Trends 1stQuarter
Cultural basis
characteristic of a trend. rooted on the people's cultural traditions, beliefs and values
transitory increase or decrease
characteristic of a trend. shows transitory increase/decrease of a particular event or phenomenon
a characteristic of a trend. accepted by many industries and people
duration of time
a characteristic of a trend. the lifespan of products or ideas that become trends does not dissapear quickly
a pattern of gradual change in a condition, output or process
advocate localization as opposed to globalization in regards to people;
arent trends but without this trends cannot exist
basic elements of a trend
basic needs, drivers of change, innovations
entail a major reconstructing larger pattern of broad trends
Basic needs
forces that have been shaping human behavior for years think status,, community,, fairness and morr
is attempting to see the future in the present by rehn and lindkvist
Drivers of change
no trends without change
TRend analysis
widespread practice of collecting info and attempting to spot a pattern