The Skeletal System

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the matrix of the compact bone

(hardened minerals and collagen fibers) surrounding each central canal is deposited in rings termed lamellae (sing. lamella).

Rectus abdominis

(with Lineament alba); flexes and rotates lumbar region of the vertebral column; "sit-ups".

How many vertebrae comprise the thoracic region of the spine?


Humans normally have _ pairs of ribs.


How many bones is the human body made of?


Identify the typical number of vertebrae that fuse during development to form the coccyx.


In the lab, a researcher finds that the threshold stimulus to induce an action potential in a muscle fiber's sarcolemma was 3.0 volts. Which of the following would result in muscle tension?

3.0 and 4.0 volts.

How many lumbar vertebrae are in the vertebral column?


Name the number of vertebrae that fuse together to form the sacrum.


How many vertebrae make up the cervical region of the vertebral column?


There are ________ carpal bones located in the wrist, which form ________ rows of bones.

8; 2


A flat bone that's located anteriorly and medially. It is commonly compared to a necktie based on appearance and location. It has three parts, the superior manibrium(the knot of the tie and where the clavicles and first 2 pairs of ribs are articulated), middle body(elongated portion where majority of ribs will attach) and the xiphoid process(projects off the body of the sternum, comprised of highly cartilage when we are younger and ossifies later in life).


An immovable joint is a(n)

Histology of compact bone

Arranged in circular units called osteons, at the center of each osteon, there will be a central canal also called the haversion canal. This will contain blood vessels and nerves that supply the bone tissue. The central canal is surrounded by concentric layers of matrix that we called lamellae. And between the layers we have osteocytes located within lacunae.Because this matrix is hardened, so the resources reach the osteocytes through the canaliculi, which look like little cracks in the bone with are formed by osteocytes sending out cytoplasmic rejections that hep them form connections to other osteocytes and transport resources from cell to cell in the bone.

Which vertebra lacks both a body and spinous process?


Identify the articulation site that allows us to rotate our head, e.g. shaking the head "no".

Atlas - axis

Identify the region of the sacrum that articulates with the hip bone.

Auricular surface

Identify a unique characteristic of a typical cervical vertebra.

Bifid spinous process


Bone cells

transversus abdominis


Another name for the axis is:


Which region of the vertebral column contains the smallest vertebrae?

Cervical region

comminuted fracture

Comminuted fractures such as the fracture of the femur, shatter the affected area into a multitude of bony fragments.

Which of the following occurs during the contraction phase?

Cross-bridge cycling is taking place.

Internal oblique


Identify the articulation site for the head of a rib.


External Intercostals

Elevate ribs during during inhalation and increases the size of the thoracic cavity.


Exist in pairs and articulate with the vertebral column posteriorly. Anteriorly, most ribs attach to the sternum via costal cartilages. 2 pairs of ribs that don't articulate with the sternum which are pairs 11 and 12 because they don't attach to the sternum. Rib pairs are named 1-12 from top to bottom.

________ is a type of angular movement that increases the angle between articulating bones.


rectus abdominis


External oblique


Long Bones

Have a shaft and two enlarged ends. "Bones that are relatively long and slender, consisting of a shaft with two ends are".


Have an ephysial line that is the remnant of the growth plate and they also form joints and articulate with other bones. To reduce friction with the other bones, they have highlen cartilage that covers their articular surface and it has a glossy and smooth appearance and used when there's a need to reduce friction. We call this the articular cartilage because to articulate means to form a joint.

Histology of Spongy bone

Have the trabeculae which give the bone a mesh like appearance. In a cross-section, spongy bone looks like it has branching to it. All of the dots on the surface are the canaliculi of the bone. In the picture, we can see that this is an example of spongy bone associated with yellow marrow.Spongy bones lack osteons and have trabeculae instead.

Greenstick fracture

In a greenstick fracture, such as this fracture of the radius, only one side of the shaft is broken, and the other is bent. This type of fracture generally occurs in children, whose long bones have yet to ossify(become rigid or fixed in position) fully.

The costal groove on a rib always faces:


Differentiate between a lacuna and a canaliculus.

Lacuna: are in the matrix and they hold osteocytes. "Canaliculis are minute canals which connect lacuna and connect to the centra canal"

circumferential lamellae.

Layers of bony matrix at the outer and inner surfaces of bone and covered by the periosteum and the endosteum are

compact bone appearance

Looks smooth and solid, and is the thickest in the diaphysis(shaft).

