Theology 1 Final 2 Study Guide

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What Is The Blessed Trinity? (Trinity)

-A mystery -Not contrary to reason -Reason cannot explain it

What Were Examples Of Holy Spirit's Actions? (Holy Spirit)

-Anunciation: Jesus conceived through holy spirit -Visitation: Filled Elizabeth with the holy spirit -Presentation: Simeon filled with it -Baptism of Jesus: Dove shows how Jesus will be guided by way of the Holy Spirit

Argument From Motion (Natural Revelation)

-Anything in motion must have been set in motion by something else -First mover is God

What Happened At Pentecost? (Holy Spirit)

-Apostles and Mary were at the upper room -Jesus gave them the holy spirit healing power -Peter proclaimed to crowds -3,000 people baptized

Who Is God The Son? (Trinity)

-Bottom left of Trinity -Reveals God to us -Shares power with Father -Redeemer

Argument From Degree Of Perfection (Natural Revelation)

-Certain things are better than others -Perfect truth and goodness is God

What Did Create On Each Day? (God The Father)

-Day 1: Light and darkness -Day 2: Water and sky -Day 3: Sea and land -Day 4: Sun and moon -Day 5: Birds and fish -Day 6: Animals and man -Day 7: Rested and made the day holy

Argument From Governance (Natural Revelation)

-Elements in reality are controlled by some intelligence -Intelligent being is God

Argument From Possibility (Natural Revelation)

-Everything in nature is possible -Contingent being is God

What Are The Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit? (Holy Spirit)

-Given at baptism -Help us obey it -Follow God's plan

What Is Not True About The Trinity? (Trinity)

-Not three gods -Not three historical manifestations of God -All are God, but differentiate from one another

Argument From Causes (Natural Revelation)

-Nothing causes itself to be -First cause is God

Four Characteristics Of Christian Worldview (Natural Revelation)

-Objective truth from God -Value human person as individual -God decides morality -Human beings are rational, designed with body and soul, and for perfect happiness

Who Is God The Holy Spirit? (Trinity)

-Sanctifier for the church -Bottom right of Trinity

Three Types Of Grace? (Holy Spirit)

-Sanctifying: At baptism and dwells in us as we are sons and daughters of God -Actual: Certain circumstances -Sacramental: Through sacraments

God's Teaching Of Names (Attributes of God)

-Significant -I Am Who I Am -YHWH is God's existence

Why Did Jesus Become Man? (Jesus Christ)

-To save us from sin -To reveal God's love -Model of a holy life -Made us sons and daughters of God

Who Is God The Father? (Trinity)

-Top of Trinity -Depicted wearing unknown color and blue -Creator -Through baptism we become children of the Father

What Are The Symbols Of The Holy Spirit? (Holy Spirit)

-Water is action at Baptism, purifying -Spirit of God and Lord is strengthening -Cloud and light is presence of God or theopanies -Fire is the transforming power -Wind is the breath of God

What Does Being Made In The Image Of God Mean? (God The Father)

-We are sons and daughters of God -Human person is rational, has a body and soul, and is designed for happiness

What Are Each Of The Seven Gifts Of The Holy Spirit ? (Holy Spirit)

-Wisdom -Understanding -Counsel -Fortitude -Knowledge -Piety -Fear Of The Lord

God Is Omnipresent (Attributes of God)

God is everywhere. All creation is him and he is always with us

God Is Pure Spirt (Attributes of God)

God is not a human. He does not have a body or soul like us

God Is Immutable (Attributes of God)

God is unchanging. Evolution cannot occur in him

Divine Governance (God The Father)

God keeps creation is order

Divine Preservation (God The Father)

God maintains the existence of created things

Divine Revelation (Natural Revelation)

God making known to man himself, beyond human reason. Mysterious plan of his will

Divine Providence (God The Father)

God provides for us so that we will fulfill our purpose

Natural Revelation (Natural Revelation)

God speaking and making himself known through his creation

Substance In Trinity? (Trinity)

