UHD2301 - Chap 2 Txt

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4 techniques that can help to store information in long-term memory:

1. associate new information with something closely related 2. categorize the new information into logical groups 3. visualizing words and ideas as pictures 4. create mnemonics such as acronyms or rhymes.

For a win-win strategy to work, everyone must ___

1. possible to find a solution that both parties can accept 2. cooperation is better for the organization than competition. 3. the other party can be trusted 4. greater power or status doesn't entitle one party to impose a solution.

What are 7 measures that can help team members resolve conflict?

1. proactive behavior 2. communication 3. openness 4. research 5. flexibility 6. fair play 7. alliance

Much of your workplace communication will occur during in-person or online meetings. If you're leading a meeting, you can help to make sure it's productive by

All of these

Which of the following is one way used to encourage collaboration among new team members?

Allow bonding time

When composing collaborative messages what is the best strategy?

Assign writing task to one person or divide larger...

Important online etiquette rule

Avoid multitasking while using IM

When an organization links employees with a supplier or customer that shares their interest, what type of network has been developed?

Community of practice

_____ focuses on the process and outcomes of communication, whereas ___delivers criticism with no guidance to stimulate improvement.

Constructive feedback, destructive feedback

Which of the following takes places when the listener makes up their mind about a message before fully hearing the message?

Defensive listening

Which is one advantage of using cross-functional teams for problem solving?

Diversity of opinions & experience can lead to better decisions.

In a functional team-maintenance role, what do members use to offer verbal and nonverbal support to seek from other team members?


Functional team maintenance roles are

Encouraging, harmonizing and compromising

Which of these nonverbal cues helps to reveal the intensity of a speaker's message?

Eye contact

Help people work on documents simultaneously, share files and share the knowledge of multiple experts?


Teams and other workgroups can also take advantage of a set of broader technologies often referred to as ___

Groupware or collaboration platforms

Which of the following is one of the disadvantages of teams?

Hidden agendas

Which of the following is NOT a way that teams help organizations to succeed?

Increase groupthink among members

Functional Task Orientated Roles are

Initiating, information giving or seeking, coordinating and procedure setting

When working with people from other cultures, which of the following will help ensure proper etiquette in social settings?

Learn about the customs in other cultures

Which of the following is one of thefirst steps to take when preparing for a meeting to help improve meeting productivity?

Make sure the meeting is really necessary.

Which of the following can be used be participants to verify impressions and other information after the close of a meeting?

Meeting minutes

Which of the following can be used to improve listening skills?

Mentally prepare to listen, Use supportive behaviors as you listen, Employ both verbal and nonverbal listening behaviors.

Teams become more productive by ___

Orientation, conflict, brainstorming, emergence, and reinforcement

Which can improve your understanding of a message when you & the speaker dont share enough of the same language?

Paraphrase the idea &

defensive listening

Protecting your ego while listening by tuning out anything that doesn't confirm your belief or view of yourself

Which of the following is an advantage of holding virtual meetings?

Reduced cost

Which of the following is an outcome of effective listening in the workplace?

Stronger organizational relationships

What are the benefit of using Wiki when writing?

The freedom to post and revise material instantly without a formal review process.

Why is it important to learn a few key phrases in the language of a colleague in another country?

To indicate that you are committed to the business relationship.

What is the integration of multiple communication channels and capabilities in a single system called?

Unified communication

Which of these is an example of courteous phone behavior?

Verify you are calling at a good time

A key benefit is accumulating long-term organizational knowledge:

a community of practice links professional with similar job interests also called virtual communities

parliamentary procedure

a time-tested method for planning and running effective meetings. the best guide know is Robert's Rule of Order.

constructive feedback

also called constructive criticism that focuses on giving and receiving feedback about writing efforts

shared workspaces

are online 'virtual offices' that give everyone on a team access to the same set of resources and information.

Because phone calls lack the visual richness of face-to-face conversations, you'll need to use ________ to convey confidence and professionalism.

attitude and tone of voice

guidelines to follow when representing your company while using digital media:

avoid personal attacks, stay focused on the original topic, don't present opinions as facts, and support facts with evidence, never assume privacy, watch your language, use virus protection and keep t up to date, follow basic expectations of spelling, punctuation, capitalism. Use difficult passwords, be careful of online commenting mechanisms, respect boundaries of time and virtual space, dont waste other times.

steps you can take to overcome listening barriers:

avoid selective by focusing on the speaker, keep an open mind by avoiding prejudgment, lower barriers to message reception whenever you can, don't count on your memory, write down important information, improve your short-term memory by repeating information, improve your long-term memory by using association, visualization, mnemonics.

important tips for using phones at work:

be conscious of how your voice sounds, be courteous when you call someone, convey a positive, professional attitude when you answer the phone, ends calls with courtesy and clarity, use your own voicemail features to help callers, be considerate when leaving voice mails.

How to be constructive:

be specific, verify understanding, time your feedback carefully, focus on controllable behavior, highlight any limitations your feedback may have, think through your suggested changes carefully and keep feedback impersonal.

