The great gatsby

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As used in the passage above (bolded), rakish most closely means


As used in the passage above (bolded), supercilious most closely means

a self-righteously moralistic person who behaves in a superior manner

Based on context clues, what is most closely the meaning of prig as it is used to describe Tom (paragraph 232)?

snobbish and superior

Based on context clues, what is most closely the meaning of supercilious as it is used to describe Tom Buchanan (paragraph 19)?

she needs to be well-thought of

How does Daisy's response to Nick's assertion that "a dozen people send their love" characterize Daisy?

He disagrees with Goddard's book, The Rise of the Coloured Empires.

Judging by Fitzgerald's portrayal of Tom, how does Fitzgerald feel about Tom's philosophy?

comparing Gatsby to a machine that can "register earthquakes"

The narrator uses metaphor to illustrate his feelings about Gatsby at the outset of Chapter 1 mainly by .

Daisy's "old money" snobbishness—the West Egg crowd have mostly come from nothing and will wind up as nothing

The narrator's description of Daisy as "appalled by West Egg" (paragraph 96) mainly suggests

he wishes to set the record straight about Gatsby's identity in order to show that the rumors about him are false

The narrator, Nick, interrupts the narrative to provide Gatsby's true backstory mainly because

realizes that Jordan is a cheat and a liar

The observation about Jordan Baker and "most affectations" (paragraph 448) mainly suggests that Nick

serving as the catalyst for Daisy succumbing to social pressure and marrying Tom Correct. This answer explains how Daisy and Gatsby's destiny was thwarted; Daisy "wanted her life shaped now, immediately," so she gave up on Gatsby and married Tom.

The passage describing what Gatsby did "after the Armistice" (paragraphs 17-20) adds to the development of the plot mainly by

She believes that the East is superior to the West.

What can readers mainly infer about Jordan Baker based on her comments to Nick in Chapter 1?

A condescending critic

What do T.J. Eckleberg's eyes most likely represent based on the events of the excerpt?

Tom's affair

What does the phone call during dinner introduce?

adjective | impossible to see or clearly distinguish

What is most closely the meaning of indiscernible as it is used in Chapter 8 (paragraph 10)?

the ability to judge what needs to be done, and then act

What is most closely the meaning of initiative as it is used to describe the reporter who visits Gatsby's house (paragraph 4)?


What is the basis of the rumor Nick is running from?

to emphasize the terribleness of the valley of ashes

What is the purpose in repeating the image of Doctor Eckleberg?

To hint at the theme of the novel

What is the purpose of Fitgerald including Nick's father's advice at the beginning of the excerpt?

Daisy is implying that Tom has hung up the phone and is only pretending to talk.

Which inference about Daisy's remark during Tom's phone call is best supported by the text (paragraph 37)? "Holding down the receiver," said Daisy cynically.

They have decided to salvage their marriage and are discussing how to spin what happened to their advantage.

Which inference about Tom and Daisy is best supported by the description of them at their kitchen table (paragraphs 408-9)?

Eckleburg's giant, staring eyes represent an omnipresent God who sees everything.

Which interpretation of the advertisement for the oculist, Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, is best supported by the final section?


Which literary device does Fitgerald use when he writes, "Their house was even more elaborate than I expected, a cheerful red and white Georgian Colonial mansion overlooking the bay"?

Gatsby's charismatic smile has a profound effect on Nick and makes him feel special.

Which of the following best identifies the most striking detail about Jay Gatsby when Nick, the narrator, first meets him?


Which of the following definitions best defines contemptuously (bolded) as used in chapter one?

Wolfsheim thinks that attending the funeral may draw unwelcome attention to his illegal activities.

Which of the following inferences best explains why Meyer Wolfsheim does not want to attend Gatsby's funeral?

All of the above

Which of the following literary devices is mainly used in the first paragraph of Chapter 7?

Nick describes himself, his surroundings, and an evening he spent with Daisy, Tom, and Jordan.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the entire excerpt?

reckless and selfish

Which of the following word pairs best describes Tom Buchanan?

Gatsby wants to erase his lowly upbringing and remake himself as a successful person.

Which of these inferences about Gatsby is best supported by Nick's understanding of Gatsby's parents (paragraphs 6-7)?

She is from a lower class and desperately aspires to move upward socially.

Which of these inferences about Myrtle Wilson's character is best supported by Chapter 2?


Which one of Tom's character traits does his interaction with Wilson reinforce?

They are indifferent to the lasting emotional damage caused by their selfish behavior.

Which sentence best explains what Nick means when he describes Tom and Daisy Buchanan as "careless people" (paragraph 262)?

Mrs. McKee too frequently points out subjects for McKee to photograph.

Why does McKee respond in a "bored way" to Mrs. McKee's comment: "Chester, I think you could make something with HER"?

Gatsby has hope

Why is Gatsby exempt from Nick's disgust?

indicating that Gatsby's wealth likely comes from his dealings with the shady Wolfsheim

Nick and Gatsby's lunch at a Manhattan restaurant adds to the development of the narrative mainly by

highlighting the contrast between "old money" East Eggers like Tom and Sloane and "new money" West Eggers like GatsbyCorrect. The horses suggest "old money" just as Gatsby's luxurious car suggests "new money"—and Sloane's haughty attitude towards Gatsby reflects his sense of superiority.

