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Jack Goldstein 101 Amazing Facts about Pirates |Jack Goldstein<br>|101 Amazing Facts about Pirates<br>They wore a patch before and during a raid on another ship so they always had one {{c1::eye adjusted to the darkness. }}This allowed them to fight more effectively on the dark lower decks, and thus raised their chances of success


|Jack Goldstein<br>|101 Amazing Facts about Pirates<br>A person who brought bad luck to a pirate ship was known as a {{c1::Jonah}}. If someone was accused of being a Jonah they were often thrown overboard! However, if the bad luck continued, the crew would then turn on the original accuser, throwing him overboard to appease the ghost of wrongly accused


john a MacDonald and abs

""" Ridiculous. John A. himself informed Parliament that it would be Canada's goal ""to do away with the tribal system and assimilate the Indian people in all respects with the inhabitants of the Dominion.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, macleans newerish.html)"

"These are clauses directly connected to the latter developments of habeus corpus (""you have the body"

""")--the demand that the authorities must show cause for imprisoning anyone--and the right to a jury of one's peers.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, macleasndec15 (1).html)"

magna carts basic power

"""But in the course of doing so, it set down for the first time overarching principles, the most important being that the king too is bound by the law."" That's why Magna Carta was celebrated at the time, Carpenter adds, and why, with its 800th anniversary set for next year, ""it remains revered<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, macleasndec15 (1).html)"

"Truman developed in the Great War. Loyalty to common soldiers played a key role in what will forever be his most contentious act, the atomic bombs&lt;br&gt;dropped on Japan. Truman believed that he was ""saving the lives of 250,000 boys from the United States,"" as he wrote his sister The man whose desk&lt;br&gt;sported a sign reading[...] knew what would unfold; he suffered from severe headaches in the days before and after making his&lt;br&gt;decision, but he still made it."

"""The buck stops here"""

"Truman developed in the Great War. Loyalty to common soldiers played a key role in what will forever be his most contentious act, the atomic bombs&lt;br&gt;dropped on Japan. Truman believed that he was[...],"" as he wrote his sister The man whose desk&lt;br&gt;sported a sign reading ""The buck stops here"" knew what would unfold; he suffered from severe headaches in the days before and after making his&lt;br&gt;decision, but he still made it."

"""saving the lives of 250,000 boys from the United States"

Eugene Alexander de Kock (born 29 January 1949) is a

"&nbsp;former South African police colonel and assassin, active under the apartheid government. Nicknamed ""Prime Evil""[1][2][3] by the press, de Kock was the commanding officer of C1, a counter-insurgency unit of the South African Police that kidnapped, tortured, and murdered numerous anti-apartheid activists from the 1980s to the early-90s. C1's victims included members of the African National Congress."

The country (montengro) got its name

"(literally, ""black mountain"") from the dark, mountain forests that cover the land."

chap·let (chplt)&lt;br&gt;n.&lt;br&gt;

"1. A wreath or garland for the head.&lt;br&gt;2. Roman Catholic Church&lt;br&gt;a. A rosary having beads for five decades of Hail Marys.&lt;br&gt;b. The prayers counted on such a rosary.&lt;br&gt;3. A string of beads.&lt;br&gt;4. Architecture A small molding carved to resemble a string of beads.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;img src=""chaplet.jpg""&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;img src=""chaplet 2.jpg""&gt;"

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cursor: default; background-color: transparent;"">Greek</span>&nbsp;<span id=""hotword"" name=""hotword"" style=""position: static;"">tragedy)</span>&nbsp;<span id=""hotword"" name=""hotword"" style=""position: static;"">the</span>&nbsp;<span id=""hotword"" name=""hotword"" style=""position: static;"">critical</span>&nbsp;<span id=""hotword"" name=""hotword"" style=""position: static;"">moment</span>&nbsp;<span id=""hotword"" name=""hotword"" style=""position: static;"">of</span>&nbsp;<span id=""hotword"" name=""hotword"" style=""position: static;"">recognition</span>&nbsp;<span id=""hotword"" name=""hotword"" style=""position: static;"">or</span>&nbsp;<span id=""hotword"" name=""hotword"" style=""position: static;"">discovery,</span>&nbsp;<span id=""hotword"" name=""hotword"" style=""position: static;"">especially</span>&nbsp;<span id=""hotword"" name=""hotword"" style=""position: static;"">preceding</span>&nbsp;<span id=""hotword"" name=""hotword"" style=""position: static;"">peripeteia.</span></span></div></div></div></div><div class=""see_box"" style=""font-family: verdana; font-size: small; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); border: 1px solid rgb(228, 228, 228); position: relative; top: 0px; line-height: normal;""><div class=""see"" style=""margin: 0px; padding: 4px 0px 6px 14px;""><a class=""s_link"" href="""" style=""color: rgb(0, 85, 187); text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial; font-size: 13px; margin-right: 3px;"">Definition of ana</a></div></div>"


"<div>Androphilia and gynephilia</div><div>en.wikipedia.orgView OriginalNovember 18th, 2014</div><div>Androphilia and gynephilia (or gynecophilia) are terms used in behavioral science to describe sexual orientation, as an alternative to a homosexual and heterosexual conceptualization.</div><div><br /></div><div>Androphilia or androsexuality describes sexual attraction to men or masculinity, and gynephilia or gynesexuality describes sexual attraction to women or femininity.[1]</div><div><br /></div><div>The terms are used for identifying a person's object of attraction without attributing a sex assignment or gender identity to the person. This can avoid confusion and offense when describing people in non-western cultures, as well as when describing intersex and transgender people.</div><div><br /></div><div>Historical usage</div><div><br /></div><div>Androphilia</div><div>In a discussion of homosexuality, sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld divided men into four groups: pedophiles, who are most attracted to prepubescent youth, ephebophiles, who are most attracted to youths from puberty up to the early twenties; androphiles, who are most attracted to persons between the early twenties and fifty; and gerontophiles, who are most attracted to older men, up to senile old age.[2][3] According to Karen Franklin, Hirschfeld considered ephebophilia ""common and nonpathological, with ephebophiles and androphiles each making up about 45% of the homosexual population." [4]</div><div><br /></div><div>In his book Androphilia, A Manifesto: Rejecting the Gay Identity, Reclaiming Masculinity, Jack Malebranche uses the term to emphasize masculinity in both the object and the subject of male homosexual desire and to reject the sexual nonconformity that he sees in some segments of the homosexual identity.[5][6]</div><div><br /></div><div>The term androsexuality is occasionally used as a synonym for androphilia.[7]</div><div><br /></div><div>Alternate uses in biology and medicine</div><div>In biology, androphilic is sometimes used as a synonym for anthropophilic, describing parasites who have a host preference for humans versus non-human animals. [8]Androphilic is also sometimes used to describe certain proteins and androgen receptors.[9]</div><div><br /></div><div>Gynecophilia</div><div>The word appeared in ancient Greek. In Idyll 8, line 60, Theocritus uses γυναικοφίλιας as a euphemistic adjective to describe Zeus' lust for women.[10][11][12]</div><div><br /></div><div>Sigmund Freud used the term gynecophilic to describe his case study Dora.[13] He also used the term in correspondence.[14][15] The variant spelling gynophilia is also sometimes used.[16]</div><div><br /></div><div>Rarely, the term gynesexuality has also been used as a synonym. Psychologist Nancy Chodorow proposed that the preoedipal moment of psychological and libidinal focus on the mother, which both boys and girls experience, should be called gynesexuality or matrisexuality for its exclusive focus on the mother.[17]</div><div><br /></div><div>Sexual interest in adults</div><div><br /></div><div>Following Hirschfeld, androphilia and gynephilia are sometimes used in taxonomies which specify sexual interests based on age ranges, which John Money called chronophilia. In such schemes, sexual attraction to adults is called teleiophilia[18] or adultophilia.[19] In this context, androphilia and gynephilia are gendered variants meaning ""attraction to adult males"" and ""attraction to adult females,"" respectively. Psychologist Dennis Howitt writes:</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Definition is primarily an issue of theory, not merely classification, since classification implies a theory, no matter how rudimentary. Freund et al. (1984) used Latinesque words to classify sexual attraction along the dimensions of sex and age:</div><div><br /></div><div>Gynephilia. Sexual interest in physically adult women</div><div><br /></div><div>Androphilia. Sexual interest in physically adult males [20]</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Androphilia and gynephilia scales</div><div><br /></div><div>The 9-item Gynephilia Scale was created to measure erotic interest in physically mature females, and the 13-item Androphilia Scale was created to measure erotic interest in physically mature males. The scales were developed by Kurt Freund and Betty Steiner in 1982.[21] They were later modified by Ray Blanchard in 1985, as the Modified Androphilia-Gynephilia Index (MAGI).[22]</div><div><br /></div><div>Gender identity and expression</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Diagram showing relationships of sex</div><div>Photo by: X axis</div><div>Magnus Hirschfeld distinguished between gynephilic, bisexual, androphilic, asexual, and narcissistic or automonosexual gender-variant persons.[23] Since then, some psychologists have proposed using homosexual transsexual and heterosexual transsexual or non-homosexual transsexual. Psychobiologist James D. Weinrich has described this split among psychologists: ""The mf transsexuals who are attracted to men (whom some call 'homosexual' and others call 'androphilic') are in the lower left-hand corner of the XY table, in order to line them up with the ordinary homosexual (androphilic) men in the lower right. Finally, there are the mf transsexuals who are attracted to women (whom some call heterosexual and others call gynephilic or lesbian.""[24]</div><div><br /></div><div>The use of homosexual transsexual and related terms have been applied to transgender people since the middle of the 20th century, though concerns about the terms have been voiced since then. Harry Benjamin said in 1966:</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div> seems evident that the question ""Is the transsexual homosexual?"" must be answered ""yes"" and "" no."" ""Yes,"" if his anatomy is considered; ""no"" if his psyche is given preference. What would be the situation after corrective surgery has been performed and the sex anatomy now resembles that of a woman? Is the ""new woman"" still a homosexual man? ""Yes,"" if pedantry and technicalities prevail. ""No"" if reason and common sense are applied and if the respective patient is treated as an individual and not as a rubber stamp.[25]</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Many sources, including some supporters of the typology, criticize this choice of wording as confusing and degrading. Biologist Bruce Bagemihl writes ""..the point of reference for ""heterosexual"" or ""homosexual"" orientation in this nomenclature is solely the individual's genetic sex prior to reassignment (see for example, Blanchard et al. 1987[24], Coleman and Bockting, 1988[25], Blanchard, 1989[26]). These labels thereby ignore the individual's personal sense of gender identity taking precedence over biological sex, rather than the other way around.""[26] Bagemihl goes on to take issue with the way this terminology makes it easy to claim transsexuals are really homosexual males seeking to escape from stigma.[26] Leavitt and Berger stated in 1990 that ""The homosexual transsexual label is both confusing and controversial among males seeking sex reassignment.[27][28] Critics argue that the term ""homosexual transsexual"" is ""heterosexist"",[26] ""archaic"",[29] and demeaning because it labels people by sex assigned at birth instead of their gender identity.[30] Benjamin, Leavitt, and Berger have all used the term in their own work.[25][27] Sexologist John Bancroft also recently expressed regret for having used this terminology, which was standard when he used it, to refer to transsexual women.[31] He says that he now tries to choose his words more sensitively.[31][31] Sexologist Charles Allen Moser is likewise critical of the terminology.[32]</div><div><br /></div><div>Use of androphilia and gynephilia was proposed and popularized by psychologist Ron Langevin in the 1980s.[33] Psychologist Stephen T. Wegener writes, ""Langevin makes several concrete suggestions regarding the language used to describe sexual anomalies. For example, he proposes the terms gynephilic and androphilic to indicate the type of partner preferred regardless of an individual's gender identity or dress. Those who are writing and researching in this area would do well to adopt his clear and concise vocabulary.""[34]</div><div><br /></div><div>Psychiatrist Anil Aggrawal explains why the terms are useful in a glossary:</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Androphilia - The romantic and/or sexual attraction to adult males. The term, along with gynephilia, is needed to overcome immense difficulties in characterizing the sexual orientation of transmen and transwomen. For instance, it is difficult to decide whether a transman erotically attracted to males is a heterosexual female or a homosexual male; or a transwoman erotically attracted to females is a heterosexual male or a lesbian female. Any attempt to classify them may not only cause confusion but arouse offense among the affected subjects. In such cases, while defining sexual attraction, it is best to focus on the object of their attraction rather than on the sex or gender of the subject.[35]</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Sexologist Milton Diamond, who prefers the correctly-formed term gynecophilia, writes, ""The terms heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual are better used as adjectives, not nouns, and are better applied to behaviors, not people. Diamond has encouraged using the terms androphilic, gynecophilic, and ambiphilic to describe the sexual-erotic partners one prefers (andro = male, gyneco - female, ambi = both, philic = to love). Such terms obviate the need to specify the subject and focus instead on the desired partner. This usage is particularly advantageous when discussing the partners of transsexual or intersexed individuals. These newer terms also do not carry the social weight of the former ones.""[36]</div><div><br /></div><div>Psychologist Rachel Ann Heath writes, ""The terms homosexual and heterosexual are awkward, especially when the former is used with, or instead of, gay and lesbian. Alternatively, I use gynephilic and androphilic to refer to sexual preference for women and men, respectively. Gynephilic and androphilic derive from the Greek meaning love of a woman and love of a man respectively. So a gynephilic man is a man who likes women, that is, a heterosexual man, whereas an androphilic man is a man who likes men, that is, a gay man. For completeness, a lesbian is a gynephilic woman, a woman who likes other women. Gynephilic transsexed woman refers to a woman of transsexual background whose sexual preference is for women. Unless homosexual and heterosexual are more readily understood terms in a given context, this more precise terminology will be used throughout the book. Since homosexual, gay, and lesbian are often associated with bigotry and exclusion in many societies, the emphasis on sexual affiliation is both appropriate and socially just.""[37] Author Helen Boyd agrees, writing, ""It would be much more accurate to define sexual orientation as either "androphilic" (loving men) and "gynephilic" (loving women) instead.""[38] Sociomedical scientist Rebecca Jordan-Young challenges researchers like Simon LeVay, J. Michael Bailey, and Martin Lalumiere, who she says ""have completely failed to appreciate the implications of alternative ways of framing sexual orientation.""[39]</div><div><br /></div><div>Gender in non-Western cultures</div><div>Some researchers advocate use of the terminology to avoid bias inherent in Western conceptualizations of human sexuality. Writing about the Samoan fa'afafine demographic, sociologist Johanna Schmidt writes:</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Kris Poasa, Ray Blanchard and Kenneth Zucker (2004) also present an argument that suggests that fa'afafine fall under the rubric of 'transgenderal homosexuality', applying the same birth order equation to fa'afafine's families as have been used with 'homosexual transsexuals'. While no explicit causal relationship is offered, Poasa, Blanchard, and Zucker's use of the term 'homosexual transsexual' to refer to male-to-female transsexuals who are sexually oriented towards men draws an apparent link between sexual orientation and gender identity. This link is reinforced by mention of the fact that similar birth order equations have been found for 'homosexual men'. The possibility of sexual orientation towards (masculine) men emerging from (rather than causing) feminine gendered identities is not considered.[1]</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Schmidt argues that in cultures where a third gender is recognized, a term like ""homosexual transsexual"" does not align with cultural categories.[40] She cites the work of Paul Vasey and Nancy Bartlett: ""Vasey and Bartlett reveal the cultural specificity of concepts such as homosexuality, they continue to use the more 'scientific' (and thus presumably more 'objective') terminology of androphilia and gynephilia (sexual attraction to men or masculinity and women or femininity respectively) to understand the sexuality of fa'afafine and other Samoans.""[1] Researcher Sam Winter has presented a similar argument:</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Terms such as 'homosexual' and heterosexual (and 'gay' 'lesbian' bisexual etc) are Western conceptions. Many Asians are unfamiliar with them, there being no easy translation into their native languages or sexological worldviews. However, I take the opportunity to put on record that I consider an androphilic transwoman (ie one sexually attracted to men) to be heterosexual because of her attraction to a member of another gender and a gynephilic transwoman (ie one attracted to women) as homosexual because she has a same-gender preference). My usage is contrary to much Western literature (particularly medical) which persists in referring to androphilic transwomen and gynephilic transman as homosexual (indeed as homosexual transsexual males and females, respectively).[41]</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>See also</div><div><br /></div><div>Autoandrophilia</div><div>Autogynephilia</div><div>References</div><div><br /></div><div>^ a b c Schmidt J (2010). Migrating Genders: Westernisation, Migration, and Samoan Fa'afafine, p. 45 Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., ISBN 9781409402732</div><div>^ Sexual anomalies: the origins, nature and treatment of sexual disorders : a summary of the works of Magnus Hirschfeld M. D. Emerson Books, ASIN: B0007ILEF0</div><div>^ Wayne R. Dynes, Stephen Donaldson. Encyclopedia of homosexuality, Volume 1. Garland Pub., ISBN 9780824065447</div><div>^ Franklin K (2010). Hebephilia: quintessence of diagnostic pretextuality. Behavioral Sciences &amp; the Law Volume 28, Issue 6, pages 751-768, doi: 10.1002/bsl.934</div><div>^ Malebranche J (2007). Androphilia, A Manifesto: Rejecting the Gay Identity, Reclaiming Masculinity Scapegoat Publishing, ISBN 0976403587</div><div>^ Dynes, Wayne R. (ed.) (1990) Androphilia. Encyclopedia of Homosexuality, p. 58. St. James Press, ISBN 9781558621473</div><div>^ Tucker, Naomi (1995). Bisexual politics: theories, queries, and visions. Psychology Press, ISBN 9781560249504</div><div>^ Covell G, Russell PF, Hendrik N (1953). Malaria terminology: Report of a drafting committee appointed by the World Health Organization. World Health Organization</div><div>^ Calandra RS, Podestá EJ, Rivarola MA, Blaquier JA (1974). Tissue androgens and androphilic proteins in rat epididymis during sexual development Steroids, Volume 24, Issue 4, October 1974, Pages 507-518 doi:10.1016/0039-128X(74)90132-9</div><div>^ Cholmeley RJ (1901). The idylls of Theocritus. G. Bell &amp; sons, p. 98</div><div>^ Rummel, Erika (1996). Erasmus on women, p. 82 University of Toronto Press, ISBN 9780802078087</div><div>^ Brown GW (1979). Depression--a sociologist's view. Trends in Neurosciences Volume 2, 1979, Pages 253-256 doi:10.1016/0166-2236(79)90099-7</div><div>^ Kahane C (2004). Freud and the passions of the voice. In O'Neill J (2004). Freud and the Passions. Penn State Press, ISBN 9780271025643</div><div>^ Sigmund Freud to Sándor Ferenczi, March 25, 1908: ""I have often seen it so: a woman unsatisfied by a man naturally turns to a woman and tries to invest her long-suppressed gynecophilic component with libido.""</div><div>^ Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, March 23, 1900: ""A good-natured and fine person, at a deeper layer gynecophilic, attached to the mother.""</div><div>^ Money, John (1986). Venuses penuses: sexology, sexosophy, and exigency theory. Prometheus Books, ISBN 9780879753276</div><div>^ Chodorow, Nancy (1999). The reproduction of mothering: psychoanalysis and the sociology of gender. University of California Press, ISBN 9780520221550</div><div>^ Blanchard, R.; Barbaree, H. E.; Bogaert, A. F.; Dickey, R.; Klassen, P.; Kuban, M. E. et al.; Zucker, KJ (2000). ""Fraternal birth order and sexual orientation in paedophiles"". Archives of Sexual Behavior 29 (5): 463-478. doi:10.1023/A:1001943719964. PMID 10983250.</div><div>^ Jay R. Feierman: „Reply to Dickemann: The ethology of variant sexology", Human Nature, Springer New York, vol. 3, No 3, September 1992, pp. 279-297</div><div>^ Howitt D (1995). Introducing the paedophile. In Paedophiles and sexual offences against children. J. Wiley,</div><div>^ Freund, K., Steiner, B. W., and Chan, S. (1982). Two types of cross-gender identity. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 11: 49-63.</div><div>^ Blanchard, R. (1985). Typology of male-to-female transsexualism. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 14, 247-261.</div><div>^ Veale JF, Clarke DE (2008). Sexuality of male-to-female transsexuals. Archives of Sexual Behavior (citing Hirschfeld, 1922, as cited in Freund, 1985)</div><div>^ Weinrich JD (1987). Sexual landscapes: why we are what we are, why we love whom we love. Scribner's, ISBN 9780684187051</div><div>^ a b Benjamin H (1966). The Transsexual Phenomenon. The Julian Press ASIN: B0007HXA76 (via Internet Archive)</div><div>^ a b c Bagemihl B. Surrogate phonology and transsexual ******ry: A linguistic analogy for uncoupling sexual orientation from gender identity. In Queerly Phrased: Language, Gender, and Sexuality. Anna Livia, Kira Hall (eds.) pp. 380 ff. Oxford University Press ISBN 0195104714</div><div>^ a b Leavitt F, Berger JC (1990). Clinical patterns among male transsexual candidates with erotic interest in males. Archives of Sexual Behavior, full text Volume 19, Number 5 / October, 1990</div><div>^ Morgan AJ Jr (1978). Psychotherapy for transsexual candidates screened out of surgery. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 7: 273-282.|</div><div>^ Wahng SJ (2004). Double Cross: Transamasculinity Asian American Gendering in Trappings of Transhood. in Aldama AJ (ed.) Violence and the Body: Race, Gender, and the State. Indiana University Press. ISBN 025334171X</div><div>^ Leiblum SR, Rosen RC (2000). Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy, Third Edition. ISBN 1-57230-574-6,Guilford Press of New York, c2000.</div><div>^ a b c [|Bancroft, John] (2008). ""Lust or Identity?"". Archives of Sexual Behavior (Springer) 37 (3): 426-428. doi:10.1007/s10508-008-9317-1. PMID 18431640. Retrieved January 2009.</div><div>^ Moser, Charles (July 2010). ""Blanchard's Autogynephilia Theory: A Critique"". Journal of Homosexuality 57 (6): 790-809. doi:10.1080/00918369.2010.486241. PMID 20582803.</div><div>^ Langevin R (1982). Sexual Strands: Understanding and Treating Sexual Anomalies in Men. Routledge, ISBN 9780898592054</div><div>^ Wegener ST (1984). Male sexual anomalies: the data (review of Sexual Strands) APA Review of Books: Volume 29, Issues 7-12, p. 783. Edwin Garrigues Boring, American Psychological Association</div><div>^ Aggrawal, Anil (2008). Forensic and medico-legal aspects of sexual crimes and unusual sexual practices. CRC Press, ISBN 9781420043082</div><div>^ Diamond M (2010). Sexual orientation and gender identity. In Weiner IB, Craighead EW eds. The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology, Volume 4. p. 1578. John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 9780470170236</div><div>^ Heath RA (2006). The Praeger handbook of transsexuality: Changing gender to match mindset. Greenwood Publishing Group, ISBN 9780275991760</div><div>^ Boyd H (2007). She's not the man I married: My life with a transgender husband, p. 102. Seal Press, ISBN 9781580051934</div><div>^ Jordan-Young RM (2010). Brain storm: the flaws in the science of sex differences. Harvard University Press, ISBN 9780674057302</div><div>^ Schmidt J (2001). Redefining fa'afafine: Western discourses and the construction of transgenderism in Samoa. Intersections: Gender, history and culture in the Asian context</div><div>^ Winter S (2010). Lost in Transition: Transpeople, Transprejudice and Pathology in Asia. In Chan PCW (ed.) The Protection of Sexual Minorities Since Stonewall: Progress and Stalemate in Developed and Developing Countries. Routledge ISBN 978-0415418508</div>"

