The Princess Bride Review

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Who kills Westley?

Prince Humperdinck

What does Buttercup claim to do if she is forced to Prince Humperdinck?

Kill herself

How are the Prince and Buttercup connected ?

They're getting married

What does Buttercup ask of the Prince after her and Westley escape the Fire Swamp?

She asks him not to hurt Westley

How do the boys feel about killing the man in black?

They don't want to kill a man of such talent

How Westley respond to Buttercup's requests?

"As you wish"

The initials R.O.U.S stand for what?

Rodents Of Unusual Size

What does Prince Humperdinck promise to do for Buttercup?

Send copies of her letter to Westley's ship.

How does Buttercup come to realize that she love's Westley?

She notices the Countess is interested in Westley, and catches herself being Jealous

Why does Buttercup have a sudden interest with her appearance?

She wants to look her best for Westly when she joins him in America. She starts improving her hygiene.

What is the news that arises after the walkthrough?

Some of the townspeople were planning to kill Buttercup

How would you characterize the climb up the mountain?

Stressful and worry filled

Who takes care of Westley in the Zoo of Death?

The Albino


The Chief of all Enforcement in Florin City. Along with Count Rugen, he is Humperdinck's only confidante.

Why would Miracle Max be interested in reviving Westley?

The prince fired him earlier in the story, and he wants to hurt the king

How do the prince and Buttercup connect in this chapter?

The prince wants someone beautiful to marry, and Buttercup is the most beautiful woman ever

The Albino

The strange and silent character who takes care of Humperdinck's Zoo of Death.

What do Fezzik's parents ask him to do?

They ask him to become a professional fighter. He doesn't want to do that because he doesn't like fighting

When Wesley and Buttercup reunite in the castle how much longer does the pill have before it loses affect?

They had seven more minutes

What do the three men who stop Buttercup tell her?

They say they're circus performers

Under what condition do the prince and Buttercup decide to get married?

They will have a loveless marriage

What does Count Rugen state as his purpose on his first visit to Buttercup's parents' farm?

To learn the secret behind her cows' milk

What is the Zoo of Death?

A 5 leveled place where Prince Humperdinck could kill an animal depending on his mood or what a spinning wheel decides


A SICILIAN man of genius. He is the brains behind the trio (himself, Fezzik and Inigo) were hired by Humperdinck to kidnap and murder Buttercup. He is smug, ruthless, and killed quickly in a battle of wits against Westley.

How has buttercup's beauty changed in the last three years?

All her physical faults have disappeared

Why does Humperdinck finally put Westley to death?

Because Buttercup accused him of being a weakling

What is the turning point in Buttercup's life?

Buttercup realizes she's in love with Westley


Can be seen as the Damsel in Distress. The most beautiful woman in the world and the heroine of this story. Buttercup loves Westley and her horse. She is feisty and tomboyish.

Who tortures Westley?

Count Rugen

What is the machine?

Count Rugen's invention that inflicts pain, and sucks the life out of people

S. Morgenstern

Fictitious author of "The Princess Bride"

What is the inciting incident of the narrative of William Goldman?

Having his father read The Princess Bride to him when he was sick

When Inigo finally sees the count face-to-face what does he say?

He says hello my name is inigo Montoya you killed my father prepared to die

What happens to Inigo when he runs into the Billards room at the castle?

He was stabbed by the Count.

Tone of Chapter 1

Hopeless since Buttercup decides not to love anyone else after she falls under the false pretense of Westley's death

What is Prince Humperdinck's true love?

Hunting is the Prince's true love.

What does the simplicity of this section say about the main character?

It shows that Fezzik isn't very intelligent

William Goldman

REAL Author of "The Princess Bride"

How is Westley brought back to life?

Resurrection Pill

What is the name of Westleys pirate ship?


How does Inigo's father die?

Stabbed in the heart by a six fingered man because he wouldn't make him a sword

What is the outcome of the battle between the Man in Black ad Inigo?

The Man in Black defeated Inigo by knocking him unconscious which was weird because Inigo is supposed to be the greatest swordsman ever


The Outcast. Giant who is friends with Inigo and talks in rhyme. Extremely Strong.

Where does Prince Humperdinck take Westly?

The Zoo of Death

Describe the Battle of Wits between Vizzini and the Man in Black?

They determine who gets to have Buttercup by putting poison in glasses and seeing who drinks the poison. The iocane powder was in both glasses, but the Man in Black built up an immunity to it, and Vizzini died.