God's existence

What Is The Sacred Heart A Symbol Of? (Jesus Christ)

God's love for us

What Do The Three King's Gifts Represent? (Jesus Christ)

Gold=kingship Frankincense=divinity Myrrh=sacrifice

What Do The Theological Virtues Do? (Holy Spirit)

Grow our relationship with the Trinity

God Is Perfect (Attributes of God)

He does nothing wrong and is the epitome of good

What Is Understood About Jesus' Knowledge? (Jesus Christ)

He gained human knowledge

God Is Eternal (Attributes of God)

He has no beginning or end. His existence is evergreen

God Is Omnibenevolent (Attributes of God)

He is all loving. He love just like him, is everlasting and infinite

How Does Jesus Demonstrate The Fourth Commandment? (Jesus Christ)

He is obedient to his parents

What Was Jesus' Job? (Jesus Christ)

He was a carpenter

Knowledge (Holy Spirit)

Helps us moderate goods according to God and see things like him

Understanding (Holy Spirit)

Helps us understand the truths of faith

What Is A Human's Vocation? (God The Father)


What Is The Laying On Of Hands? (Holy Spirit)

Holy spirit bestowed and is now at confirmation

What Is The Immaculate Conception? (Jesus Christ)

How Mary was conceived without original sin

What Does Utilitarianism Lack? (Natural Revelation)


Why Is Christianity Unique? (Attributes of God)

It has the holy trinity and is not like polytheistic religions

What Does Gold Represent? (Trinity)


Natural Faith (Natural Revelation)

Knowledge acquired through trust in the teacher or source of our information

What Does Green Represent? (Trinity)


What Must We Do That Is Stated In Shema? (Attributes of God)

Love God with our hearts, soul, and might

Fortitude (Holy Spirit)

Makes us strong in our faith and continuation of it

Counsel (Holy Spirit)

Making wise decisions with God's help

What Did Divine Inspiration Do? (Holy Spirit)

Moved scripture writers while allowing free will

How Are The Theological Virtues Grown? (Divine Revelation)

Not by effort, but by seeking God

Why Did God The Father Create? (God The Father)

Not to show off, but to show his love for us

What Does Grace Cost? (Holy Spirit)


What Does Relativism Lack? (Natural Revelation)

Objective truth

What Does The Nicene Creed Say About The Holy Spirit? (Holy Spirit)

Proceeds from the father and the son

Human Understanding Of Creation (God The Father)

Production or transformation from existing items

What Does Sentimentalism Lack? (Natural Revelation)


Supernatural (Divine Revelation)

Relating directly to God

Virtue of Faith (Divine Revelation)

Response to revelation; accept gift through testimony of others

What Does Consumerism Lack? (Natural Revelation)


What Are Angels? (God The Father)

Spiritual beings that aren't divine and are God's messengers

What Does Empiricism Lack? (Natural Revelation)

Supernatural Faith

What Is Concupiscence? (God The Father)

Tendency toward sin

What Forms The Great Prayer Of Judaism? (Attributes of God)

The Shema

What Is Holiness And Vocation? (God The Father)

Becoming more like God and being a saint

Why Do We Sometimes Not Believe In God? (Natural Revelation)

Believing can make demands on us and when we don't know who he is, it is frustrating. We think of him as the old man in the sky

Where Was Jesus Born? (Jesus Christ)


What Does Spirate Mean? (Holy Spirit)


What Is The Holy Spirit For Us? (Holy Spirit)

Breath of life

Sixth Worldview (Natural Revelation)

Christian Worldview

Three Types Of Receivers Of Faith (Divine Revelation)

Cradle Catholics, converts, reverts

St. Thomas Aquinas On Desires For God (Natural Revelation)

Desire for something is the desire for God. This is rooted in our hearts

Fear Of The Lord (Holy Spirit)

Desire to not offend God

Person (Trinity)

Distinction between parts of it

Relation (Trinity)