"<div class=""headword"" id=""headword"" style=""background-image: url(; background-color: rgb(232, 236, 245); margin: 0px 0px 20px; padding: 0px 60px 12px 11px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal; background-position: 0% 100%; background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;""><h2 style=""background-image: none; font-family: georgia, arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 22px; font-weight: normal; margin: 20px 0px 10px; padding: 0px 7px 0px 0px; display: inline;"">peri·pe·teia</h2><input type=""button"" class=""au"" title=""Listen to the pronunciation of peripeteia"" style=""background-image: url(; border: 0px; cursor: pointer; height: 17px; margin: 0px 10px 4px 4px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: bottom; width: 18px; background-position: 0% 0%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;"" />&nbsp;<span class=""main-fl""><em style=""color: rgb(113, 114, 116); font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;"">noun</em></span>&nbsp;<span class=""pr"" style=""display: inline; color: rgb(113, 114, 116); font-size: 12px; margin-left: 10px;"">\<span class=""unicode"" style=""font-family: 'lucida sans unicode'; font-size: 0.9em; background-image: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"">ˌ</span>per-ə-pə-<span class=""unicode"" style=""font-family: 'lucida sans unicode'; font-size: 0.9em; background-image: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"">ˈ</span>tē-ə, -<span class=""unicode"" style=""font-family: 'lucida sans unicode'; font-size: 0.9em; background-image: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"">ˈ</span>tī-\</span></div><div class=""d"" style=""font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; padding: 0px 18px 20px 10px; line-height: 20px;""><div class=""dictButtons"" style=""margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: right;""><div class=""citeBtn"" style=""margin: 0px 4px 0px 15px; padding: 0px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;""><div id=""EBwidget_container"" style=""display: inline; zoom: 1;""><div id=""EBwidget"" style=""position: relative; display: inline-block; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; line-height: 12px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica;""><div style=""position: relative; width: 49px; height: 20px;""><a id=""EBwidget_button"" style=""color: rgb(17, 34, 204); font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-variant: small-caps; position: absolute; display: block; background-image: url(; width: 49px; height: 20px; background-position: 0px 0px;""></a></div></div></div></div><div class=""gplusBtn"" style=""margin: 0px 4px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;""><div id=""___plusone_0"" style=""margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: transparent; border-style: none; float: none; line-height: normal; font-size: 1px; vertical-align: baseline; display: inline-block; width: 32px; height: 20px;""><iframe frameborder=""0"" hspace=""0"" marginheight=""0"" marginwidth=""0"" scrolling=""no"" tabindex=""0"" vspace=""0"" width=""100%"" id=""I0_1398396006837"" name=""I0_1398396006837"" src="";size=medium&amp;annotation=none&amp;origin=;url=;gsrc=3p&amp;ic=1&amp;jsh=m;/_/scs/apps-static/_/js/k=oz.gapi.en.CypdKspc4MA.O/m=__features__/am=AQ/rt=j/d=1/z=zcms/rs=AItRSTP6zyZlDǓ0CCAiwXT6u_NgH17u_w#_methods=onPlusOne,_ready,_close,_open,_resizeMe,_renderstart,oncircled,drefresh,erefresh,onload&amp;id=I0_1398396006837&amp;parent=;pfname=&amp;rpctoken=97886463"" data-gapiattached=""true"" title=""+1"" style=""position: static; top: 0px; width: 32px; margin: 0px; border-style: none; left: 0px; visibility: visible; height: 20px;""></iframe></div></div><div class=""facebookBtn"" style=""margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: 49px; height: 20px; overflow: hidden;""><fb:like href="""" send=""false"" layout=""button_count"" show_faces=""false"" width=""90"" font="""" class="" fb_iframe_widget"" fb-xfbml-state=""rendered"" fb-iframe-plugin-query=""app_id=178450008855735&amp;href=;layout=button_count&amp;locale=en_US&amp;sdk=joey&amp;send=false&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=90"" style=""display: inline-block; position: relative;""><span style=""display: inline-block; position: relative; text-align: justify; vertical-align: bottom; width: 76px; height: 20px;""><iframe name=""f2e9413d0"" width=""90px"" height=""1000px"" frameborder=""0"" allowtransparency=""true"" scrolling=""no"" title=""fb:like Facebook Social Plugin"" src="";channel=;href=;layout=button_count&amp;locale=en_US&amp;sdk=joey&amp;send=false&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=90"" class="""" style=""position: absolute; border-style: none; visibility: visible; width: 76px; height: 20px;""></iframe></span></fb:like></div></div><h2 class=""def-header"" style=""background-image: url(; color: rgb(195, 133, 122); font-size: 12px; margin: 20px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; background-position: 0% 50%; background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;""><br /></h2></div>"

"<h2 class=""def-header"" style=""font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 20px; background-image: url(; color: rgb(195, 133, 122); font-size: 12px; margin: 20px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; background-position: 0% 50%; background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;""><span style=""padding-right: 15px"">Definition of&nbsp;PERIPETEIA</span></h2><div class=""sense-block-one"" style=""font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px;""><div class=""scnt"" style=""margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 20px; padding: 0px;""><span class=""ssens""><strong>:</strong>&nbsp; a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances or situation especially in a literary work</span></div><div class=""scnt"" style=""margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 20px; padding: 0px;""><span class=""ssens""><br /></span></div><div class=""scnt"" style=""margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 20px; padding: 0px;""><span class=""ssens"">[sound:rec1398950653.mp3]</span></div></div>"

guy united mod italy&nbsp;

"<img src=""August_09__2014_at_0856PM 1.png"" />"

<div>shrift</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div>

"<span style="" font-style: normal; font-weight: normal;""><div>PRONUNCIATION:</div><div>(shrift)&nbsp;</div><div><br /></div><div>MEANING:</div><div>noun: Confession to a priest. Also, penance and absolution that follow confession.</div><div><br /></div><div>ETYMOLOGY:</div><div>From Old English scrift (confession, penance), from scrifan (to shrive: to impose penance). Ultimately from the Indo-European root skribh- (to cut, separate, or sift) that has resulted in other terms, such as manuscript, scribe, subscribe, scripture, scribble, and describe. Earliest documented use: 897.</div><div><br /></div><div>NOTES:</div><div>The term nowadays is mostly seen in the form ""to get short shrift"" meaning to receive little consideration or a curt treatment. Originally, short shrift was what condemned criminals received: brief time granted to them for confession and absolution before execution.</div><div><br /></div><div>USAGE:</div><div>""Their schools focus on religious learning: even basic subjects such as maths and English get short shrift.""</div><div>Talmud and Cheesecake; The Economist (London, UK); Jul 28, 2012.</div><div><br /></div><div>""Downey's midcareer comeback is also given fair shrift in this absorbing account of one man's amazing triumph over his voracious demons.""</div><div>Chris Keech; Robert Downey Jr.: The Fall and Rise of the Comeback Kid; The Booklist (Chicago); Dec 15, 2010.</div><div><br /></div><div>Explore ""shrift"" in the Visual Thesaurus.&nbsp;</div><div><br /></div><div>A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:</div><div>Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use. -Emily Post, author and columnist (1872-1960)&nbsp;</div><div><br /></div></span>"

<div>ANTEPAST</div><div><br /></div>

"<span style="" font-style: normal; font-weight: normal;""><div>[noun]</div><div>a foretaste; appetiser.</div><div>Etymology: Latin pāstus - food (originally past participle of pāscere - to feed), equivalent to pās- - feed + -tus past participle suffix).</div><div>[Pawel Kuczynski]</div></span>"


"A macron (/ˈmækrɒn, ˈmeɪ-/) is a diacritical mark, a straight bar ( ¯ ) placed above a letter, usually a vowel. Its name derives from the Greek makrón (μακρόν) meaning ""long"" and was originally used to mark long or heavy syllables in Greco-Roman metrics. It now more often marks a long vowel. In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the macron is used to indicate a mid-tone; the sign for a long vowel is instead a modified triangular colon"

"Mongols had,"" lands example"

"China and mongolia, persia and russia"""


"Dystheism (from Greek δυσ- dys-, ""bad"" and θεός theos, ""god""), is the belief that a god, goddess, or singular God is not wholly good as is commonly understood (such as the monotheistic religions of Christianity and Judaism), and is possibly evil."

Edward Herrmann

"Edward Herrmann, the Emmy-winning actor best known for playing Lorelai's dad on ""Gilmore Girls""&nbsp;"


"GDP stands for gross domestic product; per capita means<br>""per person."" The amount is the value of all goods and<br>services produced in a country in a year, divided by the<br>population. It often is used as a measure of a nation's<br>wealth.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, jrschoolcurrentevents.html)"


"Halvah is a Middle Eastern confection which is also widely made in the Balkans. A number of variants of halvah are made, but the primary recipe includes a seed, nut, or grain, ground with a sweetener such as honey or brown sugar, and flavored with additions of ingredients such as rose water, saffron, dried fruit, or nuts. Halvah is a popular sweet treat across the Middle East, and it often appears at banquets and ceremonial occasions.<div><br /></div><div><img src=""halva.jpg"" /></div>"

hime cut

"Hime cut (姫カット Hime katto?) (literally ""princess cut"" in Japanese) is a hairstyle consisting of straight, usually cheek-length sidelocks and frontal fringe"

French Protestants were termed



"Maltheism (from ""mal"" meaning bad, or illness, and theism, from... well, theism) is the idea that God is just out to get us and that he or she or it is malicious, like a kid who keeps removing the pool ladders in The Sims. A Maltheist, therefore, is someone who believes that a god or gods exist, and that they are evil, malicious, incompetent, or otherwise causing the suffering of humanity. In essence, Maltheism is the idea that God exists and is not worthy of worship"

penjing china

"Penjing (Chinese: 盆景; pinyin: pén jǐng; literally: ""tray scenery""), also known as penzai (Chinese: 盆栽; pinyin: pén zāi; literally: ""tray plant""), tray landscape, potted scenery, potted landscape, or miniature trees and rockery, is the ancient Chinese art of depicting artistically formed trees, other plants, and landscapes in miniature.<div><br></div><div>can use rocks, needs decades of patience.</div>"

As soon as the People's Republic of China was established in October 1949, Mao Zedong wanted to move as quickly&lt;br&gt;as possible to create agricultural collectives, He castigated his more cautious colleagues as behaving "like old&lt;br&gt;women with bound feet," and pushed the peasants into joining ever larger collectives. This culminated in 1958&lt;br&gt;with the formation of the [...]," huge, cumbersome agricultural cooperatives with tens of thousands&lt;br&gt;of members.

"People's Communes

&lt;br&gt;What is SMS?&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;

"SMS is ""Short Message Service""&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;SMS is ""Short Message Service""&lt;br&gt;"

Helen Gurley Brown, or H.G.B. as she's known in the Cosmo universe, is the patron saint of Cosmopolitan's sex-&lt;br&gt;centric brand of female empowerment. The author of the then-scandalous self-help book [...]

"Sex and the Single Girl"

Nicholas Alpert

"Sometimes called ""the father of canning,"" Nicolas Appert (1749-1841) was what the French call a confiseur, a confectioner, who in the first decade of the 19th century invented the modern art of preserving various types of food by bottling them and then immersing the sealed bottles in boiling water. His first happy customer was the French Navy.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, weeklystandard.html)"

A popular text, first published in the mid-fifteenth century, was Ars Moriendi , [...] which&lt;br&gt;taught that death was a thing to prepare for and look forward to.

"The Art of Dying Well,"

won ton

"[won ton] Show IPA&lt;br&gt;noun&lt;br&gt;1.&lt;br&gt;(in Chinese cooking) a dumpling filled with minced pork and spices, usually boiled in and served with soup but sometimes fried as a side dish.&lt;br&gt;2.&lt;br&gt;a soup containing won tons.&lt;br&gt;Also, won·ton.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;img src=""wonton 2.jpg""&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;img src=""wonton.jpg""&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;"

One theory proposed by British physicist Peter Higgs and teams in Belgium and the United States nearly a half-century ago is that a new particle must

"a new particle must be creating a ""sticky"" energy field that acts as a drag on other particles"

sea pig

"at deep ocean feed on bits found in herds<div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div><img src=""sea-pig-4.jpg"" /></div>"


"cohesion (n. lat. cohaerere ""stick or stay together"") or cohesive attraction or cohesive force is the action or property of molecules sticking together, being mutually attractive. It is an intrinsic property of a substance that is caused by the shape and structure of its molecules, which makes the distribution of orbiting electrons irregular when molecules get close to one another, creating electrical attraction that can m" science

Kurkure is a brand of

"corn puffs, developed and produced by Pepsico India, the Indian division of PepsiCo.[1] Named after the Hindi word for ""crunchy"", the snack was developed entirely in India. It was launched in 1999. The snack comes in numerous spicy flavours like Masala Munch, Green Chutney, Chilli Chatka and Tamatar Hydrabadi Style, Xtreme Electric Nimbu and Xtreme Risky Chilli."

a dumb pipe

"dumb pipe"" is when a carrier exists to simply transfer bits to and from the user, without the ability to add services and applications or serve as a ""smart"" gatekeeper between what the user sees and doesn't see."

Guanyin (in pinyin; previous transliterations Quan Yin, Kwan Yin, or Kuanyin[1]) is an East Asian goddess of&nbsp;

"mercy, and a bodhisattva associated with compassion as venerated by Mahayana Buddhists. The name Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, which means ""Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the World"". She is also sometimes referred to as Guanyin Pusa (simplified Chinese: 观音菩萨; traditional Chinese: 觀音菩薩; pinyin: Guānyīn Púsà; literally: ""Bodhisattva Guanyin"").[2] Some Buddhists believe that when one of their adherents departs from this world, they are placed by Guanyin in the heart of a lotus, and then sent to the western pure land of Sukhāvatī.[3]"

manuka [ˈmɑːnuːkə]&lt;br&gt;

"n&lt;br&gt;(Life Sciences &amp; Allied Applications / Plants) a New Zealand myrtaceous tree, Leptospermum scoparium, with strong elastic wood and aromatic leaves Also called tea tree&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;img src=""manuka tree .jpg""&gt;"

or·gan·dy also or·gan·die (ôrgn-d)&lt;br&gt;

"n. pl. or·gan·dies&lt;br&gt;A stiff transparent fabric of cotton or silk, used for trim, curtains, and light apparel.<div><br /></div><div><img src=""oragandy.jpeg"" /></div>"

"Knight Hospitallers,"""

"order of knights operated hospital for sick pilgrim in jerusaleum with muslim permission, changed named to"""

Moon month in the Chinese tradition is a period in which the[...] mother and the baby are confined to the house. I&lt;br&gt;mean, really, really confined. No going outside at all, no stairs, no open windows, no air conditioning in the&lt;br&gt;summer, and - most unsettling of all to many women - no showers or baths. Women are mainly to stay in bed, and&lt;br&gt;even when they breastfeed, are supposed to lie on their sides instead of holding the baby.



&nbsp;&nbsp;<div>January 25&nbsp;</div><div>constellate audio pron \KAHN-stuh-layt\ &nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp; &nbsp;</div><div>Share the Word of the Day&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;Facebook share feature Twitter share feature Digg share feature share feature E-mail this Word of the Day to a friend&nbsp;</div><div>dots&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>Definition&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>verb&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>1 :&nbsp;</div><div>to unite in a cluster&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>2 :&nbsp;</div><div>to set or adorn with or as if with constellation</div>

Capillary action

&nbsp;(sometimes capillarity, capillary motion, or wicking) is the ability of a liquid to flow in narrow spaces without the assistance of, and in opposition to, external forces like gravity


&nbsp;The-------- are cousins of Italian gondolas: long slender, two-seated wooden boats, used to taxi tourists through the lake. Gulzar offers rides to visitors through the tranquil setting. Because of political problems, however, the industry suffers, so their opportunities suffer.&nbsp;

Jivamukti Yoga is a

&nbsp;branded, proprietary yoga method. The trade name and trademark Jivamukti is owned by Jivamukti, Inc., a for-profit corporation based in Shady, New York, U.S., and has been continuously used in connection with the corporation's business since 1984

Amsterdam (English / ˈ æ m s t ər d æ m / or Dutch: [ˌʔɑmstərˈdɑm]) is the

&nbsp;capital city and most populous city of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

knights Malta,formely

&nbsp;knight hospitallers were given island of malta by holy roman emperor

Nuclear Fushion Benefits-

&nbsp;little radioactivity, output is green, can use green infrastructure.

What is known as--------------- on the border of Russia and the independent state of Mongolia is an autonomous region belonging to the People's Republic of China.

'Inner Mongolia'

The autonomic nervous system

(ANS or visceral nervous system or involuntary nervous system) is the part of the peripheral nervous system that acts as a control system functioning largely below the level of consciousness, and controls visceral functions.[1] The ANS affects heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, salivation, perspiration, pupillary dilation, micturition (urination), and sexual arousal. Most autonomous functions are involuntary but a number of ANS actions can work alongside some degree of conscious control. Everyday examples include breathing, swallowing, and sexual arousal, and in some cases functions such as heart rate.

Among those desperate to make sense of this fatal discrepancy was the young[...], appointed&lt;br&gt;assistant at the Vienna obstetric clinic in 1846. Appalled by the senseless waste of life and the seeming&lt;br&gt;disinterest of the medical professionals around him, Semmelweis ultimately realized that the women in the&lt;br&gt;maternity ward were being infected by what he called "cadaverous particles," still clinging to the hands of the&lt;br&gt;doctors fresh from dissection (the midwives at the second clinic did not do dissections, and did not come into&lt;br&gt;regular contact with cadavers). Instituting a regime of hand washing with chlorinated water, Semmelweis lowered&lt;br&gt;the mortality rate at the first clinic to levels equal to the second clinic almost overnight.

(Ignaz Semmelweis hand washing guy)

In addition, there is also the God of Literature daoist

(Wenchang), originally a Sichuan hero who <br>became known for his efficacious support of struggling scholars. He, too, was officially ap-<br>pointed by Lord Lao and rose to occupy a position in the expanded Daoist pantheon

He made a comeback in 1815,however,but was defeated again in the Battle ofWaterloo

(in Belgium) and was exiled for good

adhesion sci

(physics, chemistry) The force of attraction between unlike molecules, or the attraction between the surfaces of contacting bodies.

I loved the TV show The Six-Million Dolla r man growing up. For me, Steve Austin [...] wasn't&lt;br&gt;less cool because he had bionic implants

(played by Lee Majors)

Ayn Rand believes that---- is destructive to happiness, but there's a philosopher who believes that morality is sufficient for happiness.

(traditional) morality

Share: Badass {{c1::Caligula}} tried to appoint his horse as consul once. It didn't work out so well. Consul is just one of those jobs that require opposable thumbs.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, Badass


{{c1:William Penn}}, his two wives and many children lie in the Burial Ground of the 17th-century Meeting House. The Quaker leader conceived and directed the formation of Philadelphia and the Pennsylvania colony (which was actually named after his father

)<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, brit heritage.html)

This in turn resulted in the emergence of Falungong messiah bit

, a messianic cult centered on the founder <br>Li Hongzhi who was set to rid the world of demons and prepare a generation of purified and <br>highly empowered followers for the new world to come

In 1904, the United States government, eager to drum up public support for its occupation of the Philippines.......

, brought thirteen hundred Filipinos to the St. Louis Exposition, where they were displayed in a living diorama.

. In addition to private rites and village <br>events, Daoists also perform large-scale ceremonies

, known as Grand Offering (dajiao). <br>Traditionally held once every sixty years to coincide with the sixty-year cycle, they are venues <br>to renew the world and society, pray for peace and stability, and enhance community cohesion

Q. What about other traditional Chanukah foods

, such as the jelly donuts called sufganiyot

the daughter of the Lord of Mount Tai--daoist role

, who was first revered <br>locally then became a national figure. Her special powers deal with women, whom she helps <br>to conceive, keeps safe during pregnancy and delivery, and helps in many other ways.

Share: macleans newerish.html {{c1::Alois Alzheimer}} first identified the disease over a century ago

,<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, macleans newerish.html)

hundred yrs war claims one

,eng controlled parts of france friction Philip IV france claimed aquitiane Edward III said legit to french crown

Aztec infracsturucture 2 facts

,had roads and used sys of relay runners on roads

Ayn Jalut battle

,hatled mongol expansion into egypt and n africe in israel

In Africa every---- is attributed to -----, dead or alive, who is trying to inflict the evil. When people fall sick with AIDS, the first port of call is not the clinic; more often it is the spirit medium to find out which enemy has sent the deadly disease.

- apparent accident or illness bad spirits who have been employed by another person

lake chagan

-------------- russia lake made with nuclear bomb

<br>elations to individuals}}


<br>exercise of all faiths


Quote from English Grammar For Dummies<br><br>Four kinds of complements show up in sentences{{c1::direct objects, indirect objects, objective complements, and subject complements }}— and this chapter explains all of them


Quote from English Grammar For Dummies<br><br>term. A{{c1:: complement}} adds meaning to the idea that the subject and verb express. That is, a complement completes the idea that the subject and verb begin


Our bodies have two blood vessel systems carry_____ blood away from the heart to all of the organs, and _____ transport blood from the organs back to the heart.

. Arteries veins

Share: Badass s the jizya

. As long as people paid this tax on nonbelievers, they were free to continue practicing their religion and were exempt from having to serve in the Muslim military.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, Badass)

inherited evil daoist

." Spelled out first in the <br>Taiping jing, this means that descendants and communities suffer the results of their elders' <br>actions, leading to the crippling and early death of children and various kinds of troubles in <br>neighborhoods and villages

Share: Badass The {{c1::Kappa are a race of small bipedal reptilian river demons}} that infest the lakes and ponds of rural Japan

.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, Badass)

But Grant had the numbers. About{{c1:: 2.1 million men served in the Union Army}}, to only 800,000 in the South. The North's industrial might also dwarfed the South's

.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, jrschoolcurrentevents.html)

Caption: Four years of war came to an end yesterday with the surrender of Confederate General{{c1:: Robert E. Lee }}to Union General {{c2::Ulysses S. Grant}}

.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, jrschoolcurrentevents.html)

Most of the war's battles were fought in the {{c1::South,}} causing much of the devastation us civil war

.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, jrschoolcurrentevents.html)

Share: world bio.html {{c1::Juan Carlos I }}(born 1938), proclaimed king of Spain on November 22, 1975, played an instrumental role in the transformation of his nation from a{{c2:: dictatorship to a constitutional monarchy}}

.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, world bio.html)

Share: world bio.html<br><br>the {{c1::Cortes, }}the Spanish parliament

.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, world bio.html)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery<br><br>It was not until 1804 that the abolition movement regained its momentum. France's leader, Napoleon, had declared himself emperor, and had {{c1::reintroduced slavery}}. Since the British detested Napoleon - he had threatened to invade Britain - it was now acceptable for them to oppose slavery

.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.5, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery <br>Murray was a {{c1::blackbirder,}} someone who kidnapped Pacific islanders and transported them to Fiji, Australia, Hawaii, and other lands to work

.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery In India there were degrees of slavery. People in debt {{c1::bondage sold themselves to a landowner who settled their debts, like back taxes or fines, in exchange for their labor}}. Those in debt bondage could not be punished{{c2:: physically, }}and the women could not be abused sexually

.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery<br><br>The consequences for these girls could be disastrous. Called {{c1::mui-tsai (}}"little younger sister"), they became servants in households both rich and poor. Although the owner was generally expected to arrange a marriage for the girl when she reached her teens, many sold the girls to be concubines or prostitutes<br><br>selling girls till 40s china

.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery<br><br>The products based on Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel were endless. You could eat off Uncle Tom's Cabin {{c1::dishes, }}sing Uncle Tom's Cabin songs, go to Uncle Tom's Cabin{{c2:: plays,}} and even put together this Uncle Tom's Cabin{{c3:: jigsaw puzzle}}

.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Take the temperature in Celsius and multiply ________&lt;br&gt; Add _____________&lt;br&gt; The result is degrees Fahrenheit.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;

1.8.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;32 degrees.

Victorian period dates

1837-1901 (when the queen ruled)

including Clyde Tombaugh, who had discovered Pluto, in [...].


Keep in mind also that, while the Nazis established concentration camps in the 1930s, the number of inmates ranged in the thousands. It wouldn't be until the [...] that the death camps and the gas chambers that killed millions would be implemented.


The fate of Daoism in China today is closely linked with politics. Suppressed from the found-<br>ing of the People's Republic in 1949 until the Four Modernizations in

1978, it has made a <br>gradual come-back but remains under tight control

ffI fatal familial imsomnia

3) Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI)<br><br>The Worst Thing Your Parents Could Give You<br><br>Imagine what it would be like to wake up one day and never fall back asleep again. You suffer tormented sleepless nights, and as exhaustion blurs the boundaries of reality, you experience paranoia, delusions, panic attacks and phobias. Starved of adequate rest, your physical health then starts to deteriorate. One year later, your body and mind can take no more, you fall into a coma and die.

More than [...] fought in the Korean War, more than 120 were killed, more than 500 were wounded. The&lt;br&gt;survivors returned to Addis Ababa as heroes.

3,000 Ethiopians

The gold belonged to the government, which demanded an exorbitant license fee of [...] a month from the&lt;br&gt;Victorian diggers.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Australia gov gold rush facts&lt;/b&gt;

30 shillings

Experts estimate that the Mongols were singularly responsible for the deaths of between [...] people across Asia, Europe and the Middle East, a feat that is only rivaled by the deaths resulting from the entire second World War.

30,000,000 and 100,000,000

Islamic calender dates number of days

354 or 355 days

Egyptians developed calender with (day numbers)

365 days of the year

French children go to school -----r days a week. They have about two hours each day for lunch.


Ionia rebelled against persian in __________ one of the causes of the -----&lt;br&gt;

499 bc persian wars leech

UHDTV comes in two flavours called[...] The primary advantage of UHDTV over HDTV is increased pixel resolution - more pixels typically means a more&lt;br&gt;lifelike, more immersive and ultimately more enjoyable viewing experience.

4K and&lt;br&gt;8K.

[...] n . \ EfA'v-EdA Ekam-rE\ A camera that shoots 2-D and 3-D video simultaneously. James Cameron has&lt;br&gt;developed such a rig for broadcast TV, lowering the cost of 3-D television production. Reactionware n . \ rA-&lt;br&gt;Eak-shEn-Ewer\ Lab equipment made with a 3-D printer.

