from the memories with a family unit.

Describe the dwelling of the elder who was training Jonas. How did it differ from the typical family unit's dwelling?

Page - The Receivers dwelling was more luxurious with furnishing. There were also so many more books. The typical dwelling had furniture that served a specific purpose and only books that were necessary. The speaker could be turned OFF and the door could be locked

Describe Jonas's mental state at the end of chapter 19.

Page -Jonas felt terrible pain and was horrified. He couldn't believe that his father would do that.

Describe the release of the twin.

Page -Jonas's father weighs the twins and release the smaller one. He injects a sering with clear liquid into the new child's forehead. Then he placed the babau in the contaie and sends it down the garbage chute.

What was Lily's crazy thought about twins? What assignment did the family say she should receive?

Page -Lily chattered on about the twin who was are released. She wondered what if the twin was giving the same name in the other community so that when they meet later on they would get confused, get on the wrong bus and nobody would know. Mother suggested that she receive the assignment of storyteller.

Identify the main characters in the story so far, and briefly describe them.

Page 1-9 Jonas is an Eleven who is apprehensive about December

Describe how the elder begin his training on Jonas. What fascinating detail shocked Jonas right before he began?

Page 100- The elder began his training by putting his hands on his bareback. Jonas couldn't believe that the elder had turned OFF the speaker switch before he began. To have that power!!

What outburst did Jonas blurt out to the Giver at the start of chapter 13?

Page 122- Jonas said that it wasn't fair that nothing has color.

What did the Giver tell Jonas was so important? How do you feel about it?

Page 124- The Giver tells Jonas that it was the choosing that's important.

What did Jonas begin doing, even though he knew it would be denied had he asked permission?

Page 125- Jonas had begun trying to transmit memories to his friends and family so that they could experience all the things had.

What memory did Jonas received that was the first to cause him great suffering, and he ached with the memory of it even after the transmission ended?

Page 126- Jonas experienced the killing of an elephant for its tusks. He witnessed another elephant wail in misery over the death of another elephant.

Describe Jonas's reaction to the Giver's statement, "They know nothing."

Page 132- Jonas was shocked after he said this. The Giver remind him what great honor it was to be the Receiver.

What discovery did Jonas make about the previous Receiver? Explain what happened to the community when the Receiver failed.

Page 133- Jonas discover that when the previous Receiver failed all of the memories that she had been given were released for everyone. This had a result in a complete chaos and suffering for a time.

Where did the Giver tell Jonas is life was? How did the Giver react when Jonas told him about his instructors of science and technology and how they taught him all about how the brain works?

Page 133- The Giver tells Jonas that his life was here, in his being, with the memories. When Jonas said that his instructors were very knowledgeable, the Giver said, "They know nothing."

Occasionally the Giver would send Jonas away because he was suffering too much to train that day. What particular memory did the Giver transmit to Jonas to show him what caused his suffering?

Page 137- The Giver gave Jonas the memory of breaking his leg whe falling off of a sled.

After Jonas experienced the memory of pain, what did he ask for, but was denied because it was forbidden as stated in his instructions?

Page 138- Jonas asked for relief-of-pain.

When Jonas went home that evening after the painful memory, what conclusion did he reach about his parents, family, and the people in his community?

Page 139- He reached the conclusion that they have never felt pain.

Ceremony of Ones

Page 14- 15- Children all born in the last year turn one. They are given to their family unit and given their name.

The Giver gave Jonas an example of a time when the citizens petitioned the Committee of Elders about increasing the rate of births from three births for each Birthmother to four births. Explain how the Giver assisted them with this issue.

Page 140- The Giver assied them by recalling the memory of starvation. He advised them not to increase the rate

When Jonas asked the Giver why the Receiver must hold these memories, how did the Giver respond?

Page 140- The Giver respond so that he he can gain wisdom and advise the committee of Elders.

It is rare that the Receiver of Memory is called upon. What was the last time they asked him for help?

Page 141-The last time they asked for help was with the pilot reading the directions wrong.

Jonas's father was preparing for a situation at the Nurturing Center the next month. Describe this situation and the problem it poses to the community.

Page 144- A birth mother is preparing to have identical twins and father has been assigned to release one of them. It can be confusing for people to tell who is who.

What did Jonas suggest to his father about Gabe?

Page 145- Jonas suggests that Gabe sleeps in his room so that his parents can get some sleep.

