Theology chapter 5 Judges & Kings

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David, tribes, 33, Jerusalem, Ark of the Covenant, nation

___ united all the ___ and became sole king of the united nation of Israel for ___ years. In that time, he made ___ the capital and brought the ___ their to witness god's permanent presence to the new ___

Solomon, prosperous, Jerusalem, Temple, wisdom, knowledge

___ was a powerful and wealthy king who generally enjoyed a peaceful and ___ reign. He made ___ the center of Israel's religious life by building the ___ there which proved to be his greatest achievement. Pleased with Solomon, God gave him ___ , exceptional understanding, and ___.

Saul, god's, military, tribes, commands, David

___ was elected Israels first king with ___ approval. His ___ exploits were successful as well as his efforts to unite the ___. However, when he began to stray from God's commands, Samuel anointed ___, the greatest of the Israel's kings, while Saul was still king.

His lustfulness toward a married woman - he killed her husband

David's downfall

United israel

Davids accomplishments

Establishing a dynasty, bringing the covenant to Jerusalem

Davids attributes/what was the known for


Descendants of a mixed population of Israelites who survived the Assyrian deportations and various pagan settlers imported after the northern kingdom fell. They worshipped YHWH on Mount Gerizim but considered only the Pentateuch to be divinely inspired.

Hasmonean Dynasty

Descendants of the Maccabees who ruled in Judea after the ousting of the last of the Syrians in 141 BC until the establishment of Roman authority in 63 BC.

When the Israelites obeyed, they were victorious. When they ignored God and followed their own will, they failed.

Explain that obedience to God was the key to the Israelite's success

False, they are switched

True or False? The major theological truth in the book of judges is that the lord fought for Israel in the conquest of Canaan, while Joshua explains that the Israelites gained a foothold in the land after about 2 hundred years involving several major battles.

False. After Solomon's death the united kingdom of Israel split in two with his son, Rehoboam ruling the southern kingdom of Judah and his servant Jeroboam ruling the northern ten tribes which formed the kingdom of Israel.

True or false? After Solomon's death the United Kingdom of israel split in two with his son, jeroboam ruling the southern kingdom of israel and his servant redoblan, ruling the northern ten tribes which formed the kingdom of Judah.


True or false? Despite his greatness, king David had his faults like sins of adultery and murder


True or false? Israel fell apart, despite the judges help due to their unfaithfulness and lawfulness.


True or false? Samuel was a wise priest and prophet, and Israel's last and most significant Judge who helped the people avoid idolatry.

False, they cover until last years of King David's reign.

True or false? The 2 books of Samuel cover the history of the Israelites from the period of Judges until the last years of the prophet Isaiah.

False, it lasted 400 years

True or false? The Davidic dynasty lasted 800 year until the Babylonians counuqered the southern kingdom

False (house of David)

True or false? The davidic covenant led the Israelites to believe that the messiah would come from the house of samuel to save the chosen people from their enemies

False, the generations following David

True or false? The generations following Saul looked to him as someone God used in a special way to work out his divine plan, and to reign as a Golden age for Israel


True or false? The two books of Kings relate the history of Israel from the death of King David until the Babylonian captivity


A Hebrew word for a Jewish master or teacher of the Torah.


A day of rest and prayer for the Jewish people on the seventh day of the week.


A meeting place for Jews for study and prayer to foster study of the Law and adherence to the covenant code.

After Solomon's reign

After whose reign, a reign that ended poorly, due to this king's sever taxation, did israel split into two?


First king of israel

Good, he did good things and forgave others

Gods judgement of David

Bad, did evil, disobeyed and ignored his commands

Gods judgement of saul

Bad, he had many wives and was disobedient.

Gods judgement of solomon

He was chosen by samuel to replace saul

How did David become king?

Anointed by Samuel

How did Saul become king?

Chosen by his father to rule over israel

How did Solomon become king?


How many Kings in Israel's history

7 kings good, 31 kings evil.