5-D camera

King Henry 8th married&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;number of weds and offed how many wives

6 times and beheaded two of his wives

The opium poppy is the only plant in the world that makes morphine and codeine, says Dr. Facchini. Both&lt;br&gt;compounds are found in opium,which is the dried milky sapproduced by poppy plants. Afghanistan produces [...] of&lt;br&gt;the world's opium.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;2 items&lt;b&gt;

90 per cent

The most important Daoist centers are on mountains. The five sacred mountains of traditional-name the mountains

<br />China all have Daoist institutions: Mount Tai in the east (1545m, near Confucius's birth-<br />place in Qufu), Hua in the west (2200m, near Xi'an), Heng in the north (2017m), Nanyue <br />(Hengshan) in the south (1290m, near Changsha), and Mount Song in the center (1440m, near <br />Luoyang; south of Shaolin monastery). Most of these mountains have multiple peaks and <br />include large-scale temples at the bottom as well as numerous hermitages and monasteries <br />perched on mountain tops and built into cliffs.<div><br /></div><div>t h h&nbsp;</div>

Jack Goldstein 101 Amazing Facts about Pirates |Jack Goldstein<br>|101 Amazing Facts about Pirates<br>If a crew member was injured during his time on a ship, he would receive{{c1:: better compensation than a military sailor would!}}


Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery ,,Although Muhammad {{c1::owned slaves himself }}and didn't forbid the practice, he taught that {{c2::slaves and free people were equal }}<br>in the eyes of God.<br>

<br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Lucretius<br><br><br>in full Titus Lucretius Carus<br><br>

<br>(flourished 1st century BC) Latin poet and philosopher. He is known for his long poem On the Nature of Things, the fullest extant statement of the physical theory of Epicurus. In it Lucretius established the main principles of atomism and refuted the rival theories of Heracleitus, Empedocles, and Anaxagoras;

Share: brit heritage.html Popular Puritan rector {{c1::John Cotton}} inspired the 1630 exodus to Massachusetts Bay led by {{c2::John Winthrop.}} Cotton and more than a third of Boston's population followed

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, brit heritage.html)

Share: Badass Irish warriors fighting the French during the Hundred Years' War used to capture peasant children from small villages, strap them to cows, and then send the{{c1:: livestock out at the head of their battle formation}}. The astonished French archers refused to fire arrows at their own kids, thus saving the Irishmen from a pointy death

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, Badass)

But Southerners especially blame Union Gen. {{c1::William T. Sherman.}} Last November, Sherman led his army on a march through Georgia to the Atlantic Ocean and then up through South and North Carolina. On the way, his soldiers destroyed farms, crops, and anything else in their path that they thought would contribute to the Southern war effort. Sherman also set tens of thousands of slaves free, further ruining farmers' livelihoods.

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, jrschoolcurrentevents.html)

Share: macleans newerish.html Further west, the arbitrarily drawn{{c1:: Durand Line }}was established in the 19th century to separate Pakistan and Afghanistan by cutting right through the Pashtun homeland

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, macleans newerish.html)

Share: macleans newerish.html disastrous foreign intervention is everywhere. For hundreds of years the {{c1::Dutch}} treated Indonesia as a warehouse, merely to be raided for its wealth, forestalling the evolution of local institutions. When independence came, dictators Sukarno and

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, macleans newerish.html)

"The Life of Wasbington, by{{c1:: Parson Weems. Weems}} was a mythmaker; the story he told about young George and the cherry tree is so resonant that it still lingers in popular consciousness. In the tale, George's father gives him a hatchet with which he accidentally chops down a prized cherry tree; when Mr. Washington asks who did it, young George says, {{c2::""I cannot tell a lie!"" }}and admits his mistake, whereupon his honesty is praised. Story told, lesson learned."

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, psych today nov.html)

Share: psych today nov.html slavery. In 1807, President Jefferson signed a law banning the{{c1:: foreign slave trade}}

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, psych today nov.html)

Share: reason.html The Intercept, backed by eBay founder{{c1:: Pierre Omidyar}} and

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, reason.html)

Share: world bio.html {{c1::Anne Dudley Bradstreet}} (ca. 1612-1672) was a Puritan poet whose work portrays a deeply felt experience of American colonial life.considered By some to be first American poet.

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, world bio.html)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery John Canoe celebrations must have been bittersweet for slaves. New Year's Day, just a week away, was the traditional day{{c1:: when they were bought and sold}}<br>, and for some of them, Christmas would be their last happy time together.

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.5, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery<br><br>To prevent rebellion, South Carolina enacted the harsh Negro Act. Not only did it forbid slaves from{{c1:: meeting one another outside their plantations<br>}}, but it dictated the smallest details of their lives, including what clothes they could wear and what fabrics they could use.

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.5, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery<br><br>n February 1794, the French revolutionary government{{c1:: abolished slavery}} in all its colonies, making France the first European country to do so.

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.5, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery Buddha, who founded Buddhism in the sixth to fifth centuries BCE, taught that being a slave was one of the most painful miseries a person could experience. He cautioned his followers not to live off money earned in the slave trade, and told them to treat their slaves humanely, assign them work they could manage, give them an occasional holiday, feed them, {{c1::pay them,}} and care for them when they{{c2:: were ill.}}

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery Islam became established in Southeast Asia around 1400. Because Muslims could not legally enslave {{c1::other Muslims,}}

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery what is now New Zealand, when the Maori were victorious in battle, they{{c1:: enslaved}} the losers, {{c2::sacrificing some of them and eating others.}} In Hawaii the slaves were a {{c3::separate class}} known as the kauwā. They lived apart from other people and were often distinguished from them by a tattoo on their foreheads.

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery<br><br> No longer safe in the United States, as many as {{c1::twenty thousand blacks}} fled to {{c2::Canada }}over the next ten years.after fugitive slave act.

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery<br><br> Tensions between North and South were growing. In 1854, Congress passed the{{c1:: Kansas-Nebraska Act, }}which let the people who had settled those two territories (not yet states) decide by vote whether the lands would be slave or free.

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery<br><br>The official end to slavery came on {{c1::December 6, 1865,}} when Congress put into law the{{c2:: Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution}}. It prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude except as {{c3::punishment for a crime}}

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery<br><br>To make sure that everyone recognized people who were chien, slaves were often {{c1::tattooed or mutilated, their noses cut off.}}<br><br>China slavery

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: mackeab's april 6th.html<br><br>Africa is fast disappearing under a blanket of rubble. In the Yemeni capital,{{c1:: Sana'a,}}

<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, mackeab's april 6th.html)

-------------- or-------------- is the selling price that a manufacturer recommends for its products. It is also sometimes referred to as the list price, and is most commonly associated in the car industry. Manufacturer prices are used for marketing by retail businesses and for comparison shopping by consumers.

<br><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>MSRP, or Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price,</div>

Artificial selection

<br>Artificial selection is the intentional breeding of plants or animals. It means the same thing as selective breeding. Selective breeding is a technique used when breeding domesticated animals, such as dogs, pigeons or cattle. Some of these animals will have traits that a breeder will want to preserve.

The thirty-five heavens beneath this highest realm divide into five groups. There are first the *daoist stuff

<br>Three Clarities—Highest Clarity, Jade Clarity, Great Clarity—the heavens that represent the <br>three major schools of Daoism with their respective gods, scriptures, talismans, chants, and <br>a host of divine administrators

to live properly in the Dao, people have to realize that they and all beings form

<br>an integral part of nature and the greater universe, which functions in perfect <br>harmony and is fundamentally good.

Because all people in their essence are made up of the qi of Heaven and Earth, their actions

<br>and thoughts—including their hidden fantasies and secret intentions—have a direct impact on <br>the functioning of the world.

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery Granville Sharp

<br>got involved with legal cases with slavery in Britain <br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.5, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

rufescent &nbsp;&nbsp;<div>&nbsp;</div>

<div>\ roo-FES-uhnt \ , adjective; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>1.&nbsp;</div><div>somewhat reddish; tinged with red; rufous.</div>

an·trum ˈantrəm &nbsp;&nbsp;<div><br></div>

<div>noun&nbsp;</div><div>noun antrum plural noun antra&nbsp;</div><div>a natural chamber or cavity in a bone or other anatomical structure.&nbsp;</div><div>the part of the stomach just inside the pylorus.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div>

con·junc·ti·va ˌkänˌjəNG(k)ˈtīvə kən- &nbsp;&nbsp;<div>.&nbsp;<br></div><div><br></div>

<div>noun&nbsp;</div><div>noun conjunctiva plural noun conjunctivae&nbsp;</div><div>the mucous membrane that covers the front of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelids</div>

pan·gram ˈpanɡram &nbsp;&nbsp;<div><br></div>

<div>noun&nbsp;</div><div>noun pangram plural noun pangrams&nbsp;</div><div>a sentence or verse that contains all the letters of the alphabet.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div>

<div>Noun: algolagnia</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div>

<div>|,al-gu'lag-nee-u|&nbsp;</div><div><br /></div><div>1. Sexual pleasure derived from inflicting or experiencing pain</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>= algophilia&nbsp;</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>~ sexual pleasure&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><br /></div><div>Derived</div><div><br /></div><div>Adjective: algolagnic</div><div><br /></div>

<div>Noun: dew point</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div>

<div>|doo poynt|&nbsp;</div><div><br /></div><div>1. The temperature at which the water vapour in the air becomes saturated and condensation begins</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>~ saturation point, temperature&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div>

Aren't foil-wrapped chocolate coins given as Chanukah gelt meaning

?<br><br>A. These coins represent the coins issued by the Maccabees upon liberating their nation

Frederick Douglas bio

A former slave, he had escaped to freedom and become a famous author, newspaper editor, and abolitionist. He had spent his career as a free man demanding that slavery be abolished in America and equal rights extended to whites and blacks alike.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass)

pixie cut

A pixie cut is a short hairstyle worn by women, generally short on the back and sides of the head and slightly longer on the top

Darius I persian built what horsey thing

A pony express from Iran to turkey

QoS is what

A router with good Quality of Service (QoS) technology can prevent such unequal distribution. You can dip only one straw into the Internet at a time, after all. QoS ensures that each client gets its chance for a sip, and it also takes each client's specific needs into account. BitTorrent? Cool your jets. If one of your packets is dropped, it'll be resent. You can run in the background. Netflix, VoIP, YouTube? Lag results in a bad user experience. Your data gets priority.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, pcworld.html)

s patriarch of the school, he was summoned to see Chinggis Khan in his Central Asian head-<br>quarters in 1219. Since the Mongols by this time were well on their way to conquering China <br>(and to ruling as the Yuan dynasty) and were likely to endanger the lives of many people, Qiu <br>could not refuse the summons. Despite his advanced age of 72 years, he undertook the strenu-<br>ous, three-year journey in the company of eighteen leading disciples

A. This was documented in <br>the Xiyou ji (Journey to the West), translated into English by Arthur Waley as The Travels of <br>an Alchemist.


A: What's coming down the pipe is individualized exercise prescriptions. There's a field that's known as metabolomics, which is essentially allowing people to get their individual chemical signatures from a saliva or blood sample. In some ways, it's analogous to what we're seeing in the field of medicine where, for example, oncologists will biopsy a tumour and tailor an individualized treatment program, because they know certain tumours respond in certain way

You can pay the minimum monthly amount as and when you please, providing this is before the payment deadline. You will then incur interest on your remaining balance, at a rate set by the bank. This is known as


______________ want to nz as explorer

Abel Tasman&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;(abs interpreted him as a threat and no euro in nz for 127 yrs)

name qui gong origin

Adapting it from traditional Daoist and medical exercises, the Communist Party gave <br>it its modern name and set out to transform it, cleansing it from all ancient cosmology and <br>"superstitions" and making it compatible with Western science

"But from now until the end of the century, the largest growth in the population is predicted to come from -not Asia. "" alone will gain another 2.5 billion people by 2100,"" predicts Gerhard"


The Sahara Desert is in Northern _________



African country near Ethiopia former French posession get pron

As war ravaged Europe, Dr. [...] hunkered down in his lab in Basel, Switzerland, and synthesized dozens&lt;br&gt;of compounds from ergot, a grain-attacking fungus, in an effort to create a medicinal blood stimulator. In 1943,&lt;br&gt;he accidentally (or, as he has claimed, synchronistically) absorbed a few potent drops from the 25th variety,&lt;br&gt;soon thereafter experiencing a "not unpleasant intoxicated-like condition."&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;LSD Facts&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Albert Hoffman first to make [LSD}

Albert Hofmann

Director About Schmidt and Election and Sideways

Alexander Payne

movie the descendants director is

Alexander Payne

order of retaliation Lincoln

All along, Douglass had been protesting in his speeches and newspaper articles the injustices inflicted on black soldiers. He called on the Lincoln administration to retaliate against the South's abuse of black prisoners. And on July 30 Lincoln issued an Order of Retaliation. For every captured Union soldier killed by the Confederacy, a rebel soldier would be executed. And for every Union soldier enslaved or sold into slavery by the Confederates, a rebel soldier would be placed at hard labor until the Union soldier was released and treated fairly as a prisoner of war.

pirates and manners.

Although it is<br>certain that some fitted this description, there<br>were also a large number of 'gentlemen' pirates<br>who dressed exceptionally well and displayed excellent<br>cellent manners in all circumstances.

tom keneally

Among Tom's best-known works are The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith; and Schindler's Ark, filmed by Steven Spielberg as Schindler's List.

amusia is

Amusia is a musical disorder that appears mainly as a defect in processing pitch, but it also encompasses musical memory and recognition. Two main classifications of amusia exist: acquired amusia, which occurs as a result of brain damage, and congenital amusia, which results from a music processing anomaly at birth.

executive order US

An order from the president that has the power of a law. President<br>Obama issued a controversial executive order last November. It allows some<br>undocumented immigrants whose children were born in the United States to stay<br>in the country temporarily. Executive orders are often controversial because<br>they allow presidents to take action without the approval of Congress, which<br>is responsible for making laws.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, jrschoolcurrentevents.html)

menophilia is...

Another blood-related paraphilia of direct interest here is menophilia. Menophilia is a sexual paraphilia in which an individual (almost always male) derives sexual arousal from menstruating females

antislavery speakers often

Antislavery speakers were often heckled. People threw rotten eggs at them, and at times their message incited violence<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass)

who played both Winklevoss twins in The Social Network

Armie Hammer,

grog med use

As well as helping to get pirates drunk, grog did in fact also have a medicinal purpose. The lime juice often used in it contained vitamin C, which helped prevent scurvy, a horrible disease that caused teeth to fall out.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, 101 Amazing Facts about Pirates)

Shia holiday commenurates murder of Moe grandson

Ashura commenurates murder of moe grandson

British abolished the {{c1::Mogul court}} in {{c2::1857}}


{{c1::Portugal}} once had a {{c2::trade monopoly}} in {{c3::Asia}} had the contacts and maps


emperor [...]s had a personal collection of the remains of sea&lt;br&gt;monsters, bones of the Giants and antique weapons from the age of the&lt;br&gt;Greek and Trojan heroes


Share: macleans newerish.html ack in 2001, at an angel-investing conference in Toronto--a<br>gathering of wealthy individuals {{c1::who provide early-stage funding to start-up<br>businesses}}, hence the divine moniker

B--<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, macleans newerish.html)

Udo Juergens

BERLIN (AP) — , an Austrian-born star who dominated pop music in the German-speaking world and sold more than 100 million records in a career spanning five decades. did well in Eurovision. famous in the sixties.

"Spanish novelist Camilo Jose Cela, bullfighting was a staple of Barcelona's culture for more than five&lt;br&gt;centuries. But in 2010, 180,000 people signed a petition condemning toreo as cruel and inhumane, prompting the&lt;br&gt;state of Catalonia to ban it. Some 20,000 fans headed to [...] Plaza de Toms Monumental in late September&lt;br&gt;to watch a 28-year-old matador accept ""the sad honor of killing the final bull"" in the city's last fight.&lt;br&gt;Outside, animal rights activists held signs celebrating ""a great day for the bulls."""


The Dutch captured Jakarta, a city with a fine, protected harbor on the north coast of Java (part of today's&lt;br&gt;Indonesia), in 1619 and renamed it [...]


Two days later, on June 24, 1813, British and Native troops intercepted the Americans and forced their surrender at the----- . In 1814, the peace treaty came into effect, and the border between the United States and Canada has never seen hostility since.

Battle of Beaver Dams laura secord dam

lower heavens taosim

Below them are the four "Brahma-Heavens," named after the <br>central deity of the Hindu pantheon who represents the purity of the universe and the four ide-<br>al mental states (brahmaviharas): equanimity, love, compassion, and sympathetic joy. These <br>four heavens are reserved for true believers, human beings who have attained a very high level <br>of purity in their lives and minds and who are transposed into these divine realms of pure bliss.

bermuda shorts

Bermuda shorts, also known as walking shorts or dress shorts, are a particular type of short trousers, worn as semi-casual attire by both men and women. The hem, which can be cuffed or un-cuffed, is around 1 inch above the knee.

Paki truck art

Big biz elab sometimes

the militia act

Black soldiers had fought bravely in the American Revolution, but a decade later, in 1792, Congress passed the Militia Act, which barred blacks from serving in the army.

civil war how south treated cap blacks

Black soldiers received about half the pay that whites did—they were paid as laborers (seven dollars a month) and not as soldiers (thirteen dollars a month). They had little chance of being promoted to the officer corps. Worse still, the South refused to treat captured black soldiers as prisoners of war; instead, Confederate soldiers executed their black prisoners or enslaved them.

Henry ofNavarre (Henry IV) succeeded to the kingship in 1589 as the first of what became known as the (france)

Bourbon Dynasty

BRICS acronym economics

Brazil Russia India China south Africa

During---------, for example, his defeated American counterpart ordered a sunset cannon salute to his fallen opponent from across the Niagara River.

Brock's funeral

bruce Lee early years unsavory

Bruce Lee studied Wing Chun kung fu, joined a street gang called the Tigers of Junction Stree<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, Badass)

Bruce Lee invented fighting style

Bruce also developed a fighting system known as Jeet Kune Do, or "the Way of the Intercepting Fist." Basically, this martial art is known as the "style of no style," meaning that the fighter needs to constantly adapt his tactics to fit the situation and not constrain himself to any individual style.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, Badass)

was the [...] Under it, anyone could be arrested on suspicion of being an absconder; and the&lt;br&gt;primitive communications in the outback (and records in the towns) made it hard to prove one's identity.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Australia Fact&lt;/b&gt;

Bushranging Act.

Douglas scouts for Lincoln plan end

But before Douglass could recruit scouts to infiltrate the South, Lincoln's plan turned out to be unnecessary after all. As the presidential election approached, a succession of decisive Union victories signaled that the end of the war was in sight at last.

first psychiatric hospital in


Seneca was a witness to the anger of[...].69 That emperor personally&lt;br&gt;tortured senators with the whip, the rack and fire as though they were&lt;br&gt;slaves. These tortures were everyday occurences; what so outraged Seneca&lt;br&gt;is that theRead more at location 1708


John Anderson fled to


the kings of France took some measures to prevent insurrections such as England's in 1649. First, a clever&lt;br&gt;cleric, ------------- (1585-1642) set up governmental offices that cut into the power of the French nobles&lt;br&gt;and concentrated the king's authority.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;spelling

Cardinal Richelieu

After hundreds of years and three wars, called the Punic Wars after the Roman word for Phoenicia, Rome destroyed Carthage in 146 B.C.E. and built a&lt;br&gt;great Roman city— also called [...]—in its place. Rome also took over the Phoenician city of Leptis Magna, and it too became a major city of the&lt;br&gt;Roman Empire.


"Spanish novelist Camilo Jose Cela, bullfighting was a staple of Barcelona's culture for more than five&lt;br&gt;centuries. But in 2010, 180,000 people signed a petition condemning toreo as cruel and inhumane, prompting the&lt;br&gt;state of [...] to ban it. Some 20,000 fans headed to Barcelona's Plaza de Toms Monumental in late September&lt;br&gt;to watch a 28-year-old matador accept ""the sad honor of killing the final bull"" in the city's last fight.&lt;br&gt;Outside, animal rights activists held signs celebrating ""a great day for the bulls."""


The effort to stop this process came to be focused on a small region in the _________ The problem of dealing with the -------' desire for&lt;br&gt;independence has continued to be a troublesome and unresolved issue throughout post-Soviet history.

Caucasus, Chechnya.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Chechens


Caused or produced by humans: anthropogenic air pollution .

In February 1944 the Russians gave the --------- more reason to hate them. In a particularly reprehensible move, Stalin deported all of them, including&lt;br&gt;communist functionaries, to Central Asia and declared them to be a "traitor people."


Salvador Allende

Chile's socialist &nbsp;president 70s<div><br></div><div><br></div>

, the lead singer of the Australian rock band Divinyls whose hit I Touch Myself brought her international fame in the early 1990s

Chrissy Amphlett


Christ a man imbued with spirit of a god.

In 1638, the euro nation got another exclusive: In an edict banning European traders from Japan's ports, that&lt;br&gt;country's isolationist ruler made a single exception — the Dutch. For the right to stay, the Dutch had to&lt;br&gt;promise not to preach [...].


Muslims not to ensalve

Christians Jews Muslims or zorastarians

All over Africa the parish today means schools, health clinics, workshops and an indigenous postal service. In&lt;br&gt;most of Africa the [...] have delivered more real development to people than all the governments, the World&lt;br&gt;Bank and aid agencies combined.


France and some of its European allies invaded Mexico in 1861. Mexican forces defended the homeland, scoring a&lt;br&gt;notably improbable and heroic victory on May 5, 1862, at the city of Puebla. The occasion is still celebrated as&lt;br&gt;the holiday ------------------------

Cinco de Mayo.

including[...], who had discovered Pluto, in 1930.

Clyde Tombaugh

: Larry Wilmore

Colbert report replacement dude, was writer and daily show correspondemt .<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, macleans newerish.html)

Ottomans captured _________ ending ______ empire

Constantinople Byzantine

became afflicted with [...], also known as Walking Corpse Syndrome. It's an extremely rare condition with an extraordinarily odd&lt;br&gt;symptom: sufferers feel like they cease to exist, or that parts of their body are destroyed or missing.&lt;br&gt;, Rare Walking Corpse Syndrome causes man to believe he's dead, loc. 12-14

Cotard's Syndrome

Paki cash crop


Pashtun opp paki

Cuz sep from kin

Playing a movie on a [...] involves plugging the hard drive into the projector, creating a playlist, as&lt;br&gt;you would on an iPod, and pressing a button to play. "You could train a monkey to do it," Jefchak says. "Now&lt;br&gt;they need to corner the market on monkeys

DCP projector

Jean-Marc Vallee's director of&nbsp;

Dallas buyers club biography

Giovanni Boccaccio gave lectures about [...]


ntering a deep trance to connect to the gods is part of shamanistic practice and <br>has played an important role in

Daoism from the beginning

this was a cult in China with a god called

Dark Warrior, the martial force

In 1870, however, huge diamond mines were discovered near the Orange River, in South Africa, where diamonds were&lt;br&gt;soon being scooped out by the ton. Suddenly, the market was deluged with diamonds. The British financiers who&lt;br&gt;had organized the South African mines quickly realized that their investment was endangered; diamonds had little&lt;br&gt;intrinsic value—and their price depended almost entirely on their scarcity. The financiers feared that when new&lt;br&gt;mines were developed in South Africa, diamonds would become at best only semiprecious gems. The major investors&lt;br&gt;in the diamond mines realized that they had no alternative but to merge their interests into a single entity&lt;br&gt;that would be powerful enough to control production and perpetuate the illusion of scarcity of diamonds. The&lt;br&gt;instrument they created, in 1888, was called [...], Ltd., incorporated in South Africa.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Big mining company South Africa&lt;/b&gt;

De Beers Consolidated Mines

dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are injected into the skin and subcutaneous tissue to treat facial folds and wrinkles. They are also used in both men and women to replace volume that has been lost, in order to give a more youthful appearance.&nbsp;

Kathy Kinney

Disappointingly, the episode refers to her a "Mimi from The Drew Carey Show. vocab

The most influential Daoist adviser under Huizong, however, was Lin Lingsu (1076-1120), <br>who claimed to have received a revelation from a Heaven known as

Divine Empyrean <br>(Shenxiao) that identified the emperor as the elder son of the Jade Emperor, the Great Emperor <br>of Long Life (Chengzhen dadi). This god, using sacred materials from this newly discov-<br>ered Heaven, would be the harbinger of a new age and establish peace on Earth. The Divine <br>Empyrean system, which developed into yet another new Daoist school, integrated the pan-<br>theon of Highest Clarity and followed the cosmology of Numinous Treasure

the------------, the Russian Parliament, had been last elected in 1912 on the basis of a restrictive suffrage


chinese pirate queen

During the early 1800s, a former prostitute called<br>Lady Ching Shih became one of history's most successful<br>cessful pirates. Her formidableformidable fleet consisted <br>hundreds of ships which ruled the seas around china

In 1638, the euro nation got another exclusive: In an edict banning European traders from Japan's ports, that&lt;br&gt;country's isolationist ruler made a single exception — the Dutch. For the right to stay, the [...] had to&lt;br&gt;promise not to preach Christianity.


nter Inanimate Alice, a digital novel by Canadian

E author Kate Pullinger, in collaboration with British-Canadian producer Ian Harper, first released in 2005.popular worldwide.

forms of simple tense

Each of the simple tenses (just to make things even more fun) has two forms. One is the unadorned, no-frills, plain tense. This form doesn't have a special name; it is just called present, past, or future. It shows actions or states of being at a point in time, but it doesn't always pin down a specific moment. The other form is called progressive. It shows actions or a state of being in progress.

In 1599, 80 London merchants got together and formed the[...] Company. Elizabeth I granted them a charter&lt;br&gt;in 1600. The Dutch formed their own East India Company in 1602. The French got in on this action with their East&lt;br&gt;India Company, founded in 1664.

East India

In 1599, 80 London merchants got together and formed the East India Company. Elizabeth I granted them a charter&lt;br&gt;in 1600. The Dutch formed their own [...]. The French got in on this action with their East&lt;br&gt;India Company, founded in 1664.

East India Company in 1602

In 1599, 80 London merchants got together and formed the East India Company. Elizabeth I granted them a charter&lt;br&gt;in 1600. The Dutch formed their own East India Company in 1602. The French got in on this action with their[...], founded in 1664.

