UHM Psy 352

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Which of the following accurately describes sexual fluidity?

. it refers to individuals who experience change in gender/sex based sexual attraction over the course of their life B. it refers to individuals who experience change in gender/sex based sexual attraction across various settings C. it refers to individuals who are attracted to various genders, but have a preference for one in particular

About ________% of women report engaging in sexual activity as usual while menstruating.


Nationwide, _____% of teenagers report that their parents have never spoken to them about sex.


Possible reasons for amennorhea may be:

A. Anorexia B. Cysts/tumors C. Pregnancy

Which of the following is generally true of most women who have had an abortion?

A. a broad cross section of women in the US have had abortions. B. the majority of women seeking an abortion report they cannot afford a child. C. the majority of women seeking an abortion say they do not want to be a single parent.

Which of the following is a treatment for people infected with HIV?

A. antiretroviral therapy

The first sign of puberty among girls is:

A. breast development

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is commonly associated with:

A. chlamydia and gonorrhea

A focal difference between cross-sectional and longitudinal research is:

A. cross-sectional research is done at one timepoint, whereas longitudinal research is over at least two timepoints.

On the first day of the menstrual cycle, which of the following is released from the hypothalamus?

A. gonadotropin-releasing hormone

Savic and colleagues (2005) found in their experiment on pheremones that homosexual men processed A.N.D. (a pheremone detected in male sweat) in a similar manner to __________.

A. heterosexual women

The Kinsey Scale, developed by Dr. Alfred Kinsey, measures

A. homosexual and heterosexual behavior

Which of the following is accurate about testosterone in men:

A. it is usually at its highest level in the morning

Anabolic steroid use has also been found to be related to sexual health risk taking behavior, particularly:

A. no condom use B. alcohol use before/during intercourse C. 6+ partners in the last 90 days

The Human Rights Campaign (supported by several former US Surgeon Generals and the UN treaty bodies) formally suggest that:

A. no elective surgeries or hormone therapy should be completed on children who are too young to participate in the decision themselves.

In a study on the effect of music videos on men's sexual behavior (DiClemente et al., 2013), results show that men who watched more sexually explicit music videos

A. refused requests to use condoms more frequently

The increase of single adults in the Unites States has resulted in more:

A. sexual experience and sex partners before marriage

Most samples in sex research are limited for several reasons, including:

A. they depend on volunteers C. they are typically conducted on college students

If a woman cannot take oral contraceptives containing estrogen, she will probably be advised to

A. use a progestin-only pill (a mini pill)

Which of the following is usually done surgically for male sterilization?

B. Each vas deferens is cut and tied, cauterized, or blocked

In the context of sexual transmission, who among the following is at a higher risk of contracting HIV than others?

B. Elena, who has unprotected anal sex with her HIV positive partner

Which of the following behaviors is likely to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections?

B. Karen uses a female latex condom when having sex with an untested partner.

Which of the following personality traits is associated with 'hooking up' in college?

B. Openness to new experiences

Which of the following is NOT a common reason for continued female genital mutilation in some countries?

B. Perception that it will provide health benefits

What is the relationship between substance abuse and the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

B. abuse of alcohol and drugs is associated with high risk sexual behaviors

Research findings are often misrepresented in the media. For example "alcohol consumption always leads to risky sexual behaviors" may be better understood as:

B. alcohol use and risky sexual behavior are likely part of a larger, total risk behavior pattern

Osterberg and colleagues (2017) found that pubic hair grooming was associated with

B. an increased likelihood of ever having an STI

One study found that readers of men's magazines are likely to report lower intentions of:

B. asking a partner for consent to sexual activity

Testosterone supplementation for older men is associated with:

B. increased risk of heart attack or stroke

Garcia and Umberson (2019) report that among a sample of US couples, heterosexual women report the highest levels of distress, while _________________

B. men in same sex marriages report the lowest.

Together, these two internal structures secrete all seminal fluid.

B. seminal vesicle & prostate gland

The sole function of the clitoris is

B. sexual arousal

Lifetime risk of HIV diagnoses in the United States among white men is

B. significantly lower than the lifetime risks for Hispanic and African American men

Which of the following is NOT a behavioral factor that contributes to the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

B. using more forms of birth control and contraception

one teaspoon of semen typically contains

C. 100 million - 600 million sperm

Which of the following statements is true of AIDS?

C. AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection

psychosexual development typically begins:

C. at birth, or even in some cases, while still in utero

Culture helps to shape one's masculinity and femininity, whereas biology defines one's

C. biological sex

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using Depo-Provera (DMPA)?