That night, Jonas unknowingly broke a rule in his instructions. What dilemma was Jonas faced with and what did he decide to do?

Page 146-147- Jonas unknowingly gave Gabe a memory of a sailboat but he decided not to tell the Giver.

During a time of great suffering when Jonas assumed he would be sent away, Jonas offered to help the Giver lessen his suffering. Describe the tortuous memory that Jonas experienced.

Page 149- Jonas was immersed into a painful memory of warfare. He was injured on the battlefield, lying next to a young soldier who was dying and begging for water. There were horses whining and falling all around him. He witnessed the soldier die.

3. In the beginning of chapter 2, what does Jonas discover about his father that surprises him? Explain.

Page 15- Jonas discovers that his Father has broken a rule. The rule wasn't very important but he was surprised his father broke a rule at all.

What do you think was the setting for that memory?

Page 150- I think that this is the setting for the civil or revolutionary war.

Reluctantly, Jonas returned to the Annex Room for training each day. Name a few of the countless bits of happiness he experienced in his memories.

Page 153- A few countless bits of happiness he experienced in his memories was a birthday party, visited museums and experienced that bond between animals and humans.

Describe the most meaningful memory that Jonas experienced which was the Giver's favorite.

Page 154- The memory was of a room filled with people and presents under a decorated tree. There was a fire in a fireplace. Jonas felt the warmth of the memory.

What does Jonas learn from this memory about old people?

Page 156- He learned once ago there were grandparents.

What was the new concept that Jonas learned from this memory?

Page 157- The Giver told him the feeling was love.

After discussing the favorite memory with the Giver, Jonas concludes that it was a dangerous way to live back then. Explain what he meant.

Page 159- Jonas said that it was dangerous to have fire burning inside the house as well as candles. He felt there was some risk involved, but he wasn't quite sure how.

That evening in his dwelling Jonas asked his parents an absurd question that they demanded he remember to use precision of language. Describe how Jonas felt about their reaction. What lie did this lead him to tell his parents?

Page 159- Jonas was shocked at their reaction when he asked if they love him. He hadn't expected them to show amusement. This led Jonas to say that he understood why it was inappropriate to use the word love.

After so many months of Gabe sleeping soundly through the night, Father announced that he could be officially named and given to his family in December. Given what you know about why Gabe has been sleeping so soundly at night, could you think of any problem this may lead to in the book?

Page 160- Gabe was only sleeping soundly through the night because jonas was transmitting peacful memories to him to help him sleep. Gabe may have trouble sleeping once he returns to the Nurturning Center.

The morning following his parents' reaction to Jonas's question, Jonas breaks another rule in the community. What does he do and why do you think he does it?

Page 162- Jonas deliberty throws away his pill. He doesn't want to be in a world where he feels no emotions.

What rare treat was announced at the beginning of chapter 17?

Page 163- an unscheduled holiday was announced.

Jonas realized that his feelings had more depth to them now because of his knowledge from the memories. When he recalls Lily's description about her feelings about the new boy who broke the rules, what does Jonas conclude that she really felt?

Page 165- He concluded that Lily had only felt shallow impatience and exasperation.

Describe the scenario that Jonas encounters with his friends during this unscheduled holiday.

Page 166- Jonas finds his friends playing the game of war pretending to shoot each other and be shot.

After this encounter with his friends, what does Jonas conclude with certainty?

Page 167- Jonas concluded that he could change nothing.

Explain the story of the previous Receiver.

Page 175-179-The previous receiver was Rosemary. She was very intelligent and received well, like Jonas. She had experienced memories of loss and loneliness that took away her laughter. After 5 weeks of memories, she went to the Chief Elder and asked to be released.

What new rule was created in the Receiver of Memory's instructions because of the failure of the previous Receiver?

Page 175-The new rule was that you couldn't apply for release.

Why had Rosemary asked for release even though she hadn't been given any memories of physical pain?

Page 179-She had been stunned by memories of poverty, hunger, and terror. One particular memory of a child being taken away from his parents shocked her.

Ceremony of Nines

Page 18- All children nine years old are given their bike and have to give their hair ribbons back.

If Jonas were lost in an accident like Caleb, what effect would it have on the community?

Page 180- If Jonas were lost or had an accident his memories would not be lost with him. Memories are forever and would be released back into the community for everyone to experience.

What was it that Jonas said helped him to deal with all the feelings and emotions he receives from the memories?