East&lt;br&gt;India Company

Egypt Perez circa:2014

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, African news network.html)

Kushites ruled by and ruled over the ____________


Alexander the Great supperter&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;(kingdom)

Egypts eager to throw of persians helped. Some walled cities opened up their gates to him.

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is an inherited connective tissue disorder with different presentations that have been classified into several primary types. EDS is caused by a defect in the structure, production, or processing of collagen or proteins that interact with collagen, such as mutations in the COL5A or COL3A genes. (This is the collagen of granulation tissue, and is produced quickly by young fibroblasts before the tougher type I collagen is synthesized. Commonly associated with keloid formation. Reticular fiber. Also found in artery walls, skin, intestines and the uterus.--COL3Ā). The collagen in connective tissue helps tissues resist deformation. Collagen is an important contributor to the physical strength of skin, joints, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels and visceral organs; abnormal collagen renders these structures more elastic. In some cases, the severity of the mutation can be life-threatening.

In 1599, 80 London merchants got together and formed the East India Company. [...] granted them a charter&lt;br&gt;in 1600. The Dutch formed their own East India Company in 1602. The French got in on this action with their East&lt;br&gt;India Company, founded in 1664.

Elizabeth I

emancipation proclamation

Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet. The next day the document was released to the press. Issued as an "act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity," the proclamation declared that all slaves in rebel states that had not returned to the Union by January 1, 1863, "are and henceforward shall be free." In the loyal border states, Lincoln would continue to push for gradual, compensated emancipation.

The 100-year mystery of why suffragette _________ threw herself under the king's horse

Emily Davison

In 1915, both(2 countries) ruled more people in overseas possessions than they did at home.

England and France

Brits convert all classes in paki, bengladish and india into-------------


Pervez misharraf

Ex paki dicker

exploding head syndrome

Exploding Head Syndrome is a parasomnia which, fortunately for the sufferer, doesn't involve any actual heads exploding.<br>The condition was first described in the 1920s by Welsh physician Robert Armstrong-Jones as a "snapping of the brain." In 1989, neurologist John M. S. Pearce completed a detailed study of 50 patients with the disorder. Sufferers experience an extremely loud explosive noise in their heads, often accompanied by a flash of light. The noises have been variously described as a loud bang or a shotgun or bomb going off.

Men support fam

Ext familoes

"The [...], a successor to the KGB, is now in charge of Russia's information security, among many other things. It is the country's top fighter of&lt;br&gt;cybercrime and also operates the government's massive electronic surveillance network. According to federal law number 40-FZ, the FSB can not only&lt;br&gt;compel any telecommunications business to install ""extra hardware and software"" to assist it in its operations, the agency can assign its own officers to&lt;br&gt;work at a business"


The empress even promoted what might loosely be termed women's rights, publishing (albeit as part of her own&lt;br&gt;legitimation campaign) Biographies of [...] and requiring children to mourn both parents, rather than&lt;br&gt;merely their father, as had been the practice hitherto

Famous Women

Elderly and food paki

Feed them first

The modern canal was planned by the French engineer________ , who also supervised construction (1859-69) (suez). Also tried panama canal french version but didn't work out&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;

Ferdinand de Lesseps

San Giovanni patron saint of [...]


Moe al i jinnah

Founder mod pakistan

nation that tried to build panama canal pre-usa


France thirty yrs war sides

France and Hapsburg Germany.

--------------- brought down the Inca Empire of Peru in 1533. Europeans

Francisco Pizarro

Michael foucalt

French philo criticized social institutions social institutes force us to accept value system of the powerful

future tense needs

Future tense talks about what has not happened yet. This simple tense is the only one that always needs helping verbs to express meaning, even for the plain, no-frills version.

Dante betrother to [...] during his preteen years

Gemma Donati

Paki dad kid birth

Gives Camdu box tp froends

Billy Burke

Glenda the Good Witch Wizard of OZ actress

--------------, the&lt;br&gt;outside world (jewish term)

Goyim jewish term

______________ tried to blow up both houses of Parilament and King James 1 in 1605

Guy Fawkes

Rebel slave Toussaint L'Ouverture declares [...]&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;

Haitian independence.

--------, CH, CBE (10 October 1930 - 24 December 2008) was a Nobel Prize-winning English playwright, screenwriter, director and actor. play he did called no man's land (70s)

Harold Pinter

The of September 29, 1933, was a remarkable mixture of pushing back the peasants to medieval days and of protecting them against the abuses of the modern monetary age. All farms up to 308 acres (125 hectares) which were capable of providing a decent living for a family were declared to be hereditary estates subject to the ancient laws of entailment.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Nazi Germany

Hereditary Farm Law nazi


Hominy is a food made from kernels of corn which are soaked in an alkali solution of either lime or lye. The corrosive nature of the solution removes the hull and germ of the corn and causes the grain itself to puff up to about twice its normal size

Share: mackeab's april 6th.html ncome inequality between the classes is also rising. The{{c1:: Gini coefficient, }}which is a statistical measurement of household income disparity, has increased steadily in the U.K. since the 1970s and may be at an all-time high

I.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, mackeab's april 6th.html)

Psycholinguists study {{c1::how word meaning, sentence meaning, and discourse meaning are computed and represented in the mind.}} They study how complex words and sentences are composed in speech and how they are broken down into their constituents in the acts of listening and reading. In short, psycholinguists seek to understand how language is done. . . .


Apple macintosh food apple who made it

If you have eaten a crisp, juicy McIntosh apple (cultivated in<br>Ontario in 1811 by John McIntosh

Republican party originally founded for

In 1858 he made a bid for the U.S. Senate as the candidate of the new Republican Party, founded four years earlier to combat the expansion of slavery.

shazam what foes it do

In 2000, a Stanford Ph.D. named Avery Wang co-founded, with a couple of business-school graduates, a tech start-up called Shazam. Their idea was to develop a service that could identify any song within a few seconds, using only a cellphone, even in a crowded bar or coffee shop.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, the atlantic.html)

capital central African republic

In Bangui, the capital

German banned in public circa wwI and some yrs after (place)

In america ban overturned&nbsp;

bateman's principal

In biology, Bateman's principle is the theory that females almost always invest more energy into producing offspring than males, and therefore in most species females are a limiting resource over which the other sex will compete.

daoist punishment

In each case, the celestial administrators keep a detailed record of every individual 's deeds <br>and intentions, for each sin subtracting an appropriate number of days from his or her life ex-<br>pectancy

helpful ghost daoism uses

In some cases, one or the other ghost may turn benevolent and emerge as <br>an efficient protector of the community or healer of the sick. In this case, his or her worship <br>increases dramatically: the ghost becomes a god. Many such deities are local, and their cult <br>fades again as their efficacy declines. In some cases the actual corpse is enshrined and the de-<br>ity looks black—later images, too, replicating this feature

In 1948, --------------- opened ________ in Baldwin Park, merging the two ideas: freshly made&lt;br&gt;burgers delivered with speed. The restaurant's two-way speaker system ushered in the era of the drive-thru,&lt;br&gt;which forever cemented the hamburger as the official food of L.A. car culture.

In-N-Out Burger california&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Harry and Esther Snyder

Indus Valley Civilization One of the great civilizations of the ancient world is called simply the or

Indus Harappan civilization.


Instrument that measures the altitude of the land surface or of any object, such as an airplane

n 1952, private holdings of land were china

Ioutlawed and all was collectivized into com-<br>munes. Religious

manichaeism rel founder

Iraqi guy Mani<br>sect banned in ancient persia

She had told me what she believed about Jesus. He was the [...] of the Quran: an important prophet who had never&lt;br&gt;sinned, had healed the sick and had raised people from the dead. But she believed Him to be a lesser prophet&lt;br&gt;than Mohammed.


Muslim justification of war (sometimes)

Islam is the realm of peace so it ultimately transmits peace

Islam forbids the renunciaiton of the&nbsp;

Islamic Faith

Readers should remember, too, that throughout most of the Middle Ages, -------------- were considerably more modern than their Christian&lt;br&gt;counterparts. At that time, ---------were tolerant of other religions and were quite advanced in all forms of learning, especially mathematics and&lt;br&gt;astronomy. Unquestionably, northern Africa benefited in many ways by years of Islamic rule.

Islamic nations&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;muslims

trans media

It is widely considered a pioneer in what is also called transmedia, a modern literary genre that combines multiple media platforms to tell a story.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, macleasndec15 (1).html)

lethoso and natural resource

It is worth bearing in mind that Lesotho is also an important source of water for the larger country. South Africa invested hugely in a dam project (the Lesotho Highlands Water Project), which provides essential water supplies to Johannesburg and the administrative capital Pretoria.

helped Twitter creator [...] found the credit-card-swiping startup Square three years ago.

Jack Dorsey

What the World Needs Now Is Lovesung by [...]

Jackie Deshannon

This preIslamic period is called the

Jahiliyah (period of ignorance),&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;johnnah hill ignorant of islam

The Dutch captured [...], a city with a fine, protected harbor on the north coast of Java (part of today's&lt;br&gt;Indonesia), in 1619 and renamed it Batavia


was the only president never to marry

James Buchanan

"--------------, who wrote ""Drugstore Cowboy,"" an autobiographical crime novel that led to an acclaimed 1989 film&lt;br&gt;starring Matt Dillon, has died. He was 75."

James Fogle

jean Lafitte

Jean Lafitte led an entire pirate island in Louisiana,<br>smuggling stolen goods into New Orleans. The governor<br>ernor of Louisiana offered

Jefferson Davies

Jefferson Davis of Mississippi had been sworn in as president of the Confederate States of America.


Jesus two entities one human and divine .

sabbati zevi

Jew declared self messiah 1600s kabalist


Jewish warrior nomads circa after Rome split according to the book.

Not in the last 83 years, because you can't. The Warsaw Convention , believe it or not, made it the law . Andfor that you can ultimately thank [...] who in 1882 came up with the idea of the&lt;br&gt;separable luggage tag. One half went with the bag, the other with you.

John Lyons of Moncton, New Brunswick,

the sword of Allah Islam general who helped spread Muslim empire

KHALID BIN WALID<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, Badass)

In 1951, the Ethiopian Emperor, Haile Selassie, decided to send thousands of troops to fight as part of the&lt;br&gt;American-led UN force supporting South Korea against the communist North and its ally, China. They were called&lt;br&gt;the [...] and were drawn from Haile Selassie's Imperial Bodyguard — Ethiopia's elite troops

Kagnew battalions

(philo man) stated, "For if justice goes, there is no longer any value in human beings' living on the earth."


Pakistan biggest city


"__________, meaning ""Way of The Sword,"" is a modern Japanese martial art, which descended from traditional swordsmanship (kenjutsu) and uses bamboo swords (Shinai), and protective armor. Today, it is widely practiced across Japan and many other nations across the world."


----- worthy but utopian goal was to bring education and physical work closer together. ------------------&lt;br&gt;were required to spend a day in a factory or farm and to learn a trade. The requirement was universally hated.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;USSR

Khrushchev's&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Students and scholars from schools and universities

That word is umami. The Japanese chemist [...] came up with it in 1908 to describe a flavor that's at&lt;br&gt;the root of Japanese cooking, present in staples like fermented soy, seaweed, and the funky dried-fish broth&lt;br&gt;dashi. Americans experience umami in different ways. It's one reason they crave bacon.

Kikunae Ikeda

More than 3,000 Ethiopians fought in the [...], more than 120 were killed, more than 500 were wounded. The&lt;br&gt;survivors returned to Addis Ababa as heroes.

Korean War

Grandson of Genghis Khan

Kublai Khan Asiahistory

Thousands of Mien settled in California after fleeing [...] following their participation in a CIA-backed battle against communists during the Vietnam&lt;br&gt;War.


Lesotho is

Lesotho is a small, land-locked and mountainous country and rarely features in global news stories.<div><br /></div><div>la-soot-two</div>

Now 23 and a student at the University of Liberia, Fatu's circumcision was part of her initiation into the&lt;br&gt;secretive Sande Society, a pseudo-religious association to which most [...] - depending on which tribe&lt;br&gt;and part of the country they are from - are members.

Liberian women

Tour de Pakistan

Like the france bike one

Lincoln free slaves during American civil war worries

Lincoln worried that if he freed the slaves and enlisted black soldiers, he would alienate the large number of white Northerners who supported the Union but opposed emancipation. And he feared that he would lose the support of the slaveholding border states—Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri—which had remained loyal to the Union. Without those loyal border states, Lincoln was convinced, the North could never win the war.

Abe Lincoln ballot south for Presidential election

Lincoln's name did not even appear on the ballot in the South.

A number of imposters claiming to be---------- emerged long after the revolution. Some won small groups of&lt;br&gt;followers, but little came of it.

Louis XVII

Clean the filth Mugabe?

MDC supporters home and biz burned

micheal sembello sagn

Maniac flash dance&nbsp;

Paki wedding lasts

Many days

argentinca and the church

Many&lt;br&gt;the cjuch did jack when they were killing dissidents&lt;br&gt;the cjuch did jack when they were killing dissidents argentinca and the church&lt;br&gt;Many

------------------, Chinese (Wade-Giles) Ma-tsu Tao or (Pinyin) Mazu Dao, also called Nankan, small island under the jurisdiction of Taiwan in the East China Sea, lying off the Min River estuary of mainland China and about 130 miles (210 km) northwest of Chi-lung (Keelung), Taiwan. ----- is the main island of a group of 19, the Matsu Islands, which constitute Lien-kiang (Lienchiang) hsien (county)

Matsu Island x2

Olmec precursors of


Persians once ruled by the


Barbary coast

Mediterranean coastal region, North Africa. It extends from Egypt to the Atlantic Ocean.


Mespopatamian man in flood myth. Gods decided to wipe out mankind. (mud tablets the first books)

Abe Lincoln opposed to this issue mexico

Mexican american war.

_________lost its northeastern state of Texas to a second-generation independence movement in 1836. Then ___________-&lt;br&gt;lost huge territories in western North America to the U.S. in the ______-American War of 1846-1848.

Mexicox2 and Mexican

Thousands of [...] settled in California after fleeing Laos following their participation in a CIA-backed battle against communists during the Vietnam&lt;br&gt;War.


has compiled a comprehensive dictionary for the [...], a fast-fading idiom spoken by thousands of refugees from Laos.

Mien language

Urdu start

Mix of tongues to comm


Moe birthday

[...] were free to train for the military if so inclined.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;(history) (mongol)

Mongol women

saint Augustine crosser ma


Podgorica is the capital of


Cortés suspected a trap and took [...] It was too late for the emperor by then, anyway, because&lt;br&gt;he had bowed before the Spaniards and lost the respect of his own subjects. When Montezuma II next attempted to&lt;br&gt;speak before the Aztecs, his audience turned on him and pelted him with stones and arrows. He was fatally&lt;br&gt;injured.

Montezuma II captive.

Germany debt post ww2

Most importantly for Ireland, they are campaigning for a European conference to write-down unsustainable debt. This idea, based on the 1953 deal which wrote off half of post-war Germany's debt

WMM rough idea of what it does

Most newer models support the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard, for instance. WMM prioritizes network traffic in four categories, from highest to lowest: Voice, video, best effort (most traffic from apps other than voice and video), and background (print jobs, file downloads, and other traffic not sensitive to latency<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, pcworld.html)

Anti Mugabe party

Movement for Demorcratic Change (MDC)

Hosehold pop paki

Multi gen

Indian Nationalism groups names

Muslim League and India national congress

above) dismantled the last vestiges of the Ottoman Empire, one of the greatest empires the world had seen. Turkey

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Meanwhile, East India Company troops plunged into the second of four closely spaced [...] against the&lt;br&gt;Muslims who ruled southwest India.

Mysore Wars

NS split by Brits to make


[...], on learning that he had been condemned as a criminal by the&lt;br&gt;senate, took his life rather than be dragged naked through the streets&lt;br&gt;of Rome, then beaten to death with rods


working as a consultant for General Electric,---------- develops the light-emitting diode (LED), which&lt;br&gt;provides a simple and inexpensive way for computers to convey information.

Nick Holonyak

"In [...], if you had 400 guests, people would say 'Oh, dear,' "" he continues. ""The more (people) you have there, the more friends it seems you have."""


[...] is a good example of technology changing for the better. With the invention of acetate safety film&lt;br&gt;in 1948, nitrate was discontinued. The advent of digital, on the other hand, may well be the final blow to the&lt;br&gt;dying art of the projectionist.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;what stopped?

Nitrate film

But in-------, university tuition is free, covered by--- from the North Sea that also fund other social costs there.

Norway&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; oil revenues

In the Uk people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day on ______________

November 5th with bonfireds and burning effigies

The All Blacks

Nz national rugby team

"Back in 2010, Hooman Khalili set out to create a theater-worthy feature flick on a smartphone, figuring, given&lt;br&gt;the pace of technology, ""in a few years we'll be able to do this."" He chose the Nokia NS, the first model with&lt;br&gt;acceptable high-def video. When Nokia ignored the first-time director's funding pitch, a pair of angel investors&lt;br&gt;(including a former Facebook bigwig) stepped up. By year's end, ------, a film starting two-time Oscar nominee&lt;br&gt;Gena Rowlands, was in the works. But lest you think just anyone could pull this off, consider the crew's to-do&lt;br&gt;list:"


Phillip of Macedonia wife------------

Olympias some say she put a hit on him

john brown american slave narrative

On the evening of October 16, 1859, a militant abolitionist named John Brown, hoping to inspire a slave uprising, led a band of twenty-one men on a raid of the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Brown and his comrades gained control of the arsenal, but the slave rebellion never materialized. During a battle with federal troops, several of Brown's followers were killed. Brown himself was wounded and captured. When authorities searched his carpetbag, they found a letter from Frederick Douglass.

Gini stats number

One is called "the GINI coefficient"; it is a statistical measure of inequality expressed as a percent. Zero represents perfect equality; one (1) represents perfect inequality. Economists use it to measure income inequality; it is usually written as a whole number. A GINI coefficient of 4 or higher signals a highly problematic disparity of income distribution in a country. According to the CIA World Factbook, China's GINI in 2013 was 47.3. The same source reports that the U.S. GINI was 45 in 2007; that is, before the made-in-the USA global financial crises and the consequent, lingering U.S. recession. In November of 2014, the U.S. Population Reference Bureau reported that the GINI stood at 47.7 in 2013. No doubt the U.S. GINI will be higher in 2015.

Because this is, a place that has been called the largest ghost town in China.

Ordos (really mongolia)

{{c1::peltasts }}might sound like a group of guys who got busted for selling candy to kids out of the back of their windowless conversion vans, but they were actually face-puncturing Greek javelin chuckers. These light infantrymen would run right up to the enemy lines, hurl their javelins in their enemies' eyes, and retreat before the more heavily armed infantry could catch them

P.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, Badass)


Paki ethnic group


Paki film industry


Paki group

Mohenjo Daro

Pakistani ruin disc by Rakhal Das Banerji

Mohenjo Daro discover one name

Pakistani ruin disc by Rakhal Das Banerji

participles are

Participles are not very mysterious; as you may guess from the spelling, a participle is simply a part of the verb.

PQ leader

Pauline Marois (2012 fact)

The software he admired the most was _____, from a tiny firm in Berkeley, California, which crammed a full multitasking operating system and a whole suite of applications with scalable fonts and a stunning graphical interface into a couple of megabytes. The Microsoft equivalent of the day needed nearly ten times more memory and came with half the tools and none of the applications


King Manuel of Portugal was pleased. He sponsored a second expedition led by------ in 1500. On his way down the coast of Africa, Cabral veered so far west that he discovered_________ . Cabral claimed it for ____________

Pedro Cabral Brazil Portugal,

One Tin Soldier Singers

Performers the Original Caste

Ionians freed themselves from

Persian control (they considered themselves Greeks)

dialectical materialism

Philosophical approach expressed through the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and later by Georgy Plekhanov, Vladimir Ilich Lenin, and Joseph Stalin, the official philosophy of communism. Its central tenet, borrowed from Hegelianism, is that all historical growth, change, and development results from the struggle of opposites

Lxevi Strauss

Pionerring anthro man

including Clyde Tombaugh, who had discovered [...], in 1930.


Nation first sold slaves to us


The first African slaves were purchased from------ ships around 1530, beginning a trade that escalated&lt;br&gt;sharply through the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and peaked in the eighteenth century.

Portugese ships

Maori are of __________ descent

Poynesian descent most say

On 25 February 1947, representatives of the Allied occupation authorities in Berlin signed a law abolishing the&lt;br&gt;state of_________. From this moment onward,___________ belonged to history.

Prussia x2

[...] WAS INVENTED at Vermont's Middlebury College in 2005,


It's less dangerous than you think. [...] never swallows people whole; the human body is too buoyant.


-----------are not directly usable, but have all the necessary information to create an image. ----------- usually offer higher color depth, higher dynamic&lt;br&gt;range, and preserve most of the information of the image compared with the final image format. The downside of------------ is that they take up far more&lt;br&gt;storage space. Dynamic range in photography describes the ratio between the maximum and minimum measurable light intensities (white and black,&lt;br&gt;respectively

RAW files x3


Radiological technique for obtaining clear X-ray images of internal structures by focusing on a specific plane within the body to produce a cross-sectional image

Ramses the second building fact

Ramses's raging egomania also manifested itself in the form of some totally sweet government-sponsored vandalism. In addition to building more structures than any other Egyptian pharaoh,<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, Badass)

daoism before reds went more lax

Religious organizations were dissolved, monks and nuns returned to the laity, and <br>temples made into schools, assembly halls, garrisons, or storage facilities.

a meeting of the, a splinter sect that believes Joseph Smith's son, not Brigham Young, was Smith's rightful successor as prophet

Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

________Sheridan, (baptized Nov. 4, 1751, Dublin, Ire.—died July 7, 1816, London, Eng.), ________playwright, impresario, orator, and Whig politician. His plays, notably The School for Scandal (1777), form a link in the history of the comedy of manners between the end of the 17th century and Oscar Wilde in the 19th century.

Richard Brinsley Irish-born

Anderson case chased by slaves owned by

Riggs. Offed diggs with knife.

Ancient [...] was the first society in history to have its own art market, with&lt;br&gt;the prices paid for items remembered and set down for&lt;br&gt;posterity


Paki currency


ramified theory of types

Russell made it to avoid paradoxes. We use highly specific words from a box of words pertaining to the object type or situation.

Now 23 and a student at the University of Liberia, Fatu's circumcision was part of her initiation into the&lt;br&gt;secretive [...], a pseudo-religious association to which most Liberian women - depending on which tribe&lt;br&gt;and part of the country they are from - are members.

Sande Society

is the most commonly spoken and official language of Montenegro


"(Italian: [ˈsɛrdʒo leˈoːne]; January 3, 1929 - April 30, 1989) was an Italian film director, producer and screenwriter most associated with the ""Spaghetti Western"" genre."

Sergio Leone

shavu 'ot&nbsp;

Shavu'ot, the Festival of Weeks, is the second of the three major festivals with both historical and agricultural significance (the other two are Passover and Sukkot). Agriculturally, it commemorates the time when the first fruits were harvested and brought to the Temple, and is known as Hag ha-Bikkurim (the Festival of the First Fruits). Historically, it celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, and is also known as Hag Matan Torateinu (the Festival of the Giving of Our Torah)

"-------------- topped the charts in 1963 when she was just a teenager with the hit song, ""It's My Party."""

Singer-songwriter Lesley Gore

circumstance, Canadians can expect to hear quite a bit about the famous names of the war: Maj.-Gen-----., perhaps the greatest military hero in Canada's history, who captured Detroit in 1812 and was killed a few months later at Queenston Heights repelling an American invasion;

Sir Isaac Brock

[...] sang the end of the world

Skeeter Davis

Sred sleep

Sleep-Related Eating Disorder (SRED)<br><br>Eating Disorder or Sleep Disorder?<br><br>Lots of people enjoy a midnight snack once in a while, but for an unfortunate few, eating at night becomes a regular, compulsive habit which they have no control over.<br><br>Eating disorder specialists use the term Night-time Eating Disorder (NES), whereas clinical sleep researchers refer to a Sleep-Related Eating Disorder (SRED) to describe the same type of nocturnal eating behaviours. It's unclear whether these are distinct or separate disorders, but both involve near nightly binges, and a complete lack of awareness from the sleep-eaters.

you understood grammar

So grammarians say that the subject is you-understood. The subject is you, even though you isn't in the sentence and even though you don't intend to eat any taste-free lima beans.

double verbs aka

Some additional samples of double verbs, which in grammatical terms are called compound verbs:

In 1951, the Ethiopian Emperor, Haile Selassie, decided to send thousands of troops to fight as part of the&lt;br&gt;American-led UN force supporting[...] against the communist North and its ally, China. They were called&lt;br&gt;the Kagnew battalions and were drawn from Haile Selassie's Imperial Bodyguard — Ethiopia's elite troops

South Korea

In 1808, Napoleon gave______ crown to _______, his brother.

Spain's Joseph Bonaparte

Conquering (3 countries), Napoleon tried to overtake the entire continent in the early&lt;br&gt;nineteenth century.

Spain, Italy, Netherlands

Muhajir lang

Speak urdu

The highest censor was _______ himself, who insisted on seeing and passing on every film to be exhibited in&lt;br&gt;the Soviet Union.


Punjab (place fact)

State i india and paki

I loved the TV show The Six-Million Dolla r man growing up. For me, [...](played by Lee Majors) wasn't&lt;br&gt;less cool because he had bionic implants

Steve Austin

Paki child labor

Still issue

The history of the United States is like the famous parable of the porcupines in the cold, from Schopenhauer's[...]—the ones who huddle together for warmth and shuffle away in pain, always separating and&lt;br&gt;congregating.

