The tundra quiz

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Which characteristic about the tundra biome listed below does not contribute to a reduction of carbon dioxide on earth? A) nutrient poor soil B) permafrost C) plants and their trapped carbon dioxide are frozen in the earth D) carbon dioxide sink

A) nutrient poor soil

Which of the following adaptations of tundra plants does not specifically aid in surviving in the cold? A) shallow roots B) dense hairs C) retention of dead leaves D) low to the ground

B) dense hairs (?)

Which of the following is not true of the tundra bumblebee? A) It's body is covered and dense hairs that help it conserve heat B) it is active only under warm conditions C) it can "shiver" to generate heat D) it is able to keep its body temperature approximately 75° above ambient temperature

B) it is active only under warm conditions

Which of the following animals is not found in the tundra? A) polar bear B) caribou C) pangolin D) wolverine

C) pangolin

Which of the following is an adaptation to permafrost?

Shallow roots

Why do some plants in the tundra retain their dead leaves instead of shedding them?

The dead leaves insulate new buds from the cold

Why is there a limited vegetation in the tundra?

The soil is frozen and devoid of nutrients

What type of vegetation is not frequently found in the tundra?


This is the World's coldest biome. It receives only 6 to 10 inches of precipitation per year and has a permanently frozen layer of earth called permafrost. The soil is nutrient poor with very little vegetation.


The large size of the musk ox ____

helps minimize heat loss

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