U1C1L8 American Military Traditions, Customs, and Courtesies

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C) 114

1. (U1C1L8:Q1) You are the Rifle Team Commander. The vice-president of the United States is going to visit your school and you have been directed to have the Rifle Team prepare to give the gun salute, if local civic leaders allow the firing of blank rounds inside the city limits. You have six Cadets on the rifle team, and you will be giving the commands. During a gun salute, all six Cadets fire at the same time. How many blank rounds should you request for your team? A) 19 B) 21 C) 114 D) 126

B) "Reporting"

10. (U1C1L8:G6) _____________ is requesting and obtaining permission to speak to a senior officer or being notified that a senior officer wants to speak with you. A) "Requesting" B) "Reporting" C) "Chain of command" D) "Saluting"

D) When an officer enters the office for the first time each day.

11. (U1C1L8:G7) When is it appropriate to call a room to attention? A) When those in the room should be silent. B) When announcements are made over a public address system. C) When the battalion Cadet executive officer enters the room. D) When an officer enters the office for the first time each day.

D) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and a strong regard for the honor of the group.

12. (U1C1L8:G8) Define "esprit de corps." A) The department of the military in charge of Marine units. B) A military courtesy given to people of senior rank and status. C) The honor given a flag when casing or uncasing the Colors. D) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and a strong regard for the honor of the group.

B) A military courtesy of keeping people of senior rank or status to your right while walking or sitting.

13. (U1C1L8:G9) Explain the "position of honor." A) Sitting in the center of a head table at a military social function. B) A military courtesy of keeping people of senior rank or status to your right while walking or sitting. C) The position a senior ranking officer takes as the first person in a receiving line. D) Presenting oneself to a person of senior rank.


14. (U1C1L8:G10) True or False: The position of honor dictates that those of lower rank walk, sit, or ride to the left of those with senior rank.

A) A group of persons in the military who regularly eat meals together or the place where such meals are served.

15. (U1C1L8:G11) What is a "mess" in military jargon? A) A group of persons in the military who regularly eat meals together or the place where such meals are served. B) The results of a badly executed drill maneuver. C) Presenting oneself to a person of higher rank. D) A drum and bugle salute, usually used to honor officials.

C) Removing the case or covering from the Colors that are attached to a staff.

16. (U1C1L8:G12) What does it mean to "uncase" the Colors? A) To display the Colors at half mast. B) To remove the Colors from a display case for use by a Color Guard. C) Removing the case or covering from the Colors that are attached to a staff. D) To check the proper protocol for placement of the Colors in relation to other flags, such as when displaying it at the United Nations.

A) As "Mister" or "Miss"

17. (U1C1L8:G13) How are warrant officers addressed? A) As "Mister" or "Miss" B) As "Chief" or "Madame" C) As "Captain" D) As "Boss"

C) "Reporting" means presenting oneself to a person of senior rank.

18. (U1C1L8:G14) In military jargon, what does "reporting" mean, as in "reporting for duty"? A) Acting as the Cadet information officer. B) Adhering to an honor code by reporting those who lie, cheat, or steal. C) "Reporting" means presenting oneself to a person of senior rank. D) Rendering the hand salute.

B) "Present, arms"

19. (U1C1L8:G15) What is the command given during a formation to execute a salute? A) "Formation, arms" B) "Present, arms" C) "Salute, arms" D) "Command, arms"

D) stand at attention; Colonel Jones, my name is Cadet (your name), and

2. (U1C1L8:Q2) You have been directed to go to the teacher's lounge to greet a guest speaker for career day, Lieutenant Colonel Jones, and to escort him back to the JROTC Department. Your instructor told you that he will be easy to spot because "He is 6-foot-eight, and should be in uniform." When you arrive at the teacher's lounge, you immediately spot LTC Jones but he is in civilian clothes. You should walk up to him, __________ , and say, "_________________ I am here to escort you back to the JROTC Department. Please come with me." A) render a hand salute; Lieutenant Colonel Jones, B) render a hand salute; Sir, my name is Cadet (your name), and C) stand at attention; Lieutenant Colonel Jones, D) stand at attention; Colonel Jones, my name is Cadet (your name), and

D) To indicate respect for those in positions of authority.

20. (U1C1L8:G16) What is the primary purpose of a hand salute today? A) To distinguish officers from enlisted personnel. B) To reveal that you are not holding a weapon. C) To show non-military respect for their civilian positions. D) To indicate respect for those in positions of authority.

