TQ9 Midterm 3

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What characters shared by vascular plants are lacking in bryophytes?


What evidence is there to support a charophycean green alga ancestry for plants?

It results from the growth of two lateral meristems, and results in lateral growth

What is secondary growth in seedless vascular plants? - It takes place through the inflorescence meristems - Fertilization of an egg and sperm cell - It results from the growth of two lateral meristems, and results in lateral growth - The growth that occurs relatively close to the tips of roots and stems


What pigments do the diatoms, chrysophyles, xanthophytes, and brown algae have in common? Which of these pigments is responsible for the color of these algae?

Nitrogen fixed in a form that is usable by the hornwort

When observing the hornwort Leiosporoceros dussii under a dissecting microscope, many small cavities are discovered with obvious bacterial growth. After closer analysis you determine that the two cavities are filled with cyanobacterium, and the two form a mutualistic relationship. What could the cyanobacterium, a photosynthetic organism, possibly give to the hornwort? - An abundance of O2, in order to carry out cellular respiration - Carbon fixation in the form of 3 and 6-carbon sugars - An abundance of CO2, in order to carry out cellular respiration - Nitrogen fixed in a form that is usable by the hornwort

In environments that contain liquid water such as oceans and lakes

Where are you most likely to find members of the "Protista" kingdom? - In environments that contain liquid water such as oceans and lakes - Dry and arid environments with little water - In the air that we breathe - Members of the kingdom can thrive in any environment


Which cell wall extract of Rhodophyta is used as a rapid-setting agent in jellies and desserts? - Agar - Floridean starch - Paramylon - Amylopectin


Which genus of Equisetophytes is the only living member today? - Psilotum - Equisetum - Lycopodium - Selaginella


Which household item below does NOT contain carrageenan? - Dairy products - Paint - Cosmetics - Clothes

The seedless vascular plants: Lycopodiophyta, Pteridophyte

Which major group of eukaryotes are considered the "Coal Age Plants"? - The Charales and Coleochaetales - The seed containing vascular plants: Angiosperms and Gymnosperms - The Diatoms - The seedless vascular plants: Lycopodiophyta, Pteridophyte

Liverworts, mosses, and hornworts

What are the three bryophytes discussed in lecture? - Moss, ferns, and horsetails - Liverworts, mosses, and hornworts - Mosses, hornworts, and ferns - Club mosses, ferns, and horsetails


What characteristic do bryophytes and vascular plants share that distinguish them from charophycean green algae and that adapt them for existence on land?

Foot, seta, and capsule

At maturity, the sporophyte of most bryophytes consists of the: - Foot and seta only - Seta and capsule only - Capsule and calyptra only - Foot, seta, and capsule

Green algae and vascular plants

Bryophytes are a group of organisms at the transition between: - Brown algae and green algae - Fungi and plants - Green algae and vascular plants - Nonvascular and vascular plants


1. In the following Eukaryotic Tree of Life, map the pigments of photosynthetic organisms as well as the number of chloroplast membranes onto this tree. 2. If there was only one endosymbiosis event that lead to the creation of chloroplasts, where in the tree use this have taken place? Draw this place on the tree. 3. Map the secondary acquisition of chloroplasts (second endosymbiosis) onto this tree. 4. If there was only one endosymbiotic event before the green and red algal lineages diverged from their common ancestor, what must've been true (regarding pigment content) of their common ancestor?

Sorus; Leptosporangiate Ferns

A ______________ is a cluster of sporangia (the site of spore formation), found in the ____________________, a group of seedless vascular plants. - Strobili; Leptosporangiate Ferns - Strobili; Lycopodiophyta - Sori; Lycopodiophyta - Sorus; Leptosporangiate Ferns

A threadlike structure that extends from the cell along with 2 flagella of equal length

A haptonema is: - A differentiated region of the chloroplast that is the center of starch formation - A type of starch - An organelle that removes excess water from the body - A threadlike structure that extends from the cell along with 2 flagella of equal length


A major difference between the spore walls of bryophytes and charophytes is that the bryophyte spore walls contain: - Lignin - Sporopollenin - Cellulose - Stomata

