The West and the World Quiz

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"Take up the white mans burden Send forth the best ye breed Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives need To wait in heavy harness On fluttered folk and wild Your new caught sullen peoples Half devils half child" Kipling's poem implies that non Europeans are A. More like wild animals than civilized humans B. Sophisticated in their own ways C. Not human at all D. Not worth helping

(A) More like wild animals than civilized humans

What was the goal of the new Imperialism of the late 19th century A. To create large political empires B. To achieve economic exploitation without direct political control C. To support large migrations of Europeans to new imperial lands D. To convert native populations of new imperial lands to Christianity

(A) To create large political empires

Why were Jewish Immigrants in the nineteenth century unlikely to return to their native land A. Violent anti semitism in Eastern Europe B. The success they enjoyed in their new houses C. Laws against such repatriation D. The high cost of travel back to Europe

(A) Violent anti semitism in Eastern Europe

Why did Japan open its shores to western trade A. To enter the world economy B. As a response to US military pressure C. As a result of the Meiji Restoration D. To reduce its dependence on China

(B) As a response to US military pressure

What was "nativism" in the 19th century A. A conscious effort to reach out to immigrants to make them feel they were welcomed and appreciated B. Beliefs and policies that gave preferential treatment to established inhabitants over immigrants C. An attempt by European and American upper classes to imitate the seemingly simple lifestyles of native peoples D. An attempt to bring the benefits of civilization to native peoples in different parts of the world

(B) Beliefs and policies that gave preferential treatment to established inhabitants over immigrants

What pattern did migration out of Europe often follow in the nineteenth century A. Migrants sought out anonymity so that They could recreate themselves as new people with lives B. Families and friends would coordinate their migrations so they would settle together in a new land C. Various churches sponsored migrant groups in order to increase the political clout of the churches in the new lands D. Migrants signed contracts with businesses to pay for their migrations in return for several years of labor I; the business's factories or mines

(B) Families and friends would coordinate their migrations so they would settle together in a new land

"Take up the white mans burden And real his old reward The blame of those ye better The hate of those ye guard The cry of those ye humor (Ah slowly) toward the light "Why brought ye us from bondage Our loved Egyptian night" Kipling's poem Implies that non Europeans are likely to A. Benefit very little from efforts to help them B. Resent efforts to help them C. Embrace efforts to help them D. Worship those who try to help him

(B) Resent efforts to help them

What was the principle by which the European powers established their claim to African territory after the Berlin Conference in 1884 and 1885 A. Annexation B. Effective occupation C. Military subjugation D. The white mans burden

(B) effective occupation

The typical European immigrant was A. A middle class professional B. An urban factory worker C. A small farmer or rural craftsperson D. A landless peasant

(C) A small farmer or rural craftsperson

What happened in 1898 at Fashoda? A. The British met and annihilated poorly armed Sudanese Muslim troops B. The Germans began the construction of a colonial empire in Africa C. British and French troops encountered one another and set off a serious diplomatic crisis that only ended when the French backed down D. The French completed the expansion of their holdings in West and central africa

(C) British and French troops encountered one another and set off a serious diplomatic crisis that only ended when the French backed down

In most European countries, how was emigration related to population growth in the late nineteenth century A. Emigration encouraged population growth as employment and land became more available B. Emigration occurred as population growth as employment and land became more balance C. Emigration Increased about twenty years after a rapid growth in population as land became scarce D. Emigration decreased as population growth increased providing evidence of stable growing economies

(C) Emigration Increased about twenty years after a rapid growth in population as land became scarce

What was the result of the Berlin Conference Of 1884-18 A. It set the terms for the division of China into economic zones of influence B. It declared Africa off limits to colonization C. It set up the terms for the division of most of Africa among European colonial powers D. It established high tariffs to protect German Industry

(C) It set up the terms for the division of most of Africa among European colonial powers

Rudyard Kipling's "White Man's Burden" referred to A. The social costs of industrialization B. The difficulties of reaching consensus in a democratic society C. The white race's supposed duty to civilize inferior, nonwhite races D. The high costs Of maintaining colonial rule

(C) The white race's supposed duty to civilize inferior, nonwhite races

What did the British use to break Chinas self imposed isolation A. Cotton textiles B, steam engines C. Opium D. Diamonds

(C) opium

In the 19th century what country dominated the three thousand mile archipelago that is now Indonesia A. Spain B. Great Britain C. The Netherlands D. Portugal

(C) the Netherlands

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