A) Cannon

21. (U1C1L8:G17) A ______________ salute is used to honor civil or military officials from the U.S. or foreign countries. A) Cannon B) Gun C) Hand D) None of the above

D) In ancient times, a salute indicated that you were not holding a weapon in your hand.

22. (U1C1L8:G18) Explain the history of the hand salute. A) In ancient times, a salute shielded the eyes so one could see one's opponent clearly. B) In ancient times, a salute identified the members of one's tribe. C) In ancient times, a salute was rendered only to members of the opposite sex. D) In ancient times, a salute indicated that you were not holding a weapon in your hand.


23. (U1C1L8:G19) True or False: Secretaries of the Army, Air Force, and Navy, and Generals of the Army and Air Force are honored with a 21-gun salute.

C) A drum and bugle salute, usually used to honor military or civilian officials.

24. (U1C1L8:G20) What are "ruffles and flourishes"? A) Fringe on the edge of flags. B) A nickname given the gold braid on an officer's dress blue hat. C) A drum and bugle salute, usually used to honor military or civilian officials. D) Another name for a 21-gun salute.

D) It has the ability within itself to move.

25. (U1C1L8:G21) What does it mean when a cannon is said to be "self-propelled"? A) You push it yourself into the proper position. B) It has the ability to sight itself on a target. C) It has wheels and can be moved by a tow vehicle. D) It has the ability within itself to move.

D) Call the room to attention

26. (U1C1L8:G22) A common courtesy when an officer enters the office or classroom for the first time of the day is to ____________. A) Stand up B) Stand and salute C) Order "post" D) Call the room to attention

B) The President receives a 21-gun salute, while the vice president receives a 19-gun salute.

27. (U1C1L8:G23) How are gun salutes rendered to the President and Vice President? A) The President receives a 19-gun salute, while the vice president receives a 17-gun salute. B) The President receives a 21-gun salute, while the vice president receives a 19-gun salute. C) The President receives a 21-gun salute, while the vice president receives a 17-gun salute. D) The President and the vice president both receive 21-gun salutes.

B) A long established practice followed as a matter of course among people, oftentimes considered as an unwritten law or repeated practice.

28. (U1C1L8:V1) What is the definition of the word "customs"? A) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group. B) A long established practice followed as a matter of course among people, oftentimes considered as an unwritten law or repeated practice. C) To have the ability within itself to move. D) To attire with a certain degree of uniformity; an appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time.

D) To attire with a certain degree of uniformity; an appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time.

29. (U1C1L8:V2) What is the definition of the word "dress"? A) Signs or forms of exchange used to greet or to show respect and recognition. B) A long established practice followed as a matter of course among people, oftentimes considered as an unwritten law or repeated practice. C) The passing down of elements of a culture (such as knowledge, beliefs, or customs) from one generation to another. D) To attire with a certain degree of uniformity; an appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time.

A) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group.

31. (U1C1L8:V4) What is the definition of the word "esprit de corps"? A) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group. B) To remove a hat or other headgear; to be bareheaded or without a cover. C) The passing down of elements of a culture (such as knowledge, beliefs, or customs) from one generation to another. D) To attire with a certain degree of uniformity; an appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time.

A) When wearing glasses and headgear with a visor, touch the tip of your right forefinger to that point on the glasses where the temple piece of the frame meets the right edge of your right brow.

3. (U1C1L8:Q3) Assuming the hand and arm are in the correct positions, which of the following is NOT part of the correct procedure for rendering a hand salute? A) When wearing glasses and headgear with a visor, touch the tip of your right forefinger to that point on the glasses where the temple piece of the frame meets the right edge of your right brow. B) When wearing glasses and headgear without a visor (or when uncovered), touch the tip of your right forefinger to that point on the glasses where the temple piece of the frame meets the right edge of your right brow. C) When wearing headgear with a visor, place the tip of your right forefinger on the rim of the visor slightly to the right of your right eye. D) When wearing headgear without a visor (or when uncovered), touch the tip of your right forefinger to the forehead near and slightly to the right of your right eyebrow.

C) The passing down of elements of a culture (such as knowledge, beliefs, or customs) from one generation to another.

30. (U1C1L8:V3) What is the definition of the word "traditions"? A) The common spirit or feeling of pride found in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group. B) A long established practice followed as a matter of course among people, oftentimes considered as an unwritten law or repeated practice. C) The passing down of elements of a culture (such as knowledge, beliefs, or customs) from one generation to another. D) To attire with a certain degree of uniformity; an appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time.

C) Signs or forms of exchange used to greet or to show respect and recognition.

