"To Kill A Mocking Bird Chapters 17-24

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What piece of furniture did Mayella have Tom Robinson chop?

A Chifforobe

Who is J. Grimes Everret?

A minister who does mission work in Africa

What does Scout try to do during to meeting?

Act like a lady by wearing a dress and serving refreshments

Who exposed Bob Ewell at the end of the trial?


Why are they being hypocritical?

B/c they arent even helping out the people in Maycomb

Who was the second person called to the stand and questioned in the trail?

Bob Ewell

Who spits in Atticus face and what is his reaction to it?

Bob and Atticus wipes it off and walks away

What is the key fact that Atticus gets out of Bob Ewell during his cross examination?

Bob is left handed, which matches the marks on the right side of Mayella's face.

Who comes into the courtroom right when Atticus finishes his closing remarks?


How did Tom get his left arm injured?


When Dill gets mad about Tom's cross examination and goes outside with Scout, who do they encounter?

Dolphus Raymond

When Tom tries to escape out of jail over the fence what happen?

Gets shot 17 times

Why didn't Bob Ewell call a doctor when his daughter was allegedly rapped?

He said it was too expensive and he had never called a doctor in his life.

What fact does Mr. Gliber get out of Tom Robinson during his cross examination?

He was once arrested for disorderly conduct and that he could strangle a woman with one hand.

Who was the first person called to the stand and questioned in the trail?

Heck Tate

What is Scout wearing under her dress?

Her britches

What fact does Atticus get out of Mayella during his cross examination?

Her life consists of seven unhelpful children, a drunken father, and no friends.

Who does Aunt Alexandra have over?

Her missionary group consisting of: Mrs Meriweather, Mrs. Farrow, Miss. Maudie, and Gertrude

Why did it take the jury so long for the verdict and how long does it ussually take?

It showed that someone was saying that Tom was not guilty an 5-10 min

Why was it bad for Tom to say that he felt sorry for Mayella?

It was bad because black people aren't supposed to feel bad for white people.

Who was the judge of the trail?

Judge Taylor

Who was Tom's white employer, who stood up and declared that in eight years of work, he has never had any trouble from Tom?

Link Deas

Who says that the jury will only be yellow bellies?


Who was the third person called to the stand and questioned in the trial?

Mayella Ewell

Who is the Prosecutor (The guy against Atticus)?

Mr. Glimer

What does Atticus try to get Mayella to admit in his cross examination?

That Tom Robinson didn't rape or beat her, but her father beat her.

Where is everyone equal?

The court room (supposed to be)

What does Atticus say to the Jury in his closing remarks?

There is no medical evidence of the crime, the physical evidence shows that Bob Ewell beat Mayella, then offers his own version on what happened.

What two facts does Atticus get out of Heck Tate during his cross examination?

There was no doctor called and Mayella's bruises were on the right side of her face.

Why do they send him money?

To help him continue his work by teaching the Mrunas tride to be Christians.

Why does Dolphus Raymond pretend to be drunk?

To provide white women with an explanation to his lifestyle.

Who was the fourth person called to the stand and questioned in the trail?

Tom Robinson

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