C. bone density loss

The purpose of the Tuskegee study was to

C. determine if there were racial differences in the course of the development of syphilis

Stereotypes are NOT typically:

C. fact-based

Which of the following is accurate about cognitive social learning theory?

C. individuals are positively reinforced for gender / sex congruent behaviors from childhood and on

Pre-menstrual Dysphoric Disorder

C. is a rare disorder that encompasses persistent and severe pre-menstrual symptoms

Barrier methods are primarily designed to:

C. keep sperm and egg from uniting

Young & Jordan (2013) found that among college aged individuals, those randomized to see "suggestive" content online were MORE likely to __________ in the future.

C. perceive higher levels of condomless sex among their peers

Blashill and Safren (2014) found that _____________ adolescent boys were at increased risk of using anabolic steroids compared to __________ adolescent boys.

C. sexual minority; heterosexual

Which of the following is accurate regarding transgender individuals and mental health?

C. they are subject to high rates of discrimination which may lead to higher rates of anxiety/depression

__________ is to accuracy of measurement; whereas __________ is to consistency of measurement.

C. validity; reliability

"college students should be in a committed relationship before they have sex" is an example of a:

C. value judgement

Why is "normal" so hard to define?

D. all of the above

Which of the following groups would NOT necessarily fall under the umbrella term 'sexual minority' ?

D. cisgender men and women

'Gender Dysphoria' is a DSM-5 diagnosis that is meant to identify:

D. only individuals who experience distress which stems from gender / sex incongruence

An egocentric fallacy is the idea that:

D. our own personal experience and values are held by others.

There is some evidence to support lower rates of __________ among circumcized individuals.

D. penile cancer

Which of the following is recommended for persons who are HIV-positive?

D. practice safer sex

The Kinsey scale has been criticized for:

D. presuming homosexuality and heterosexuality lie on the same continuum

sexual orientation is a complex construct that includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

D. sexual drive

Heterosexual adolescents report _____________ compared to sexual minority adolescents.

D. significantly lower rates of suicide attempts and feeling sad/hopeless

Which of the following statements is true about first-trimester abortions?

D. they pose virtually no long term physical complications.

Which of the following groups accounts for the vast majority of new HIV infections among all African American men?

D. those who have sex with men

The book discusses several reasons why there may be a decrease in sexual activity among young people. What, in your opinion, is contributing to this trend, and why? Please respond in roughly 5-7 sentences.

Our textbook list many reasons for the decrease in sexual activity. In my own opinion I believe that social media and parental involvement contribute to the decrease in sexual activity. choose both social media and parental involvement because I have seen how both effect an individual. As a child I did not get any conversation about sex other than, "you will go to hell for having sex before marriage". I think that parents have a really big hand in sexual activity decreasing. The other reason is social media like instagram, TikTok and others. As a person going through hormone replacement therapy, essentially going through puberty all over again, social media effects my sexual activity. I believe that social media effects sex in at least two ways. Those two ways are self-esteem, and state of the nation. In saying that I mean that when there are mass shootings or a regression in reproductive rights, the need for sexual activity is lessened.

The belief that heterosexuality is normal, natural, and superior to all other expressions of sexuality is best defined as:


Twenge, Sherman, & Wells (2016) found that between 1978-2014, self-reported engagement in same sex behaviors has:


Adults spend more time engaging with ________ compared to any other activity.


Which of the following is NOT a symptom of menopause?


The Dani people of New Guinea place ________ importance on sexuality and sexual behavior.


Which hormone promotes touch, relaxation, and affection among males and females?


Spermicides are available in all of the following forms EXCEPT


which of the following is one shared view of a "normal" reason for sexual behaviors that most cultures agree upon?


According to Dr. Lever and colleagues (2006) women are more commonly _______________ with the size of their male partner's penis size than men themselves are.


Subjects in the Tuskegee study had


The __________ is an anatomical structure both males and females have, serving the purpose of urine expulsion


The ___________ is a hollow, thick-walled, muscular organ held in the pelvic cavity by a number of ligaments and supported by several muscles.


In general, biological males and biological females are more similar than different.


No major medical organization currently approves of cosmetic penile enlargement surgery.


Teenage mothers are more likely to give birth to infants with health problems than older mothers.


The study of the incidence, process, distribution, and control of a disease is called


Pupils dilate during which part of the sexual response cycle?


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