Theatre History I Exam II

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Pear Garden

Ancestral school for Chinese performance technique


Aphorisms that promote moral lessons

Mie (identify and state its significance to theatre)

A trait where actors periodically freeze or slow to a moment of stillness so the audience can appreciate the beauty of the moment. Associated specifically with Kabuki Theatre.

________ is credited with developing kabuki. A. Okuni of Izumo B. Chikamatsu Monzaemon C. Zeami Motokiyo D. Li Yu

A. Okuni of Izumo

Roman theatre focused primarily on______, most of which were written before the Republic became the Roman Empire. A. comedies B. tragedies C. melodramas D. satyr plays

A. comedies

The 'Quem Quaeritis' is an example of a __________, a musical passage added to Christian worship services during the Middle Ages. A. trope B. platea C. vernacular drama D. all of the above

A. trope

Hundred Plays

Abundant popular entertainments of Han Dynasty

In ancient Indian theatre the responsibilities of the Sudratdhara were comparable to which of the following? A. Greek Choregus B. Medieval Pageant Master C. Modern Financial Patron or Producer D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Many societies banned women from performing on stage. Some theatrical forms, however, allowed their participation. Which of the following did not permit involvement? A. Chinese Theatre B. Sanskrit Drama C. Mime D. Noh

D. Noh

Wayang Kulit

Indonnesian Shadow Puppet Theatre


Medieval French plays that criticized the church

Scops & Gleemen

Minstrels who preserved pre-Christian culture

Paradise & Hell Mouth

Most common medieval mansions

Onnagata (identify and state its significance to theatre)

Onnagata is when a man plays the role of a woman in Kabuki theatre. It is important because even after women were allowed to perform, men were still preferred.


Possibly the 1st black playwright

Feast of Corpus Christi

Prompted annual performance of cycle plays

Ludi Romani

1st Roman festival to incorporate drama


8 person chorus of Noh theatre

Mime (identify and state its significance to theatre)

A form of vulgar roman comedy. It is important because it allowed women to perform. the violent acts were real as well as the sexual ones.

Consistent with the previously discussed theory of what defines a "dynamic society", the Christian Church contributed to the decline of theatre toward the end of the Roman Empire, and it was not until its control over Medieval communities was lessened that treated saw a rebirth. A. True B. False

B. False

Liturgical Drama refers to all religiously themed plays from Medieval Europe. A. True B. False

B. False

Medieval actors performed inside structures called mansions, which realistically depicted contemporary locales of the time. A. True B. False

B. False

During Medieval times, the __________ was a performance event allowing altar boys and young priests the opportunity to reverse roles with and mock their superiors. A. Ludi Romani B. Feast of Fools C. Atellan Farce D. Concordia Regularis

B. Feast of Fools

The earliest known female dramatist is: A. Theodora B. Hrosvitha C. Persephone D. Sappho

B. Hrosvitha

Which of the following IS NOT true of Baharata's work, 'The Natyastra'? A. It provides detailed content about the erection of theatres, organization of performance space and audience seating, acting techniques, rules for costumes and makeup, detailed descriptions of the structure and content of plays, etc. B. It is one of the two great Indian epics (similar to Homer's Iliad or Odyssey) and serves as the source for most ancient Indian and Indonesian dramas. C. Its scope is broad, spanning content similar to that addressed by Aristotle, Horace, Vitruvius and Ethelwold. D. It is an ancient Indian document that, translated, means Doctrine of Dramatic Art

B. It is one of the two great Indian epics (similar to Homer's Iliad or Odyssey) and serves as the source for most ancient Indian and Indonesian dramas.

All of the following are true about the Indian "dance drama" called Kathakali, EXCEPT A. It is traditionally presented at night by a lamp of coconut oil on a mat blessed with cattle urine. B. Kathakali's dialogue, written in sanskrit, is "sung" by one or both of the primary dancers. C. Kathakali's costumes and makeup are among the most complex of any theatrical form. D. Kathakali's conventions have changed little since its initial development.

B. Kathakali's dialogue, written in sanskrit, is "sung" by one or both of the primary dancers.

The most important figure in the history of Japanese noh theatre is: A. Lady Murasaki B. Zeami Motokiyo C. Chikamatsu Monzaemon D. Onnagata Okuni

B. Zeami Motokiyo

Much of what scholars know about ancient theatre architecture came from 'De Architectura', a series of books addressing ancient structures written by the Roman engineer ________. A. Titus Livius B. Sebastiano Serlio C. Marcus Vitruvius D. Marcus Tillius Cicero

C. Marcus Vitruvius

The only masked main character in japanese noh is known as the A. waki B. tsure C. shite D. sheng

C. shite


Characters represent ideas - a tool for instruction

In Bunraku puppetry all of the follow are true, EXCEPT A. All three puppeteers are visible to the audience. B. Two puppeteers are hooded while the third operates the head and right arm of the puppet. C. Both narration and dialogue are spoken by a separate narrator accompanied by a samisen playing musician. D. Puppets case shadows onto a screen while dialogue and narration are spoken by the single puppeteer. E. It uses the same scripts as kabuki theatre.