A seta, capsule, and a foot

A moss sporophyte consists of: - A seta, capsule, and a foot - A foot, head, and branches - A capsule, foot, and branches - A seta, stalk, and sporophytes

A differentiated region of the chloroplast that is the center of starch formation

A pyrenoid is: - A differentiated region of the chloroplast that is the center of starch formation - A type of starch - An organelle that removes excess water from the body - A threadlike structure that extends from the cell along with 2 flagella of equal length

Extension of the petiole, where the pinnae are attached

A rachis is a(n): - Type of pinna - Type of rhizome - Extension of the petiole, where the pinnae are attached - Folded portion of a fround, or fiddle-head


A theca is found in members of the phylum: - Euglenophyta - Rhodophyta - Haptophyta - Dinophyta

They are found in the cell wall of members of the phylum Rhodophyta

Agar and carageenan are polysaccharide microfibrils, found in which inner cellular component of which phylum of algae? - They are found in the cell wall of members of the phylum Chlorophyta - They are found in the cell wall of members of the phylum Rhodophyta - They are found in the cytoplasm of members of the phylum Rhodophyta - They are found in the cytoplasm of members of the phylum Glaucophyta


As much as ____ percent of the primary production on Earth is due to marine planktonic diatoms. - 5 - 10 - 25 - 50

The creation of an embryophyte within the matrotrophic archegonium

Bryophytes, vascular seedless plants, and vascular seeded plants all share several commonalities. Which of these is true among the three? - A haploid (n) sporophyte - Pollen and spores are highly degradable, known as sporophytes - Single-cellular embryo - The creation of an embryophyte within the matrotrophic archegonium


By means of a simple, labeled diagram, outline a generalized life cycle of a bryophyte. Explain why it is referred to as an alternation of heteromorphic generations.


Define the term phytoplankton. Which phyla discussed in lecture contain individuals that are members of the phytoplankton?

A multicellular, matrotrophic embryo

Embryophytes are characterized by having: - Few mitotic divisions between fertilization and meiosis - A multicellular embryo tha has stomata - A multicellular, matrotrophic embryo - A dominant gametophyte generation


From which group of algae do we harvest agar? - Oomycota - Dinophyta - Rhodophyta - Phaeophyta

Their tissues are impregnated with silica

From which trait below do Scouring-Rushes get their abrasive character? - Their leaves are reduced to small scales, arranged in nodal whorls - They have an extensive underground rhizome from which aerial shoots arise - They do most of their photosynthesis in the stem - Their tissues are impregnated with silica

Asexual reproduction

Gemmae are multicellular structures involved in: - Protecting the young embryo - Anchoring the plant to soil - Water and nutrient conduction - Asexual reproduction


Give evidence to support the hypothesis that the Charales are the closest living relatives of the first plants.

Include unicellular and colonial forms

Green algae differ from plants in that green algae: - Store carbohydrates as starch - Include unicellular and colonial forms - Store their food reserves inside plastids - Do not have cellulose-containing cell walls

Produce two kinds of spores

Heterosporous plants: - Produce two kinds of spores - Can produce bisexual gametophytes - Are evolutionarily more advanced than heterosporous plants - Produce antheridia but not archegonia

Can produce bisexual gametophytes

Homosporous plants: - Produce two kinds of spores - Can produce bisexual gametophytes - Are evolutionarily more advanced than heterosporous plants - Produce antheridia but not archegonia


In bryophytes, fertilization takes place in the: - Capsule - Seta - Antheridium - Archegonium

Supports the plasma membrane

In euglenoids, the pellicle: - Senses light - Collects excess water - Discharges excess water - Supports the plasma membrane


Is a cryptomonad one organism or two? Explain your answer.