32. (U1C1L8:V5) What is the definition of the word "salutes"? A) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting. B) Acts of politeness of gracious manners; the use of polite gestures or remarks. C) Signs or forms of exchange used to greet or to show respect and recognition. D) A drum and bugle salute, usually to honor military or civil officials.

A) To have the ability within itself to move.

33. (U1C1L8:V6) What is the definition of the word "self-propelled"? A) To have the ability within itself to move. B) Acts of politeness of gracious manners; the use of polite gestures or remarks. C) Signs or forms of exchange used to greet or to show respect and recognition. D) A drum and bugle salute, usually to honor military or civil officials.

D) A drum and bugle salute, usually to honor military or civil officials.

34. (U1C1L8:V7) What is the definition of the word "ruffles and flourishes"? A) To have the ability within itself to move. B) Acts of politeness of gracious manners; the use of polite gestures or remarks. C) Presenting oneself to a senior. D) A drum and bugle salute, usually to honor military or civil officials.

B) Acts of politeness of gracious manners; the use of polite gestures or remarks.

35. (U1C1L8:V8) What is the definition of the word "courtesies"? A) To have the ability within itself to move. B) Acts of politeness of gracious manners; the use of polite gestures or remarks. C) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served. D) Removing the case from the Colors that are attached to a staff.

D) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served.

36. (U1C1L8:V9) What is the definition of the word "mess"? A) Removing the case from the Colors that are attached to a staff. B) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting. C) Presenting oneself to a senior. D) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served.

A) Removing the case from the Colors that are attached to a staff.

37. (U1C1L8:V10) What is the definition of the word "uncasing"? A) Removing the case from the Colors that are attached to a staff. B) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting. C) Presenting oneself to a senior. D) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served.

C) Presenting oneself to a senior.

38. (U1C1L8:V11) What is the definition of the word "reporting"? A) Removing the case from the Colors that are attached to a staff. B) To remove a hat or other headgear; to be bareheaded or without a cover. C) Presenting oneself to a senior. D) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served.

B) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting.

39. (U1C1L8:V12) What is the definition of the word "position of honor"? A) Signs or forms of exchange used to greet or to show respect and recognition. B) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting. C) Presenting oneself to a senior. D) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served.

B) These things are evaluated because they best represent the teamwork, esprit de corps, and respect the Cadets have in their unit

4. (U1C1L8:Q4) Army JROTC Units compete for the following decorations: Merit Unit, Honor Unit, and Honor Unit with Distinction. The decorations are awarded based on the results of a formal inspection, and on standards of training and discipline during the school year. During the formal inspection, instead of skill competitions in land navigation and first aid, units are evaluated on drill and ceremonies, wear of the uniform, saluting, and displays of respect. Choose the answer that best describes why these skills are evaluated. A) These things are evaluated because they are easier to grade which makes it easier to identify the better units B) These things are evaluated because they best represent the teamwork, esprit de corps, and respect the Cadets have in their unit C) These things are evaluated because they take less time than competitions and inspectors can inspect more units in less time D) These things are evaluated because it takes the better part of a school year to learn them and they want to make sure everyone is performing them properly

D) To remove a hat or other headgear; to be bareheaded or without a cover.

40. (U1C1L8:V13) What is the definition of the word "uncovered"? A) Presenting oneself to a senior. B) A military courtesy of usually keeping senior officers to your right while walking or sitting. C) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served. D) To remove a hat or other headgear; to be bareheaded or without a cover.

A) To honor civil or military officials from the U.S. or foreign countries.

5. (U1C1L8:G1) What is the purpose of a cannon salute? A) To honor civil or military officials from the U.S. or foreign countries. B) To memorialize a military official upon his or her death. C) To alert drivers that a funeral cavalcade will soon be moving. D) To honor non-commissioned and petty officers.


6. (U1C1L8:G2) True or False: The President and Vice President receive a 21-gun salute as a matter of courtesy.


7. (U1C1L8:G3) True or False: You must render the salute to all commissioned and warrant officers as well as non-commissioned and petty officers.


8. (U1C1L8:G4) True or False: You should not render a salute on buses or trains, in stores or theaters, while indoors, or while both parties are in civilian clothes.

D) All of the above.

9. (U1C1L8:G5) Name three instances under which you must salute. A) When you are in uniform and you hear the national anthem; when the colors pass you; during official greetings. B) During official greetings; during reveille and retreat; during the rendering of honors. C) When first uncasing or later when casing the colors; when pledging allegiance outdoors and in uniform; when reporting. D) All of the above.

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