The Growth of Industrial Prosperity: The Second Industrial Revolution

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Radical Anarchists used these to start revolution


Philosophy of Early Anarchists

Believed that people were inherently good and had been corrupted by the state and society and were non-violent

This city had the first electrical railway in 1879 (hint: obviously in boss Germany)


The person that essentially invented steel through easily achievable means


Two main reasons why Germany took the lead on Great Britain in the 2nd Industrial Revolution

Britain's early industrialization made it difficult to switch to new technology and that Germany's science and technology grew closer.

This person opened homes and cities to illuminations by electric lights

Briton Joseph Swan

Reasons why Bernstein argued that some of Marxism was wrong

Capitalist system had not broken down and the middle class expanded, proletariat was not sinking further down (conditions were improving), and disregarded the class struggle and revolution of Marxism.

Independent enterprises that worked together to control prices and fix production quotas, thereby restraining the kind of competition that led to reduced prices.


The single crop that the Brazilian economy relied on for wealth.


This began because of the telegraph, radio, and telephone

Communication Revolution

Three main reasons that explain the cause the European domestic market explosion

Europeans were the richest consumers in the world, the populations increases after 1870, and the steady rise and national incomes.

Problems of Nationalism

Marx's views that working men had an international consciousness failed, socialist parties were tied to national interests (conservative once they got their liberty), and socialist parties would embrace WWI on the national merits

The name of the SPD party in Russia

Marxist Social Democratic Labor Party

This person believed there was a need of well-trained, fanatical revolutions that could create the violence necessary to start revolution

Michael Bakunin

This person started the electrical revolution with his discovery of electromagnetic induction and put together a primitive generator. Positivist Science

Michael Faraday

This group by Josephine Butler made the repealing of the Contagious Disease Act in 1886

Shrieking Sisters

These new buildings started to occur because of steel.


These were formed in hopes of bettering conditions of workers, especially in Germany

Socialist Parties

Energy of the Second Industrial Revolution


The new metal invented in this time period. The building block.


Two methods trade unions use to gain a voice and gain their liberty

Strikes and collective bargaining

This was created because of the renewed interest in the domestic markets

Supply driven economies

These were reintroduced to guarantee domestic markets for productions of their own industries


This was organized as a loose association of national groups and embraced May Day as international labor day

The Second International

Social Democratic Party did this to gain support of the proletariat

They passed legislation to improve living and working conditions

Inventor of the lightbulb

Thomas Edison

These were worker associations created to improve working conditions

Trade Unions

These included clerks, typists, secretaries, file clerks, and salesclerks

White-Collar Jobs (service jobs)

Invented the airplane

Wright Brothers

These "blimps" were invented in 1900


Hopes in the White-Collar jobs

Advantages for daughters of middle classes and upward-aspiring working classes, the jobs offered freedom from domestic patterns of middle class women, and most of these jobs were reserved for working class women.

In the chemical industry, this new invention primarily dominated by Germany was frequently used.

Artificial dyes

The year of the first internal combustion engine fired by gas and air


The year of the first oil-fired engine


Invented the telephone in 1876

Alexander Graham Bell

This grew as Socialists and Unionists became less radical and tied to the state


Germany's banks protected their investments by eliminating what?

Anarchy of Competition in potash, coal, steel, and chemicals.

A 2/3's or 1/3's increase in real wages allowed the working allowed a higher demand in these

Consumer goods

This penalized female prostitutes with examinations while ignoring the role of men

Contagious Disease Act

Reasons why factories became more efficient

Cutting labor costs through mechanization of transport within plants (electric cranes), assembly line (interchangeable parts), and scientific management were introduced (using mathematics and observation to create more efficient production.

To increase sales of consumer goods, the bourgeoisie introduced these with everything in one place.

Department stores

Ideology working class organizations embraced


A member of the SPD's and argued some of Marxism was wrong, that workers must organize in mass political parties and bring about change through the democratic process, and suggested evolution through democratic means.

Eduard Bernstein

Expanded the chasm between Industrial and Non-Industrial States


This showed up in the 1870's in the electrical revolution

First commercially practical generators

This party espoused Marxist rhetoric while organizing itself as a mass political party competing in Reichstag elections

German Social Democratic Party (SPD's)

These in Germany brought the rise in organic chemistry (dyes) and electrical engineering

German technical schools

Invented the light engine in 1886 and later the first automobile

Gottlieb Daimler

Questioned economy from 1873-1895

Great Depression

Sent the first radiowaves across the Atlantic in 1901

Guglielmo Marconi

Used the assembly line to make cheap automobiles but was bad at marketing

Henry Ford

Characteristics of the Industrialized Zone

High standard of living, decent systems of transportation, health and educated population. Farming became mechanized

These were used in 1910 to meet demand of electricity

Hydroelectric power stations and coal-fired plants

This person sought the French revolutionary tradition rather than Marxism to justify revolutionary socialism

Jean Juares

Reality of women in the workforce

Keeping women out of it allowed employers to lower wages

Characteristics of the Non-Industrialized zone

Largely agrarian, lower classes struggled to find sustenance. Small farmers forced to form cooperatives that provided capital for making improvements.

Three areas of the world that saw a drastic decrease in wealth

Latin America, Asia, and Africa (remember about the increased chasm and European wealth)

When there were no jobs and food was needed, there was only one solution left....


The world economy allowed European capital to be invested into what?

Railways, mines, electrical power plants, and banks.

Three other products that were improved with steel.

Railways, ships, and arnaments.

AKA Evolutionary Socialism


This showed up in Great Britain in 1881 in the electrical revolution

The first power stations

The reason why entrepreneurs renewed interest into domestic markets

The foreign markets were saturated

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