Topic A28: General features of muscles, muscular auxiliary structures
General features of muscles: Give the role of muscles
Moves parts of the body and the body as a whole Helps the walls of the body cavity Supports the function of the viscera (respiratory movement, abdominal pressure, etc.)
Tendon 1. Role 2. Location
1. Affector organ of the muscle, acts as passive tension bands 2. In spine shaped muscles
Division of muscle types: Division of skeletal muscules according to their function:
1. Extensor or flexor 2. Adductor or abductor 3. Supinator or pronator 4. Sphincter or dilatator 5. Levator or depressor Rotator
General features of muscles: Give the accessory structures of muscles
1. Facia 2. Tendon sheets 3. Bursa (closed cavity that contains synovia) 4. Recessus (dilation of the joint capsule) 5. Retinaculum (thickened part of the fascia, which participates in fastening of the tendons without synovial layer)
Division of muscle types: On which terms can muscles be divided?
1. Orientation of fibers 2. Shape 3. Number of joints they traverse 4. Function
Connective tissue element: Draw figure
1. Perimysium (Covering muscle) 2. Epimysium (Separating parts) 3. Endomysium (Small connective tissue) 4. Fascia (Tissue capsule) Number on the figure corresponds to the listed number over
Type of muscles: List the different types of muscles
1. Skeletal muscles 2. Smooth muscles (visceral, in organs) 3. Cardiac muscles
Division of muscle types: Division of skeletal muscules according to the shape
1. Spindle-shaped muscle ( M. fusiformis) 2. Sheet-like muscle ( M. Planus) 3. Two-headed muscle ( M. biceps (ø animals)) 4. Three-headed muscle ( M. triceps) 5. Four-headed muscle ( M. quadriceps) 6. Two-bellied muscle ( M. digastricus) 7. Ring-shaped muscle ( M. orbicularis) 8. Spincter
Division of muscle types: Division of skeletal muscules according to the number of joints they traverse
1. Uniarticular 2. Biarticular 3. Polyarticular
Division of muscle types: Division of skeletal muscles according to the orientation of fibers
1. Unipennate (two parallel tendon sheets) 2. Bipennate (two tendon sheets of different direction) 3. Multipennate (several tendon sheets of different direction)
General features of muscles: Bursae
Closed cavity that contains synovia Major role: padding soma bursa may communicate with the cavity of a nearby joint Location: where muscles, tendons or ligaments pass over hard tissue Layers: ・Stratum synoviale ・Stratum fibrosum Types: ・Bursa synovialis submuscularis ・Bursa synovialis subfacialis ・Bursa synovialis subtendinea ・Bursa synovialis subcutanea
General features of muscles: Fascia
Divided into: 1. Superficial fascia (can be fused with cutaneous muscle. Thinner than the deep fascia) 2. Deep fascia (strengthened by yellow elastic fibers. Eq: tunica flava)
General features of muscles: Tendon sheets
Double-layered, elongated tubes which enclose tendons Role: ・Padding ・Providing sliding surface ・Nutrition Compartments: 1. Stratum fibrosum 2. Stratum synoviale parietalis (lamina externa) 3. Cavitas synovialis 4. Stratum synoviale viscerale (lamina interna) 5. Mesotendineum (blood and nerve supply of the tendons that runs through this 6. Tendon 7. Synovial fluid
Type of muscles: Skeletal muscles
Part of the locomotive apparatus Connects to bone Origin: ・Proximal ・Fixed point ・The less mobile/immobile part Insertion: ・Distal ・Greater mobility Belly: fleshy part Tendon: may have