The Yalta Conference
Why was the Conference held when it was?
Because Hitler's defeat appeared imminent
Why did the Big Three disagree about Poland at Yalta?
Because Stalin wanted to move the USSR's border into Poland, but Churchill and Roosevelt disapproved of this.
Why was Germany forced to pay reparations?
Because the Big Three, along with many other countries, had suffered huge losses in the Second World War, and they wanted to make Germany suffer as they had
Why was there nothing Churchill and Roosevelt could do about Stalin's plans for Poland?
Because the USSR had already taken control of Poland
What four zones was Germany divided into?
Britain, France, the USA and the USSR
Who persuaded Roosevelt to let Stalin have his way in Poland?
Churchill, although he disagreed with Stalin's plans, too
What aspect of the reparations were not decided at Yalta?
How much Germany would have to pay
Who represented the USSR?
Josef Stalin
When were free elections due to be held in Eastern European countries?
Once they were freed from German control
What made the Big Three agree to hunt down Nazi war criminals?
The horrors of Nazi concentration camps that had been uncovered by allied troops
Why was the conference arranged?
To discuss how Nazi territory (i.e. Poland, Austria) should be divided up, and how Nazis should be punished
Why was the United Nations set up?
To help keep peace
Who represented the UK?
Winston Churchill
What were the main agreements made at Yalta?
- Nazi war criminals were to be hunted down and tried - Germany was to be divided into 4 zones - Berlin was to be divided into 4 zones, too - The United Nations was set up - Germany was to pay war reparations - Stalin agreed to enter the was against Japan - Free elections to be held in Eastern Europe
When was the Yalta Conference held?
4 - 11th February, 1945
What did the Big Three disagree about at Yalta?
Who represented the USA?
President Roosevelt
What did Stalin enter the war in Japan in return for?
Soviet gains in the Far East
Where is Yalta?
The Crimea, Ukraine
What was the United Nations set up to replace?
The League of Nations
Which zone was Berlin located in?
The Soviet zone