Vessels that supply long bones

Major one is Nutrient artery and vein which are the main blood vessels that supply the diaphysis and they branch once they are in the diaphysis to supply the osteocytes with nutrients, oxygen and the removal of waste.

Which landmark is composed of fused spinous processes?

Median sacral crest

Why does wave summation occur?

Muscle fibers are partially contracted when the next stimulus arrives.

VERTEBRAE: Cervical-neck Thoracic-thorax(ribs) Number of pairs match number of ribs. Lumbar-lower back and bear the most weight Sacral-fused vertebrae SACRUM Coccygeal-fused vertebrae TAILBONE

Name by first letter of the region and numbers, the number indicates location in region, 1 being superior.They increase in size the lower they go because they have to support more and more weight.

Identify the articulation site that allows us to nod our head "yes".

Occipital bone - atlas

Identify the region of the skull that articulates with the atlas.

Occipital condyles

Open (compound) versus Closed (simple) fracture

Open (compound) fractures project through the skin while Closed (simple) fractures are completely internal.Open fractures tend to be more dangerous than closed fractures due to a higher risk of infection and uncontrolled bleeding. In close fractures the bone ends can only be seen through an X-ray because the skin remains intact.

Outer layer of the bone.

Periosteum-around the bone/outer layer. Mostly Connective tissue with cellular level. Can provide a route for nerves and blood vessels to enter into the bone and allow the attachment of tendons and ligaments to the bone due to its connective tissue component. The cellular layer used for bone growth and repair.

Which region of the vertebral column is located superior to the thoracic region and which region is inferior to the thoracic region, respectively?

Superiorly: cervical and inferiorly: lumbar

Which of the following thoracic vertebrae is the largest?


The human skeleton is organized into two major divisions:

The Axial skeleton and the Appendicular skeleton.

The major bones of the Appendicular skeleton are:

The appendages, meaning the upper and the lower limbs. In the attached imagine, other than the colored middle image, everything else including shoulders and hips is part of the appendicular skeleton.


The interconnecting tiny arches of bone tissue found in spongy bone are called

Rib ends

The vestiblar end has a lot of bone markings while the sternal end is flat.

Muscles of the anterior trunk/the diaphragm

Thee diagram, when related, has a curved appearance. So when it contracts it moves downward which increases the size of the thoracic cavity which is associated with inhalation. This drops the pressure of the thoracic cavity which aids in inhalation and air moving in.

True ribs

They articulate with the sternum.They move during respiration.They articulate with thoracic vertebrae.They are ribs one to seven.

The major bones of the Axial Skeleton are

Those of the skull, vertebral column, sternum and rib cage.

Identify the articulation site for a tubercle of a rib.

Transverse costal facet

Foramina located in the _____ is a characteristic of cervical vertebrae.

Transverse processes

Short bones

Usually cube shaped.

How do we classify bones?

We classify bones by the shape/physical features and the division of the human skeleton that they belong to: Axial or Appendicular.


a location where there was a joint formed by a connective tissue that has ossified, turning it into an immovable joint. Two main locations for this - epiphyseal plates when the growth plates close and frontal suture in kids (which ossifies later)

A single motor neuron together with all the muscle fibers it innervates is called a(n)

a motor unit

Treppe is the phenomenon that results in

a progressive increase in the force generated with repetitive stimulation

A movement away from the midline of the body is called


Serratus anterior

abducts and rotates scapula upwards (boxing muscle).

Stand up and raise your left upper extremity to the side so that it is sticking straight out, parallel with the ground. Is that limb abducted or adducted?


Which movement would you have to make in order to return your left upper extremity to its starting position?


The bones of the forearm, or ________, consist of the radius and ulna.



around the bone.

The clinical term for joint inflammation is


What structure covers the bony surfaces of a synovial joint to prevent the surfaces from touching? (Figure 9-1)

articular cartilage

What is the name of the first cervical vertebra?


When the left upper extremity is abducted, is it moving toward or away from the midline of the body?


What is the name of the second cervical vertebra?


The dens process is found on the


Which of the following movements is a good example of flexion?

bending the elbow

Given that oxygen and nutrients are unable to diffuse efficiently through the hardened, mineralized extracellular matrix of compact bone, how do osteocytes survive?

bone cell cytoplasmic extensions

Minute canals called

canaliculi connect neighboring lacunae to each other and to the central canal.

