Touchstone 4 Unit 4

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A state of being alone by choice He enjoys his ________________ when the kids are away at camp - he can be alone, relax, and think.


Almost not OH! I _______________ recognized you - you have dyed your hair! He ________________ loves her anymore - out of sight, out of mind!


More important, powerful, or successful She is the __________________ spouse - she makes all the important financial decisions in the family, and usually tells the others what to do.

To value s.t. or s.o.

To consider s.t. or s.o. important and/or useful; to appreciate s.t. or s.o. Please tell me what you think about this - I ______________ your opinion/ your opinion is important to me.

To look forward to s.t.

To expect s.t. with pleasure The party tonight will be great - I really _________________ to it. I ___________________ to meeting your wife - she sounds interesting.

To emphasize s.t.

To give/pay special attention to s.t. Please _______________ that students must not park in front of the fire hydrants or they will be fined. The teacher _______________d the most important units to study for the exam.

To throw a party

To plan and have a party For his 40th birthday, we are going ___________________ - would you like to come?

To get over s.t.

To recover from something painful or harmful I had the flu, but I will _________________ it soon, I hope. Her heart was broken, but she will _____________ it.

To socialize

To talk and do things with other people in a friendly way She loves to _______________ - she goes out with friends at least twice a week.


a natural skill or ability She has a _________________ for painting.

a family reunion

a party or occasion when family meet again after they have not seen each other for a long time My father is holding a ____________ for us this summer when we will all be together.

to be self-assured

believing that you can do something or succeed at something She is ____________________ and confident about getting that job.

in particular

especially or more than usual I love all chocolate, but ____________, milk chocolate with almonds - yumm!!


feeling or showing that you are sure about your own abilities, opinions Kate feels ________________ that she will pass the test.


happening often Buses run________________ from downtown to the airport.


in the place of someone or something There's nothing on TV, so let's play a game _________.

An event

something (especially something important or notable) that happens His birthday party was a real _______________ - there were 100 people, a band, and a dance floor. There is a private _______________ at that restaurant tonight, so it is closed.

to be the centre of attention

something that attracts a lot of concentration on one thing He loves to be the _______________ - he always wants everyone to notice him and listen to him.


to be different especially in a way that is very obvious The _______________ between that modern building and that very old one is interesting - they are so different.

to overlook someone or something

to fail to notice or consider something; to ignore s.t. or s.o. She was ______________ed for that job. The teacher _____________s that students' lateness.

a bias against someone or something

to influence someone in favor or against a group or individual She cannot mark that student's exam because she is _______ed against him - they do not like each other.

intend to

to plan or mean to do something I _________ to go shopping with my friend and we have a plan.

to get a feeling

to sense s.t.= to think that s.t. is going to happen I am getting a feeling that it is going to snow tonight.

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