Theatre History Midterm

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"It out Herod's Herod" is Hamlet's method of producing a cycle play.

Shadow play

ASoutheastAsianplaywhichusesflatpuppetsmade of leather is known as:


A_______ is a story or legend handed down from generation to generation


According to your text, the first critic to attempt to pinpoint the characteristics of Greek tragedy was:


Actors in cycle plays were initially:


Actresses played leading roles in Zeami's noh theatre.


An important innovation of cycle plays is that they were in the __________________ language.


Greek theatre is intimately bound up with Greek religion

processional staging

In _______________, a wagon would move from locale to locale, so the play could be presented for various audiences along its route.


In ancient Greece, the archon appointed a choregus, who is the modern-day equivalent of the:


In the Hellenistic period, actors wore large headdresses known as the:


In the Hellenistic period, the _____________ acted as the producer of plays.

Altar (Thymele)

In the center of the Greek orchestra was a _________ this is a reminder that Greek drama was rooted in religious rituals

was opposed to theatre

In the fourth century, the Christian Church:

mansion; platea

Liturgical dramas primarily used two areas for its staging:


Liturgical dramas were never actually performed in churches.


Liturgical dramas were written in Latin

The vernacular

Liturgical dramas were written in what language:


Male actors who play women's characters in Kabuki theatre are called:


Medieval actors performed inside mansions, which realistically depicted contemporary locales.

station dramas

Morality plays are sometimes called _____________ because the protagonist is often confronted by a series of crises analagous to Christ's journey.


Much of what scholar know about Roman theatre architecture came from:


Mystery plays dramatized biblical events as well as other stories concerning biblical figures and the lives of saints.


Mystery plays on the European continent were produced by religious guilds or clubs called:


Mystery plays were historically accurate, placing all characters and events in appropriate chronological order.


Myths provided the subject matter of most of the plays written for the festivals


Under the direction of________________________, the noh theatre became the dominant form of serious theatre in his generation.


Well-known, powerful people disdained early Japanese noh theatre.

they were more sexual and provocative

What is true of mime performances?


What was the "viewing" place" of the early Greek theatres called?

Ludi Romani

What was the first major Roman festival to incorporate theatre? (6th century)

Romans are NOT known for innovations in theatre

What was true of the theatre of the Roman Empire

Heaven and Hell

What were the two most popular mansions?

Satyr plays

Which genre contains a chorus of mythological creatures who were half-goat and half-man

Written in vernacular, in verse, the story is filled with anachronisms

Which of the following dramatic techniques is evident in The Second Shepherd's Play?

many of their connections were started by the greeks

Which of the following is true of Roman theatre?

Professional actors performed women's roles. Professional actresses played men's roles. Most stages are thought to have been built for outdoor use

Which of the following is true of theatre in the Yuan Period?

Aeschylus, Sophocles

While the characters in the plays of _______________ embodied cosmic conflicts (i.e. superhuman), ___________ placed emphasis on individual characters who were complex and psychologically motivated


Who is sometimes called "The Roman Aristotle" because of his work in dramatic criticism?


Who was the most popular of all Roman comic writers?


______ is said to be the first actor and playwright


______ possibly the first Black playwright, stressed characterization, subtlety of expression and elegant language

atellan farce

________ was improvised and dealt with exaggerated family problems


_________ required a single dancer, a chorus, and musical accompanists.


__________ were sea battles staged on lakes or other bodies of water.


___________ was the chief Roman tragic writer; there is strong speculation that his plays were never performed

The Artist (technitai) of Dionysus

_____________ gave actors professional security in the Hellenistic period.


______________ an actor who was head of a troupe, made financial arrangements and bought dramas from playwrights.

Total Theatre

______________ is a term used to describe a type of theatre that synthesizes acting, mime, dancing, music, and text.

The feast of Corpus Christi

_________________ was a favorite occasion for the presentation of cycle plays.

Hildegard von Bingen

___________________ wrote short musical plays, which are thought to have been performed in the convent she oversaw.

New Comedy

______________________________ uses domestic situations of middle class citizens and is generally with love and financial considerations


___________is credited with developing kabuki.

The dithyramb was:

a long hymn, sung and danced by a group of fifty men

Horace argued that writers should:

avoid extreme emotion and attempt to be truthful

Old Comedy

makes fun of society, politics, or culture

Li Yu

was China's first important critic; he argued that a playwright should write clearly, with a mass audience in mind.


wrote Shakuntala, an acknowledged masterpiece of Indian drama.

Literary or historical characters

Noh characters were generally based on:


Oedipus Rex is an example of climatic Drama


One scene-changing device believed to have been used in Ancient Greece was the _________ which had three painted flats hinged together


Performers became less important during the Hellenistic period, as the playwright emerged as the leading artist.


Play festivals were not competitive, so that each actor and playwright could be honored equally


Poetics, written by _____________, describes the six elements of drama


The "flower way" which connects the rear of the auditorium with the stage in kabuki theatre is known


The Christian church was a contributing factor in the decline of theatre toward th end of the Roman Empire


The Greek dramatist best known for his superb plot construction (structure) was:

trope; church services

The Quem Quaeritis is an example of a ___________________, a musical passage added to ____________.


Under Islamic rule in India, educated people no longer maintained performance traditions.


Early French medieval drama was somber, with no evidence of comic moments.