Intercalated discs and pacemaker cells are characteristic of ________ tissue.

cardiac muscle

Identify the incorrect pair. gomphosis; articulation between tooth and bonesynarthrosis; immovable jointamphiarthrosis; slightly movable jointchondrosis; freely moving jointThey are all correct; there is no incorrect pair.

chondrosis; freely moving joint INCORRECT

Which of the following is most commonly fractured in a fall?


Which of the following constitutes the pectoral girdle?

clavicles and scapulae

Which of the following produced an increase in stimulus frequency?

clicking the mouse in rapid succession

Identify the tailbone.


Type of bone tissue

compact and spongy

When a muscle is stimulated repeatedly at a high rate, the amount of tension gradually increases to a steady maximum tension. This state of maximum tension is called

complete tetanus.

Irregular bones

complicated shapes that do not match other categories. Have complex shapes.

Transverse abdominis

compresses abdomen.

Depressed (or compression) fracture

compression/depressed fractures occur in vertebrae(33 individual, interlocking bones that form the spinal column) subjected to extreme stresses, such as those produced by the forces that arise when you land on your seat in a fall. Compression fractures are often associated with osteoporosis(a condition in which bones become weak and brittle). Seen in the flat bones of the skull, where the bone becomes pressed inward when fractured.

Structure of flat bone

consists of two parallel layers of compact bone/cortex and spongy bone in between.

Where would hyaline cartilage be found in the skeleton? Select all that apply.

costal cartilagestip of noseends of long bones

The most common type of joint inflammation is called

degenerative joint disease.

Internal Intercostals

depress ribs during forced exhalation.

Gross anatomy of long bones

diaphysis(shaft), epiphysis (wide parts at the end). Medullary cavity (Medulla means the inner or middle of something and cavity means space) so this means the space in the middle of something that helps lighten the bone, this can also be filled with adipose tissue in adults which is called yellow marrow which is based on appearance. The epiphysis ends are what articulate or form joints with other bones and this is the bone plate/creates the episial line with a line of different bone tissue?

Based on a functional classification, the hip joint is a


A synovial joint is an example of a(n)


A ________ occurs when articulating surfaces are forced out of position.


Displaced versus non displaced fracture

displaced fractures produce new and abnormal bone arrangements while non displaced fractures retain the normal alignment of the bones or fragments.

Lifting a stone with the tip of foot is


Which of the following movements would you associate with chewing food?


Internal surface covering of long bones

endosteum-cellular layer within the bone that lines the internal surface. Aids in growth repair and remodeling of the bone.

The lining of the medullary cavity is called the


The dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds an entire skeletal muscle is the


If you "open up" your elbow, making your arm straight, then your elbow is exhibiting:


Ribs 8 to 12 are called ________ because they do not attach directly to the sternum.


The lumbar vertebrae are part of the appendicular skeleton.


The lumbar vertebrae are roughly the same size as vertebrae from the rest of the vertebral column.


What type of cartilage would be found in intervertebral discs?


Sutural bones

flat, irregular bones that comprise the human cranium(skull). - Also called wormian bones, are small, flat, oddly shaped bones found between the flat bones of the skull. They range in size from a grain of sand to a quarter. Their bodies are like pieces of jigsaw puzzle.

External and internal obliques

flex and rotate vertebral column; compress abdomen.

Nodding your head "yes" is an example of

flexion and extension.

Red bone marrow

found in spongy bone in adults such as flat or irregular bones and the epiphysis of specific long bones such as the humerus and femur.

The synarthrosis that binds the teeth to the bony sockets is a


In ________ crystals of uric acid form within the synovial fluid of joints.

gouty arthritis

The trochlea is located on the


Which of the following bones will you find in the brachium?


long bone example


Appendicular skeleton includes:

humerus, carpals, clavicle, femur,

Which connective tissue is found between the ribs and the sternum?

hyaline cartilage

An extension past the anatomical position is known as


As the stimulus voltage increased, the resulting muscle tension

increased to a point until it reached a plateau

Which of the following produced an increase in stimulus intensity?

increasing the voltage applied.

A common injury to the ankle occurs by excessive turning of the sole inward, called


at the center of an osteon

is the central (haversian) canal containing blood vessels and nerves.

Spongy bone appearance

it has a mesh of bony spines called trabeculae, a lot of it is in the epiphysis.

Compression fractures associated with osteoporosis of vertebral bodies can distort the normal thoracic curvature of the vertebral column in a posterior direction. Such a distortion is called


Tiny cavities in the matrix called

lacunae (sing. lacuna) hold the living osteocytes.

osteocytes are located within

lacunae in compact bone.