Blade, holdfast, and stipe

Large kelps are differentiated into three regions: - Filament, gametangia, and sporangia - Blade, holdfast, and stipe - Gametophyte, sporophyte, and gametes - Blade, holdfast, and meristem

Nourishment of the zygote by the archegonium

Matrotrophy refers to the: - Attraction of sperm by the egg - Nourishment of the zygote by the archegonium - Transport of sugars through the placenta - Division of the zygote within the venter

All of the above

Members of the Dinoflagellates as a group are mixotrophic. This means that they can gain their nutrients through: - Ingesting solid food - Absorbing dissolved organic compounds - Photosynthesis - All of the above

In the Bryophytes, the sporophyte is dependent upon the gametophyte

One major difference between the bryophytes and vascular plants is: - In the Bryophytes, the sporophyte is dependent upon the gametophyte - The Bryophytes have a multicellular embryo - The Bryophytes have a single-celled embryo

Roots and leaves

Psilotum is unique among living vascular plants in that it lacks: - Spores - Sperm - Multicellular gametophytes - Roots and leaves


Seedless vascular plants contain all of the following EXCEPT: - Club mosses - Horsetails - Whisk ferns - Sphagnum


The carbohydrate reserve in diatoms is: - Floridean starch - Chrysolaminarin - Glycogen - Amylopectin


The cell walls of diatoms are composed of: - Silica - Cellulose - Peptidoglycan - Calcium carbonate


The combination of chlorophylls a and c and fucoxanthin gives some members of this phylum a characteristic golden color: - Bacillariophyta - Oomycta - Phaeophyta - Chrysophyta


The diatoms may be characterized as "the algae that live in glass houses". Explain.


The following is a list of ingredients for Jello's instant flan. Which of these ingredients came from Rhodophyta (red algae)? --sugar, high fructose corn syrup, carrageenan, caramel color, locust bean gum, polysorbate 60, artificial flavor, yellow 5, salt, yellow 6, natural flavor-- - Yellow 5 - Locust bean gum - Carrageenan - Salt


The food reserve in the Chrysophytes is: - Floridean starch - Chrysolaminarin - Laminarin - Glycogen


The food reserve in the brown algae is: - Floridean starch - Chrysolaminarin - Laminarin - Glycogen

Floridean starch

The main food reserve in the red algae is: - Floridean starch - Chrysolaminarin - Laminarin - Glycogen

Dermal, vascular, and ground

The main tissue systems of the vascular plant are the ___________________________________ systems. - Root and shoot - Root, shoot, and reproductive - Root, stem, and leaf - Dermal, vascular, and ground

The Doctrine of Signatures

The plants commonly referred to as "Lungworts" were once thought to help aid in the treatment of pulmonary (lung) disease. To which branch of philosophy can this idea be attributed? - The Doctrine of Signatures - Metaphysics - The Pythagorean Theorem - None of the above


The sporangia of Lycopodiophyta may be densely grouped into structures known as: - Strobili - Archegoniophore - Antheridiophore - Microphyll


The storage polysaccharide in Oomycota is: - Starch - Lipid - Glycogen - Paramylon


The storage polysaccharide in euglenoids is: - Starch - Lipid - Glycogen - Paramylon

The Liverworts, the Hornworts, and the Mosses

The three major lineages of bryophytes are commonly called: - The Liverworts, the Hogwarts, and Moses - The Liverworts, the Hornworts, and the Mosses - The Hornworts, Hogwarts, and Hooligans - The Hornworts, the Horsetails, and the Ferns

Small membrane bound cavities under the cell surface

What are alveoli? - Large membrane bound cavities under the cell surface - Small membrane bound cavities under the cell surface - Both A and B - None of the above

Almost all are unicellular, store their food reserves as paramylon in the cytoplasm, most contain a pellicle, and most are not photosynthetic

Which of the following characteristics describe members of the Phylum Euglenophyta (Euglenoids)? - Single-celled, marine, their chloroplast contain 4 membranes, and they store their starch in a pyrenoid - Unicellular, about half are photosynthetic, found in both marine and freshwater, and have two flagella that beat in grooves on their body - Almost all are unicellular, store their food reserves as paramylon in the cytoplasm, most contain a pellicle, and most are not photosynthetic - Heterotrophic plankton

Dominant gametophytes

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic shared by bryophytes and vascular plants? - Multicellular embryos - A Coleochaete-like ancestor - A monophyletic lineage - Dominant gametophytes

Green Algae

Which of the following is NOT a group of heterokonts? - Brown algae - Diatoms - Green algae - Oomycetes


Which of the following is a flagellated cell in bryophytes? - Zoospore - Egg - Sperm - Gemmae

Sphagnum moss from peat bogs

Which of the following is a true moss? - Club moss - Sphagnum moss from peat bogs - Spanish moss from southeastern U.S. swamps - None of the above

