The Industrial Revolutoin Begins

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How did industrialization enable Western powers to dominate world affairs?

Because of the technologies and economic advantage from industrialization, Western powers were able to easily compete with less industrialized countries on a global scale.

what was the first major rail line?

Liverpool to manchester that opened in 1830

Important inventions in early Industrialization

anaesthetic measurement of light skyscrapers and planned suburbs

What factors benefited Britain during industrialization?

britain had a stable government britain had fewer blocks to goods

Who developed on dutch ideas?

british farmers (they mixed different kinds of soils to get a higher crop yield)

what is enterprise?

business organization in areas in shipping, mining, railroads, or factories.

Thomas Newcomen

developed a steam engine powered by coal to pump water out of mines

Why did the population grow?

improved farming

Agricultural revolution

improved the quality and quantity of farm products

Why were canals built?

Canals were dug to connect rivers together or inland towns with coastal ports

What did Eli Whitney build?

Invented the Cotton Gin to separate the seeds from the raw cotton at a fast rate to keep up with Britain

What was an advantage of railroads?

It did not have to follow the course of a river allowing factory owners and merchants to sell goods swiftly and cheaply.

What was a benefit to stronger bridges?

It helped expand overseas trade

What advantages did Britain have that caused the Industrial revolution to start in Britain?

natural resources, labor, capital, entrepreneurship.

How did cheapter goods lead to more demand?

Prices fell when inventors developed machinery that could produced large quantities of goods efficiently. Lower prices attract consumers. This was a new cycle that caused a wave of economic and social changes

How did the development of railroads advance the Industrial Revolution?

Railroads allowed entrepreneurs to sell goods swiftly and cheaply.

Who led the agricultural revolution?

The dutch

How did an agricultural revolution contribute to population growth?

it had a growth in food products and a reduced risk of famine. There was more food, causing people to eat better and lead healthier lives. There was also improved medical care that reduced the risk of deaths from diseases.

how did technology benefit industrializiation?

it paved the way for industrialization when other necessary conditions existed like demand and capital

how did improved farming help grow the population?

it reduced the risk of famine people were eating better leading to healthier lives improved medical care

why was coal better than charcoal

it was less expensie and had a better quality

what was a drawback of the putting out system?

it was slow causing other inventors to make devices to make it faster

where did Britain's capital come from?

landownders, banks, and merchants who profited from overseas trade, including the slave trade.

What would you identify as the important changes in human life caused by the Industrial Revolution?

opening up more jobs and making goods cheaper that used to be so expensive only the rich could afford.

How did the Industrial Revolution lead to social and economic changes in Europe?

people moved from handmade tools to machines people started to move from human and animal power to steam power This gave inventors the power to make more advancements


private roads built by entrepreneurs who charged travelers a toll, or fee, to use them. Goods traveled faster causing more to be built across Britain

What was the Factory system able to do?

produce huge quantities of goods that back then only the wealthy could afford

Was the industrial revolution long or slow

slow it moved from britain to europe to noth america


someone who manages and assumes the financial risks of starting new businesses.

What did George Stephenson build?

steam powered locomotives to pull carriages along iron rails

How did the British support enclosure?

they passed laws that made it easier for landowners to enclose lands.

How were the Western Powers able to dominate the world during industrilization?

Because of their technological advancement, the western powers came to dominate the world

Analyze why the Industrial Revolution began in Britain.

Britain had many advantages such as having an abundance of natural resources, labor, capitol, and entrepreneurship. These four factors of production are the elements necessary to produce goods

What conditions in Britain paved the way for the Industrial Revolution?

Britain's natural and human resources. It was plentiful in Natural resources, Labor, Capital, and Entrepreneurship. It had abundants products of the four facotrs of production

Why was a supply of coal crucial to the Industrial Revolution?

Coal was the original power source before technology came about. It was used to power locomotives and machines.

What was a social change during the industrilization?

Early in industrialization men, women, and children would work long hours in difficult in dangerous conditions but this changed

Why were new ways of transportation built during industrialization?

Entrepreneurs needed faster and cheaper methods of moving goods from one place to another

What was James Watt's invention used for?

First it was used to power machines, but then used to power locomotives and steamships

What two nations (other than Britain) became a powerhouse in the industrialization period?

Germany and United States

Buidling blocks for Britain's leap forward in the Industrial Revolution

Growing demands for goods and new technology

What did James Hargreaves build?

He made the spinning jenny that spun many threads at the same time

What happened during the second pahse of the Industrial Revolution?

It spread outside Britain. Factories were powered by electricity. Changes in business organization. Other nations caught up to Britain

Trace how the Industrial Revolution spread

It started in Great Britain, then spread to Germany, France, and the United States. Then Japan after a political revolution that made modernization a priority. 100 years after Britain Russia moved toward industrialization

How did technological advances in agriculture affect the Industrial Revolution?

Machines replaced human labor on the farms causing Ex-farmers moved to cities to find work.