D. Puppets case shadows onto a screen while dialogue and narration are spoken by the single puppeteer.

In Guan Hanquing's 'Snow in Midsummer', all of the following are true, EXCEPT... A. Mrs. Cai arranges a marriage for her widowed daughter-in-law to Donkey B. Dou E is beheaded for killing Donkey's father, a crime she did not commit. C. Dou, Doue E's long lost father, assists his daughter's ghost in regaining her honor. D. With the public execution of Donkey, Dou E is released form the bonds of the underworld and permitted to return to the earthly plane.

D. With the public execution of Donkey, Dou E is released form the bonds of the underworld and permitted to return to the earthly plane.

Seneca was the chief Roman tragic writer, whose works... A. were, during the Renaissance, studied for their rhetorical language and moral teachings. B. were possibly written as "closet dramas" and never actually performed. C. were overtly violent Roman interpretations of Greek originals. D. exhibit all of the above characteristics.

D. exhibit all of the above characteristics.

'Everyman' is an example of which dramatic form. A. pantomime B. melodrama C. pastoral D. morality

D. morality

Citing specific examples from the following two plays as evidence, discuss three distinctions and three similarities between Eastern and Western traditions of theatre 'Atsumari' 'Dulcitius'

DOES NOT HAVE EXAMPLES FROM THE PLAYS INCLUDED IN ANSWER Similarities between eastern and western theatre are the fact that women are rarely allowed to perform. Another similarity is they both evolved from ritual. A third, there were specific forms for upper class, and different forms for the lower class. The distinctions between the 2 are the lengths of each show. Eastern shows went from dusk till dawn, while western shows we're only a few hours. The length of scripts were also different; an eastern script could be a few pages, but last 5-12 hours. As opposed to a western play that could have been 50 pages and 3 hours. A final difference is that eastern plays tended to be more episodic, such as Atsumori. It takes place in different locations and that isn't seen as a problem. Western theatre is more climactic, having a beginning, middle, and end. Only taking place in one location.

Discuss in detail the medieval process of producing plays outside the church. Who supervised the process and how was it organized, funded, etc.

During the medieval period, plays produces outside the church were done so by the confraternities. These were essentially early unions at the time. Each work group had their own confraternity, or union and they would produce a show. The shipbuilders union may produce a show about Noah's Ark, Since it directly ties into their specialty. The baker union and the winemaking union might work together to put on a show about the last supper. These unions would fund the shows and hire a pageant master to supervise and organize everything. If need be, the pageant master would hire more supervisors.

Which of the following IS NOT true of the stock character, 'Tricky Slave'? A. It first appears in the "new comedies" of Menanader. B. It represents a servant who many "play dumb" but is more clever than his/her employer C. The Roman playwright, Plautus is said to have perfected its traits D. The tricky Slave is used by many famous playwrights including Moliere and Shakespeare E. All of the above are true

E. All of the above are true.

Ethelwold - Concordia Regularis (identify and state its significance to theatre)

Ethelwold was a bishop who wrote the concordia regularis. The concordia regularis was important because it described how to live a good christian life. It also described the dramatic aspects of a liturgical drama.

Vallencienne Passion Play

Evidence of "linear" medieval staging


Hand "acting" of Indian theatre

In addition to providing a translation of Aristotle's Poetics, Horace's Ars Poetica addresses three unique points regarding ancient drama. identify and briefly explain each of the three. (one of the three contains three parts)

Horace's main points are as follows: the 3 unities, genre separation, and to instruct and entertain. The 3 unities are: time, place, and action. Time refers to it must take place within a realistic time frame. Place refers to it must be one set location. Action means there is only one plot and no subplots. Genre separation means that a play can either only be a comedy or only be a tragedy. The two genres should never mix. To instruct and entertain means that anything worth watching should not only make us laugh, but we should take something away from it as well.

Jean Bouchet (identify and state its significance to theatre)

Jean Boucher was a famous pageant master. This position was hired as a sort of stage manager for medieval theatre and would make sure everything was in order. He is considered the first stage manager, and wrote the book of responsibilities.


Roman novus homo and 1st "star performer"

Fabula Palliate

Roman plays based on Greek subjects


Sea battles staged in Roman amphitheatres

Atellan Farce

Source of stock characters: Bucco, Pappus, an Dossenus


Special Effects of Medieval theatre

975 CE

Tropu officially becomes a "dramatic text"

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