Early traces of episodic structure can be found in medieval drama.


A _______________________________________play attempts to teach a lesson through allegorical characters.

Street pageant

A medieval dramatic form that was staged for royalty along town routes was the:


At least half of the current kabuki repertory was adapted from the puppet theatre.

orchestra pit

At the foot of the seating area of the theatre of Dionysus was a flat circular area where the actors performed. This was called the:


Bharata Muni wrote__________________________, an Indian treatise on the performing arts translated as "The Study of Theatre".


Business came to a standstill during dramatic festivals


Chikamatsu is the world's only major dramatist to write primarily for a puppet theatre.

bunraku theatre

Chikamatsu was the first writer for the ______________________ puppet theatre.


Comic elements from noh developed into a separate form called:


Dance drama presented at night by torchlight is known as:


Danjuro I began a bravura acting style in kabuki known as:


Everyman is an example of a ____________________________play.


Hellenistic theatres had stone seats rather than the wooden ones, which were used in the classical period.


Historians estimate that after the mid-third century, Roman theatrical presentations were staged on one undred days of the year


Horace Ars Poetica is the only existing Latin treatise on dramatic criticism

The Mahabharata (1985, film 1989) an epic nine-hour stage adaptation based on an ancient Indian epic

HowistheBritishdirector,PeterBrook,connectedto Indian theatre?


Hrosvitha was the earliest known female dramatist.

What is true of the Greek Chorus?

It's importance in tragedy decreased during the fifth century.

minimal with fewer than five rehearsals

Rehearsal time for the cycle plays was normally


Roman playwrights were not influenced by the work of Greek playwrights


Roman theatre focused primarily on tragedy

Comedy (Domestic)

Roman theatre focused primarily on:


Roman version of a theatron


Scholars have compared the theatre of the Yuan Dynasty to that of fifth century B.C.E. Greece and Elizabethan England.


Seneca was a great comedic playwright whose work influenced situational comedies today


Similar to a Greek choregus, the Sanskrit theatre had a leader known as the:


Sophocles wrote Poetics, a treatise on plot construction


Spring and summer were the most popular times for the presentation of vernacular drama.


Stage machinery was used in Greek theatres to reveal climactic offstage deaths

I put False but it could be true

The Roman theatres were roofed, with a smaller, more intimate playing space than was typically found in Greece


The Roman___________ was two or three stories high and was used for storage and dressing space

Cycle plays

The Second Shepherds Play and The Mysteries are both examples of what type of medieval drama:

Dues ex machina

The ______ was a device which flew in the gods in Greek Drama. The term is now used for a surprise ending


The _________, a platform on wheels, was used to reveal climactic offstage events.


The ____________ is the French version of medieval native farce; it was frequently critical of the church.


The ______________ theory argues that the theater originated with large choral odes which were sung by a chorus of fifty me as part of religious festivals

Feast of Fools

The _______________________ allowed altar boys and young priests the opportunity to reverse roles with their superiors.

Quem Quaeritis

The ______________________trope portrays the three Marys' visit to the tomb of Christ.

Scaena frons

The basic scenic background in the Roman theatre was the:


The bridge in noh theatre which connects the stage and the mirror room is known as the:


The chief instrument accompanying the character in bunraku is the:


The chief means of differentiating place in the Roman theatre was the:


The chorus never interacted with other characters in Greek plays.


The cycle plays used special effects known as:


The earliest known female dramatist is:

the imperial class

The early development of theatre in China was linked to:

True (Ludi Romani)

The first major Roman festival to incorporate theatre was dedicated to Jupiter


The first of the extant Greek playwrights, his characters embody cosmic conflicts

Atellan Farce (Fabullae Atellanae)

The four stock characters, Bucco, Pappus, Maccus, and Dossenus originated with:

provide expository or background information, commented on action, and described offstage action. In tragedy: chorus represented common people (audience could identify their feelings with them) In Old Comedy: chorus was fantastical(e.g. frogs in The Frogs, birds in The Birds)

The function of the chorus in Ancient Greek was to:


The general public did not understand and support the earliest Sanskrit plays.


The german nun who wrote plays modeled after Terence's comedies was:


The greatest work of Indian dramatic criticism


The idea that language and actions must fit traditional ideas of suitable behavior for the character is known as:


The main character in noh is the:

Zeami Motokiyo

The most important figure in the history of Japanese noh theatre


The most important influence on Roman theatre was Greek theatre


The noh tradition, passed on from teacher to disciple, has been carried on to this day.


The number of people used to manipulate important characters in bunraku is:


The only extant Greek comedies from the fifth century B.C. were written by:

pageant master

The person who supervised the mounting of plays on wagons in the Middle Ages was known as the:


The popular Roman playwright who was admired for his Latin dialogue, poetic meters, and witty jokes was:


The puppet theatre of Japan is known as:


The scenic building used for staging liturgical drama was the:


The typical theater for Sanskrit drama seated about seventeen thousand audience members.

City of Dionysus

The_______ was a Greek festival held in honor of Dionysus and featuring the performance of plays

Pear Garden

The_____________ was an acting school,which flourished in early eighth century China.


There is no clear agreement among scholars regarding the origins of medieval theatre.


There were no permanent theatres for presenting the works of Plautus and Terence


Traveling theatrical troupes were forbidden during the Song Dynasty in China.

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