Studies in Pessimism

he Dark Warrior was duly supported by

T both <br>leading Daoist schools and grew vastly in popularity

the Banpo people lived in half-<br>buried caves built with wood, branches, <br>or grass, and each had a stove made of clay and a kang

T, a fire-warmed brick <br>sleeping platform.

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery T-<br><br>oussaint L'Ouverture is sometimes called the "Black Spartacus" for his part in the revolt. He didn't begin the rebellion, and he wasn't even a{{c1:: slave anymore.}} In fact, he himself was a{{c2:: slave owner}} who managed an estate worked by slaves

T.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.5, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Without immunities against the Europeans' diseases and no weapons to match the Europeans' guns, the entire&lt;br&gt;native population of [...] the large island off Australia's southern shore, died between 1803, when the&lt;br&gt;British built a penal colony there, and 1876. They were wiped out in one lifetime.


Of the 35,000 modern-day residents of the town of [...], roughly 85-percent earn some form of living from the&lt;br&gt;proceeds of the 15-million gallons of tequila produced annually throughout the region.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Mexico


Isis meaning

That's short for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. ISIS is a radical Sunni Muslim group that has seized parts of Iraq and Syria. It wants to establish a country governed by strict Islamic law, using terrorist tactics to accomplish its goals. ISIS recently beheaded several Americans and Europeans it had captured. The group is also known as ISIL (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and IS (the Islamic State).<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, jrschoolcurrentevents.html)

The Capgras delusion

The Capgras delusion (or Capgras syndrome) is a disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member (or pet) has been replaced by an identical-looking imposto

Share: Five Thousand Years of Slavery

The Fugitive Slave Act did not permit{{c1:: trials for those accused of being escaped slaves}}, did not require proof that {{c2::the person was truly a runaway}}, and gave a {{c3::reward}} to people who found a supposed runaway. This meant that any white could turn in any black person as a fugitive<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.6, Five Thousand Years of Slavery)

Share: Badass

The Immortals were the elite heavy infantry of the{{c1:: Persian army}} and one of the most terrifying military organizations of the classical era. Formed under Cyrus the Great, this unit always consisted of ten thousand men, and for every warrior who died another was immediately promoted to his place. Since the regiment never appeared to suffer any lasting casualties, many of Persia's enemies believed these royal bodyguards were{{c2:: literally invincible.}}<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, Badass)

Kansas Nebraska act slavery

The Kansas-Nebraska Act, passed by a bitterly divided Congress in 1854, brought matters to a head. Under the Missouri Compromise, slavery had been barred from the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Under this new act, the future of slavery in those territories would be determined not by Congress, but by the people who settled there.

Missouri compromise

The Missouri Compromise, passed by Congress in 1820, had managed to keep the peace by permitting slavery in some western territories and banning it in others.

Sheridan's first great play, ____________dramatizes the story of Jack Absolute, who woos the wealthy and romantic Lydia Languish while pretending to be a common ensign (Beverley),

The Rivals (1775) Common Ensign

three worlds five States of being daosim

The Three Worlds, unlike the higher heavens, are governed by the laws of karma and retribu-<br>tion. Here people transmigrate from birth to birth, passing repeatedly through five states of <br>being, adapted from Buddhism. They are the realms of gods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, <br>and hell dwellers—leaving out the sixth Indian realm, that of titans (asuras).

the Congressional Budget Office,&nbsp;

The arbiter of these things for federal budgeting purposes, says ... it depends. In the first case, the C.B.O

silkworm cocoons and spinning wheels

The extant tombs and cultural relics of the <br>Neolithic Period (4,000 to 8,000 years ago) provide <br>evidence for these legends. -----. unearthed in Xiaxian County, Shanxi, <br>prove

But what is its official name? #

The octothorpe. or pound sign or number sign UK.

Dredd Scott decision

The ruling concerned the fate of Dred Scott, a Missouri slave who sued for his freedom on the grounds that his owner had taken him onto free soil in the North. The court declared that as a black man, Scott was not a citizen of the United States and was not entitled to the rights spelled out by the Declaration of Independence. Slaves were private property, the court said, and Congress could not pass laws depriving white citizens of their property rights.

simple tenses grammar

The three simple tenses are present, past, and future.

little represents

The white color is meant to symbolize purity, which is one reason why it is used during weddings

Under the Mongols, administrative control passed to the new school of Complete Perfection <br>who managed their own enclaves, supervised the Celestial Master in south China, and also had <br>power over Buddhist and other temples...blowback

They abused this privilege, were harshly criticized, <br>and even persecuted. In 1281, Daoist books with the exception of the Daode jing were pro-<br>scribed and burned; temples were confiscated or handed over to Buddhists; many recluses had <br>to return to the laity, and the power of Complete Perfection was significantly reduced

carte due visite

This is from a carte de visite—a photographic print mounted on a small card. These cards, extremely popular in the early days of photography, were collected and traded throughout the world.

Rebel slave [...] declares Haitian independence.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;

Toussaint L'Ouverture<div><br /></div><div>[sound:rec1403479375.mp3]</div>

Henna party

Trad prewed lady thing

Lyudmila and I had uncovered a tiny section of one of Joseph Stalin's cruellest and most ambitious projects —&lt;br&gt;the . It was his attempt to conquer the Arctic — part of what he called his Great Plan for&lt;br&gt;the Transformation of Nature. The scheme was supposed to link the eastern and western parts ofwith a&lt;br&gt;1,000-mile (1,609km) railway stretching from the city of Inta, in Komi Autonomous Republic, through Salekhard to&lt;br&gt;Igarka, on the Yenisei River.

Trans-Polar Mainline&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Siberia

Visitor trad paki

Treat them well

After the first Opium War, 1842's--------------- forced the&lt;br&gt;Chinese to cede the island port of Hong Kong to Britain.

Treaty of Nanjing

"[...] developed in the Great War. Loyalty to common soldiers played a key role in what will forever be his most contentious act, the atomic bombs&lt;br&gt;dropped on Japan. Truman believed that he was ""saving the lives of 250,000 boys from the United States,"" as he wrote his sister The man whose desk&lt;br&gt;sported a sign reading ""The buck stops here"" knew what would unfold; he suffered from severe headaches in the days before and after making his&lt;br&gt;decision, but he still made it."


(They couldn't even buy Vine, which had been acquired by

Twitter; software-based companies were much quicker to see the promise of video.)

The-------- denoted by the ISO 4217 code USD is the official currency of Montenegro

United States dollar

3100 BC a King names Menes united

Upper and Lower Egypt

Paki off lang


QUIDDITCH WAS INVENTED at [...] College in 2005,

Vermont's Middlebury

Thousands of Mien settled in California after fleeing Laos following their participation in a CIA-backed battle against communists during the[...].


Alaric the great

Visigoth invaded parts of Greece enslaved people in Sparta after deafeting them

Historically the beginnings of taijiquan can be traced to the military officer Chen

Wangting <br>who, after fighting the Manchu conquest in the 1630s, retired to his hometown and began to <br>teach martial exercises consisting of five routines and a sequence of 108 moves

vera peters candian?

When Vera Peters started investigating, radical mastectomy was the standard treatment for all types of breast cancer. But a small number of women - unable to have mastectomies due to other medical conditions - had the less invasive procedure. Peters was able to prove the effectiveness of lumpectomies by painstakingly gathering data for thousands of surgeries and comparing the survival results.


While dying in your sleep might sound peaceful, for people who suffer from Sudden Unexpected Nocturnal Death Syndrome or SUDS, it is anything but. Most common in Southeast Asian males, it occurs in populations that are culturally and genetically distinct.<br><br>Observers of SUDS patients have witnessed screaming, moaning, frothing at the mouth, and other signs of terror, just before death occurs and it's impossible to wake someone up at this point.It's no wonder that the condition is steeped in superstition, with evil spirits and mythological creatures

The -------- enjoyed many significant advantages. They had the support of the church. Their armies were almost always better led, and they did not have&lt;br&gt;to fear treason among their officers.


----------------- is the man responsible for designing the folding screen and clamshell design of the modern laptop.

Wiliam "Bill" Moggridge

Seventy years ago, _____________ created a superhero icon. Meant to be a female response to Superman, Wonder Woman

William Moulton Marston

None directly. But the massive scientific effort that led up to the discovery paid off in other ways, including the creation of the

World Wide Web. CERN scientists developed it to make it easier to exchange information among each other.

fate black pow civil war cap by south

Worse, black prisoners of war were being executed or enslaved by their Southern captors.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass)

I had known that [...] had once been two countries that had combined into one in 1990 and unified after a civil&lt;br&gt;war in 1994. But I had not known that the victorious agricultural north continued to disdain the technological&lt;br&gt;and defeated south, perhaps a reflection of reverse treatment prior to the war.


two subjects in a sentence

You can have two subjects (or more) and one verb. The multiple subjects are called compound subjects.

me and myself as subject

You can use I as a subject, but not me or myself.<br>Wrong: Bill and me are going to rob that bank. Bill and myself will soon be in jail.

Montengro was absorbed by

Yugolslavia (past)

After War declared indie nations. Mugabe elected first PM 1980.


unless there are cones (eyes)

[light-sensitive cells in the retina that detect color]

oncolytic {{c1::(cancer-fighting) or tumor fighting}}


The concept of engineering technology so that it copies nature is known as _____________


Frederick Douglas people could not believe that

a black man could speak or write so eloquently.

Ayn Rand first attracted literary notice for her 1934 play Night of January 16th,

a courtroom drama with a twist: members of the audience get to play the jury, deciding whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty. The ending of the play naturally depends on their choice

Richard Loving, a white man, met Mildred Jeter,

a family friend who was of African and Native American descent, when both were teenagers, and their relationship quickly blossomed into romance.

Dusters suprising sci fact

a lot of static people held chains to ground electricity.

focused on individual transformation and was char-<br>acterized by monasticism, ascetic practices, and mystical experience. This was the school of ----<br> founded by Wang Chongyang (1112-1170),

a member of the <br>local gentry in northwest China (Shaanxi) who served as an official in the military administra-<br>tion of the Central Asian dynasty under the Jurchen-Jin (who had conquered north China in <br>1125). Complete Perfection (Quanzhen),

Among scientists, he is best known for his development of optogenetics,

a technology that renders individual, highly specific brain cells photosensitive and then activates those cells using flashes of light delivered through a fibre-optic wire.

Vietnam was part of the <br>Chinese empire for over a

a thousand yrs

Christiana of Sweden longevity political career


In 2004, that changed when the Supreme Court handed down a historic decision that compelled the {{c1::Crown}} to consult {{c2::Aboriginal communities}} about developments planned for their traditional lands.


{{c1::abs}} are canadas largest growing population.


William lylod garrison

abolitionist amer nix slavery now maybe north even secede from union to remove taimt.

Early French settlers enslaved


Looking for a subject for her doctoral thesis and intrigued by the physicist Henri Becquerel's

accidental discovery of radioactivity in 1896

Nitrate film is a good example of technology changing for the better. With the invention of [...], nitrate was discontinued. The advent of digital, on the other hand, may well be the final blow to the&lt;br&gt;dying art of the projectionist.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;what stopped?

acetate safety film&lt;br&gt;in 1948

Under Islam, it is forbidden to wage wars for the sake of 3 things

acquiring worldly glory, power, or rule.

Immanuel Kant universal law and ethics define

act only in the character you wish to make universal.


actionable ideas are the only useful ones

Isabella I of spain rumour

affari with chris columbus

(name of lang theory): Krashen argues that comprehensible input is not enough to ensure language acquisition. Language learners also have to be receptive to that input. When learners are bored, angry, frustrated, nervous, unmotivated or stressed, they may not be receptive to language input and so they 'screen' the input. This screen is referred to as the affective filter. This suggests that when learners are bored, angry, frustrated, nervous, unmotivated or stressed, they may be unsuccessful at learning a second language.&nbsp;

affective-filter hypothesis

Ming dynsaty, after mongols event

after mongols china expelled all foreginers 1368

After hundreds of years and three wars, called the Punic Wars [...], Rome destroyed Carthage in 146 B.C.E. and built a&lt;br&gt;great Roman city— also called Carthage—in its place. Rome also took over the Phoenician city of Leptis Magna, and it too became a major city of the&lt;br&gt;Roman Empire.

after the Roman word for Phoenicia

Guy Fawkes motivation

against harsh anti-Catholic protestants in Britain. Could be viewed as freedom fighter by Catholics.

<br>his most acerbic writing

against her and Christian Science, accusing both

The Aztecs revered a moderately alcoholic drink known as pulgue for approximately 9,000 years. Made byfermenting the sweet sap of the[...] it was used ceremonially and later distilled by the Spanish into the&lt;br&gt;potent drink mescal.


In their decline, however—as Ottomans went deeper into debts owed to the innovative European nations—Ataturk provided the final blow, reforming Turkey in an

aggressively secular state.

As soon as the People's Republic of China was established in October 1949, Mao Zedong wanted to move as quickly&lt;br&gt;as possible to create [...] He castigated his more cautious colleagues as behaving "like old&lt;br&gt;women with bound feet," and pushed the peasants into joining ever larger collectives. This culminated in 1958&lt;br&gt;with the formation of the "People's Communes," huge, cumbersome agricultural cooperatives with tens of thousands&lt;br&gt;of members.

agricultural collectives,

Queen victoria wed

albert, german prince penniless

algiers (place name)

algeria cap

Plato censorship

all music and lit that did not praise the state will be banned.

It was stolen from history.Hospitality laws were real in Dark Ages society. A host and guest were not

allowed to harm each other dark ages

china wwI side

ally against germany

auguste Comte coined the term


King george the third king when

amer rev started

An [...] is a document that is filed in a court by someone who is not directly related to the case under consideration. The most classic example is a document filed by an advocacy group, such as the American Civil Liberties Union. The additional information found in such a document can be useful for the judge evaluating the case, and it becomes part of the official case record. Many nations allow people or entities to file such documents with their courts.

amicus brief

Sturgeon's revelation, commonly referred to as Sturgeon's law, is

an adage commonly cited 90% of all is crap.

The hun soul thus becomes an

ancestral spirit (shen), is represented in an <br>ancestral tablet placed on the altar in the center of a traditional Chinese home, and there re-<br>ceives regular sacrifices from the living whom it protects in return daoist

Kushites rivals of

ancient Egypt

Aulus Cornelius Celsus

ancient medical writier wrote med encycolpedia

morgan`s canon animal studies

animal cognition should be explained in terms of lower mental processes.

Dolphins and whales have {{c1::magnetite crystals}} in their brain to help them sense the magnetic field of the earth. With this built-in GPS, they can navigate the featureless oceans with ease.


They can see {{c1::behind themselves}} , and each eye can move independently of the other, meaning they can look two different directions at the same time



anniversary or prohphet ascension to heaven

One explanation for Wu's success is that she listened. She installed a series of copper boxes in the capital in&lt;br&gt;which citizens could post [...] of one another, and passed legislation, R.W.L. Guisso says,&lt;br&gt;that "empowered informers of any social class to travel to the capital at public expense."

anonymous denunciations

queen vic and feminism

anti lady vote, feminists need good whipping

Thomas clarkson

anti slavery advocate Britain.

anti what campaign in Britain leadup to changes in slave trade law

anti sugar campaign Cruz west indies sugar slave trade

Frederick Douglas fella became

antislavery lecturer


are light-sensitive proteins found in the photoreceptors of the eye, among other places in nature.

archerfish hunt by and live

around mangroves hunt by shooting blasts of water.

&lt;br&gt;which brought so many bloodless conquests, but on Germany's economic recovery, which in party circles and even among some economists abroad was hailed___ . And indeed it might have seemed so to a good many people. Unemployment, the curse of the Twenties and early Thirties, was reduced, as we have seen, from six million in 1932 to less than a million four years later. National production rose 102 per cent from 1932 to 1937 and the national income was doubled

as a miracle

An alternative remedy is to provide regular offerings for the ghosts—<br><br>taoist

as done in grand scale at <br>the annual Ghost Festival in the seventh lunar month—and thus appease them or even assure <br>their cooperation.

Instead, they were considered husband and wife (egyptian)

as soon as the bride moved her possessions into the groom's home&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;

She was born with sickle cell disease , a genetic disorder with unpredictable complications that causes the red&lt;br&gt;blood cells to [...], making it difficult for blood to flow through vessels and&lt;br&gt;deliver oxygen throughout the body.] "I usually feel good," she says. "But some days it hurts so much in my legs&lt;br&gt;and arms. I can't really walk, and I don't like people touching me. If it's really bad, I have to go to the&lt;br&gt;hospital.

assume an abnormal sickle shape

[...] programs that load automatically every time the machine boots. This is a common problem. Most PCs&lt;br&gt;leave the factory with too many autoloaders from preinstalled software, and they gain more as users install new&lt;br&gt;programs.


Isabella I of rel politics

backed spanish inquistion

Semmelweis, in short, was accused by those around him of performing something close to ritual magic "cadaver&lt;br&gt;particles" were just another name for Frazer's Laws of Contagion, the ability of a nefarious object to affect&lt;br&gt;innocent victims from great distances. Semmelweis lost his position a few years later, and in disgrace moved to&lt;br&gt;Budapest; in 1865 he was institutionalized against his will in a [...], where he died two weeks later.

barbaric asylum

Fatima did not answer. I remembered that it was forbidden to talk in the [...] in the vicinity of lurking&lt;br&gt;jinns.


bengladesh all rivers go to b-------------

bay of benghal

to be a greek cit anc needed ____________ and

be a man with greek parents and speak Greek

Friedrich nietzsche childhood goal

be man of the cloth

argument from contingency leibniz

being based on what ifs stretched into vast time. has to be something not based on what if.

Frederick Douglass writing put him in danger of

being recaptured. fled to great Britain for a while and supporters bought his freedom

The Fujiwhara effect or Fujiwara interaction, named after Sakuhei Fujiwhara, is a type of interaction

between two nearby cyclonic vortices

Thomas hobbes gov suggestion

big gov monarch with ab power.

islamic medievlal hospital dubbed

bimartistan. Workers did shifts.

Ibm did 701 computer for

biz use.

Negro Portuguese word for


colored convention movement

black rights groups us I'm 1800s

voltaire prison why

blamed for poem saying regent incestous, denied batille a bit,

Assyrians or rulers rep of being

bloodthristy boasted of (kings) skinnings alive crucified and impaled

bodhisttavas in daoism

bodhisattvas yup

Southern states laws make it illegal for slaves to give bad

body language.

It was also a much more&lt;br&gt;Chemically identical to&lt;br&gt;burning, it never wants&lt;br&gt;5/17/2012 8:21:00 PMLocation: 93-95Page:&lt;br&gt;dangerous job. Nitrate film is highly flammable, and [...] were not uncommon.&lt;br&gt;the explosive guncotton, nitrate film has its own built-in oxygen supply. Once it starts&lt;br&gt;to stop. It even burns underwater.

booth fires

n contemporary terms, Semitism or anti-Semitism is associated with Jews; but, in fact,

both Arabs and Jews are Semitic peoples.

The empress even promoted what might loosely be termed women's rights, publishing (albeit as part of her own&lt;br&gt;legitimation campaign) Biographies of Famous Women and requiring children to mourn [...]s, rather than&lt;br&gt;merely their father, as had been the practice hitherto

both parent

Cortés suspected a trap and took Montezuma II captive. It was too late for the emperor by then, anyway, because&lt;br&gt;he had[...] and lost the respect of his own subjects. When Montezuma II next attempted to&lt;br&gt;speak before the Aztecs, his audience turned on him and pelted him with stones and arrows. He was fatally&lt;br&gt;injured.

bowed before the Spaniards

von economo cells

brain cells connected to our feelings of love empathy sociality emotional suffering

Neanderthals had big


meta ethics

branch of philo about meaning of moral terms and nature of moral properties.

Until the mid-1960s, Japanese parents arranged marriages for their children through trusted intermediaries. The&lt;br&gt;ceremony was consummated, according to Shinto law, by the [...] There was no tradition of romance, courtship, seduction, or prenuptial love in Japan; and none that&lt;br&gt;required the gift of a diamond engagement ring.

bride and groom drinking rice wine from the same&lt;br&gt;wooden bowl.

No, I have three fathers and two mothers at our house,' he replied. `One of my mothers is my mother's sister&lt;br&gt;and one of the fathers is her brother.' In Africa any relative who looks after you as a child is a mother or a&lt;br&gt;father. Even cousins several times removed are called [...]

brothers and sisters.

star nosed sloth use to find prey


Jewish law dictates that the dead should be

buried without anything of value in a simple pine box, to assure equality, so the kittel has been used as a burial shroud.

savanarolla Rena ordered

burning of several objs of Rena books paintings etv

York or Toronto ... in war of 1812


Alexander treat,EMT of thebes

burnt to ground and surviving citizens sold into slavery. Athens surrendered.

Put Your Hand in the Hand

by Ocean Jesusey song

Play That Funky Music&nbsp;

by Wild Cherry

Voltaire early edu

by jesuits

From 1958 to 1962 the Chinese people starved to death [...]. But the "three difficult years,"&lt;br&gt;as the Beijing regime still daintily refers to this atrocity, saw not merely death from famine on a massive&lt;br&gt;scale. It was also a period of state terror, during which Party officials ransacked villages, torturing and&lt;br&gt;murdering peasants for refusing to hand over secret stores of grain which did not exist.

by the tens of millions

Aztecs used to scrape ______ off a pond to make

cakes &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;spirilina

program fors — a dozen children between 8 and 11. Michael was one of his&lt;br&gt;earliest referrals (emotional disorder)

callous-unemotional, or C.U., kid

In the course of the war thousands of -------- shot 3.5 million meters of-----, thereby producing a remarkable chronicle of the war. These&lt;br&gt;records, unlike the German ones, did not shrink from depicting the suffering imposed on civilians.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;USSR

camera men film

Ahmadi Muslim persectuion pakistan&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;about mosques and korran

can be sent to priz if they enter non ahmadi mosques or quote quarran in public

Negative theology

can't say what god is but can say what he is not.


cap of Pakistan

One thing has not changed since Pierre Trudeau outlawed----------- in 1976:

capital punishment

venezulz cap is [...]


st Thomas Aquinas saint of

carh unis and schools

sha do ought

celbrates jewish gift or torah

Daoist monasteries hope to create a

celestial space, a prototype of the ideal <br>realm of the perfected on Earth.

Univac could do variety of data processing for

census etc.

according to some daoist texts you fan wean self off food and live on

chi or qi

It is a fact known around the world that former battlegrounds in Cambodia, {{c1::especially along the Cambodia-Thailand border,}} are still heavily contaminated by landmines and UXO buried during almost three decades of wars {{c2::by the Khmer Rouge,}} said the statement dated Saturday.


There are industrial towns in China where it's {{c1::rare to see the sun.}}


missionaries had this trade banned with china brits

chinese opium trade

Boxer Rebellion foreigns

chinese workers and poor peasents resented privilieges for foreigners, slogan death to foregin devils

ian Fleming wrote this kids bpok

chitty chitty bang bang

Among those desperate to make sense of this fatal discrepancy was the young (Ignaz Semmelweis hand washing guy), appointed&lt;br&gt;assistant at the Vienna obstetric clinic in 1846. Appalled by the senseless waste of life and the seeming&lt;br&gt;disinterest of the medical professionals around him, Semmelweis ultimately realized that the women in the&lt;br&gt;maternity ward were being infected by what he called "cadaverous particles," still clinging to the hands of the&lt;br&gt;doctors fresh from dissection (the midwives at the second clinic did not do dissections, and did not come into&lt;br&gt;regular contact with cadavers). Instituting a regime of hand washing with [...], Semmelweis lowered&lt;br&gt;the mortality rate at the first clinic to levels equal to the second clinic almost overnight.

chlorinated water

Thomas agrees with Epictetus that happiness is ultimately a and cannot be taken away by the actions of others


French invaded Italy to

claim Naples Rena

liz era class system belief deo

class system ordained by god

popular breeds as we know them didn't proliferate until the 19th century, when the [...]&lt;br&gt;became obsessed with recording the pedigrees of their pets and livestock.

class-conscious British

Gottfried Leibniz imp deed

coinventor calculus with newton of sorts.

As soon as the People's Republic of China was established in October 1949, Mao Zedong wanted to move as quickly&lt;br&gt;as possible to create agricultural collectives, He castigated his more cautious colleagues as behaving "like old&lt;br&gt;women with bound feet," and pushed the peasants into joining ever larger [...]This culminated in 1958&lt;br&gt;with the formation of the "People's Communes," huge, cumbersome agricultural cooperatives with tens of thousands&lt;br&gt;of members.


Heroine once had many ________-

common medicines

In 1951, the Ethiopian Emperor, Haile Selassie, decided to send thousands of troops to fight as part of the&lt;br&gt;American-led UN force supporting South Korea against the [...] and its ally, China. They were called&lt;br&gt;the Kagnew battalions and were drawn from Haile Selassie's Imperial Bodyguard — Ethiopia's elite troops

communist North

Engels and marx wrote commie manifesto on

communist league request.

Thousands of Mien settled in California after fleeing Laos following their participation in a CIA-backed battle against [...] during the Vietnam&lt;br&gt;War.