The characteristics of effective teams have a ___

clear purpose, good communication, healthy conflict, effective decision making, accountability, strong relationships, commitment, shared leadership

Tools that are available to help writers:

commenting and tracking changes such as Adobe

Reasons for conflict are

competition for resources, disagreement over goals or responsibilities, poor communication, power struggles or fundamental differences in values, attitudes and personalities.

Writing for websites often involves the use of ___ which organize and control and support teamwork.

content management systems

Dysfunctional Self Orientated Roles

controlling, withdrawing, attention seeking and diverting

What are 4 planning tasks for preparing a meeting?

define your purpose, select participants for the meeting, choose the venue and the time, set the agenda.

destructive feedback

delivers criticism with no guidance to stimulate improvement


different opinions and perspectives begin to emerge

In participative management ___

employees are involved in the company's decision making

nonverbal signals include:

facial expression, gesture and posture, vocal characteristics, personal appearance, touch and time and space.

constructive conflict

forces important issues into the open, increases the involvement of team members and generates creative ideas for solving a problem.


formal teams that usually have a long life span and can become a permanent part of the organizational structure.


from the Hawaiian word for Quick, is a website that allows anyone with access to add new material and edit existing material. example public wiki: wikepedia

There are a numbers of disadvantages of teams:

groupthink, hidden agendas, cost, overload

problem solving teams/task forces

help resolve specific issues and then disband when their goals have been accomplished.

destructive conflict

if it diverts energy from more important issues, destroys the morale of teams or individual team members or polarizes or divides the team.

A successful team can provide a number of advantages:

increased information/knowledge, increased diversity of views, increased acceptance of a solution, higher performance levels.


informal standards of conduct that members share and that guide member behavior.

What are the simplest form of virtual meetings?

instant messaging IM and teleconferencing.

group dynamics

interactions and processes that take place among the members of a team

nonverbal communication

interpersonal process of sending and receiving information, both intentionally and unintentionally, without using written or spoken language.

Examples of shared workspaces

intranets (restricted-access websites that are open to employees) extranets (restricted sites that are available to employees and to outside parties by invitation only)


is a unit of two who share a mission and the responsibility for working to achieve a common goal.

content listening

is to understand and retain information in the speaker's message

guidelines to help leaders and participants contribute to effective meeetings:

keep the discussion on track, follow agreed on rules, encourage participation, participate actively, use mobile devices, and close effectively.

If group members seem resistant to change


active listening

making a conscious effort to turn off filters and biases to truly hear and understand what someone is saying

selective listening

one of the most common barriers to effective listening.

Phases that teams typically evolve through ___

orientation, conflict, brainstorming, emergence and reinforcement Another is defined as forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning.

When acting as a leader how can you best contribute to the progress of a meeting:

pay attention to interpersonal dynamics of the group

A checklist to improve meeting productivity:

prepare carefully, lead effectively and participate fully put the results to effective use.

hidden agendas

private counter-productive motive

task-orientated roles

productive team roles directed toward helping a team reach its goals

team-maintenance roles

productive team roles directed toward helping everyone work well together

What are the main activities that make up the listening process in 5 steps?

receiving, decoding, remembering, evaluating and responding

What are the advantages for holding virtual meetings?

reduce costs and resource usage, reduce wear and tear on employees, and give teams access to a wider pool of expertise.

Which of the following is the most important to cover in the close of a meeting?

remind participants what follow up work is needed

Guidelines for Collaborative writing:

select collaborators carefully, agree on project goals before you start, give your team time to bond before diving in, clarify individual responsibilities, establish clear processes, avoid composing as a group, make sure tools and techniques are ready and compatible across the team, check to see how things are going along the way.

Group members who are motivated mainly to fulfill personal needs play a

self-oriented role

unified communication

single system of communications that integrating voice and video calling, voice and video conferencing, instant messaging, real-time collaboration software and other capabilities


situation in which peer pressure causes individual team members to withhold contrary or unpopular opinions.

written minutes

summary of the important information presented and the decisions made. The conventional method of recording meetings.


team members explore their options and evaluate alternatives


team members socialize, establish their roles and begin to define their task or purpose.

The ability to convey nonverbal subtleties such as facial expressions & hand gestures makes __________ particularly good for negotiations, collaborative problem solving & other complex discussions.


Which of the following is an advantage of a virtual meeting for teams?

the agenda can become more flexible

participative management

the effort to involve employees in the company's decision making.

win-win strategy

the idea that both sides can satisfy their goals

Group dynamics are influenced by ___

the roles team members assume, the current phase of team development, the team's success in resolving conflict, and the team's success in overcoming resistance.


the team re establishes harmony and makes plans to put the decision into action


the team reaches a consensus on the chosen decision

4 key areas in which good etiquette is essential:

the workplace, social settings where you represent your employer, online interactions where you represent your employer and when using mobile devices.

critical listening

to understand and evaluate the meaning of the speakers message on several levels.

empathic listening

to understand the speaker's feelings, needs and wants so that you can appreciate his or her point of views.

self-oriented roles

unproductive team roles in which people are motivated mainly to fulfill personal needs

Which of the following allows all group members to have access to the same resources and information through the use of intranets or extranets?

virtual office

win-lose or lose-lose

which one of both sides lose to the detriment of the entire team

content management system

which organizes and controls website content and can include feature that help team members work together on webpages and other documents.


working together to meet complex challenges

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