Theo 2 soteriology quiz

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Be able to distinguish between 'imputation' and 'impartation' in respect to justification and sanctification

More like Jesus Christ" means in sanctification Jesus through the Holy Spirit is imparting righteousness to us

Be able to explain the negative and positive aspects of justification as presented in class

Negative- something is subtracted. Pardon and forgiveness of debt owed Positive- Something is gained. Acceptance by declaration as righteousness. A gift.

Review the Biblical passages for progressive sanctification as presented in class. Be prepared to recognize which passage explains progressive sanctification

-1 Thessalonians 4:3-7 -1 Thessalonians 5:23 -Hebrews 12:14 -Romans 6

Be able to cite two Biblical texts which speak about believers' glorification

-Eph. 5:27 - moral holiness -1 Cor. 15:42-44, 53-54 - final goal: perfected bodies and souls -Rom 8:11, 23 -1 Thess. 5: 23.

Know the order of salvation as expressed in class by Prof. Harris; don't worry about the "Union with Christ".

-God -election -calling -regeneration -conversion -justification -adoption -sanctification -perseverance -death -glorification **God eat cause rice causes jumpy parents to stop putting down goo-gone

Know the three ways that we should be inspired by the doctrine of Election

-Humility -Reassurance -Motivation for Mission

Review the three aspects of true repentance

-intellectual -emotional -volitional

Know the difference between Conditional (Arminian) and Unconditional (calvinistic) election.

Conditional: God foreknows who will believe in him and because they believe in him he chooses them for salvation Unconditional: God's election is not conditioned on anything about the elect. not a capriciousness

Know the definition of conversion, both repentance and faith, as presented in class

Conversion emerges from regeneration, as a turning to Jesus Christ in a bipartite of faith and repentance (turning away from sin).

Especially the difference between a believer's and non-believer's death

Death for the unbeliever initiates a state of permanent separation of God. Death for the believer initiates a continuation and permanent state of a relationship with God

Know the definition of death as presented in class

Death is the separation of the soul from the body, which initiates a transition to a different mode of existence; it is not, extinction or annihilation

Know the definition of election as presented in class

Determination of God before the creation of the world of those who would experience salvation from their sins through faith in Jesus

Cite two biblical passages which support Unconditional Election

Ephesians 1:11 2 Timothy 1:8-9

Know the two aspects of perseverance

First Aspect: God Preserves Believers in Their Faith - aka Eternal Security Second Aspect: Necessity of the Believer's Ongoing Perseverance

Know the definition of adoption as presented in class

God makes us members of His family thereby becoming Children of God. As children of God we have all the accompanying privileges and responsibilities.

Know the definition of justification as presented in class

God's declaration that the one who has believed in Jesus Christ stands before Him fully righteous by virtue of Jesus Christ's imputed righteousness. Justification=imputed righteousness

Be able to explain how the two aspects prevents a 'once saved always saved' attitude and the idea of losing salvation based on our merits.

If only the first aspect, you would have once saved, always saved mentality. If only the second aspect, you would then have the prospect of losing salvation based on our merits

Know the difference between imputation and impartation of Christ's righteousness

Impartation: God has given us a gift. We obtain righteousness we don't impute it.

Be able to quote Romans 8:28-30 (in any Biola accepted version you desire).

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified

Know the definition of the union with Christ as presented in class

A union of believer with Jesus Christ so that the two are indissolubly united and the believer is empowered by the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Also, be able to correctly identity that

Catholicism generally teaches impartation, and the Reformed tradition holds to imputation

Review the three aspects of faith.

Intellectual - recognition of God's truth in contrast to the lies of sin and evil. There is some true content to be affirmed/believed that involves one's intellect. Emotional - assent or affirmation in one's heart that the gospel and God's word to us and Christ's work for us are all true. Volitional - the will to give oneself to Jesus Christ and enter into a relationship by accepting His payment of your sin. A trust and dependence on God's promises and salvific provision

Know the positive characteristics of regeneration as presented in class

It consists in implanting the principle of the new life in believers creating a radical change. A change that is directed by the Holy Spirit that gives birth to a new life in the whole person. The change effects intellect, will and heart.

Know the definition of glorification as presented in class

It will happen when Christ returns and raises from the dead the bodies of all believers for all time who have died, and reunites them with their souls, and changes the bodies of all believers who remain alive, thereby giving all believers at the same time perfect resurrection bodies like his own

The federal and representative aspects, especially in relation to Adam and Christ

Jesus Christ is the second Adam who was victorious where Adam failed (1 Cor. 15:22).

Be sure to cite at least two biblical passages which supports the necessity of our union with Christ

John 14:19 Galatians 2:20

Cite as least one verse which indicates that regeneration precedes conversion

John 1:12-13

Be able to explain the physical and spiritual aspects of death.

Physical: The end of the life of our physical bodies, The separation of the body and soul, Humanity was not created with death, physical or spiritual. Spiritual: Spiritual death is the separation of the person from God; eternal death is the finalizing of that state of separation, Believers will not experience the permanent state of separation.

Know the difference between progressive and positional sanctification

Positional: This is the believer's position or standing before God, based on the death of Christ. In positional sanctification the believer is accounted holy before God; he is declared a saint. Progressive: A growth in righteousness over time that is the outworking of the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives, so that we are able to discern and obey the Father's will through our union with Christ.

Know the basic privileges and responsibilities of adoption

Privileges: Treated by God as a family member, instead of slave. Jesus is our Lord but also our brother. Responsibilities: We bear the family name. This is the most important thing about you.

Also, be able to distinguish between justification and sanctification

Sanctification- Jesus through the holy spirit is imparting righteousness to us. This is what distinguishes 'sanctification' from 'justification'

Know the definition of perseverance as presented in class

That continuous operation of the Holy Spirit in the believer, by which the work of divine grace that is begun in the heart, is continued and brought to completion

Know the definition of regeneration as presented in class

The act of God by which the principle of the new life is implanted in the individual believer whereby He transforms them

Know the two aspects of our union with Christ

The first aspect is federal and representative. The second aspect is spiritual and vital - a new spiritual birth in Christ

Know the definition of the two aspects of the doctrine of calling as expressed in class.

The general call: The proclamation of the gospel to all peoples such that they are made aware of God's offer of salvation in Christ. Not all who are generally called are justified and glorified The effectual call: Its all about the heart of the recipient. only the elect are called in this sense

Know the definition of sanctification as presented in class

The work of God's free grace that makes us more and more free from the power of sin to become more like Jesus Christ in our day to day existence, living a life of righteous reconciliation. Sanctification= imparted righteousness

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