Page 181- Jonas said the only way he deals with the memories is by having the Giver there to help him.

How did the Giver feel about release of a twin?

Page 182-183- The Giver felt bitter, sad, and angry about it and didn't think the community should release newchildren.

What did Jonas discover he had the ability to do as the Receiver-in-Training?

Page 183-Jonas figures out that he had access to everything. All he has to do is switch on the speakers and ask to watch the release ceremony on the screen.

What memory did the release of the twin bring back to Jonas?

Page 188-Jonas's realizes that baby died just like the young soldier in his war memory.

What memory did the release of the twin bring back to the Giver?

Page 189-The Giver remembers Rosemary's release. He watched some of it, but looked away at the end.

Ceremony of Twelves

Page 19- Children turning twelve get their assignments, or jobs, based on their interests.

Describe what Jonas did after the revelation about release.

Page 190- After Jonas learned what really happened during release he was so distraught and upset that The Giver told him he would be staying with him that night.

Explain the Giver's statement, "They know nothing."

Page 191- The Giver meant that their community was protected from pain, so they had no feelings.

What was the plan that Jonas and the Giver developed?

Page 192-194- The Giver and Jonas come up with a plan for JOnas to escape to Elsewhere, where all the memories he'd recived would now return to the entire community. The Giver would give Jonas memories of strength and courage to help him with his journey.

What part of the plan was particularly terrifying to Jonas?

Page 193- Jonas thought that leaving his dwelling at night was the most terrifying part of their plan. No citizens were aloud out of their dwelling at night.

Describe how the Giver was going to prepare Jonas for their plan.

Page 197- For the two weeks before the December Ceremony The Giver would share memories of strength and courage with him. Jonas would sneak out of his dwelling in the middle of the night and go to the annex and meet the Giver. Jonas was going to hide in the vehicle that the Giver was planning to drive out to other communities. Jonas would then continue his journey to Elsewhere and the Giver would return to their community and help the people deal with the memories.

What did Jonas learn from the Giver about how he had the capacity to know beyond?

Page 197- Jonas discovered that when the Giver was young he had been able to hear beyond. He said he heard music.

How did the Giver respond when Jonas asked, "But don't you want to be with me, Giver?" What did he reveal to Jonas?

Page 203- The Giver said that he loved Jonas, but he was needed to stay with the community and finish his job. Then he wanted to be reunited with his daughter Rosemary.

Explain how the plan Jonas and the Giver created had to change.

Page 204- Jonas founding out that Gabe was going to be released the next morning.

Describe the rules that Jonas had to break in order to carry out the plan.

Page 206- Jonas was out late at night, he robbed the community of food, he stole his father's bike and also took Gabe.

What can a person do if they are unhappy with his/her assignment, or feels he/she doesn't fit in with the community?

Page 21- A person can make an appeal to the committee is he/she is unhappy with their assignment.

Once Jonas left the community, what did he state was the most terrifying part?

Page 211- Thew planes were most terrifying to Jonas. Especially the heat-seeking ones that could identify body warmth.

How did Jonas prevent detection from this terrifying experience?

Page 212- Jonas gave Gabe and himself memories fo snow to keep their body temperature low.

Describe the changes in environment that Jonas encounters as he travels away from Sameness.

Page 214-218- The road is narrow, and bumpy. There are more trees, birds, hills and rain that make Gabe cold.

Desperate fears were building in Jonas now. What was he most afraid of happening?

Page 216-217- Jonas was most afraid of starving to death and afraid he won't be able to save Gabe.

Jonas was starving being away from the community. But if he had stayed he would have been "starved" in other ways. What would Jonas have been "hungry" for?

Page 217-218-Jonas would have been hungry for color, love and feeling.

Describe how Jonas used his memories to help him now that he was away from the community.

Page 217-Jonas is trying to recreate meals, banquets with meals, birthday parties with thick frosted cakes, fruits that were dripping from the trees.

Cite an example from this chapter that proves that Jonas did have the ability to feel love.

Page 218- "He wept because he was afraid now that he could not save Gabriel. He no longer cared about himself."

What happened to Jonas's memories now that he was no longer a part of the community?

Page 221- Now that Jonas was no longer a part of the community, all the memories he had recived were now released to the people in the community.

What result did Jonas's brief encounter with sunshine have on him?

