the other america 660-663(19-4)

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why were attempts at urban renewal viewed as less than successful?

`urban rewnewal is when a poor place is taired down to make a better place to live . they later mad the HUD which stands for housing and urban development which help improve conditions in the inner cities. many areas such as parking lots, shopping centers, highways, parks, and factories to create new accommdaions for displaced people . but people from the the urban renewal claimed that it had merely became a urban removal.

what was the termination policy?

in 1953 the goveremnt gave up the responsibilitys for the native americans tribes. so there was a new aproch whic was the termination policy which eliminated economic support discontinued reservation system and distributed tribal lands after the termination policy the indians affairs began to voluntery to help native americans to resettle in cities . which there were 35,000 people who were located to urban areas in the 1950s but then in 1963 the termination policy was abandond.

how did poverty lead to activism?

in the 1950s african americans began to make significant strides to reduction for discrimination and segregation which was inspired by the african americans civil rights movment .other minorities developed political awarness and a voice. and the mexican americans activism gathered steam after veterens returnd from world war 2 which had a majior change in the goverment policy under eisenhowers administration.

what was the white fight?

in the 1950s middle class white americans left their home in the suburbs looking for other races and classes. also the rural people migrated into the inner cities.during the 1960s and world war 2 5 million african americans moved ffrom the south ural areas to urban areas. but urban areas where having crisis prompte by the white fight which wasa impact on poor whites and non whites and the urban areas suffered.

why were the urban poor?

life in the postwar did not live upto the american dream one out of four americans was iving under poverty level in 1962 may of those people where ederly, single women and their childeren, people part of minority group, also african americans, latinos, natie americans

how did the longoria incident motivate mexican americans to in crease their political and social activism?

longoria was a hero for the mexican americans in world war 2 . the wake on longoria outraged mexican americans to step up their efforts to stamp out discrimination. in 1948 mexican american vetrens organized the g.i fourm but then later ihnacio lopez found a league in california for mexican americans to vote and promate canidates who they would llike.

how did mexicans seek employment?

mexicans became citizens in the 19th century but a big number of mexicans crossed the boarder to work in the united states before and after world war 1. when united states entered world war 2 the agricultureal labors spurred the fedural goverment . in 1942 a program called braceros allowed mexicans to harest crops in the united states . between 1942 and 1947 hundreds of braceros enter the united states in a short term basis . when mexicos employment ended they where expcted to go back but many stayed illegally because they didnt want to go back to a poor economy and to the bad conditions in mexico.

what effect did white flight have on americas cities?

poverty was growing rapidly and decaying in inner cities but suburbs did not know about it. many people refuse to belie that poverty could happen to the rich . so each year the goverment calculates the minum amount of income to survive the poverty line so in 1959 the income was 2,973 and in 2000 it was 17,601 so after living across the nation being poor michael harrington published a account that illiumintated the issue of poverty

why did native americans continue their struggle?

the native americans wanted right and identity in which from 1887 to 1934 the fedrual policy towards native americans has been americanization and assimilations. in 1924 the snyder act had granted citizenship but the native americans reamined second class citizens . but in 1934 the indian recorganization act moved the policy away from assmilation and towards autonomy . since the goverment was still reeling from the great dpression they wnted tostop subsidzing the native americans which they took initiative to impprove their lives. in 1944 they established the national congress of america which was indians . but also the congress had two main goals (1) to ensure the native americans have the same right and white americans have (2) to have native americans retain their own costumes. when worl war 2 ended the native americans stopped reciving family allotment and wages . so outsiders got to grab control of minerals, oild, and timber

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