Distinction lies with relationship between them

Two Types Of Revelation (Natural Revelation)

Divine and Natural

What Are The Two Natures And Wills Of Jesus? (Jesus Christ)

Divine and human

Deposit of Faith (Divine Revelation)

Divine revelation granted to church by Jesus -Scripture -Tradition -Magisterium

What Does Blue Represent? (Trinity)


How Is Jesus Represented In The Creation Story? (God The Father)

Eternal, divine, and part of the trinity

Importance of Abraham? (Attributes of God)

Even in a world of polytheism, he was chosen by God to share His will and be righteous

What Does Every Act Of God Involve? (God The Father)

Every person of the trinity

Theological Understanding Of Creation (God The Father)

Ex nihilo, something out of nothing. God willed creation

Pope Benedict On Faith (Divine Revelation)

Faith is received, verified, and alive with communion

Supernatural Faith (Natural Revelation)

Faith which is not attainable through our natural human capacity. Relating directly to God

Theological Virtues (Divine Revelation)

Faith, hope, and love (Or Charity) are all free gifts from God.

What Are The Theological Virtues? (Holy Spirit)

Faith, hope, charity

What Did Jesus Want Us To Call God? (God The Father)


What Was Jesus' Body And Feeling? (Jesus Christ)

Finite and he had emotions

What Are The Fruits Of The Holy Spirit? (Holy Spirit)

Flow from Christian life and cause our soul to have freedom with the holy spirit

Grace (Divine Revelation)

Free help from God to help us respond to him

How Is The Holy Spirit Represented In The Creation Story? (God The Father)

Giver of life, breathed life into us

Wisdom (Holy Spirit)

Gives us knowledge of the Trinity and so we enjoy the presence of God

God Is Omnipotent (Attributes of God)

God conquered death and is unstoppable.

According To St. Paul, What Do We Know Through Reason? (Natural Revelation)

God is almighty and morality is a written code in our hearts

Why Do Humans Have Inherent Dignity? (God The Father)

Because of our immortal soul that comes with free will

What Did Jesus Promise To Send? (Holy Spirit)

A counselor or paraclete

What Is The Hypostatic Union? (Jesus Christ)

Union of human and divine being in Jesus

Why Did God Create Marriage? (God The Father)

Union of husband and wife to be co-creators with God

What Are The Two Orders Of Creation?

Visible and spiritual

How Do Humans Give Different Glory Than Other Creations To God? (God The Father)

We willingly do so, but the rest doesn't realize

God Is Omniscient (Attributes of God)

All wisdom is in God. He knows what will happen forever

How Was God Perceived In The Old Testament? (God The Father)

As distant or far off, not like a father

Piety (Holy Spirit)

Awareness of us being God's children

When Do We Become Sons And Daughters Of God? (God The Father)


Why Is Creation Good? (God The Father)

Because God created it

Why Was God Forced To Create? (God The Father)

Because love, by nature, wants to overflow

What Was The Annunciation? (Jesus Christ)

When the angel Gabriel asked Mary to be the mother of Jesus and she accepted

Where Did Monotheism Begin? (Attributes of God)

With Judaism. God chose the Jews to proclaim His Word

What Does The Church Teach About Sacred Scripture? (Holy Spirit)

It is inspired which means God's breath is in it

Where Did Jesus Die? (Jesus Christ)


What Was The Incarnation? (Jesus Christ)

Jesus being born to the virgin Mary and becoming man

Common Questions of Christianity (Divine Revelation)

Jesus is proclaimed as the son of God, but how do we make an act of faith off of this? How do we know for certain?

What Does The Name Jesus Christ Mean? (Jesus Christ)

Jesus means God saves and Christ is anointed

How Are Christians Similar To Early Judaism? (Trinity)

They are monotheists

What Does The Church Affirm About The Creation Stories? (God The Father)

They are truly the word of God

How Was The Relationship Between Father And Son Revealed? (God The Father)

Through the incarnation of Christ

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