The Tempest: Act 3, Scene TWO -- p3

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He swam

How did Stephano get to the island? (TB)

He keeps saying, "thou liest"

How does Ariel sabotage the trio's conversation?(SH)

Take Prospero's books, staff, and his daughter

How would Stephano take down Prosepero? (DLW)

He wants to take it and sell it.

What Stephano think to do with the "monster"? (SR)

To kill Prospero

What are Stephano and Caliban plotting? (AS)

Getting intoxicated with wine

What are Trinculo, Stephano, and Caliban doing at the beginning of the scene? (RH)

Ariel went and told Prospero

What did Ariel do when he over heard Caliban's propose to Stephano? (AE)

Kill him

What do Stephano and Caliban plan to do to Prospero? (JC)

While he is invisible he whispers and makes everyone mad at Trinculo.

What does Arial do? (BN)

He goes to tell Prospero

What does Ariel do when he hears Stephano and Caliban planning to kill Prospero? (JC)

She says things to make Caliban and Stephano think that Trinculo thinks they're wrong

What does Ariel do? (DLW)

Thou liest

What does Ariel say that makes Caliban and Stephano think Trinculo was the one that said it? (JF)

Kill Prospero

What does Caliban believe Stephano should do? (KW)

To kill Prospero

What does Caliban propose to Stephano? (AE)

To kill Prospero

What does Caliban propose to Stephano? (DLW)

Sweet, delightful sounds

What does Caliban say the island is full of? (JF)

Burn all of his magical books that give him power

What does Caliban think is the only way to beat Prospero? (RH)

Kill him

What does Caliban want Stephano to do to Prospero? (JF)

They beat him up.

What does Stephano and Caliban do when they think Trinculo is whispering about them? (BN)


What does Stephano give Caliban? (SR)

Caliban is drunk.

What does Stephano mean by his monster is drowned in sack? (MH)

Kiss Stephano's shoe

What does Stephano tell Caliban to do in the beginning of the scene? (KS)

A monster

What does Stephano think that Caliban and Trinculo are? (SR)

servant monster

What does Stphano call Caliban?(AG)

Caliban plans to help Stephano kill Prospero so Stephano can be the "King" of the island

What important plan do Caliban and Stephano discuss in this scene? (JS)

Tricking Stephano to go against Trinculo

What is Ariel doing while the trio are drinking? (RH)

Confusing the group

What is Ariel doing? (AJ)

Tell stephano about the island

What is Caliban trying to do? (AJ)

Stephano and Trinculo become viceroys, Stephano marries Miranda

What is Stephano's plan for after Prospero is killed? (AS)

Stephano's strong, celestial, liquor.

What is Stephano's right to rule over Caliban? (JMo)


What is Trinculo doing? (AJ)

To kill him

What is the "awful deed" they hope to commit on Prospero when he falls alseep? (RR)

A rotting, smelly, fish.

What is the creature at first? (To Trinculo) (JMo)

A four-legged creature with two voices.

What is the creature to Stephano? (JMo)

The pretty Miranda

What on this island does Caliban want the most? (T.K.)

Rip out Prosperos organs

What was the punishment that Caliban not want Stephano to do? (KW)

Making Stephano and Caliban think Trinculo is against them

What's Ariel doing? (AS)

To lick his shoe

When Stephano promises to Caliban to be lieutenant on his island what is Calibans fair trade? (RR)


When Stephano thinks that Trinculo is talking, who is really talking? (JC)

To Prospero

Where is Caliban leading Trinculo and Stephano?(SH)


Who actually said "Thou liest"? (KS)

Stephano, Trinculo and Caliban.

Who are the three opening characters of Act 3, scene 2?(SH)


Who do Stephano and Caliban think said "Thou liest"? (KS)

servant monster

Who does Stephano refer to Caliban as? (MQ)


Who does Stephano think is saying "thou liest"? (TB)


Who does Stephano want to make his queen?(AG)


Who does Trinculo promise to hang? (MQ)


Who is Caliban speaking of when he says "I say by sorcery he got this isle"


Who is Caliban's new master? (TB)


Who plots against Prospero? (MQ)


Who starts to torment Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo with the phrase "Thou liest?" (AE)


Who will be Stephanos queen in the plan? (BN)

They hear a song

Why do Trinculo and Stephani beg for forgiveness from heaven? (RR)

He has good dreams so he wants to keep dreaming

Why does Caliban cry most times he wakes up? (KW)

Caliban can not see Ariel.

Why does Caliban get mad at Trinculo when Ariel say tho liest? (MH)

He (Caliban) thinks Stephano is more more powerful and wants to be free

Why does Caliban think Stephano should kill Prospero?(AG)

B/c Stephano thinks that Trinculo is mocking Caliban when it's actually Ariel

Why does Stephano threaten to "supplant" Trinculo's teeth? (JS)

to get insight for Prospero

Why is Ariel secretly listening in on Trinculo, Stephano, and Caliban's conversation? (JS)

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