Page 221-222- After the brief moment of warmth, his mind was alert now, warming himself ever so briefly had shaken away the lethargy and resignation and restore his will to survive.

Jonas "was aware with certainty and joy that below, ahead, they were waiting for him; and that they were waiting, too, for the baby." Why was Jonas so certain?

Page 225- Jonas felt so certain they were waiting for him and Gabe because of the memory he had of Christmas and love.

2. When do children receive their comfort object? What is a comfort object?

Page 24- A children receive their comfort object when they are born. They are usually stuffed animals used to help children sleep better.

4. How did Jonas feel at the end of chapter 2?

Page 24- At the end of chapter 2, he was reassured by his parents but was still very absolutely clueless what Assignment he was going to be given.

What do the nondescript shade of the apple and tunics tell you about Jonas's society?

Page 24- It shows that the members of the community only sees in black, white, and shades of grey.

What does Lily do at the beginning of the chapter that Jonas thought was rude?

Page 25- She points out that she thought Jonas's eyes were different. In their community to was rude to point out personal differences.

Describe the Assignment of Birthmother. Cite at least 2 specific pieces of evidence that support your response.

Page 27- A birth-mother gives birth 3 times, then works the rest of their lives as a laborer.

Explain why mother is appalled when Lily suggests she would want to be a Birthmother.

Page 27- Mother is appalled because birth-mother is not a well-respected position in the community. Birth-mothers spend three years lounging around then the rest of their lives as laborers.

How was Jonas chastised when he took home the apple?

Page 29- He was chastised over the speaker, and he was not named but everyone knew it was him.

Describe the odd incident Jonas experienced with the apple.

Page 30-31- Jonas saw the apple "transform" and it looked different for a moment.

What did each family do at night in the Community, before the next day?

Page 32- Each family unit has a quiet, reflection time each evening to renew and prepare for the next day.

Where does Jonas go in the beginning of chapter 4?

Page 35- Jonas went to the House of the Old to meet Asher and Fiona during volunteer hours.

What occasion took place there earlier that day?

Page 39- The release of Roberto took place earlier that day.

What did Jonas find out about release from Larissa?

Page 41- Jonas found out that after the telling of his life, they cheered and chanted the anthem, Roberto made a lovely speech, and walked through the special door in the Releasing Room. No one knows where they go, except probably the committee.

What unusual event happened to Jonas in the beginning of chapter 5?

Page 45- Jonas had actually had a dream the night before to discuss during the morning ritual of dream telling. Jonas had dreamt about fiano in the bathing room.

What happens to Jonas as a result of this event?

Page 48-49- Jonas revealed from his dream that he had experienced Stirrings. The treatment for the Stirrings is to take a pill each morning.

What was Jonas very careful about on page 5? Explain the situation that supports his feelings about it.

Page 5- On page five, Jonas was very careful about his language. He recalled the incident when Asher was late to school because he was distracted at the fish hatchery. Instead of saying distracted, Asher said distraught.

Describe Jonas's feelings at the end of chapter 5.

Page 50- Jonas recalled the dreams as preluable and he wanted to feel the Stirrings again.

What change marked Lily's advancement to becoming an Eight?

Page 51- Lily advancement to becoming an eight was volunteer hours. Lily will also get her identity jacket with smaller buttons and pockets.

How is interdependence taught to young children in the community?

Page 52- Interdependence is taught to the children by having them wear a jacket with buttons on the back so they would have to help each other with it.

What was the first sign that children were becoming independent?

Page 52- The first sign that children were becoming independent is a jacket with smaller buttons and pocket showing that they were mature enough to keep track of their things.

Why was Gabriel not at the Ceremonies? What is his fate?

Page 54- Gabe was not at the ceremonies because he was given one more year at the nurturing center before he got his parents so he could grow more. He needs to sleep soundly through the night and gain the proper weight.

Explain the audience's enthusiasm when Caleb was placed with his family unit.

Page 56- The audience was enthusiastic because Celeb was a replacement child for a family that suffered a loss of another child.

What is the difference between loss and release?

Page 56-57- The difference between loss is when a person dies and release is when one leaves the community.

Explain what Jonas was trying to find the right word for in the first few pages of the book. What was the word he finally decided was right?

Page 6- Jonas was trying to decide a word for The Ceremony of Twelve. He decided that apprehensive was the best word to describe his feelings.