How many kings in israel were good? How many were evil?

Authority, military, judges, apostasy, faith, love

In the absence of a strong central ___ following the death of Joshua, God raised up local ___ leaders called ___. During this era Israelite history centers around a cycle of ___: the denial of God and the reputation of ___, however, throughout it all, God's ___ remained constant

10 in the north, 2 in the south

Once the kingdom split, how many tribes were a part of the northern and southern kingdoms, respectively?


The Jewish Feast of Dedication, which celebrates the recovery and purification of the Temple from the Syrians in 164 BC. It is an eight-day feast that takes place during December. Jews usually give gifts at this time. Hanukkah is also called the Festival of Lights.

Military exploits

Saul's attributes/what he was known for

His pride reversed him trying yo unite israel

Saul's downfall

Rescued the Jews

Sauls acomplishments

Built first temple in Jerusalem

Solomons accomplishments

Wisdom, military exploits

Solomons attributes/what was he known for

He kept many wives whom he had to support with luxury, the foreign wives introduced their gods and priests into the land leading the Israelites to false worship, and he taxed the Israelites heavily ad conscripted many to forced labor.

Solomons downfall


The "anointed one" promised by the Old Testament prophets. He would be a descendant of David who would set up an ideal kingdom ruled by an adopted son. He would preach the Law in truth and would sacrifice his life for the people. Jesus Christ fulfills the prophecies about the Messiah.


The denial of God and the repudiation of faith.


The diffusion of Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean world after the conquest of Alexander the Great.

Northern, Jerusalem, shrines, Jezebel, idolatry, destruction

The downfall of the ___ kingdom was the result of idolatry. Rather than centering worship in the holy city of ___, Jeroboam centered it at the two ancient ___ of Dan and Bethel. Later, King Ahab allowed his wife ___ to erect altars to Baal. These practices spread ___ throughout the kingdom and led to the ___ of the northern kingdom.

Kingdom of Israel

The name of the northern kingdom that split with Judah after the death of Solomon.

Kingdom of Judah

The name of the southern kingdom after the splitting of the monarchy. It included the territory originally belonging to just two of the twelve tribes, Judah and Benjamin.

Lost tribes of Israel

The ten tribes of the northern kingdom who disappeared from history after being enslaved and exiled by the Assyrians.


Time period of David


Time period of Saul


Time period of solomon

He overextended himself economically by keeping many wives whom he had to support in luxury. Furthermore, some of his foreign wives introduced their gods and priests into the land and subsequently led many Israelites to false worship. Because Israel had a large army with many soldiers and Solomon initiated many building projects, Solomon taxed the Israelites heavily and conscripted many to forced labor.

What are three ways solomon's power and splendor corrupted him during his later years

Judah - Jerusalem, Israel - Samaria

What city was the center of worship in Judah and israel?

Joshua presents the Israelite's history from the time of Moses's death, to the beginning of a monarchy. They tell the Israelites' story of settlement in the promised land, and their interactions with their Canaanite neighbors.

What does Joshua cover? What story do they tell?

The covenant between God and David ensuring that a leader from his family would always rule Israel

What is the Davidic covenant?

He warned that a human King would draft Israelite children into his army, tax them, and treat them like slaves. He also told them that they were offending God by requesting a human king.

What warnings did Samuel issue to the people of Israel's desire for a king

Fidelity to God leads to success, disobedience leads to disaster

What was the religious theme of the period of the monarch

Solomon, he made Jerusalem the center of Israel's religious life. he built the temple

Which king was David's son, what was he known for?

Israel, they became disobedient and disloyal towards God.

Which kingdom fell first, why do we believe that?


Who united the tribes of Israel?

The Israelites weren't faithful even though God rescued them from slavery, guided them with law, gave them land, send judges and Kings to defend them from enemies, gave them prophets to correct them when they went astray, kept his promises, sent them a savior.

Why might one feel that friendship between Israelites and God was one-sided?

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