The scene in which Tom Buchanan and two other residents of East Egg visit Gatsby's house on horseback adds to the development of the plot mainly by

Gatsby chokes on the phrase "educated at Oxford" and claims to have come from the "Middle West" city of San Francisco.

In Chapter 4, which of the following most strongly suggests that Gatsby's story about his past, as he relates it, is not entirely true?

has a sense of entitlement because of her wealth, which comes through in the tone of her voice

The description of Daisy's voice as "full of money" mainly suggests that she

Mr. Gatz does not realize that his son's "greatness" was attained through shady and illegal activities

The dialogue between Nick and Mr. Gatz about the late Jay Gatsby (paragraphs 158-68) adds to the development of the novel mainly by revealing that

They have all come to Myrtle's apartment to enjoy a party.

What do the three newly introduced characters- Mr. McKee, Mrs. McKee, and Catherine- have in common?

She is cynical

What does Daisy's comment about her daughter tell the reader about Daisy's view about life?

Tom does not plan to leave Daisy.

What does Nick's comment, "Daisy was not a Catholic and I was a little shocked at the elaborateness of the lie" infer about Tom's relationship with Myrtle?

He does not want anyone to talk about his wife.

What does Tom's reaction to Myrtle's repetition of "Daisy!" reveal about Tom?

Myrtle wants to draw more attention to herself.

What is Myrtle's purpose in rejecting Mrs. McKee's compliment?


What is most closely the meaning of harrowing as it is used in the text (paragraph 18)?

the quality of being limited in size, amount, or scope

What is most closely the meaning of modesty as it is used in the text (paragraph 156)?

East Egg is stylish and West Egg is unstylish

What is the main difference between East Egg and West Egg?

It makes the house seem lively

What is the purpose of Fitzgerald's use of the above literary device?

to emphasizes the bucolic setting of Fifth Avenue

What is the purpose of Nick's comment, "...I wouldn't have been surprised to see a great flock of white sheep turn the corner."

"Elocution, poise and how to attain it"

Which entry in young Gatsby's daily schedule (paragraphs 223-24) most strongly suggests his desire to acquire the mannerisms of the upper class?

Gatsby sees the sidewalk blocks as "a ladder" leading to a "secret place above the trees."

Which example of figurative language in the Louisville flashback (paragraphs 133-35) best illustrates Gatsby's fierce ambition?

She receives a letter from Gatsby and realizes she is still in love with him.

Which inference about Daisy's state of mind on the day before her marriage to Tom is best supported by Chapter 4?

Nick generally agrees with his father's advice, but has learned there is a limit to his tolerance for other people's behavior.

Which inference about the narrator's attitude toward his father's advice is best supported by the novel's opening passages?

sarcasm—he pokes fun at the people who claim to know all about Gatsby simply because they attended his parties

Which literary device does author Fitzgerald mainly use in the passage below (paragraph 5)? Gatsby's notoriety, spread about by the hundreds who had accepted his hospitality and so become authorities upon his past, had increased all summer until he fell just short of being news.

Daisy is repulsed by what Tom has revealed about Gatsby and loses her resolve to leave Tom.

Which of the following best explains Daisy's state of mind as Gatsby attempts to defend his reputation against Tom's claims?

The uniform makes it difficult to determine Gatsby's economic status because everyone looks similar in a uniform.

Which of the following best explains the significance of Gatsby's uniform being an "invisible cloak" (paragraph 11)?

The shirts represent the lengths to which Gatsby has gone to impress Daisy and win her back.

Which of the following best explains why Daisy begins to sob at the sight of Gatsby's shirts in Chapter 5?

Gatsby asks Nick the awkward question, "What's your opinion of me, anyhow?"

Which of the following best explains why Nick's ride into New York City with Jay Gatsby in Chapter 4 is "disconcerting"?

He doubts the authenticity of her emotions.

Which of the following best summarizes Nick's reaction to Daisy's remarks that she has had "a very bad time" and had "been everywhere and seen everything" (paragraphs 113-19)?

Tom and Wilson have each recently discovered that their wives have lives beyond their marriages.

Which of the following best summarizes the "parallel discovery" that Nick makes at the gas station (paragraph 159)?

The dock's green light, which represents Gatsby's idealized love for Daisy, has lost its enchantment now that she is beside him.

Which of the following best summarizes the scene in Chapter 5 in which Gatsby, Daisy, and Nick gaze across the bay toward the Buchanans' house in East Egg?


Which of the following definitions best defines ecstatically (bolded) as used in chapter 1?

symbolism—the "defunct clock" on the mantelpiece represents time, which Gatsby, leaning against it and handling it, is attempting to control

Which of the following literary devices is author Fitzgerald most likely using in the tea scene at Nick's house in Chapter 5, and how?

He wanted the new name to match the more affluent person he aspired to become.

Which of these inferences best explains why the young James Gatz changed his name to Jay Gatsby?

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