Synovial joints are considered very weak joints because of the great range of motion they allow. Which of the following structures helps to stabilize a synovial joint?


In some individuals, body fat accumulates almost exclusively in the belly region. Because of the enlarged belly, the individual has a swayback appearance. The clinical term for this distortion of the vertebral curvature is called


The part of the sternum that articulates with the clavicles is the


The superior part of the sternum is called the


In the anatomical position, the ulna is located ________ to the radius.


The ulnar nerve is exposed when it crosses the posterior surface of what process?

medial epicondyle

Adipose tissue is stored within the

medullary cavity.

The bones that form the palm are the


Increasing the applied voltage in the simulation corresponds to which in vivo event?

motor unit recruitment

Which of these conditions more commonly occurs with advancing age?


sesamoid bone


The layer of bone that is interwoven with tendons is the


The bones that form the fingers are the


Which foot movement enables the ballerina to stand on her toes?

plantar flexion

Another name for the thumb is


pectoralis major

prime mover of arm flexion; also adducts and medially rotates (push-ups).


prime mover of inhalation; increases thorax volume.

marrow is found between the trabeculae of spongy bone.


What type of arthritis is caused by an autoimmune disease?

rheumatoid arthritis

The true ribs are

ribs 1-7 and are called vertebrosternal ribs.

The ribs that have no attachment to the sternum are

ribs 11-12

An example of a synchondrosis is the articulation of the

ribs with the sternum.

Which region of the vertebral column is immediately inferior to the lumbar region?


Identify the bony posterior wall of the pelvis.


This appendicular bone has a roughly triangular shape.


The most common distortion of the spinal curvature is


Sesamoid bones

short bones that form within tendons. - They are usually small, round and flat. They are found at the joints of the knees, hands and feet. Few people have sesamoid bones at every possible location but everyone has sesamoid patella which are kneecaps. and they are kind of shaped like sesame seeds. Example: patella.

Which type of muscle tissue is under your conscious control?


Voluntary movements are carried out by the contraction of

skeletal muscle

Which muscle tissue consists of multinucleate cells?

skeletal muscle

The muscle tissue that shows no striations is ________ muscle.


The muscle found in the walls of most hollow organs of the body is

smooth muscle

The medial end of the clavicle is also known as the ________ end.


flat bone

sternum, rib.

The short projections at the distal ends of both the radius and ulna are the

styloid processes.

The anterior surface of the scapula is smooth and concave. The name of the concave depression is the

subscapular fossa.

Successive vertebrae articulate at facets on the inferior articular processes of the superior vertebra and facets on the ________ of the adjacent inferior vertebrae.

superior articular processes

The movement of the forearm while twisting a doorknob is

supination and pronation.

The synarthrosis that binds the two parietal bones together is a


A motor unit is defined as

the axon terminals of a single motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers that it stimulates

NO force is generated during which of the following?

the latent period

When wave summation occurs,

the muscle force generated increases

Which of the following is proportional to the amount of tension produced by a skeletal muscle?

the number of motor units activated


the structural unit of of compact bone

As you move in an inferior direction along the vertebral column,

the vertebral bodies become relatively larger.

The spinous processes are especially long on __________ vertebrae.


Which region of the vertebral column is immediately superior to the lumbar region?


The ribs articulate with the

thoracic vertebrae.

What is the minimum voltage needed to generate active force in the skeletal muscle?

threshold voltage

The interconnecting tiny arches of bone tissue found in spongy bone are called


The lumbar vertebrae are found in the lower back.


The shape of the spinous process can be used to help determine if a vertebra is from the lumbar region.


The rapid rise and fall in force produced by a muscle fiber after a single action potential is a(n)


Which of these is a forearm bone?

ulna (radius?)

Flat bones

usually thin, curved and flattened. Example: rib.

irregular bone


Axial skeleton includes:

vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, ribs and sternum. Skull.

The tubercle of a rib is always much closer to the __________ end of the rib.


If a second stimulus arrives before the relaxation phase has ended, a second, more powerful contraction occurs. This addition of one twitch to another is called

wave summation

When the frequency of stimulation of a muscle is great enough,

wave summation results and muscle twitches overlap.

The term ________ is used to describe an injury caused by displacement of the cervical vertebrae during a sudden change in body position.



within the bone.


word meaning little beams. Within spon

Tina falls and fractures her pisiform bone. What part of her body was injured?


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