I wanted to bite off my tongue and with it the words I had spoken to Mona. Too late I remembered that to&lt;br&gt;[...] was to obligate its owner to give it as a gift. I said nothing more as we walked toward the&lt;br&gt;main street. But I felt as if I had failed&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Yemen custom

compliment something

Saint Hildegard art accomplishment

composed some of the best music of the middle ages

Keep in mind also that, while the Nazis established [...] in the 1930s, the number of inmates ranged in the thousands. It wouldn't be until the 1940s that the death camps and the gas chambers that killed millions would be implemented.

concentration camps

"Spanish novelist Camilo Jose Cela, bullfighting was a staple of Barcelona's culture for more than five&lt;br&gt;centuries. But in 2010, 180,000 people signed a petition[...] prompting the&lt;br&gt;state of Catalonia to ban it. Some 20,000 fans headed to Barcelona's Plaza de Toms Monumental in late September&lt;br&gt;to watch a 28-year-old matador accept ""the sad honor of killing the final bull"" in the city's last fight.&lt;br&gt;Outside, animal rights activists held signs celebrating ""a great day for the bulls."""

condemning toreo as cruel and inhumane,

perfect versions of the tenses

connect events on a relative timeline this happened in this time frame and then this happened.they have progressive versions too.

Aztec rule, when they conquered

conqured areas but allowed self-gov as long as tribute and taxes paid

guinea pigs bred for

consumption originallly

Nz not attached to---------------

continents never ever

As soon as the People's Republic of China was established in October 1949, Mao Zedong wanted to move as quickly&lt;br&gt;as possible to create agricultural collectives, He castigated his more cautious colleagues as behaving "like old&lt;br&gt;women with bound feet," and pushed the peasants into joining ever larger collectives. This culminated in 1958&lt;br&gt;with the formation of the "People's Communes," huge, cumbersome agricultural [...] with tens of thousands&lt;br&gt;of members.


One explanation for Wu's success is that she listened. She installed a series of [...] in the capital in&lt;br&gt;which citizens could post anonymous denunciations of one another, and passed legislation, R.W.L. Guisso says,&lt;br&gt;that "empowered informers of any social class to travel to the capital at public expense."

copper boxes

doc training america 1830s or so

could be trained in month max 10 months perhaps

Multi Fibre Agreement result

countires starting factories in other places to avoid quota.

mental ill euro standards how to make cash

crazies exhbited to paying onlookers who could poke them with sticks

superman potency Nietzsche not evil reason

creative not destructive

Lee Falk who is he?

creator the phantom strip and mandrake the magician (another strip)

siren kierkagard critic of

critic of church l

freidrich nietszche cross opin

cross stifles ambtions afterlish anti-plato cuz ideals of

freidrich nietszche cross idea and plato view

cross stifles ambtions, anti-plato cuz of afterlish ideals,

Justinian and Plato school

crosser shut it down 529 Ad

[...] usu bring beed sheets fans food and water for hospital stays

cuba patient

A ---------[nb 1] is a plant or grouping of plants selected for desirable characteristics that can be maintained by propagation. Most cultivars have arisen in cultivation but a few are special selections from the wild. Popular ornamental garden plants like roses, camellias, daffodils, rhododendrons, and azaleas are cultivars produced by careful breeding and selection for flower colour and form


The Ebola virus has no [...] and is deadly in 40 percent to 90 percent of cases. The disease causes severe&lt;br&gt;internal bleeding.



cynic philo

Oh and the_________ in &lt;br&gt;eggs breaks down the hangover-causing toxin___________, so they really are a good breakfast choice postboozing

cysteine acetaldehyde

rev 0f 1905 russia after fired on protest end poliically

czar had to set up duma (parliament)

Giovanni Boccaccio Decameron writer loved [...]


France that his earlier and equally impressive work (including the pasteurization process that still bears his name) never did. Pasteur's rabies&lt;br&gt;vaccine which, because of the long latency period between bite and brain infection, could be administered [...] someone was bittentransformed an&lt;br&gt;arbitrary killer into a preventable disease

days after


deconstructionist showed how dualisms contained elements of each other.

lech walesa was poland prez helped transition to [...] won 1983 peace prize&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;

democracy from comm

The people of Montenegro gained greater autonomy when the name Yugoslavia was discarded in 2003 in favor of a

democratic and federal country named Serbia and Montenegro

Tamerlane is

desc for genghis conquerd moscow 1390s Asiahistory

john Stuart mill whatever crushes individuality is


Phillip Drinker and Louis agassiz

dev iron lung 1928 eventaully was used in some polio cases

Until the mid-1960s, Japanese parents arranged marriages for their children through trusted intermediaries. The&lt;br&gt;ceremony was consummated, according to Shinto law, by the bride and groom drinking rice wine from the same&lt;br&gt;wooden bowl. There was no tradition of romance, courtship, seduction, or prenuptial love in Japan; and none that&lt;br&gt;required the gift of a [...]

diamond engagement ring.

We¡¯re a little bit hazy about which one it was during the reign of Caesar, because after the republic was destroyed he made himself ____________ rather than emperor. But


fish can use both eyes for

different tasks

Party leaders assigned topics to------ , and censors examined films at every level of production. Even after all these precautions approximately a&lt;br&gt;----- of the films made were not exhibited, in effect discarded as ideological&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;USSR Fact


the vast computing power needed to crunch all of the data produced by the atom smasher also boosted the development of

distributed - or cloud - computing, that is now entering mainstream services.

Alex great claimed

divine descent amun or zeus

Henry Hill Hickman

doc did pioneer anesthesia stuff but did not spread in his life,

Diogenes and known for

doing private things publicly like eating drinking and pissing in public all ancient nonos in Athens.

Thomas Jefferson vision america

dominated by farmer intellectuals.

Entente Cordiale

don't eff with each other france and britian emps,ext to russia

The opium poppy is the only plant in the world that makes morphine and codeine, says Dr. Facchini. Both&lt;br&gt;compounds are found in opium,which is the [...]produced by poppy plants. Afghanistan produces 90 per cent of&lt;br&gt;the world's opium.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;2 items&lt;b&gt;

dried milky sap

tantric Buddhist behaviors according to scripture

drink blood and phlegm, kill living beings, fornicate, be lush and drink, some get this as metaphor.

crime rate in early-nineteenth-century England did not[...] as a result of transportation, again because its&lt;br&gt;roots lay too deep for any deterrent to reach.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Australia Fact&lt;/b&gt;


East Coast visitors, so-called [...]--a 19th-century Americanism referring to someone who dresses sharply--&lt;br&gt;wanted a taste of the West, and the Eatons obliged.


The (4 euro countries) all competed with the Portuguese by building slaving stations in Africa.

dutch, british french and danish

queen victoria child rearing

each night had kids come to her for quiz

Mexico adopted the image of the ------------- ----------------- ----------------

eagle, snake, and cactus in its national flag,

Josef Breuer

early Freud collaborator used hypnosis in Anna o case.

Brits divided benghal into

east and west version

Tokyo tower in jap to scale copy of

effiel tower

A woman is born with all the [] about one or two million at birth, a number that dwindles to less than half a million by the time puberty&lt;br&gt;hits, then continues to drop until menopause.

eggs she'll ever have

Assyrian rivals of &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;2 groups

egyptians and hittities

Univac predicted landslide for

eisenhower as pub stunt with cbs

An, also known as an personal vaporizer or PV, is an electronic inhaler that vaporizes a liquid solution into an aerosol mist, simulating the act of tobacco smoking.

electronic cigarette e-?cigarette,

"Dozens of Lloyd Burrells have literally gone much further to manage their own, largely self-diagnosed, [...]. hint cell phones&lt;br&gt;kevin, psch today, loc. 387-88&lt;br&gt;Diane Schou is a ""Wi-Fi refugee"" now living in Green Bank. Cell phones and cell towers used to give her headaches, vision and memory problems, and&lt;br&gt;chest pains"


It was common for poor Chinese boys to voluntarily undergo [...] in the hope of obtaining a prestigious&lt;br&gt;and well-remunerated post in the imperial service


Roosevelt prohibition

ended it.

kaballah thought god creation never


Elsie Woddowson who is it?

eng scientist developed britian rationing system

voltaire exile after insulting noble place

england, went to batille before this, cut exile deal to go to eng

"<div>{{c1::Thucydides}} is generally regarded as one of the first true historians. Unlike his predecessor Herodotus (often</div><div>called ""the father of history"") who included rumors and references to myths and the gods in his writing,</div><div>Thucydides assiduously {{c2::consulted written documents}} and interviewed {{c3::participants in the events that he records}}</div>"


<div>Egypt, however, was not the only great civilization to arise in Africa. South of Egypt was {{c1::Nubia}}. Deeply influenced by its Egyptian neighbors, this great</div><div>African civilization developed its own religion, government, and art, and, at one time, ruled over Egypt itself.</div>


<div>Once they crossed the lines on Nov. 8, the German delegates were not driven directly to the railway car where</div><div>the armistice talks were to be held. Rather, {{c1::</div><div>the French gave them a 10-hour "scenic tour" that showed incredible</div><div>damage to the French countryside after four years of war.</div>}}


In 440, {{c1::Sophocles}} was elected as one of the ten {{c2::strategoi (military commanders)}} of Athens.


{{c1::Kleine-Levin}} syndrome (where people sleep for really, really long periods of time),


{{c1::mao}} was in nationalist army for a bit


Definition of 'Value Added'&lt;br&gt;The [...] a company gives its product or service before offering the product to customers. Value added is used to describe instances where a firm takes a product that may be considered a homogeneous product, with few differences (if any) from that of a competitor, and provides potential customers with a feature or add-on that gives it a greater sense of value.


Commercials actually make us [...]. You can make a good experience more pleasant by interrupting it periodically with something less fun.

enjoy TV more

vikings -- people in their raids


she introduced the meritocratic system of [...] for the imperial bureaucracy that survived into&lt;br&gt;the 20th century,&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;empress wu

entrance examinations

As war ravaged Europe, Dr. Albert Hofmann hunkered down in his lab in Basel, Switzerland, and synthesized dozens&lt;br&gt;of compounds from [...] a grain-attacking fungus, in an effort to create a medicinal blood stimulator. In 1943,&lt;br&gt;he accidentally (or, as he has claimed, synchronistically) absorbed a few potent drops from the 25th variety,&lt;br&gt;soon thereafter experiencing a "not unpleasant intoxicated-like condition."&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;LSD Facts&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Albert Hoffman first to make [LSD}


Suitcase farmers

essentially absentee landowners who get others to farm the land before depression

Isabella I of Spain med

est first euro military hospital

sumeria trade network examples

ethopia and india

The new country uses the_____ its currency and plans to join ________

euro european union

liz era and fish rule

everybody had to eat fish on wed,Fridays, and Saturdays

Daosim concept we know good Cruz there is


roman emp Domitian and philo

exiled all philo in AD 94

beggars could be whipped for (liz class)


Spinoza said something not backed by scripture

existence of angels and soul immortality not backed by scripture.

Kaiser wiliam II boat (tip)

expanded maritime power to rival brits

We also know, thanks to a growing body of research on the topic, that loneliness is not a matter of [...] it is a psychological state


schools role Plato

fail school become default farmer

maori sacred place

far tip of north island souls come here to slide down roots of tree to spirt world

The empress even promoted what might loosely be termed women's rights, publishing (albeit as part of her own&lt;br&gt;legitimation campaign) Biographies of Famous Women and requiring children to mourn both parents, rather than&lt;br&gt;merely their [...], as had been the practice hitherto



father god true god and Jesus and holy spirit his creations

The old people used to say that if the__ does the wrapping__, so my father would rebind for me every other day or so.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;(Chinese)

father it won't hurt so much

Definition of 'Value Added'&lt;br&gt;The enhancement a company gives its product or service before offering the product to customers. Value added is used to describe instances where a firm takes a product that may be considered a homogeneous product, with few differences (if any) from that of a competitor, and provides potential customers with a[...] that gives it a greater sense of value.

feature or add-on

Sumeria had (farming)

fertile soil

Manichaeism world creation

fight between light and dark world. light first mam eaten so we have light particles. but we are formed out of dark matter so evil too.

Hironobu Sakaguchi ?

final fantasy creator

Richard Sheridan playwright had _____________ troubles all his life


chruch attendance liz era

fine if you did not go

John Graves Simcoe

first governor upper canada. Abolitionist.

Flo nightingale est inst

first nursing school nightingale training school in london

Henry Cavendish sci imp

first person to determine composition of water

Isabella I of Spain wedding blues

fled horseback to avoid setup wedding

The Malleus Maleficarum , an infamous 1486 handbook-------------------, complained in&lt;br&gt;particular of "weak" women who "find an easy and secret manner of vindicating themselves by witchcraft."

for prosecuting the heresy of witchcraft

Toussaint L'Ouverture unpop decision after victory

force slaves to work in whitey farms with reduced hrs and no whiping to make wealth.

epic theatre

form of theatre meant to provoke rational thought. action may be interrupted to provide analysis or documentation or argument. wants audience to think objectively about the play.

Pakistan creation date

formed in 1947

Pakistan date made?

formed in 1947

china wwI aftermath turf

former chinese areas from germany given to japan

Liu Ji n

former peasant to Chinese emp was ronin hood fish in the fact he plundered from the rich with a band of bandits. fought against warlords and won.

Mustafa Kemal who is he?

founder mod turkey

British empire subject benefits circa cent ago or more

free passage to Brit emp lands

4000 slaves to NHS after amer rev Cruz

freed loyalist slaves

WWI and Africa terriory bit

french and brit expand into ger lands like togoland and cameroon

has compiled a comprehensive dictionary for the Mien language, a fast-fading idiom spoken by thousands of refugees [...]

from Laos.

At the outbreak of the American war of independence, thousands of black slaves fled

from their masters and joined the British loyalist side

Isabella I of spaind famous guy assoc

funded chris colombus

scholastic movement

fused cross ways with Aristotle.

pirate ships were often



genghis desc and founded the mogul dynasty in India&nbsp; Asiahistory

Treaty of Versailles conditoins

ger pay damages, all ger colonies given up, arm forces limited

Werner Herzog is

german film director

Triple alliance (non allies)

germany, italy, and austria-hungary

"Dozens of Lloyd Burrells have literally gone much further to manage their own, largely self-diagnosed, electrosensitivity. hint cell phones&lt;br&gt;kevin, psch today, loc. 387-88&lt;br&gt;Diane Schou is a ""Wi-Fi refugee"" now living in Green Bank. Cell phones and cell towers used to [...]"

give her headaches, vision and memory problems, and&lt;br&gt;chest pains

I wanted to bite off my tongue and with it the words I had spoken to Mona. Too late I remembered that to&lt;br&gt;compliment something was to obligate its owner to [...] I said nothing more as we walked toward the&lt;br&gt;main street. But I felt as if I had failed&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Yemen custom

give it as a gift.

Karl Marx communism only possible in a

global rev

Spinoza afterlife

go to godspurce from where we sprang.

stoics --- is in all things rel


Shitala India goddess

goddess of smallpox

some aussie attracted by

gold rush

Confucius promoted the

golden rule

Every desire we have points to some (Aquinas)

good thing that can fulfill it.

queen vic seances

got into them

thirteenth amendment us

got rid of slavery

Mandela health in prison

got tb from aparteid jai

The gold belonged to the [...] which demanded an exorbitant license fee of 30 shillings a month from the&lt;br&gt;Victorian diggers.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Australia gov gold rush facts&lt;/b&gt;


beijing full of false reports of[...]&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Mao Times&lt;/b&gt;

great food production

persian view greeks

greeks are kinda primitive+ wanted greeks to do symbolic gesture showing they would bow down to persians (give me glass of water and soil+cities implictly belong to persians+

NZ bats sometimes hunt on the


Altoe from xerox functions

had a mouse a d could use laser printer.

Mohenhjo Daro water?

had drainage system sent water to every home in the city

Muslim hosptials practice ancient gender

had fem docs

banpo site China cultural relic

had flutes.

Isabella I of Spain queening

had herself made queen when hubbie gone, covering it with elab celebration on his return

Von neumann did paper that infl mod comp sys

had internal memory to memorize programs.

bimartasians (rural people)

had mobile ones

original draft declaration of independence and slavery

had part banning slavery but pressure axed it.

Africa slave practices larger areas

had slave villages and share cropping may have raids for master

The dead are important and their spirits demand a good send-off. A big funeral can cost[...]. That is another reason why HIV/AIDS has been so devastating in Africa. Families, already&lt;br&gt;impoverished by the long sickness of parents in the prime of life, have been ruined by the cost of funerals.&lt;br&gt;The Churches in Uganda now urge families not to spend too much on them.

half a year's&lt;br&gt;earnings

Charles martel

halted Muslim expansion in Europe grandson was chalamagne.

Among those desperate to make sense of this fatal discrepancy was the young (Ignaz Semmelweis hand washing guy), appointed&lt;br&gt;assistant at the Vienna obstetric clinic in 1846. Appalled by the senseless waste of life and the seeming&lt;br&gt;disinterest of the medical professionals around him, Semmelweis ultimately realized that the women in the&lt;br&gt;maternity ward were being infected by what he called "cadaverous particles," still clinging to the hands of the&lt;br&gt;doctors fresh from dissection (the midwives at the second clinic did not do dissections, and did not come into&lt;br&gt;regular contact with cadavers). Instituting a regime of[...] with chlorinated water, Semmelweis lowered&lt;br&gt;the mortality rate at the first clinic to levels equal to the second clinic almost overnight.

hand washing

coins given to kids at hannukan called

hannukah gelt

greenland health 2 facts one gen pop

has high suicide rate+innuit pop

levi strauss surprising anthro fact

hated filedwork

who were the hansa

he Hanseatic League (also known as the Hanse or Hansa; Low German: Hanse, Dudesche Hanse, Latin: Hansa, Hansa Teutonica or Liga Hanseatica) was a commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and their market towns that dominated trade along the coast of Northern Europe. It stretched from the Baltic to the North Sea and inland during the Late Middle Ages and early modern period (c. 13th to 17th centuries).

oxford comma or serial comma

he Oxford (or serial) comma is the final comma in a list of things. For example:&nbsp;<div>Please bring me a pencil, eraser, and notebook.&nbsp;</div><div>The Oxford comma comes right after eraser.</div>

Lao tzu some scholars historical opinion

he never existed his work collection of aphrohisms.

Montenegro is a parliamentary republic. The President is the(leader type) and indirect or direct?

head of the state and elected directly by the people

There is also the promise of a cure. Over the last 20 years, at least 400 patients have been cured of sickle&lt;br&gt;cell disease through hematopoietic stem cell transplant, a procedure that replaces the unhealthy sickle-shaped&lt;br&gt;cells with [...]

healthy cells from a donor.

A [...] Jefferson questioned the accuracy of the translations of many books of the Bible and did not&lt;br&gt;accept all the conventions of his native Anglican tradition.

healthy skeptic,

bio vocation early yrs Thomas Aquinas

held in captivity for two yes cuz parents objected to career choice.

There is also the promise of a cure. Over the last 20 years, at least 400 patients have been cured of sickle&lt;br&gt;cell disease through[...]t, a procedure that replaces the unhealthy sickle-shaped&lt;br&gt;cells with healthy cells from a donor.

hematopoietic stem cell transplan

When he got his ticket-of-leave, the redeemed convict's work was more in demand and his wages [...] than in&lt;br&gt;England or Ireland.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Aussie Fact &lt;/b&gt;


It was also a much more&lt;br&gt;Chemically identical to&lt;br&gt;burning, it never wants&lt;br&gt;5/17/2012 8:21:00 PMLocation: 93-95Page:&lt;br&gt;dangerous job. Nitrate film is [...], and booth fires were not uncommon.&lt;br&gt;the explosive guncotton, nitrate film has its own built-in oxygen supply. Once it starts&lt;br&gt;to stop. It even burns underwater.

highly flammable


hindu type word means emotional attachment

Aryan word

historians say people who displaced indus river civ and gave rise to later indian culture.

"<div>Tales of hydrophobia filled the newspapers of 19th-century London and Paris, even though their residents were far more likely to perish from cholera or</div><div>even murder; citizens organized {{c1::""canicides"" or ""great dog massacres""}} to thin out the feral curs believed to carry the disease.</div><div>kevin, wired, loc rabies</div>"


<div>The background bears restating. In 1954, a CIA-​run military coup ended a {{c1::10-​year democratic interlude in Guatemal}}a - "the years of spring," as they are</div><div>known there - and restored a savage elite to power</div>


<div>The {{c1::Niʻihau Incident}} (or Battle of Niʻihau) occurred on December 7, 1941, when Japanese Zero pilot Shigenori Nishikaichi crash-​landed on the {{c2::</div><div>Hawaiian</div><div>island of Niʻihau</div><div>}} after participating in the {{c3::attack on Pearl Harbor.}}</div>


<div>This was well before the Valerie Plame affair, of course, and {{c1::exposing spies}} {{c2::was still legaluntil 1982}}, when the {{c3::CIA}} pressured Congress to pass</div><div>legislation outlawing the practice.</div>


Jobs routinely told subordinates that {{c1::they were assholes, that they never did anything right.}}


could be fined for (liz class) helping a

homeless person

Aztec kids were __________ until their teens under the close supervision of their local Principal Skinner


Theanimal : There were no_____ in the Americas.

horses both

chinese founding myth yellow emperor, , three sage kings and[...] (imp figures)

hsia dynasty

The history of the United States is like the famous parable of the porcupines in the cold, from Schopenhauer'sStudies in Pessimism—the ones who [...] for warmth and shuffle away in pain, always separating and&lt;br&gt;congregating.

huddle together

black code slave protections exs

human beings with souls slaves, must be baptized catholic, could marry if master let them , master can not sep man and wife.

equality is a Nietzsche

human made concept and is bogus and corrupting

These [...] commanded a higher price than other slaves at Rome&lt;br&gt;with a specific market being devoted to their&lt;br&gt;sale

human oddities

China, a country with the highest number of primitive

human sites in the <br>world, has not only preserved the most abundant materials related to the ori-<br>gin of human beings

August Comte we will worship

humanity itself.


hy·dro·phil·ic&nbsp;<div>ˌhīdrəˈfilik/Submit&nbsp;</div><div>adjective&nbsp;</div><div>having a tendency to mix with, dissolve in, or be wetted by water.</div>


hy·per·ga·my hīˈpərɡəmē &nbsp;&nbsp;<div>noun&nbsp;</div><div>noun hypergamy&nbsp;</div><div>the action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class.&nbsp;</div><div>Web definitions&nbsp;</div><div>Hypergamy is the act or practice of marrying a spouse of higher caste or status than oneself. The term is often used more specifically in reference to a perceived tendency among human cultures for females to be pursued by male suitors that are higher status than themselves, which often manifests ...</div>

1990, three former MIT researchers founded__________, one of the first consumer robotics companies. Their most famous product,, is also their most popular, with more than 3 million sold.

iRobot&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; the floor-sweeping Roomba

david Hume and self

ids nothing more than the sum of sense perceptions we have.

identity of fje indiscenables Leibniz

if two items have the same properties then they are not two but one.

The Shi'ah recognize a dozen imams throughout history and believe that knowledge derived from sources other than&lt;br&gt;the [...] is useless.



in ancient egypt lady who dressed as man to learn medicine

The level of care medical in islamic medieval states was not matched _______

in europe till 19th century

Medea (home of medes)&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;where?

in north iran leech

pharynx (

in your mouth where your nose connects to your throat)

But not too long ago, studios simply threw films away. Paramount planned to burn its old nitrate. MGM was set to&lt;br&gt;dump its original negatives —[...] — into the ocean. What&lt;br&gt;did they need those for, they figured? They'd made copies&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;studio practice

including those for Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz

One explanation for Wu's success is that she listened. She installed a series of copper boxes in the capital in&lt;br&gt;which citizens could post anonymous denunciations of one another, and passed legislation, R.W.L. Guisso says,&lt;br&gt;that "empowered [...] of any social class to travel to the capital at public expense."


Semmelweis, in short, was accused by those around him of performing something close to ritual magic "cadaver&lt;br&gt;particles" were just another name for Frazer's Laws of Contagion, the ability of a nefarious object to affect&lt;br&gt;innocent victims from great distances. Semmelweis lost his position a few years later, and in disgrace moved to&lt;br&gt;Budapest; in 1865 he was [...] against his will in a barbaric asylum, where he died two weeks later.


Moggridge invented the notion of (and coined the term) --------—the idea that software and hardware and other products should be designed&lt;br&gt;to satisfy people's needs and desires.

interaction design

The Ebola virus has no cure and is deadly in 40 percent to 90 percent of cases. The disease causes severe&lt;br&gt;[...]

internal bleeding.

Nathaniel borenstein and mime

internet tech allowed attachment for emails that were not made of some substance as email

Commercials actually make us enjoy TV more. You can make a good experience more pleasant by[...]

interrupting it periodically with something less fun.

George fox had habit of

interrupting sermons to criticize preachers got arrested too.

sumeria dug _____ for farming

irrigation canals

George Hegel said all that is

is knowable

Another belief that has proved useful in the therapy of bereaved families is the belief in the reincarnation of souls, supported by the {{c1::Shiite and Druze sects.}}


The Cuba question boils down to this: Now that President Obama has abandoned a policy of

isolation that has failed for 53 yrs


is·che·mi·a&nbsp;<div>isˈkēmēə/Submit&nbsp;</div><div>nounMEDICINE&nbsp;</div><div>an inadequate blood supply to an organ or part of the body, especially the heart muscles.</div>

zero origin

it comes from India&nbsp;

Share: the atlantic.html

it's exceedingly rare to discover truly{{c1:: ancient papyri }}in archaeological contexts-unlike stone or clay, the other common ancient writing media{{c2::, papyrus disintegrates over time}}<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, the atlantic.html)

Derrida said text paradoxes create

its meaning

queen victoria fav writer

jane austen

Zimmerman telegram:&nbsp;

join us in WW1 mexico and you get back california

A reduction in personal tension is also the target of another fa-<br>mous Daode jing saying: "A thousand-mile

journey starts with the first step

One of their most spectacular festivals was the Mud and Soot Purgation, <br>performed to alleviate the

karma accumulated from the past and help the follower and his <br>ancestors attain immortal status, envisioned as a bureaucratic transfer of registration files of <br>the celestial administration. Participants would undergo symbolic punishments, such as being <br>bound in fetters, hung upside-down, or ceremoniously beaten, while the audience would whip <br>themselves into a frenzy, wail and weep, cover themselves in ashes, and roll around in the <br>mud. A typical prayer is:

ablertt demise queen vic

kept room the same,

Pierre was appointed to the chair of physics at the Sorbonne. Two years later, he was

killed in an accident on a Paris street.