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Describe Fezzik

He's a giant, he loves to rhyme, he is very unintelligent, and he's unusually strong

How does Prince Humperdinck feel about Westley?

He's excited, and wants to find ways to make it more enjoyable for himself

How does the Man in Black treat Buttercup?

He's rude to her, and treats her poorly

Prince Humperdinck

Heir to the throne of Florin. Plans to murder his fiancé, Buttercup. Wants to start a war with the Guilderians

Westley/Man in Black/Dread Pirate Roberts

Hero of the story. Buttercup's beloved Farm Boy. Westley is a brave, multi-talented man who leaves to seek his fortune, is reportedly murdered by the Dread Pirate Roberts, and returns, costumed as the Man in Black, to rescue Buttercup from everything

At what point does Buttercup start to be noticed for her beauty?


List the three perils that Fezzik and Inigo ecounter in the Zoo of Death? Describe how they escape each

A giant snake(smacks it against a wall), King Bats (inigo slays them all), and Green Speckled Recluse (smashes it against a door)

Chronicle the list of beautiful women before Buttercup.

Annette, Alurtha, and Adela

Why does Goldman tell the story of Buttercup becoming Queen and getting booed by the public?

Buttercup feels guilty for not choosing Westley at the Fire Swamp, and her guilt is manifesting in her dreams

In what country does the beginning of the story of The Princess Bride a take place?


What is the Sicilians special skill?

He can read minds

How does the man in black reach the top of the Cliffs of Insanity?

He climbs the cliff with his hands

How does the spaniard feel about killing buttercup?

He doesn't like the idea at all

Inigo Montoya

He is an inherently good and loyal man, and he loves swordfighting, brandy and Fezzik. He has spent his life learning the sword in order to avenge his father's death

Describe Prince Humperdinck

He is shaped like a barrel. He has a great barrel chest and mighty barrel thighs. Not tall. Weighed close to 250 pounds. Brick hard. He walked like a crab.

What does Fezzik's father teach him?

He teaches him how to fight because he's getting bullied

What does Westley tell Buttercup ? How does she react?

He tells her he's leaving for America, and she pretends not to care

How does Westley escape the physical pain inflicted by the machine?

He thinks about Buttercup

Explain why Westley tells Buttercup he's leaving

He wants to build a life w/her and provide for her so that they can get married in the future

Why doe Prince Humperdinck want to make it look like Guilder killed Buttercup?

He wants to go to war with Guilder

What word does the Sicilian continuously use?



Madrid's most famous sword-maker, for whom Inigo's father made back-order swords.

Miracle Max

Once the king's leading miracle man, but Humperdinck fired him and so he retired. However, Max still knows enough magic to resurrect Westley from the dead.

Who hired Vizzini, Fezzik and Inigo to kidnap and kill Buttercup?

Prince Humperdinck

Who is planning to kill Buttercup?

Prince Humperdinck

Count Rugen

Prince Humperdinck's right-hand man. He has six fingers on his right hand. He slew Inigo's father, and in the end is slain by Inigo. He loves torture and spends many hours studying it.

Who is the first person the prince decides to marry?

Princess Noreena of Guilder because it was a good political move

How does Buttercup feel about her beauty?

She doesn't care because she see's beauty as a stupid thing to care about

What does the text say about buttercups Hygiene?

She doesn't wash her face, she doesn't wash behind her ears, and she hates combing her hair

How does Buttercup discover the Man In Black is Westley?

She found out because she pushed him down a Ravine, and he responded by saying "as you wish"

What does Buttercup hear when she wakes up in the boat?

She hears the men plotting to dump her body because they think she's dead

What does Buttercup tell Westley, and how does he react?

She tells him she loves him, and he responds by slamming the door in her face

What is the connection between Sicilian and Inigo?

The Sicilian found him when he was a drunken mess, and helped him pull himself together

Where does Fezzik find Inigo?

The Thieves Quarter

Describe the fight between Fezzik and the Man in Black?

The man in black defeats Fezzik by strangling him

What happens when Inigo and the six fingered man battle ?

The man slashes inigo's face and rides off

Who is the farm boy, and what is his connection to Buttercup?

Westley is the farm boy, and he works for the family

What does the Westley notice about Count Rugen?

Westley notices that Count Rugen has six fingers

What sound does everyone hear in the city?

Westley screaming after he finally feels the pain from the machine

Who was Spain's most famous sword maker?


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