On page 6, what ritual does the family have each evening? During this ritual, it is revealed that release is NOT punishment in two situations. Explain.

Page 6- On page six the family has the ritual of the telling of feelings. Release is not a punishment for the elderly, it's a time of celebration for a life well and fully lived; also for new children who do not meet the standards of the community.

Describe the rumor that Asher spreads to his group mates.

Page 60- Asher said that a boy was certain was his assignment was but he didn't get what he thought. The next day he jumped into the lake and swam to the next community.

What did the number nineteen (19) mean to Jonas?

Page 63- The number nineteen was Jonas's number at the naming ceremony. He was the nineteenth baby born his year.

How did the Ceremony of Twelve begin?

Page 65- The Ceremony of Twelve began by the Chief Elder making her standard and unoriginal speech. She talked about volunteer hours and how jobs were selected.

Explain the statement made by the Chief Elder: "We even gave some thought to some retroactive chastisement for the one who had been Asher's Instructor of Threes so long ago."

Page 68- The instructor of threes is responsible for language acquisition. She was making a joke about Asher's misuse of words.

Describe Asher's challenges when he was a Three.

Page 69- Asher had a very challenging time with his language was he was a Three. He was always talking too fast and mixing up his words.

What assignments did Asher and Fiona receive?

Page 70-71- Asher received the assignment of Assistant Director of Recreation and Fiona received Caretaker of the Old.

Describe what causes the suspense at the end of chapter 7.

Page 72-73- At the end of chapter 7 the suspense is building up. Jonas was skipped. He kept wondering why he was skipped, kept asking himself what he could have done wrong.

Describe Jonas's emotions at the start of chapter 8.

Page 74- At the start of chapter 8 Jonas was feeling humiliated and terrified.

Explain Jonas's situation at the Ceremony of Twelve and what position he received.

Page 75-76- Jonas's number had been skipped because the Chief of Elder stated that he had not been assigned, but selected to be the new Receiver or Memory.

Which quality did Jonas believe he did NOT possess?

Page 79-80- Jonas believed he didn't have the Capacity to See Beyond. Jonas did not know what this was and is certain he must beg for mercy from the Committee.

What instances did Jonas remember that convinced him he might possess this quality?

Page 80- Jonas recalls the thing that happened with the apple. Also Jonas saw the audience change.

Describe Jonas's emotions at the end of chapter 8.

Page 81- Jonas felt graduate and pride, however he was also filled with fear since he had no idea what this selection meant for him.

Describe how Jonas's group mates acted differently around him after the Ceremony of Twelve.

Page 82- Jonas's friends would act hesitant around him. "People moved aside for him. They watched him. He thought he could hear whispered."

Which instruction troubled him the most. Why?

Page 89- The instruction the he could lie was the most troubling to Jonas. Since earliest childhood he had been trained in the precision of language, and to never lie. The most disturbing thought was what id other adults had been given this same instruction!? How would he ever know if someone was lying.

In chapter 10, what reaction did the Attendant have when Jonas arrived for his first day of training?

Page 92- The Attendant stood when Jonas presented himself for training.

State what the elder told Jonas his job was. Explain the confusion Jonas had.

Page 98- The Elder stated that his job was to transmit to Jonas all the memories he had within him. Jonas thought that he meant he was going to share his life's memories (childhood) with him.

What scenario did the elder describe to Jonas that meant nothing to him?

Page 99- The Elder described going sledding with snow, runners and going downhill.

What seemingly unbelievable declaration did Jonas tell Lily about her comfort object? P

age 127-Jonas told her that once long ago there had been real live elephants.

Why did the community need a Receiver of Memory? How did Jonas feel about this and what did he suggest to the Giver?P

age 142- They need a receiver of memory to advise the committee. He feels that it's unfair to give one person all this pain and suggests that everybody should have a little bit of memories so that its spread out.

Describe Gabe's progress after staying with Jonas's family for the past few months. What did his father still worry about?P

age 143-Gabe was growing successfully and passing his maturity tests. He could sit alone and grasp for small objects. He was cheerful and seemed of normal intelligence but he still didn't sleep through the night.

How did Jonas feel about all these changes? P

age 215-216- Jonas was happy at first because he was seeing new things. Then after a while he becomes upset, scared and terrified.


is Jonas' best friend who is careless with his word choice


is a nurture who cares for all the newchildren in the community


is his sister who is a Seven.


works for the Department of Justice

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