Plato former patron

king of Syracuse dionsys sold him into slavery Cruz of disagreement.Plato bought by friend.

rel paintings middle ages haptic thing

kissing religious paintings, not kissing could be disrespectful.

bodhidharma invented

kung fu and zen Buddhism

Daoist gods and immortals have <br>been known to channe

l complete autobiographies, lengthy practice instructions—such as tai-<br>jiquan sequences—and extensive poetry collections. Spirit-writing is still widely practiced in <br>Daoist circles today, and there are some groups who will not make any decision without first <br>consulting their leading deity. spirit writing aka automatic writing.

He also approved a system of civil law that came to be called (france)

la Code Napoléon(the Napoleonic Code,which remains the legal code of

-------------- russia lake made with nuclear bomb

lake chagan

ludwig Wittengenstein philo god and lang

lang only can reflect real world so illogical to speak of deity

daosim heaven and earth how long do they live?

last forever

Spinoza god gives no la--

laws to punish or reward folks.

Voltaire dad wanted him to be

lawyer and after politicio

siren kirkegard coined term

leap of faith in danish.

children in marriage effect pos and neg

less satisfied with union but more likely to stay together.

A woman is born with all the eggs she'll ever have about one or two million at birth, a number that dwindles to [...] by the time puberty&lt;br&gt;hits, then continues to drop until menopause.

less than half a million

Diogenes simplicity one of

lifted keys.

Karakoram Highway

links north Pakistan and western China


long nose I'm Cuba Haiti Dominican poison bite

Throughout the Norse lands, people lived in [...] (langhús ), which were typically 5 to 7 meters wide (16&lt;br&gt;to 23 feet) and anywhere from 15 to 75 meters long (50 to 250 feet),


virtue theory of morality

look at traits that develop flourishing life for us.

Another popular figure in the group is Li Tieguai or Ironcrutch Li, who

lost body and took over body or recently offed beggar one of the eight immortals.

Cortés suspected a trap and took Montezuma II captive. It was too late for the emperor by then, anyway, because&lt;br&gt;he had bowed before the Spaniards and [...] When Montezuma II next attempted to&lt;br&gt;speak before the Aztecs, his audience turned on him and pelted him with stones and arrows. He was fatally&lt;br&gt;injured.

lost the respect of his own subjects.

georg wilhelm hegel hist thoughts

loved napeloen he is a world spirit, hist journey to self-discovery

Under shang dynasty (china) accomplishments&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;think the stars&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;made how many months calender?

made 12 month calender, charted movement of stars and sun to predict season,

René Descartes and math

made Cartesian geometry

L. L. Langstroth

made removable bee keeping frame-making it easier to manage bees.

moses de leon

made zohar inspiration for kaballah

rum I originally teacher at

madrasa Islamic school

It was almost [...], the evening prayer call.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Islam


zorastarians priests called

magis are there priests+ magis sometimes said to have great powers

Isaac Luria

major kaballah founder said to have mystical powers.

Rousseau and personal property

makes you prideful.


maori earth oven cooked over heated stones<div><br /></div><div>[sound:rec1394396029.mp3]</div>

Among the wealthier classes, (anc egypt and marraige)

marriage contracts were sometimes drawn up and filed at local temples.

Until the mid-1960s, Japanese parents arranged [...] for their children through trusted intermediaries. The&lt;br&gt;ceremony was consummated, according to Shinto law, by the bride and groom drinking rice wine from the same&lt;br&gt;wooden bowl. There was no tradition of romance, courtship, seduction, or prenuptial love in Japan; and none that&lt;br&gt;required the gift of a diamond engagement ring.


Unlike lasers, __________ can pierce though cloud cover, living tissue, and other solid materials undisturbed.



masjid [mosque]."

Rabbit drives

mass clubbing of rabbits great depression.

Indian Nationalism event

massacre of nationalists at amritsar 1919 by brits

Slave names often

master surname.

all is numbers Pythagoras cult

meaning universe imperfect expression of perfect higher, abstract number


means normal in lang of first nzers

maori (lit meaning)

means normal in lang of first nzers

Protagoras said man is the

measure of all things

jane goodall disc chimps ate

meat biography

Cyrus the persian king- rose up against the

medes, one wash his gramps, and won.

quaker man habit early

men would not carry weapons

When the cyclones approach each other, their centers will begin orbiting cyclonically about a point between the two systems due to their cyclonic wind circulations. The two vortices will be attracted to each other, and eventually spiral into the center point and

merge fujiwhara effect

The Aztecs revered a moderately alcoholic drink known as pulgue for approximately 9,000 years. Made byfermenting the sweet sap of the agave, it was used ceremonially and later distilled by the Spanish into the&lt;br&gt;potent drink [...]


Tedd hoff invented



microscopic beast can go dry stasis and regent

"William ""Billy"" Gardell"

mike on mike and molly, goes by billy.had standup career.

milk chocolate inventor

milk chocolate is invented 29 years later, when Daniel Peter<br>of Switzerland adds powdered milk for a less bitter taste.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, jrschoolcurrentevents.html)

________________ is a hangover cure in Japan

miso soup

Christiana of Sweden birth story

mistaken for boy

Samsung is the biggest manufacturer of---, thanks to the combination of Google's Android software and Samsung's Galaxy hardware

mobile phones in the world

Kush now __________

modern Sudan

Neanderthals and ________ ___________ co-existed for _________

modern humans thousands of years (most say interbreeding impossible)

modal verb

mod·al verb&nbsp;<div>nounGRAMMAR&nbsp;</div><div>an auxiliary verb that expresses necessity or possibility. English modal verbs include must, shall, will, should, would, can, could, may, and might.</div>

somalia cap is

mogadishu&lt;br&gt;Type: Highlight Created

maori tattoos?

moko they are called formed by carving grooves into the skin via bone chisel.

Swedish Monarchy and democracy

monarchy is technically elected at the time

Immanuel Kant reality and deity

moral necessity to belive in god , can't say what reality is but just what it appears like to them,people go by uni moral law by go law moral people uni

Immanuel Kant theo point

moral necessity to belive in god appears but cant is it just like reality say them to what

error theory of morality

moral statements are state, but they are false.

nocebo effect

more likely to suffer side effects if doc warns you

The opium poppy is the only plant in the world that makes[...], says Dr. Facchini. Both&lt;br&gt;compounds are found in opium,which is the dried milky sapproduced by poppy plants. Afghanistan produces 90 per cent of&lt;br&gt;the world's opium.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;2 items&lt;b&gt;

morphine and codeine

In ancient Egypt, (marriage)

most couples probably did not take part in any sort of religious or civil ceremony on their wedding toda

moghul empire last and lands

most indian subcontinent and and last unti 18th cent Asiahistory

Mary Wollstonecraft

mother of Mary shelly of Frankenstein fame.

No, I have three fathers and two mothers at our house,' he replied. `One of my mothers is my mother's sister&lt;br&gt;and one of the fathers is her brother.' In Africa any relative who looks after you as a child is a [...]Even cousins several times removed are called brothers and sisters.

mother or a&lt;br&gt;father.

Assyrians ruled (empire dates)

much of Sumeria from 2600BC to 612 BC

From 1958 to 1962 the Chinese people starved to death by the tens of millions. But the "three difficult years,"&lt;br&gt;as the Beijing regime still daintily refers to this atrocity, saw not merely death from famine on a massive&lt;br&gt;scale. It was also a period of state terror, during which Party officials ransacked villages, torturing and&lt;br&gt;[...] peasants for refusing to hand over secret stores of grain which did not exist.


tom waits

muscian performer with gravelly voice friend of the coppolas

Ahmadi Muslims prophet belief about muslims

muslim sect believe moe not seal on the prophets in pakistan offically considered non muslims

ra·chis (rks)&lt;br&gt;

n. pl. ra·chis·es or rach·i·des (rk-dz, rk-) Biology&lt;br&gt;A main axis or shaft, such as the main stem of an inflorescence, the stalk of a pinnately compound leaf, or the spinal column.&lt;br&gt;[New Latin, from Greek rhakhis, spine, ridge.]&lt;br&gt;rachi·al adj.&lt;br&gt;The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

shel·lac also shel·lack (sh-lk)&lt;br&gt;

n.&lt;br&gt;1. A purified lac in the form of thin yellow or orange flakes, often bleached white and widely used in varnishes, paints, inks, sealants, and formerly in phonograph records.&lt;br&gt;2. A thin varnish made by dissolving this substance in denatured alcohol, used to finish wood.&lt;br&gt;3. An old phonograph record containing this substance, typically played at 78 rpm.&lt;br&gt;tr.v.&lt;br&gt;1. shel·lacked also shel·lacked, shel·lack·ing also shel·lack·ing, shel·lacs also shel·lacks To coat or finish with shellac.&lt;br&gt;2. Slang&lt;br&gt;a. To strike repeatedly and severely; batter.&lt;br&gt;b. To defeat decisively.

har·i·cot 1 (hr-k)&lt;br&gt;

n.&lt;br&gt;The edible pod or seed of any of several beans, especially the kidney bean.&lt;br&gt;[French, possibly alteration (influenced by French haricot, stew) of Nahuatl ayacotli.]&lt;br&gt;har·i·cot 2 (hr-k)&lt;br&gt;n.&lt;br&gt;A highly seasoned mutton or lamb stew with vegetables.&lt;br&gt;[French, from Old French hericot, hericoq, possibly from harigoter, to cut into pieces, probably of Germanic origin.]&lt;br&gt;

Its founder K'ung Fu-tse, Jesuit missionaries later gave him the

name Confucius,

In 1598,his Edict of blank granted qualified freedom ofworship to Protestants.


rev 0f 1905 russia after fired on protest

nation strikes and armed forces muntinies

Kuomingtang party

nationalist party china, temp alliance with commies after WWI

Montenegrins are

natives of Montengro


nerve cells let you feel pain

immanuel Kant bio personal life etc

never wed, never traveled far from home twon

She had told me what she believed about Jesus. He was the Isa of the Quran: an important prophet who had [...] had healed the sick and had raised people from the dead. But she believed Him to be a lesser prophet&lt;br&gt;than Mohammed.


Nitrate film is a good example of technology changing for the better. With the invention of acetate safety film&lt;br&gt;in 1948, [...]. The advent of digital, on the other hand, may well be the final blow to the&lt;br&gt;dying art of the projectionist.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;what stopped?

nitrate was discontinued

Multiple Fibre Agreement spearheaded by


George berkly philo

no existence beyond thought no real matter.

maori writing

no form of writing communicate history and trads via songs and chants

In Islam there is no point of[...] God is always willing to offer pardon based upon genuine repentance.

no return,

wombat facts

nocturnal Aussie herbivores square scat

sumeria founded by

non sumerians cuz of place names

I had known that Yemen had once been two countries that had combined into one in 1990 and unified after a civil&lt;br&gt;war in 1994. But I had not known that the victorious agricultural[...] continued to disdain the technological&lt;br&gt;and defeated south, perhaps a reflection of reverse treatment prior to the war.


Nz divided into ___________ and __________

north and south island&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;divided by cook straight

jean Jacques Rousseau and original sin

not around.


not orginally nz fruit brought there in early 20th cent by a teacher who visited chinese school

Christiana of Sweden said about marriage

not the marrying kind

But bat bites are often so subtle that victims fail to------------

notice them.

Bourse ~

noun very rare&lt;br&gt; 1. the stock exchange in Paris

highest virtue Confucius

obeying elders

Voting in Brazil is [...], but many think it's useless.


Peasent's revolt, reason mid ages

of 1318 cuz of taxes


of of pertaing to the zoogeographical region that ext south from the central plateau of Mexico.

The Tlatelolco massacre, also known as The Night of Tlatelolco (from a book title by the Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska), was the killing [...] by Mexican government employees that took place during the afternoon and night of October 2, 1968, in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in the Tlatelolco section of Mexico City. The violence occurred ten days before the 1968 Summer Olympics celebrations in Mexico City.

of student and civilian protesters as well as bystanders

Before long, Daoists replaced the blood sacrifices of old with the presentation

of written documents, such as petitions, memorials, announcements, and mandates. They still underwent purification as a preparatory measure, but their central focus shifted to the offering and they eschewed all killing of animals or blood sacrifices.

crassus fate anc Rome

offed in military campaign in iran

Christiana of Sweden gender and role

official sucessor

slave med care

often done by herbalist lady

Cattle dusters

often killed by suffocation.

Ludwig Wittengenstein bio &nbsp; mentor and health

often suicidal, betrand russel the mentor, lecture while reclined in deck chair, philo hermint in norway for 2 yrs

continuous journey requirement

old immig policy Canada had to arrive on continuous journey from home.

The song of roland,

oldest piece of french lit

Montenegro declared its independence

on June 3, 2006

Pakistan&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;it is on the what subcontineent and next to

on indian subcontinent with india and bangladesh

Aristotle being existence knowing it

one could understand it by observing nature, being not static and observe nature to get it.

falonggong founder practice

only read my books controlling


onward from that place in time

Phillippe II rel

open athesit shocked catholic church

opium was used to enhance appreication of what kind of music


George Hegel all things contain their

opposites what is dark without light.


orgin, source

pelagian controversies denied

original sin

Indus River start

originates in china

lor·do·sis n

oun \lȯr-ˈdō-səs\&nbsp;<div>plural lor·do·ses&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>Definition of LORDOSIS&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>1&nbsp;</div><div>: abnormally increased inward curvature of the lower region of the spine resulting in a concave back as viewed from the side — compare kyphosis&nbsp;</div><div>2&nbsp;</div><div>: a mating posture of some sexually receptive female mammals (as rats) in which the head and rump are raised and the back is arched downward&nbsp;</div><div>— lor·dot·ic adjective</div>

Karl Marx the material conditions of our lives determine

our human nature.

Thomas Aquinas believes that it's an essential part of, and that all people are capable of living virtuous lives, whether or not they accept Christianity

our nature to care for others

Anne Hutcherson consquence-

ousted from puritian community americanhistory

sun yat sen basic polit action

overthrew qing dyn china in 1912

The history of the United States is like the famous parable of the porcupines in the cold, from Schopenhauer'sStudies in Pessimism—the ones who huddle together for warmth and shuffle away in[...], always separating and&lt;br&gt;congregating.


manuel Noriega

panama general in 89:tried to have election results nullified Cruz he didn't agree with it.put on trial a few to,es.


pan·dit (pndt) or pun·dit (pn-)&lt;br&gt;n.&lt;br&gt;1. A Brahman scholar or learned man.&lt;br&gt;2. Used as a title of respect for a learned man in India.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;[Hindi pait, from Sanskrit paita; see pundit.]&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;

All over Africa the[...] today means schools, health clinics, workshops and an indigenous postal service. In&lt;br&gt;most of Africa the Churches have delivered more real development to people than all the governments, the World&lt;br&gt;Bank and aid agencies combined.


Greenland reserves

part of denmark

medieval islamic hospital release criterion

patient can leave when he eats a whole chickens

The Hippocratic writings introduced , which is still in use today.

patient confidentiality

lech walesa was poland prez helped transition to democracy from comm won 1983 [...]&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;

peace prize

rev 0f 1905 russia start

peaceful protests wanting higher pay, shorter hr fired on

russia farm collectivization consequences

peasents who resisted shot, lab camped, some starved grain taken

Cortés suspected a trap and took Montezuma II captive. It was too late for the emperor by then, anyway, because&lt;br&gt;he had bowed before the Spaniards and lost the respect of his own subjects. When Montezuma II next attempted to&lt;br&gt;speak before the Aztecs, his audience turned on him and [...]He was fatally&lt;br&gt;injured.

pelted him with stones and arrows.

Daoists were, therefore, seriously segregated <br>and had to remain distant whenever they found themselves in the presence of a

person of the <br>other sex. However, even for this rule there were exceptions. For example, Daoist monks were <br>allowed to lecture lay women on the scriptures or help a woman in need

Chavin people

peru northern highlands, culture thrived for 500 yrs not many clues though

Lapu lap u guy

philipino chieftain whose group offed Ferdinand Magellan

Aristotle so influential simply called the

philosopher for centuries

Jivamutki yoga traits

physically intense, phiosphizing and chanting meditation, means liberation while living.<div><br></div><div>Jiv-who-let-tee-yoga, look up pron</div>

stylite religion

pillar saint was on a pillar

UHDTV comes in two flavours called 4K and&lt;br&gt;8K. The primary advantage of UHDTV over HDTV is increased [...] - more pixels typically means a more&lt;br&gt;lifelike, more immersive and ultimately more enjoyable viewing experience.

pixel resolution

Many temples rent out their <br>lands for daoist

planting or to be built on, thus ensuring a private income in addition to the state <br>stipends.

Curies born in


Medici family bankers to the


[...]s as we know them didn't proliferate until the 19th century, when the class-conscious British&lt;br&gt;became obsessed with recording the pedigrees of their pets and livestock.

popular breed

The history of the United States is like the famous parable of the [...] from Schopenhauer'sStudies in Pessimism—the ones who huddle together for warmth and shuffle away in pain, always separating and&lt;br&gt;congregating.

porcupines in the cold,

Semmelweis, in short, was accused by those around him of performing something close to ritual magic "cadaver&lt;br&gt;particles" were just another name for Frazer's Laws of Contagion, the ability of a nefarious object to affect&lt;br&gt;innocent victims from great distances. Semmelweis lost his [...] a few years later, and in disgrace moved to&lt;br&gt;Budapest; in 1865 he was institutionalized against his will in a barbaric asylum, where he died two weeks later.


Diogenes often had no


Aristocrats, moreover, eagerly took to the practice of holding a vigil on the night of the 57th <br>day of the sixty-year cycle to prevent the Three Worms—who live in the body as emissaries of <br>the celestial administration—from ascending to Heaven and making their (

potentially damag-<br>ing) report. Named gengshen or in Japanese kōshin after the day of their ascent, the practice <br>involves purification exercises and a vigil, based on the assumption that the worms, like souls, <br>can only leave the body if and when the person is asleep

Dante betrother to Gemma Donati during his [...]

preteen years

France that his earlier and equally impressive work (including the pasteurization process that still bears his name) never did. Pasteur's rabies&lt;br&gt;vaccine which, because of the long latency period between bite and brain infection, could be administered days after someone was bittentransformed an&lt;br&gt;arbitrary killer into a [...]

preventable disease

John Dewey gov and edu ideas

pro-democracy, kiddie preference in school imp, opned experimental schools, parents involded in edu, red sympathy


produced vog, a haze of volcanic smog that can cause headaches and sore throats, and make it hard to breat<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, jrschoolcurrentevents.html)

Leucippus of Thrace theory

proposed atom theory

We also know, thanks to a growing body of research on the topic, that loneliness is not a matter of external&lt;br&gt;conditions; it is a[...]

psychological state

voltaire france trouble again

published works sans state approval, went to chateau de cirey

The Aztecs revered a moderately alcoholic drink known as [...] for approximately 9,000 years. Made byfermenting the sweet sap of the agave, it was used ceremonially and later distilled by the Spanish into the&lt;br&gt;potent drink mescal.


paul thomas anderson director of there will be blood and[...]

punch drunk love

"Case in point: founder Dalton Caldwell stirred up controversy earlier this week after he effectively&lt;br&gt;turned down an ""acqui-hire"" offer from Facebook, in which his startup would be [...]&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;acqui-hire meaning&lt;/b&gt;"

purchased by the social network&lt;br&gt;and then shut down as a way to bring his staff on board.

fitra sufism

pure state of man will actions based on love of god alone.destroying self to unify with god.

Anne Hutcherson id here

puritian woman early america who said god said she was saved, spread her message. Salvation somewhat vague also in puritian theology.&nbsp;<div><br></div> americanhistory

America WW1 pacifist pastors or those who don't support war

pushed out of rel position

Al-Shabab is an ultra-conservative Islamic militant group linked to the al Qaeda terrorist network, which aims to

put Somali under an extreme form of Shariah law.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, African news network.html)

Kushites built ________ tombs like the Egyptians

pyramadic shaped tombs

scepticism traced to philo

pyrrhi of Elis Greek said did not trust own senses.

We were accustomed to the laughs and bulging cheeks of [...] men. But the mildly narcotic leaf made it&lt;br&gt;difficult to understand their Arabic


Eric Klinenberg, a sociologist at NYU, writes: "Reams of published research show that it's the [...], not the&lt;br&gt;quantity of social interaction, that best predicts loneliness."


Eric Klinenberg, a sociologist at NYU, writes: "Reams of published research show that it's the quality, not the&lt;br&gt;[...] of social interaction, that best predicts loneliness."


The seeds of this goosefoot plant are known as----------- , a superfood now in high demand and grown almost exclusively in South America.


His successor mao sucessor

r, Deng Xiaoping (dung shee-owping), introduced free-market reforms (changes) in 1978 that allowed private business and foreign investment--and led to three decades of explosive growth.

Great depression rabbits

rabbits would eat crops and food.

France that his earlier and equally impressive work (including the pasteurization process that still bears his name) never did. Pasteur's [...]which, because of the long latency period between bite and brain infection, could be administered days after someone was bittentransformed an&lt;br&gt;arbitrary killer into a preventable disease


Plato republic ideas kids

raised by state to think of them as ma and pa.

From 1958 to 1962 the Chinese people starved to death by the tens of millions. But the "three difficult years,"&lt;br&gt;as the Beijing regime still daintily refers to this atrocity, saw not merely death from famine on a massive&lt;br&gt;scale. It was also a period of state terror, during which Party officials [...] villages, torturing and&lt;br&gt;murdering peasants for refusing to hand over secret stores of grain which did not exist.



rationalism reason is the source and test of knowledge

Mycoplasmosis bacteria that almost all pet [...] have.


American south illegal for slaves to learn how to


Spinoza says god is

reality not transitive creator of reality

Spinoza offered money to



recording technique in which a sound or message is recorded backward on to a track that is meant to be played forward.

Flo nightingale marital status

refused to marry

Phillippe II relation to france

regent king of france after louis xiv

Samuel Gorton new eng hist

rel dissenter had own followers anti cleric guy sentenced to hard labor and them exercised. back to Europe.

dutartre family

rel dissenters early america believe god chose them as noahish fanily . refused to submit to the law. killed a judge under arrest threat.two or so me,bears offed. others saved by recanting.

George fox founder Quakerism left family and friends for several yrs to find

rel or spiritual truth left Anglican church

emperor Augustus had a personal collection of the [...] from the age of the&lt;br&gt;Greek and Trojan heroes

remains of sea&lt;br&gt;monsters, bones of the Giants and antique weapons

The po soul

remains with the corpse and is buried in the Earth under positive auspices and <br>with full regard to directional fengshui; it receives grave gifts—real objects in antiquity, clay <br>and straw replicas but real food in the middle ages, and paper images today—and is the object <br>of an extensive family visit at Qingming, the Pure and Bright Festival in the fourth month. It, <br>too, protects the living but can become a haunting influence if not satisfied properly.

What is Greek yogurt? Greek yogurt is, quite simply, yogurt that has been strained to [...]&lt;br&gt;It's as easy as filtering yogurt you'd buy at the grocery store through cheesecloth.

remove the liquid whey.

Final fate edict of Nantes

revoked I'm 1685 and huegenots fled.

Ludwig witgendtein brief bio earlier career

rich but gave away money to siblings. was public school teacher and quit after knocking stu unconscious.

Semmelweis, in short, was accused by those around him of performing something close to [] "cadaver&lt;br&gt;particles" were just another name for Frazer's Laws of Contagion, the ability of a nefarious object to affect&lt;br&gt;innocent victims from great distances. Semmelweis lost his position a few years later, and in disgrace moved to&lt;br&gt;Budapest; in 1865 he was institutionalized against his will in a barbaric asylum, where he died two weeks later.

ritual magic

Li comfucianism

ritual propriety

heraclitus you can not step in the same -------

river twice


riˈflektəns &nbsp;&nbsp;<div>noun&nbsp;</div><div>noun reflectance plural noun reflectances&nbsp;</div><div>the measure of the proportion of light or other radiation striking a surface that is reflected off it.&nbsp;</div><div>Web definitions&nbsp;</div><div>coefficient of reflection: the fraction of radiant energy that is reflected from a surface</div>

Kittel (also ​kitl) is Yiddish for

robe or coat and is white and has no pockets

papyrus ----- over time clay or stone tablets--

rots. and do not

voltaire honours official position

royal historgropher,

Unarmed combat (quan, lit. "fist"), on the other hand, became dominant only in the seven-<br>teenth century, when the incoming Qing

rulers prohibited all use of weapons among non-mili-<br>tary fighters. Both monastic and civil militias accordingly developed new techniques, combin-<br>ing defensive moves with the age-old practices of controlled breathing and healing exercises.