A and B only

Which of the following is/are traits shared by all bryophytes? - Presence of archegonium and antheridium - Diploid sporophyte - Unicellular sporangia - A and B only

They contain xylem and phloem

Which of the following statements about bryophytes is FALSE? - They contain xylem and phloem - The gametophyte is usually larger than the sporophyte - They exhibit alternating heteromorphic generations - The sporophyte is usually nutritionally dependent on the gametophyte

Some are photosynthetic and use a peduncle to facilitate light absorption

Which of the following statements about dinoflagellate nutrition is FALSE? - Some are non photosynthetic and instead ingest solid food particles - Some are photosynthetic and also absorb dissolved organic compounds - Some are non photosynthetic and instead absorb dissolved organic compounds - Some are photosynthetic and use a peduncle to facilitate light absorption

Most have a cell wall

Which of the following statements about euglenoids is FALSE? - All are flagellates - Some are heterotrophic - Some are autotrophic - Most have a cell wall

An example is the periderm

Which of the following statements about lateral meristems is FALSE? - Their activity leads to the thickening of the stem and root - Their activity leads to secondary growth - An example is the periderm - An example is the vascular cambium

They reproduce via non-flagellated zoospores

Which of the following statements about oomycetes is FALSE? - They have cell walls of cellulose or cellulose-like polymers - They reproduce via non-flagellated zoospores - Their filaments resemble hyphae - Sexual reproduction is oogamous

It leads primarily to the thickening of the plant body

Which of the following statements about primary growth is FALSE? - It occurs close to the tips of the stems and roots - It is initiated by the apical meristems - It primarily leads to the thickening of the plant body - It gives rise to primary tissues

The gametophyte is structurally more complex than the sporophyte

Which of the following statements about reproduction in vascular plants is FALSE? - The eggs are nonmotile - The gametophyte is structurally more complex than the sporophyte - The sporophyte is the dominant phase of the life cycle - There is an alternation of heteromorphic generations

It is initiated by the apical meristems

Which of the following statements about secondary growth is FALSE? - It is initiated by the vascular and cork cambiums - It is initiated by the apical meristems - It primarily leads to the thickening of the plant body - It results in the formation of the periderm

Their classification is based on their food storage molecule

Which of the following statements about the phylum Phaeophyta is FALSE? - They are almost entirely marine - They dominate rocky shores in cooler regions - Some are rockweeds and kelps - Their classification is based on their food storage molecule


Which one of the following protist groups contains only heterotrophic members? - Oomycota - Dinophyta - Rhodophyta - Phaeophyta


Which xylem cell is found in nearly all vascular plants? - Homospore - Periderm - Vessel elements - Tracheids

The Cryptophyta and/or Haptophyta

While examining a protist you notice a four layer membrane around the chloroplast. To which group does this protist belong? - The Cryptophyta and/or Haptophyta - The Euglenophyta - The Dinophyta - The Heterokonts

Because they have motile sperm and lack a cuticle

Why do you think members of the bryophytes are found in moist, shaded habitats? - Because they are ancestral to vascular seed plants - Because they are members of an ancient plant group - Because they have motile sperm and lack a cuticle - All of the above

The Haptophytes

You are given an image of a protist. You see the organism possesses a haptonema, a thread-like organelle that is equal in length to the flagella. From this you decide that this protist belongs to which group of protists? - The Cryptomonads - The Haptophytes - The Heterokonts - The Dinoflagellates

A contractile vacuole; removing excess water from the cell

You are observing a Euglena sp. cell under a microscope. You notice that there is a part of the cell that is contracting. What is this part of the cell and what is its function? - The mitochondrion; performing cellular respiration - A contractile vacuole; removing excess water from the cell - The nucleus; entering the first stage of meiosis - A contractile vacuole; pumping water into the cell

In the vascular tissue system which is embedded in the ground tissue system

You have decided to look for the conductive tissue xylem of a seedless vascular plant. In which tissue system would you look in order to find it under a microscope? - In the dermal tissue system throughout the plant - In the vascular tissue system throughout the plant - In the dermal tissue system which is embedded in the ground tissue system - In the vascular tissue system which is embedded in the ground tissue system

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