What did John Kay build?

Made a flying shuttle to enable weavers to work so fast that they outpaced spinners

how were rivers developed in britain?

Many rivers were developed with canals and used to transport goods to internal markets

what are the four factors of production are the elements necessary to produce goods

Natural resources Labor Capital Entrepreneurship

Describe how changes in agriculture helped spark the Industrial Revolution

New farming techniques and improved livestock breeding led to amplified food production. This allowed a spike in population and increased health. The new farming techniques also led to an enclosure movement.

What factors allowed other nations to industrialize after britain?

Other countries had more supplies than Britain did. THey were able to follow Britain's lead. The U.S. had a great advantage due to a large labor force, plenty of resources, entrepreneurs who had capital. By the 1930s the U.S. was manufacturing about 30 percent of the world's industrial goods surpassing Britain

What did Richard Arkwright build?

Patented the water frame, a spinning machine that could be powered by water.

How did Politics change during Industrialization?

Politics changed to meet the demands of an industrial society

Why did Russia develop slowly during the Industrilization?

Russia had resources but social and political conditions slowed its economic development only 100 years after Britain did Russia move toward industrialization

James Watt

Scottish engineer and inventor whose improvements in the steam engine led to its wide use in industry

What technology brought about advances in the British textile industry?

Technology that brought advances in the textile industry were inventions by John Kay, James Hargreaves, and Richard Arkwright.Also, technological advancement in the U.S. helped make cotton faster to keep up with the industrial revolution happening in Britain.

What did the Darby family contribute to the Industrial Revolution?

The Darby family contributed to the Industrial Revolution by pioneering new methods of producing iron. Abraham Darby used coal instead of charcoal to smelt iron. This allowed him to produce less expensive iron for better quality. It was used to produce parts for steam engines. Abraham Darby III built the world's first iron bridge.

Why was the United States able advance rapidly after the Civil war

The U.S. had A large labor force Plenty of resources Entrepreneurs who had capital By the 1930s the U.S. was manufacturing about 30 percent of the world's industrial goods surpassing Britain

what did Abraham Darby III build?

The World's first iron bridge

Describe how the factory system and transportation revolution advanced industry.

The factory system was a new way of making products that began during the Industrial Revolution. The factory system used powered machinery, division of labor, unskilled workers, and a centralized workplace to mass-produce products. The growth of the Industrial Revolution depended on the ability to transport raw materials and finished goods over long distances.

How were the technological advancement in Britain harmful to the American workforce?

The faster spinning in britain made it harder for America to keep up with the products it needed

Why did some nations develop slower than others?

The nations that developed slow lacked resources

How did the four factors of production determine which nations were able to industrialize after Britain?

The nations that had an abundant supply of these materials were able to industrialize after Britain.

Explain the role of steam technology and textile manufacturing in the Industrial Revolution.

The textile industry was based on the development of cloth and clothing. It also led to the creation of inventions that helped speed up the production method of many goods, but most noticeably in the textile industry.

how did social attitudes change in britain during industrialization?

The upper class did not reject the great wealth produced by people below them, although they looked down upon it Religious groups encourages thrift and hard work

What is included in "the west"?

The west includes western Europe and north America

What did the Dutch do during the agricultural revolution?

They built earth walls (dikes) to reclaim land from sea. They combined larger fields into smaller ones to make better use of the land and used fertilizer from livestock to renew soil

Why were other nations able to become industrialized faster than Britain?

They were able to follow Britain's lead American textile factory smuggled plans out of Britain

Drawback of having new machines?

They were too large to be kept inside a home for manufacturers build factories to house these new machines. People in these factories got more work done than they did with the Putting out System

Why was Japan able to industrialize fast?

a political revolution that made modernization a priority

What happened after the Bridgewater Canal was built?

companies constructed canals for profit, although bankruptcy often ensued because not all canals that were built had enough traffic to support them.

How did the Industrial revolution start?

improvements in the production of iron

What Natural Resources did Britain have?

large supplies of coal and iron

what is capital?

money used to invest in enterprises. Capital was needed to develop mining and other industries

putting out system

system of merchant-capitalists "putting out" raw materials to cottage workers for processing and payment that was fully developed in England

Family that pionerred new methods of coal

the Darby Family


the process of taking over and consolidating land formerly shared by peasant farmers

what did industrialization allow travelers?

to move rapidly between countries by train or steamship

What was the significance of the Bridgewater Canal?

to provide an efficient and inexpensive way to receive coal and raw materials and ship finished goods to the market


to seperate iron from its core

Abraham Darby

used coal instead of charcoal to smelt iron

What was the industrial revolution

was a period of economic change. People were moving from small farming villages using simple hand tools to using complex machines. Energy resources moved from human powered to machine powered using steam and electricity.

Coal's importance

was an energy source and used to develop the steam engine

When did canals start to lose importance?

when steam locomotives became the new preferred form of transportation

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