<div>In February 1917 there were fewer than 25,000 Bolsheviks in the entire country; only about 3,000 operated in the capital. The well-known leaders were</div><div>in exile. The Bolsheviks, following Lenin, had opposed {{c1::Russia's participation in World War I}} and denounced it as imperialist. They called for transforming</div><div>the international conflict into a civil war,</div>


<div>The Germans allowed him to return home, believing that his presence in Russia would contribute to the disintegration of the government. Lenin's party</div><div>later received {{c1::financial aid}} from Germany.</div>


<div>he {{c1::Cossacks}}, descendants of freebooters, by the early twentieth century had become {{c2::rich peasants}}; they were receiving taxation and landholding</div><div>privileges from the tsarist government in return for {{c3::heavier military obligation}}</div>


{{c1::lord Nelson or horatio nelson}} brit naval leader who fought napeleon


similar case holds also true for the Celestial Consort (Tianfei or Mazu), the protectress of--daoism

s <br>fishermen in Fujian as well as of traveling merchants elsewhere who grew from a Song dy-<br>nasty local saint into of the most popular Chinese deities. She, too, was empowered by Lord <br>Lao, who gave her a Daoist title and is said to be at the root of her powers to slay demons, <br>dispel disasters, and rescue humans from difficulty. Her

The devout Roman prayed and made a [...] every morning


feelings hubbie

sad by his affairs, but made room in court for illegetimate kids of hubbie

safavid basic id emp

safavid - rival to ottomans shiite

Ferdinand de Saussure

said speech better than writing. founded structural linguistics or semiotics.

alright and all right mean the ------- all right is the only good form for ----

same 1 &nbsp; writing 2

Share: Bomb In late December 1938, in the German capital of Berlin, a chemist named Otto Hahn set up a new experiment in his

saw uranium atom spliy

thomas kuhn hist relation to sci

scientific work not objective depends on hist framework

Auguste Comte rel saints replaced with


Irvin Welsh

scottish writer wrote trainspotting book

kabalists believe Hebrew language as divinely inspired as

scripture themselves.

She also maintained an efficient [...] and instituted a reign of terror among the imperial bureaucracy.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Empress WU


Nietzsche few of his --- sell

self published books

Frederick douglas education

self taught how to read had white boys help him as example.

phenomenalism objects reducible to

sense data

voltiare belief gov +rel

sep of church and state

Not in the last 83 years, because you can't. The Warsaw Convention , believe it or not, made it the law . Andfor that you can ultimately thank John Lyons of Moncton, New Brunswick, who in 1882 came up with the idea of the&lt;br&gt;[...] One half went with the bag, the other with you.

separable luggage tag.

sun yat sen basic goal

set up democracy sans foregin intervention

rumi had teacher called

sham eventually disappeared.


shanty towns in great depression people blamed Herbert hoover.


shared values, personality traits, economic background, and religion, as well as closeness in age--in romantic success.

2 main zimbbobwae ethnic groups

shona and Ndebele (minority)

She was born with [...] , a genetic disorder with unpredictable complications that causes the red&lt;br&gt;blood cells to assume an abnormal sickle shape, making it difficult for blood to flow through vessels and&lt;br&gt;deliver oxygen throughout the body.] "I usually feel good," she says. "But some days it hurts so much in my legs&lt;br&gt;and arms. I can't really walk, and I don't like people touching me. If it's really bad, I have to go to the&lt;br&gt;hospital.

sickle cell disease

Lisa stanfield is a&nbsp;

singer seen around the workd (I can't find my baby) triva

Pictured below is what's known as a or a device made to be affixed to the mouth of an ATM and secretly swipe credit and debit card information when bank customers slip their cards into the machines to pull out money. __________ have been around for years, of course, but thieves are constantly improving them, and the device pictured below is a perfect example of that evolution


Thomas Hobbes hairy situation

skipped town Cruz life threatened.


slacklining &nbsp;<div>n. A sport resembling tightrope walking but with the rope or webbing only partially taut.&nbsp;</div><div>v. Present participle of slackline</div>

Each animal had been slaughtered according to Islamic rite, bled to death by a [...]

slashed throat.

slave contradiction law england

slave feet on ground and free. but many slaves in London etc.

Constitution that ceded Quebec to Britain ensured contuation of


Opium was a [...] for children

sleep aid

philosopher rulers Plato rules

sleep together work together share possessions.

kiwi bird ________ ______________&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;sleep fact and birth fact

sleeps 20 hrs a day and can live on own after hatching (NZ)

ong weekends and holidays are a&nbsp;preferred time for fraudsters to send out phishing emails or text messages (known as&nbsp;


Entrepreneurs in India have faced even tougher odds. Until 1991, the country had a [...] economic policy,


feb rev 1917 russia start mil and czar

soldiers told to fire on protestors but joined them , czar abdicated

hundered yrs war , battle results

some eng vic but land lost to france Henry V renewed claim to throne. Defeated french at battle of Agincourt.

slave treatment na bio

some slaves bought for purpose of med experiments

viking ladies battle

some went on raids with hubbies and so avoided marriage to pillage.


somebody's watching me singer

"Google's spam guru, Matt Cutts, put it best : two-factor authentication is a simple feature that asks for more&lt;br&gt;than just your password. It requries both ""something you know"" (like a password) and [...] After you enter your password, you'll get a second code sent to your phone, and only after you&lt;br&gt;enter it will you get into your account."

something you have (like&lt;br&gt;your phone).

"Google's spam guru, Matt Cutts, put it best : two-factor authentication is a simple feature that asks for more&lt;br&gt;than just your password. It requries both [...]and ""something you have"" (like&lt;br&gt;your phone). After you enter your password, you'll get a second code sent to your phone, and only after you&lt;br&gt;enter it will you get into your account."

something you know (like a password)


sorts Indian Alex the great had vast Indian empire started as orphan commoner

I had known that Yemen had once been two countries that had combined into one in 1990 and unified after a civil&lt;br&gt;war in 1994. But I had not known that the victorious agricultural north continued to disdain the technological&lt;br&gt;and defeated [...], perhaps a reflection of reverse treatment prior to the war.


Montenegro is a country located in

south-eastern Europe

Freud had fainting

spells in front of male friends.

Mary Todd into this salt rel

spiritualism, later sent to nuthouse.

Granville sharp

spoft hearted doc gave free health care and intervened in slave cases.

Texas horned lizard

squirt smelly blood from eye can puff up horn body

Aspergers not ___________ till_______

standard diagnosis 1994

1927: In the US, the era of talking pictures arrives with the opening of The Jazz Singer, starring _____________

starring Al Jolson.

All Daoist institutions are daoism today 3 facts

state-owned, <br>monastics are paid by the government, several bureaus compete for revenues and administra-<br>tive power, and training centers require courses in Marxism as preparation for full ordination.

Underground railway terms safe houses

stations. Helpers were conductors.

child slave labor and chocolate

still an issue dangerous with machete

After the artist had executed the image, the family would hire a priest <br>and, in a formal consecration ritual, have the object placed on a mountainside to allow its easy <br>communication with the otherworld daoist what obj

stone stele

matters-specifically the British practice of a blockade of Napoleonic Europe and to search for deserters from the Royal Navy. With sea trade as the primary cause of the war, it also figured prominently in the war itself.

stopping American ships on the Atlantic to enforce war 0f 1812

they receive <br>regular reports from the

stove god installed in each family's hearth and from three divine <br>agents that live within the person and are known as the Three Worms or Three Corpses

early hysteria trestments

strapping down ladies to keep uterus in place or vaginal enemas of ice water.

But not too long ago, [...] Paramount planned to burn its old nitrate. MGM was set to&lt;br&gt;dump its original negatives — including those for Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz — into the ocean. What&lt;br&gt;did they need those for, they figured? They'd made copies&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;studio practice

studios simply threw films away.

Ramses the second change myth fact.

successfully trying to capitalize on his success and fame. He was such a baller that after his death the Egyptian priests actually went back and rewrote their entire mythology to incorporate Ramses as one of their foremost gods.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, Badass)

Chang kai-shek

sucessor sun yat sen after he died

became afflicted with Cotard's Syndrome, also known as Walking Corpse Syndrome. It's an extremely rare condition with an extraordinarily odd&lt;br&gt;symptom: [...]&lt;br&gt;, Rare Walking Corpse Syndrome causes man to believe he's dead, loc. 12-14

sufferers feel like they cease to exist, or that parts of their body are destroyed or missing.

since 9/11, the U.S. Army has lost more soldiers to [...] than to enemy fire in Afghanistan.


Nietzsche the notion of god displaces the


Thomas Jefferson and French rev

supported it.

Hammurabi law and surgeons

surgeons hands could be cut off if operation not a success

Abe Lincoln was a land

surveyor self taught here

Christiana of Sweden

swedish queen

The Qing Dynasty traded successfully, even importing foods such as _____ and ________ from the Americas.

sweet potatoes and corn

perfectionism rel founder and 2 facts.

swingers of day dabbled in making children with eugenics ideas founded BT humpreu noyes

There was "considerable suspicion" among Russians at the time of Lenin's death that [...] was to blame,


"Share: psych today nov.html he patriot journalist Thomas Paine. Paine was best known for {{c1::""Common Sense,""}} his eloquent pamphlet calling for American independence, as well as ""{{c2::The Age of Reason,""}} a full-throated attack on Christianity that made him infamous among the devout. Lincoln first read him soon after moving to Illinois"

t<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0.4, psych today nov.html)

black code slavery and elders French

take care of elderly and sick.

mitch miller

tastemaker 1950s music liked simplier melodies very commercial had singalong show maybe

Greenland nation?

tech not own nation

Dolby Labs introduced the {{c1::Dolby-A}}, their first {{c2::commercial noise-reduction process}}, in 1965. Three years later, they introduced the same technology for consumer products.


Dolby's made his first breakthrough with {{c1::noise-reduction technology.}} In the 1960s, when magnetic tape was coming to prominence as a recording medium, {{c2::"tape hiss"}} seemed to be an inevitable part of the listening experience. It was a problem that plagued {{c3::all types of magnetic tape formats}}, from open-reel to audiocassette.


Philip Roth has won pretty much every major literary award, including a Pulitzer. Yet that pedigree wasn't enough for Wikipedia. It rejected Roth's attempt to correct an error in the online encyclopedia's entry for his 2000 book {{c1::The Human Stain.}}


Then, in 1977, Star Wars came along. The huge success of the film, and its groundbreaking use of sound, helped make Dolby's new system {{c1::the new standard for theaters.}} In 1982, Dolby Surround was introduced for home video. The company went on to introduce digital sound and sound for streaming, but Dolby's name is probably still most associated with surround sound.


{{c1::Ray Dolby}}, the man—the genius—behind Dolby Laboratories, died on Sept. 12 at the age of 80 . In a career that spanned nearly half a century,


star nosed sloth nose

tentacles around it

Of the 35,000 modern-day residents of the town of Tequila, roughly 85-percent earn some form of living from the&lt;br&gt;proceeds of the 15-million gallons of[...] produced annually throughout the region.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Mexico


She has the Mormon Glow, one blogger wrote, referring to the belief -----

that the faithful radiate the Holy Spirit

In 1638, the euro nation got another exclusive: In an edict banning European traders from Japan's ports, that&lt;br&gt;country's isolationist ruler made a single exception — [...]. For the right to stay, the Dutch had to&lt;br&gt;promise not to preach Christianity.

the Dutch

In 1972 American and Soviet negotiators signed------ ) agreement, which in affect legitimized the existing balance of&lt;br&gt;nuclear forces. Almost immediately the two sides entered negotiations for ------, a treaty that would have resulted in an actual reduction of the number&lt;br&gt;of weapons.

the SALT (strategic arms limitation treaty&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;SALT II

Amage was the queen of

the Sarmatians fought Scythians

"Truman developed in the Great War. Loyalty to common soldiers played a key role in what will forever be his most contentious act, [...]. Truman believed that he was ""saving the lives of 250,000 boys from the United States,"" as he wrote his sister The man whose desk&lt;br&gt;sported a sign reading ""The buck stops here"" knew what would unfold; he suffered from severe headaches in the days before and after making his&lt;br&gt;decision, but he still made it."

the atomic bombs&lt;br&gt;dropped on Japan

agave, also known as [...] in America, is a succulent that thrives in red, mineral-rich highlands.

the century plant

The dead are important and their spirits demand a good send-off. A big funeral can cost half a year's&lt;br&gt;earnings. That is another reason why HIV/AIDS has been so devastating in Africa. Families, already&lt;br&gt;impoverished by the long sickness of parents in the prime of life, have been ruined by [...]&lt;br&gt;The Churches in Uganda now urge families not to spend too much on them.

the cost of funerals.

when did daoist forced out return

the eighties.

LA grand siecle

the grand century mostly under king Louis xiv


the study of how the adult brain generates new brain cells

Schellenberg points to the Flynn effect--[...]--and notes that one possible&lt;br&gt;explanation for it is our growing cultural complexity, something that moodier music may be reflecting. But what&lt;br&gt;kevin, psch today, loc. 13-15

the well-documented observation that our collective IQ scores are rising over time

up until 19th cent beloved mental illness came from

the womb

the first ISP

the world

When it came to actual fighting, the Soviets preferred to use a proxy-------; in fact participated in several civil wars in -------------

their Cuban allies&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Africa.

Neanderthals _____ ________ with flowers and ochre

their decease d with flowrers and ochre (a redddish clay used like bodypaint for its colour)

modern daoist hermit not in mountains

there are city hermits.

paul thomas anderson director of [...] and punch drunk love

there will be blood


thing can not be understood in itself but extracted via comparasions

summa theologica penned by

thiomas Aquinas

The universe, moreover, <br />is now divided into. daoist &nbsp;afterlish

thirty-six heavens, the lower twenty-eight of which remain in the realm <br>of rebirth and are determined by the laws of karma and retribution. The upper heavens are for <br>perfected human beings as well as immortals, who serve there in different administrative func-<br>tions. In

Ramses the second plagarism

this guy would go around to temples that had been built by previous pharaohs, cross out their names, and write his own on top.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, Badass)

Keep in mind also that, while the Nazis established concentration camps in the 1930s, the number of inmates ranged in the [...]. It wouldn't be until the 1940s that the death camps and the gas chambers that killed millions would be implemented.


chinese founding myth yellow emperor, , [...] and hsia dynasty (imp figures)

three sage kings

In Zulu there is a saying: `One is a person&lt;br&gt;,'

through others

cuz voting not private ___________ were sent to intimidate voters in anc rome


When he got his [...] the redeemed convict's work was more in demand and his wages higher than in&lt;br&gt;England or Ireland.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;Aussie Fact &lt;/b&gt;


[...] saturn largest moon



to correct by punishment or suffering.

When they voted, instead of simply putting a mark on a piece of paper, which is how we do it today, the Romans had___________________ That meant everyone could see them.

to go and stand in a kind of pen where they could be counted.

Lincoln had a plan to bring more slaves into Union lines and freedom. He wanted Douglass --

to organize an elite band of black scouts "to go into the rebel states, beyond the lines of our armies, carry the news of emancipation, and urge the slaves to come within our boundaries."

"East Coast visitors, so-called ""dudes""--a 19th-century Americanism referring [...]--&lt;br&gt;wanted a taste of the West, and the Eatons obliged."

to someone who dresses sharply

One explanation for Wu's success is that she listened. She installed a series of copper boxes in the capital in&lt;br&gt;which citizens could post anonymous denunciations of one another, and passed legislation, R.W.L. Guisso says,&lt;br&gt;that "empowered informers of any social class to travel [...] at public expense."

to the capital

s. More than a year ago Raul Castro's government allowed Cubans

to travel freely, a factor that administration officials say influenced Mr. Obama's decision.

More specifically, talismans (fu) go back to ancient identification devices used in military cam-<br>paigns, where the general would break a *Chinese practice

token in half, then send one part off with his deputy <br>and have the other half delivered to the connecting marshal at the other flank. When the two <br>met, they would match their halves and find that, indeed, they carried the correct empower-<br>ment

chang kai-shek actions

took power from warlords and suppress reds

Jane Goodall observed chimps use

tools like blade of grass in termite mound. biography

From 1958 to 1962 the Chinese people starved to death by the tens of millions. But the "three difficult years,"&lt;br&gt;as the Beijing regime still daintily refers to this atrocity, saw not merely death from famine on a massive&lt;br&gt;scale. It was also a period of state terror, during which Party officials ransacked villages, [...] and&lt;br&gt;murdering peasants for refusing to hand over secret stores of grain which did not exist.


during vivil war lenin

tortuured and killed of opp to rev

Even [...], commonly thought of as rare, can be seen somewhere in the world every 16 months or&lt;br&gt;so.

total solar eclipses

ministry of Rites limits on daoism

tracked daoist movements , forbid fertile women from being nuns put narrow window to be daosit for males 14 to twenty or so and existed till red china

sumeria farm surplus means

trading farm goods for metals,tools etc

sumeria had world's first ____ (biz)

trading newtwork

A healthy skeptic, Jefferson questioned the accuracy of the [...] of many books of the Bible and did not&lt;br&gt;accept all the conventions of his native Anglican tradition.


Isabella I of Spain way to gain polit favor

traveled around towns to plead for her causes

sojurner truth deeds

traveling preacher, one time helped blacks find jobs.femme rights.

stoics and ppsession and loss

treat it as if in temporary care.

&nbsp;with accounts of his daily practice ({{c1::the Sunna}}) Islam&nbsp;


<div>Due to an effectively unregulated market and the fierceness of competition for passengers and lucrative routes, taxi operators band together to form</div><div>local and national associations. These associations soon exhibited mafia -like tactics, including the hiring of hit-men and all-out gang warfare. [5] [6]</div><div>These associations also engaged in anti-competitive price fixing.</div><div>, Taxi wars in {{c1::South Africa}}, loc. 21-27</div>


<div>The Christian church arrived in the Viking lands at the end of the Viking age. The Viking {{c1::raids}} were not in keeping with some of the tenets of the</div><div>Christian church, so it is not a surprise that the arrival of the church and the decline of raiding are closely tied.</div>


<div>{{c1::Ravi Shankar}} began playing in the West after receiving rigorous and traditional training in India. But he broke the mold as he experimented with fusions</div><div>of Indian themes with Western classical and jazz styles.</div><div>, The Legacy of Ravi Shankar, loc. 10-12</div>


Epson's machine wasn't the first portable computer — that honour goes to the {{c1::Osborne 1.}}


Only her husband, {{c1::Nicholas Pileggi}}, screenwriter and author of Wiseguy (the basis for the movie Goodfellas);


Shahada: {{c1::the profession of faith ("There is no God but Allah, and Mohammad is His Prophet."}} Islam&nbsp;


{{c1::ulyseuss}} james joyce banned for years im us and ireland


{{c1::variolation}}, &nbsp;obsolete method of immunizing patients against {{c2::smallpox}} by infecting them with substance from the {{c3::pustules of patients with a mild form of the disease}} (variola minor). The disease then usually occurs in a {{c4::less-dangerous form}} than when contracted naturally. The method was popularized in England in 1721-22 by Lady {{c5::Mary Wortley Montagu}}; it has long been known by the Turks, Chinese, and other peoples.&nbsp;


kabbalists blasphemous to speak&nbsp;

true name of god.

Date left florence based on [...]

trumped up charges

bill Wilson is

twelve steps writer

I had known that Yemen had once been[...] that had combined into one in 1990 and unified after a civil&lt;br&gt;war in 1994. But I had not known that the victorious agricultural north continued to disdain the technological&lt;br&gt;and defeated south, perhaps a reflection of reverse treatment prior to the war.

two countries

That word is [...]. The Japanese chemist Kikunae Ikeda came up with it in 1908 to describe a flavor that's at&lt;br&gt;the root of Japanese cooking, present in staples like fermented soy, seaweed, and the funky dried-fish broth&lt;br&gt;dashi. Americans experience umami in different ways. It's one reason they crave bacon.


It was also a much more&lt;br&gt;Chemically identical to&lt;br&gt;burning, it never wants&lt;br&gt;5/17/2012 8:21:00 PMLocation: 93-95Page:&lt;br&gt;dangerous job. Nitrate film is highly flammable, and booth fires were not uncommon.&lt;br&gt;the explosive guncotton, nitrate film has its own built-in oxygen supply. Once it starts&lt;br&gt;to stop. It even burns [...]


I had known that Yemen had once been two countries that had combined into one in 1990 and [...]. But I had not known that the victorious agricultural north continued to disdain the technological&lt;br&gt;and defeated south, perhaps a reflection of reverse treatment prior to the war.

unified after a civil&lt;br&gt;war in 1994

Menes (anc egypt)

united uppper and lower Egypt

Anc Rome:Humans too who had [...] were also sold to collectors

unusual characteristics

a recent Norwegian study found that women who were scared of giving birth ended-----

up spending more time in labor,&lt;br&gt;about 8 hours versus 6.5 for women who weren't afraid.

eventually islamic empire practice sultan and bros

upon assuming throne sultan offs bros ottoman practice

Mycoplasmosis can cause [...] in rats if rat immune system is weak.

upper respiratory infections

Holerith invented calc machine oper by punch cards for

us census

Multi Fibre Agreement

us protectionist policy every country a quota for articles of clothing

Wheat ww1

us wheat production way up Cruz of Russia wheat production

abe Lincoln hrs?

used to have hrs where he heard concerns of regular citizens had to restrict these.

this allowed effiel tower to stay in paris

usefulness as radio antanae


using beam-forming (,) a Wi-Fi technology that<br>detects where client devices (like PCs and tablets) are physically located<br>and then sends a focused signal directly at those devices, rather than<br>mindlessly broadcasting a Wi-Fi signal in all directions as most routers do.<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, pcworld.html)

saddleback caterpillar

utricating hairs can give give long term rash

Transistor could replace

vacuum tubes in compters

What is a RAM disk? The name says it all: A RAM disk is a[...] stored in your computer's

virtual hard drive

Chinese records outsine others in terms of

volume, continuity, and detail.

marc cohn

walking in memphis singer

But John was up against a more tenacious barrier in early English common law; moreover, he lost his

war and the possession of Normandy to Philip<br><br>(Moon+ Reader v3.0, macleasndec15 (1).html)

amer national anthem formed during

war of 1812

The Mormon church is organized into congregations called_______ ; a group of these is called a _______________

wards stake

bimartasians had _______

wards, specialist, research areas, library

Thomas Hobbes state of human nature is


Justinian the second Byzantium

was deposed and tongue and nose cut up. returned to take over throne and won. exacted revenge on those who wronged him and was offed Cruz he spent too much time on revenge.

René Descartes and sun

was going to publish work showing earth around sun but gailelo issue

Werner Herzog was in this mainstream flick

was in film jack Reacher

Spinoza thing can not be made ,y del on any other

way that already exists.

muslim opp from old religion worry? how big is the hadj?

we will lose pagan temple biz +but now hadj is largest annual meeting in the world+ moe assassinators related to him.

Pythagoras cult rules

wear white celibacy and vow of secrecy, dont touch beans

Isabella I of Spain wedding

wed ferdinand of aragon

Isabella I of proactive

went to town to plead for her causes

medieval islamic hospital (cost)

were free

Bengladesh has a lot of ____lands



when crossers celbrate the gift of holy spirit to church

Kant highest good possible only in world

where supreme good exists.

Above and beyond this, temples and practitioners are administered by the Bureau of Religious <br>Affairs,

which is staffed by hard-core Communists with little patience for religious needs or <br>activities

If there is one event that best captures this tendency to forget, it is surely the Irish famine, . John Kelly underlines Chesterton's point in a different way with the title of his new history,

which killed more than a million people in the middle of the 19th century

samaa Islam

whirling dervish dance

Jefferson black people not

white intellectual peer.

October rev 1917 factions

whites vs reds conflict

Arthur Schopenhauer even objects have


slaves and magic belief bad side

witches could ride or possess at night giving ills

According to her wishes, Cleopatra's body was buried

with Antony's, leaving Octavian (later Emperor Augustus I) to celebrate his conquest of Egypt and his consolidation of power in Rome.

Perinatal Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:

woman overly concerned with harming baby, paranoid about it

Nz country where __________ get the vote first


And the only reason why the Mongolian army was so ferocious in the first place was that ______ were allowed to run the show back home so the _____ could make fighting their full time jobs.

women 1 and men 2

Rousseau and femme education

women should only be educated to be companions to men.

Weta nz

world's heaviest insect

Plato before philo

wrestler did not qualify for Olympics

Ahmadi founder wrote in regard to crossers

wrote about how jesus not messiah everntually figured he was the messiah

Queen Victoria Writing

wrote in her own diary

Clement Clark Moore

wrote night before Xmas

chinese founding myth [...], , three sage kings and hsia dynasty (imp figures)

yellow emperor

Ben Thompson Badass

|Ben Thompson<br>|Badass<br>Another kick-ass Egyptian ruler was the female pharaoh Hatshepsut, who reigned from 1508 to 1458 BCE. This grim woman seized control of the throne in the name {{c1::of her infant son }}and<br>

key hauling pirates

|Jack Goldstein<br>|101 Amazing Facts about Pirates<br>Keel-hauling is a particularly cruel and brutal punishment. This involved being tied to a rope, thrown overboard and being dragged underneath the ship then brought up on the other side.<br>

captain loss pirates

|Jack Goldstein<br>|101 Amazing Facts about Pirates<br>a captain was killed during battle, the rest of the pirate crew would hold elections as to who should replace him.<br>

exter-<br>nal qigong

—the infusion of qi into a patient's body by a trained master.

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