The Roman Republic (Part 1)

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Discuss the top government officials in the Roman government and the amount of officials there at the time.

2 Consuls (both Patricians) and Praetors;

A) How long was the term of office of the consuls and the praetors? B) Why were their terms so short? C) How did they keep each other from getting so much power?

A. Two consuls were chosen every year. B. Their terms were short to keep them from abusing their power. C. The consuls also kept each other from getting too much power because each could VETO or reject the other's decision. "Veto" means "I forbid".

Rights and responsibilities that both Roman plebeians and patricians had as Roman citizens.

Both patricians and plebeians had to pay taxes and serve in the army; patricians and plebeians could not get married; plebians could not hold office.

Discuss how the laws changed in 455 BC, 300s BC and 287 BC.

In 455 BC Plebeians and Patricians were allowed to marry and in the 300 BC plebeians were allowed to become consuls. In 287 BC, the Council of the Plebs gained the power to pass laws for all Romans (men only).

What did the Plebeians set up in 471 BC?

In 471 BC, the plebians were allowed to set up their own body of representatives called the Council of the Plebs.

The plebeians got the patricians to agree to share some political power in 494 BCE. Explain

In 494 BC, many plebeians went on strike. They refused to serve in the army. They also left the city to set up a republic of their own. These moves frightened the patricians into agreeing to share the power..

Two classes of early Roman society and the people that belonged to each

PATRICIANS: wealthy landowners who made up Rome's ruling class. PLEBEIANS: included artisans, shopkeepers and owners of small farms.

Plebeians had lower status than patricians. Explain.

Plebians could not hold office.

Discuss the role of the dictator in the Roman system of government.

Roman dictators (usu defined as an oppressive ruler with complete cotrol over the state) also had complete control, but they served the people and ruled on a temporary basis during emergencies. The Senate appointed a dictator in times of great danger. As soon as the danger was past, Roman dictators game up their power.

Discuss the elected leaders of the plebeians and what they did for the plebeians and what important right they received.

TRIBUNES were elected who brought plebeian concerns to the government's attentiong. The TRIBUNES also won the right to veto government decisions.

Discuss the most important legislative body in Rome, who belonged to this group & how did it power change over time.

The SENATE was the most important legislative or lawmaking body in Rome. This was a select group of 300 Patrician men who served for LIFE. In the beginning, the Senate only gave advice to consuls, however time the Senate's power grew and by 200 BC it could alos propose laws, hold debates and approve building programs.

What was the LAW OF NATIONS and why did the Romans create it?

The Twelve Tables applied only to Romans. As the Romans took over more lands, they realized that new rules were needed to solve problems between Roman citizens and non-citizens. Therefore, a collection of laws was created, LAW OF NATIONS, that stated principles of justice that applied to all people everywhere.

Discuss the important principle that the Twelve Tables established.

The Twelve Tables established the principle that all free citizens had the right to be treated equally by the legal system.


The idea that the law should apply to everyone equally and that all people should be treated the same way by the legal system. In the age of ancient Rome, the rule of law was a new idea. In many lands, people at the top of society often had special privileges and did not have to obey the same laws or use the same courts as the lower class people.

The job of the PRAETORS

Their main job was to interpret the law and act as judges in court.

Assembly of Centuries

This was another legislative body of Rome. It elected consuls and praetors and passed laws. It was under the control of the patricians as was the Senate.

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